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Saturday, July 22, 2023

Beating the HEAT!

If you can't stand the  heat, you gotta find a way to cope.

Well, we all know I love the heat, LOL. I'm not a fan of the accompanying humidity, but it's kind of a package deal this time of year. 

This week gave me ample opportunities to not only beat the heat, but to also bask in it. Best of both worlds, at least in my ever-so-humble opinion.

Before I dis on the deets, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week, as I battled the heat:

Kind of a hazy, crazy Sunday... 
Although I'm not a fan of the Canadian wildfire smoke, it does make for somewhat cooler-feeling temps. Sunday morning, my 10-mile ride was oddly cool. I could see the sun in the sky, but it didn't really cast any shadows on the ground. I also knocked out a couple of 2-mile walks (late morning and evening). 

Never miss a Monday...
Well, well, well...I wasn't feeling like tempo'ing, but my legs obviously had other ideas. Sometimes, you just gotta go with it, right? It's not everyday a fast-ish run just happens on its own, but it sure feels good! 

Let's GO, Tuesday!
The day began with a 5:00AM 3-mile walk with my sister (the 57F temps felt a bit chilly for July). Next, we did some lower-body strength work. Another walk (one mile), mid-morning, at work. 

After work, the weekly hilly bike path ride took place (this was week #11). By then, the temps had reached the low-80F's, so the downhill breeze felt really good. Barb had come along for the ride, so her and I rode an additional 10 miles after we'd returned from the lake. Total miles: 25!

And, since it was the fifth anniversary of Mollie Tibbetts' tragedy, I also hit the road for a simple 1-mile tribute run in her memory. Then, I finally called it a day, LOL.

Another early morning on Wednesday...
Up and out the door for a #5at5 with Barb. Another somewhat cool morning...until I stopped running. It's crazy how the humidity sneaks up on you when the temps feel mild and the sun hasn't fully risen. Also an evening 2-mile walk, with similar conditions.

...and an early morning Thankful Thursday as well...
As per usual, Deb and I met (virtually) for our weekly "hour of power," which is 5:00AM my time. It was a 4-mile walk for me, and even Pablo and Max got in on the action, sharing high-5's. Afterwards, I snuck in some upper-body work before heading to the office. This definitely was a walking-dominated day, as I got in two 1-mile walks at work, a 2-mile walk after work, and a bonus 2-mile walk in the evening. So, ten total miles of walking. Yikes!

Finally Friday...
I'd tentatively planned on doing a short sunrise run, but after three early mornings (and a lot of action on each of those days), I just wasn't feeling it. I slept-in a little and decided to go for a ride instead. It was another cool morning (59F), but at least there was plenty of sunshine for my 11-mile ride. 

...then, there was a major dance party on deck for myself and the daughters and sister. We saw Pitbull at a nearby county fair. His music isn't really my genre of choice, but what a high-energy show! It was a fun time!

Long run Saturday
Silly me, I had plans to meet with Allison at 6:00 for a few miles before joining-up with Mary and Rebecca. We didn't get home from Pitbull until after 12:30, and I didn't get in bed until closer to 1:00. So, yeah. Believe it or not, I actually woke up before my 5:30 alarm, LOL. Amazingly, this run went well considering my very late night and very early morning. 

...and what's happening for Sunday?
I'm hoping to get out for a short sunrise walk, then it's off on another long bike ride adventure with Mike and Amy. If it's still nice when we get back to town (sometime mid-late afternoon), I'll probably do more walking in the evening. I mean, why not?

So, for totals...running came in at 16 miles, walking had 23 miles, and biking was a low-key 46 this week. Strength-training felt strong this week, as well. 

In case you missed out, you didn't really miss much, LOL...just one post on the blog this week:

In other news: 

Friday Fashion Flair. As I've said before, summer temps call for easy-breezy dressing. This Aztec print high-low skirt definitely fits the bill. I love the funky white and black pattern, but a little "royal" punch of color never hurt no one.

My favorite lily. I look forward to this beautiful lily every summer. It usually blooms in early July, so it's a few weeks behind this year. The first blossom opened Friday morning, and the second one was waiting for me when I returned from my Saturday morning 8-miler. I have to stop and take a sniff every time I walk past it.


RAGBRAI (the Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) is happening this next week! You may recall this week-long bike ride that goes through Iowa every summer. I'm planning on riding both Wednesday and Thursday...and those look to be the two hottest days. Just my luck, right?

So, that's it for this week's antics in my little world of fitness. We had some pretty hot daytime temps, even with our cool mornings. Ironically, the wind wasn't such a beast this week (and I was quite alright with that!).

