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Saturday, September 2, 2023

Desperately holding on to Summer

Argh, ever have that feeling that something is slipping away, faster than you can drag it back?

Well, my friends, that would be summer, My Summer. I'm grateful to actually have a summer season, but it's a buzzkill that it doesn't last a fraction of what our Midwest winter entails. As much as I feel like whining about the change of seasons, though, I really try to focus on what remains.

That being said, this past week certainly looked (and felt) like a preview of Fall 2023. No kidding, we had temps in the 50F's almost every morning! I cannot deny those temps are ideal for running, but not in late August (in my ever-so-humble opinion). At least it wasn't snowing...

Before I delve into the deets of the week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down in my little world of fitness (and whatnot) this week:

Easy like Sunday morning...
After Saturday's antics - an 8-mile run, a tough windy ride on the trail and 12 bonus miles of riding afterwards (25 cumulative miles on the bike), Sunday was declared a recovery day. But, if you know me, that doesn't mean lounging on the couch. I hadn't done a true recovery run (following a "longish" run, the day prior) in quite some time...and I was itching to do one. So, I grabbed the arm warmers (it was 58F #brrr), and ran an easy-paced 2-miler. Things felt great, so I met the sister for a 4-1/2 mile walk afterwards. Another 2-mile walk, over lunch, and I was good for the day.

Never miss a Monday!
It was another cool morning (57F, #brrr #again), so it was another adventure in arm warmers. And, another 3-mile with progressive splits (which seems to be a Monday thing, recently). After getting to work, the temps warmed up nicely, so we got in a couple of 1-mile walks on our breaks.

After work, Barb and I met up for a 20-mile ride. I absolutely love those perfect summer temps...warm, but not humid!

Tuesday: A little bit of everything
The morning started with an early morning 2-mile walk with my sister. Upon returning home, daylight was breaking, so I hauled a few of my dumbbells out to the deck and stacked a few workouts from Peloton (upper-body, Barre, core). Later, at work, we got in our two "daily" walks (two cumulative miles) in the bright sunshine. That evening, it was (already) time for another full moon run (see below).
Double ride Wednesday
With the full moon run not even 12 hours behind us, there was no scheduled #5at5, so I met the sister for a 2-mile walk instead. After getting back home, I saddled-up and went for a 7-mile ride before getting ready for work. The morning was chilly (temps, again, were in the high-50F's). It felt nice by mid-morning, though (with more walking at work).

After work, it was time for another ride on the hilly bike path. Yet again, the wind refused to play nice. Even with only a 5mph wind, it still was a beast of a ride. Although this bike path ride seems "easier" at times, it's never truly an easy ride. That's not a bad thing, though. Nonetheless, another 16 miles of biking in the bank.

Thankful Thursday
This week, I took it upon myself to mix-it-up a bit for my virtual workout with Deb. The super blue moon was still shining bright (at 5AM), so I opted for a second full moon run...because, why not? I ran three decently paced miles (10:03 pace) in the chilly 55F temps, then switched to walking, for another two miles. Back home, I hauled the dumbbells outside, again, and got in a nice glutes/legs workout on the deck. Thankfully, the temps bounced back up to the mid-70F's range, making for a beautiful day. I got in four additional miles of walking (two at work, and two more in the evening).

Full moon Friday fun!
With a busy Saturday on tap, I thought it best to do my "Saturday" run a day early, and morph said run into another full moon adventure. Barb was willing to join the fun, so we met at 5:30 with the plan of running four miles. When we parted ways, though, my energy was on fire. I just couldn't help myself...  and extended my run to five miles. Later, we got in two (total) miles of at-work walking as well.

A sun-sational Saturday
The temps started a bit cool, but quickly regained their "summer status" by mid-morning. Let's just say it was a fun day of biking (25 miles) and college football (my Iowa Hawks were victorious over Utah State). The evening's core and arms/shoulders workouts were legit as well.

...and what's happening on Sunday?
Believe it or not, I have another longish bike ride on tap. I'm also hoping to get in a few miles of summer running upon wake-up. Hey, the forecast is looking warm and sunny, I'm not going to even consider spending the day inside.

So, this was a decent week on so many levels. Running saw 18 miles (13 of which were under  the glow of the super blue moon). Walking had 25 miles. Biking did alright, with 68 miles in the saddle. The two strength sessions were short but sweet (my favorite combo!). I'm feelin' good, feelin' fine.

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog:

In other news:

With the season's opening game on Saturday, I was sure to wear the team colors (black and gold) of my University of Iowa Hawkeyes. I know the leopard print cardi also brings some white to the mix, but I think the pattern adds an edgy touch ;-)

It worked out best for us to run our full moon run a day/evening early. The thing is...the full moon looked pretty grandiose the night prior, the night of, and also the morning after. We were blessed with clear skies all week, so all three of my full moon adventures were successful.

Whew! That was a lot! I'm grateful to have the energy to do all the fun fitness stuff that lands on my calendar.

How about you? Did you catch the full moon? Any fun fitness accomplishments or workouts that need mention?  

