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Saturday, October 28, 2023

Runs & Winds & Spooks - Oh My!

Maybe Momma N was doing me a favor?

I mean, she blessed me (and the state of  Iowa, LOL) with somewhat mild temps this week, but she held nothing back on the wind. I was able to get in a few decent runs, but there was zilch in terms of any possibilities of outdoor cycling. Even my walking game was compromised due to the damp (and did I mention windy?) conditions while at work.

Apparently, this was meant to be a good week for a little more recovery. 

So that's what happened...

Before I delve into the deets from the windy week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down, this week, in my little corner of the universe:

Sunday - Another Des Moines race, anyone?
I had heard of the Spooky Sprint, a few weeks prior, from a friend. Since my half marathon had gone so well (the previous weekend) and I'd been pretty diligent with my recovery, I decided to bite the bullet and go for it. I registered, mid-week, for the 10K. This race was a bit of chaotic adventure (check out the recap for specifics), but I made the best of the situation(s). My 8:56 pace felt incredible, the weather was nice, and the location was ideal. We'll just leave it at that. I also took a 3-mile walk in the afternoon, to stretch-out the legs a bit.

Monday - Shall we enjoy the beautiful weather?
I wanted to give my running legs a little more recovery time, but my biking legs were eager for some action. We did eight miles on the spin bike, followed by a short upper-body workout...and did the post-workout selfie outdoors. Yes, it's getting to be that time of year...

After work, the temps were absolutely "runderful." My never-miss-a-Monday run had me doing a couple of miles amongst all the (finally) changing colors and fallen leaves. A 2-mile walk served as a great cool-down before getting dinner ready.

Tuesday - A low-key, low-impact day? Maybe?
Nothing ground-breaking...a solid 20-minute arms/shoulders workout (via Peloton) and a 1-mile walk mid-morning at work. Rain dampened the afternoon, but I got out for a 2-mile walk in the early evening.

Wednesday - A spooky #5at5?
The forecast was showing rain for most of the day, but we did have a "dry" window showing in the early hours. I met Barb and Allison for our weekly 5-miler in the dark. Notice I'm wearing shorts and a tank? Yeah, no complaints! It was very damp, though, and it felt like there was a lot of mist in the air. And I met a new friend, all decked-out for the season.

Thursday - How about an action-packed early morning?
After a 2-week sabbatical, Deb and I reunited for some early morning Halloween running, and we found skeletons aplenty (I runfess, I like hers much better)! I'd mentioned the crazy weather this week; well, it was 64F for my run in Iowa, which was almost 20-degrees warmer than it was for Deb in Virginia. A bonus? I missed the forecasted rain!

After the 2-miler with Deb, and an approximate 1/2-mile walk back to my house, I hopped on the spin bike for three tough miles (the resistance knob was stuck, LOL). Afterwards, I cued-up two "questioning-my-life-decisions" strength workouts (Peloton app). Suffice it to say my entire body was smoldering when I finally hit the shower. After work, I got out for a little more walking (1-1/2 mile) after getting home. 

Friday - Should we give those DOMS a low-key day?
You guessed it, there were a few DOMS lurking upon wake-up. We had more rain (and all kinds of wind, again) in the forecast, so I made haste and took advantage of the momentary "dryness" and walked a couple miles in the dark dampness (my weather app is a liar!). Check-out that ghostly swirl on the pic, though... 'tis the season, right? Temps were in the upper-50's in the early morning, but had dropped to the low-40's by mid-morning, and the wind was insane! We're talking 21mph wind for my 2-mile walk after work.

Saturday -A full moon run? Yes or no?
Technically the full moon was due to rise Saturday evening, but the forecast was showing clouds (for Sunday evening as well). I'd noticed it was supposed to be clear early Saturday morning, though, so I rallied Barb and Allison and we met at 6:00. The moon was shining bright upon wake-up (at 5:25), but the clouds overtook it by the time I left the house. The temps were cold, so I had to dig out the fleece-lined tights and add the pink puffer vest. We called it good at four miles, and allowed the streetlights to assume the "lunar role" for the purpose intended. Oh well. I also got in a 3-mile walk in the afternoon sunshine (and wind, LOL), and seven miles on the spin bike in the evening.

...and Sunday? What's the plan?
The morning is looking even colder (low 30's, wind, and possibly some of the white stuff that shall not be named). I'm thinking I may take on a longish ride, courtesy of the spin bike. Hopefully, things will mellow-out by mid/late morning, and I can get outside for some walking. The jury is still out; stay tuned.

All in all, this week played out nicely. Running saw 19 miles, most of which were in unseasonably warm temps. Walking was a bit ho-hum with 18 miles, but so be it. Biking saw its lowest mileage (ahem, 18 miles), since probably 2017, when my knee was recovering from emergency surgery and I wasn't allowed full range of motion while the suture seam was healing. The strength-training re-entered the scene with a bang, though, and I was happy to have some DOMS as proof. The daily Coretober workouts are still going strong, and I'm thinking they may become a great addition to my daily regimen from here out. Stay tuned on that as well.

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. Holy Brrr, Batman! The temps dropped and the wind picked up, making things quite cold on Friday. So yeah, I sported my favorite DIY  "web design" shirt and I layered-it-up with a puffer vest.  

Lastly, this Christmas Cactus has had little buds on it for a couple months. Thursday, I noticed several of the buds had gotten bigger, and a couple were showing signs of blooming. 'Tis the season for that as well! 