How did your week play out? Are you feeling the heat, or have you had some cloud cover (or smoke-filled haze)? Any races happening?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. I bet Pitbull was a blast! Love a good dance party with the kids. Well I guess you have your wish with the hot temps for you bike event! It’s been hovering in the high 90’s here in Italy with humidity and it’s quite hot. Not complaining bc Italy :)Have a great week ahead

    1. Yes, Pitbull was an absolute blast! My Garmin gave me credit for over 16,000 steps that day, and over half were from dancing at the concert, LOL.

  2. I've been thinking about you Kim as I follow a guy on tiktok who is also training for RAGBRAI!! Excting week ahead!! Good week for you this week too. Our weather has changed to typical Dutch summer weather - will it rain? will the humidity kill us? will the sun come out long enough to enjoy sitting in the garden? Wait 5 minutes and it all changes again haha!

  3. The weather this week was surprisingly not bad! We had some crazy storms one night but my morning runs were all uninterrupted.

    Good luck with RAGBRAI!! What a cool event!

    1. We, again, are in a drought. We could use some rain (even if they come with storms).

  4. I have to say it felt very cool here after sweltering for a week in the South! I don't know how they train for anything down there. Your lilies are gorgeous. Sadly something (raccoon? deer?) ripped mine out and ate the bulbs this year. Apparently lily bulbs are quite the delicacy. Who knew? The virtual doggie meet up is so cute!

    1. This past week was hot, and humid, but nothing compared to what's headed our way for RAGBRAI...

  5. Being in Alabama, I have to say that I experienced THE hottest day of my life this week. It was 98 degrees with a 'real feel' of 118. It was hard to move! Even the water was warm. I hope that heat doesn't make it to the Midwest next week. Good luck with Ragbrai!

  6. Have a great time at RAGBRAI! I can't wait to hear all about it!

    The heat broke here on Friday after overnight storms. This weekend has been delightful with temps in the mid-80's and low humidity.

    Pablo just left to go back home. Sniff, sniff...

    1. RAGBRAI is going to be interesting! It's the 50th anniversary, and Wednesday's route is relatively short (50ish miles)...they're expecting record numbers of riders. And, there was talk of a Guinness World Record!

  7. Aww, how cute are Pablo & Max? I'm not sure Bandit would be so obliging!

    Sounds like a busy & fun week!

    1. Max was very cooperative, LOL...we only had to take one pic!

  8. We rarely get heat without humidity, LOL.

    I bet Pitbull was fun. I’m having a hard time getting up at 5 even without going to a concert the night before. ;-)

    1. We get lucky, on rare occasions, with heat and low humidity. It's rare, but such a treat!

  9. Ooh, RAGRAI! That should be a fun adventure, even with the heat (at least it's not a running event- cycling is a little easier in the heat, right?) I can't wait to hear all about it.
    Ha ha, Max, and Pablo! Little do they know they're virtual friends.
    Sounds like a great week- I'm envious of your cool early morning temperatures.

    1. Yes, cycling is MUCH easier in the heat than running. It still feels warm, but you do get a breeze from moving, especially on the downhills ;-)

  10. I love that you joined your daughters for Pitbull, even if its not really your thing, That's okay- those nights can still be fun! And WOW I am impressed after such a late night that you still got up. I would need a nap :)

    1. Pitbull was SO MUCH fun! I recognized a lot of his songs, surprisingly...and got in a great leg workout from all the dancing, LOL.

  11. Be careful with RAGBRAI! Crazy heat coming this way too.
    Love the pups got in your weekly tradition.
    "Well, we all know I love the heat, LOL. I'm not a fan of the accompanying humidity" LOL even you and DArlene have your weaknesses :D


    1. I'll be very cautious with the heat this week. Thankfully, it doesn't affect me as much as most people, but I know it's going to be extreme, nonetheless.

  12. Oh I bet Pitbull was fun :) Love the Max and Pablo meet up. Good luck with RAGBRAI - stay safe!

    1. It was fun to include Max and Pablo in on the fitness fun ;-)

  13. I'm so glad you're enjoying this. We are absolutely melting over here. This week MIGHT be slightly better, but I don't have my hopes up. Stay safe. Pitbull is supposed to be a great show. He came here in the last few months, but it was at the amphitheater, and there was just no way I was doing it LOL.

    1. I think we're gonna get a good taste of Florida-type of weather this next week ;-)

  14. You had a great week! If you love the heat, you should come visit - you get the heat without the humidity (but I warn you, 100F even without humidity can be gnarly LOL )

    1. I've been in the dry heat before ;-) It felt "easier" than the humidity, but also tough because all the perspiration evaporated almost instantly, I never felt cooled from it.

  15. A great week and congrats on the long distance run despite the heat.
    Because of the terrible heat wave in this part of Italy I am also thinking to run at 05:00 a.m.
    In these conditions no racing plans. I'm waiting for a cooler weather.

  16. You are quite amazing with all your activity... and so much is fun in addition to fitness.

    Hope it cools down but high humidity is much worse.