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. I am loving the Fall temps (which are now gone, heat wave coming in). I had every intention of doing a recovery run yesterday, but my body had other ideas.

    The Blue Moon was so cool (literally, it seems) wasn't it?

    I am bummed that I simply can't spend as much time outside as I'd like to. Just filming yesterday I gathered more mosquito bites. :(

    1. That's crazy how hungry your mosquitos are! Knock wood, I still haven't seen any...yet.

  2. It was in the low 50s a few days this week and it was delicious. Current status: looks like we have nice toasty temps this week! I'm going to ignore the later sunrise and earlier sunsets and soak in the heat.

    1. Yes, I'm with you and soaking all the heat I can "absorb," LOL. Bring it!!

  3. There's still plenty of summer left! I'm actually heading out to run early before the blast furnace turns on. Enjoy your week!

    1. I plan to take advantage of every semblance of summer that remains.

  4. Those chilly early morning sure do play havoc with our early morning bike rides. Hopefully, the heat wave that's heading our way this week will make an appearance for you before it gets here.

    Oh, I like adding the leopard print to mix it up with your Hawkeyes colors!

    1. So true! It was a bit chilly at 8:00 yesterday, when I hit the trail (temps were in the 60's, I think). After 30 minutes, though, the warmth was full-on. It's a much different ball game when you're on a bike than on foot!

  5. Great outfit Friday! I love your bright argyle arm sleeves too! We had cool weather but a heat wave (upper 90s) is coming in today — you can have it if you want it! ;-)

    1. Thanks, send that heat wave my direction ;-) We actually have some heat, as well, for a few more days ;-) I'm so glad to have some of my summer back!

  6. Summer is in full force here this week ahead! Those chilly mornings sound fab can’t wait for those. Fun pics with the moon. Nice job w your fitness this week. Love the Friday outfit

    1. Thanks, Deborah ;-) I don't mind the chilly mornings, just not in these remaining weeks of summer. They'll be fabulous in another six weeks!

  7. We had some cool days this week but it's hot this weekend and I love it! I'm not ready for summer to be over yet.

    1. Our weekend turned pretty hot yesterday (and today as well). No complaints on my end ;-)

  8. It will feel like summer again this week.

    Early morning runs again.

    But I actually wore arm warmers yesterday morning... for a short period.

    1. I got out this morning for a couple miles, sans arm warmers! Wow, that felt great!

  9. I would kill for your weather right about now! 50s in the morning sounds like heaven. I'll be singing a different tune in January, though.
    We ran under the same full moon- I thought of you.
    Baylor lost last night (sob!) which put a slight damper on my weekend- but I'm up for more college football watching today!

    1. Wasn't the full moon amazing? It looked awesome for several days, and was still pretty bright yesterday morning.

  10. The full moon run is too beautiful! I also ran under it but in early morning before the sunrise. I cannot wait for doing it in the evening/night with my running group.

    1. I'm so glad we started our full moon runs (it's been over two years now). It's just such a tranquil experience, even in the heat of summer.

  11. I really envy you for your full moon runs! It's such a cool idea.
    I saw it yesterday at 6am on my long run, it was beautiful.
    Depending on where it stands, it can be tricky to catch a glimpse of it because we're surrounded by mountains. But when I go to the lake, there's a nice flat stretch where you have enough sky to see the moon more easily.

    1. Ha! I'm lucky, I guess, in that there are no mountains in my area to hide the moon, LOL.

  12. Wow, a full moon run. That's cool. It really was a beautiful blue super moon this week. I also really love how active you stay during the day. I get most of my movement out of the way in the mornings...

    1. You have very thorough morning workouts! It just works best for me to do some type of workout in the mornings (usually less than an hour), then filter in some other activity throughout the day or evening.

  13. You know I really enjoyed the brief taste of fall we had this past week. The humidity and heat were back in full force this morning and it looks like a hot week ahead.

    I love that you've kept up your full moon run streak :)

    1. Our humidity came back this weekend (along with the heat), but it wasn't too dreadful. I'm just not in any hurry for the cooler temps to set up homestead...

  14. We’ve had a crazy full moon here this week! And following full moon, spring tide with flooding in our nearest village… hey ho, that’s completely normal here.
    That’s a good week of walking, biking and running for you! And how cool to run under the full moon!
    I’m like you, I want to squeeze out every little but of summer. We’ve had the same cool mornings but over the weekend summer weather has returned during the day at least and next week is supposed to be great.

    1. Our warmer temps returned Friday, and were in full force by Saturday. Personally, I loved every minute of the heat ;-)

  15. I was super excited to see temps in the 50s this week. Sad to see summer go, but wow, what great running weather! Love your mix of leopard print and gold. So pretty!

  16. I know you are holding on to the last days of summer with your fingernails! I hope it lasts. For you. Not for me LOL! Cute outfit! I'm been wearing a lot of burnt orange, gray and black for our HS.

  17. Ha, I wouldn’t say upper 50’s is brrr for a run! But def cool for August. It’s 92 in London (err, 31C!) but only for a few days. But feels hot without AC anywhere!