So, that's the latest! With this second week of recovery behind me, as well as the couple weeks of Taper that happened prior, it feels like it's been forever since I've done much for hard-core (non-running) fitness. I'm ready to get back to work! 

How did the week play-out for YOU? Any favorite workouts that need mentioned? Any upcoming races or events on the roster? Any new workouts that are rocking your world? 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. The mild weather was a treat, wasn't it? The forecasted snow sounds more like a trick...

    Nice week of workouts!

    1. That's an appropriate play on words ;-) So far, the white stuff is a no-show....

  2. I can’t say I love that medal — it’s too creepy — but I like it alot!

    We had freakishly warm weather Friday and yesterday. Today its in the 60s but I think your cold weather is coming our way.

    1. I agree, the medal is unique but very creepy! As I was somewhat complaining to Barb and Allison yesterday, on our dark and cold full moon run - I know the cold weather is our reality, but why can't we simply have a nice transition to it? Why must it arrive overnight? I;m never ready for it, LOL.

  3. Oh no, not the white stuff! I have to say, all your wind sounds AWFUL. Even worse than the chilly temps (actually I wouldn't mind some chily temps right now- but not the wind.) i had my own "full moon" run Saturday morning and I thought of you!
    Ha, I'll bet you were sore after those strength workouts! But it feels good- you know you really got a workout. Sounds like a fun week!

    1. The wind was positively insane this week. Thankfully, the temps were unseasonably warm (until yesterday), so it was bearable. Yes on the strength workouts! It feels great to "hurt so good."

  4. yes my cactus is flowering too.

    No on the the s..word. never!!

    It was too cloudy here for a good moon shot but I did see it almost full on Friday.

    1. I just got this cactus (and another, which is also blooming) at Christmastime last year. They were in full bloom for the holidays, then both re-bloomed in the spring...and now they're at it again. They're so pretty ;-)

  5. LOL on "questioning-my-life-decisions" with your workout on Thursday after that ridiculously tough bike ride where the resistance knob was stuck. I hope you can get it adjusted soon.

    We're at the farm and the temperature is supposed to get up to 72° today so we're going for a bike ride this afternoon. The forecast is for much cooler weather going forward. :-(

    1. Yes, my Thursday morning really had me questioning a LOT of things, ha! Those were already showing up by mid-afternoon, so I knew Friday morning was gonna be a real party.

  6. Wow, my Thanksgiving cactus doesn't usually bloom til Thanksgiving. Nary a bud on it. My week was the opposite, a fair amount of walking and a pitiful amount of running. We saw the moon both Friday and last night -- it was gorgeous (we could see it rising outside our bay window, LOL!).

    1. I was really surprised all the buds this cactus had on it. I think they started appearing in the summer, but never seemed to be getting any bigger. I 'd just started wondering if they had died, then last week they had a growth spurt ;-)

  7. Looks like anther great week of running and recovery. The weather in Vegas this week was really nice for walking and people watching. Hope you have a great week ahead

    1. I'm jealous of your visit to Vegas! It's a perfect time to be there ;-)

  8. I did hear some talk of flurries this upcoming week but I refuse to believe it! I just hope the weather is nice for the kids on Halloween. Great week of workouts this week!

    1. Thanks, Lisa! Knock wood, the white stuff was a no-show!

  9. Love the skeleton addition to your virtual run. That medal was just the BEST


    1. I though Deb's skeleton was so cool!!! I have not seen any of the huge skeletons in my town. Either none of them exist here or I'm just missing them.

  10. White stuff?! 😵😵😵 That’s way too early! (They’ve had some in parts of Sweden already)
    Those strong winds can be so annoying but I’m glad you had some mild weather. We had some windy weather during the last week in Italy too but with 25C it was ok. It got quite scary in the autostrada to Rome though, with those strong winds! But here we are back in Ireland safe and sound.
    I love your web design shirt! And it looks like you had a great workout week. DOMS to prove it! Personally I absolutely can’t wait to lift some heavy stuff again, and I’m looking for some nice challenge… something like your coretober. Perhaps I should start corevember!

    1. Thankfully, the white stuff never showed, and I'm alright with that! We do have temps forecasted to be below freezing for a few days, especially overnight, so I brought all my potted flowers inside this afternoon. I usually can keep them thriving in my sunroom through the winter months.

  11. Looks like another great running week! Glad you were able to get in a last minute 10K race, despite the chaos. Great pace! We've been up and down in temps too and it's supposed to maybe snow on Wednesday here now .... I'm not ready!

    1. Today's forecast was off (yay!!!), and I have not looked very far ahead for this next week. I'm in denial, LOL ;-)

  12. The Spooky Sprint! How fun - although the medal *IS* creepy. LOL Great pace, friend. Sounds like you took advantage of the great weather earlier in the week!
    And then the virtual run with Debbie and the skeleton pictures. I love it.

  13. What a great week of workouts. It is getting harder for me to get up early to workout now that it is getting darker and cooler out. But this past week the temps were unseasonably warm. I'm gonna miss this.

  14. Oh, what a fun week! The temps have been a little warmer, but not summer hot, so that's great. Workouts have been consistent. I didn't get to do a Halloween themed race this year, but yours sure looks fun! That spider web sweater is adorable!

  15. A very seasonal week it seems! The spooky 10k sounds fun, but I have yet to read about the challenges in your recap, will check it out now!

  16. A very solid week of training.
    Running in the dark is amazing and among the shadows there is always something of magic.
