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Saturday, November 11, 2023

Look! It's Another Weather Rewind!

Although I'd much prefer summer, this (currently) is my kind of fall!

It's kinda sorta feeling like (very) "early" fall, though, instead of the "mid-season" showing on the calendar. After several days of  "mid-winter" conditions, the week prior, these current temps are feeling a bit balmy. And, the good news? They're expected to stick around for most of next week as well!

My strategy? Enjoy it while it's here. After all, this is Iowa... 

Before I dis on the deets of the week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's  what went down, this week, in my little corner of the universe:

A super Sunday...
With the best-laid plans for a long (indoor) morning bike ride, I opted to get outside for a 2-mile walk as a "warm-up." Back home, I saddled-up and got to it and had a significant "aha moment." On a whim, I tried my Chacos sandals on the indoor bike. Can you say "game changer!" Like with my outdoor bikes, the treads grip the pedals with perfection and my feet stayed pretty cool. I wish I would have thought of that a long time ago! Alas, I pedaled and pedaled, read some blogs, and listened to a few Peloton cycling classes...and made it to 25 miles. Garmin even tossed a 40K badge at me. I also did a 2-mile walk in the evening.

Never Miss a Monday...
I took advantage of the morning daylight and got out for a quick 2-mile run before heading to the office. Check out that leaf! I did an evening walk (two miles) in the mild temps as well.

Take-it-easy Tuesday...
I typically keep my Tuesdays pretty low-key (at least in terms of intensity and pavement pounding). Nothing wrong with some upper-body strength work, though, or some at-work walking (two different 1-mile walks). And a little bit of core work never hurt anyone.

Double Workout Wednesday...
The early morning temps were cool (upper-40F's), but the wind was calm. As per usual, I met Barb and Allison for our weekly #5at5 ritual (you know, five miles at 5AM). I got out for a mid-morning walk, and Holy Wild Wind, Batman, that wind had turned fierce and it had turned cold! 

Later, in keeping with my Double Workout Wednesday routine, I headed to the Sweat Den Down Under (ahem, my basement). With Max as my witness, I rode 10 miles, without going anywhere and called it a night.

Another Thankful Thursday...
Deb and I rallied for our Thursday morning (virtual) get-together. We had very different weather conditions, but we were both on-task repping our respective Alma Maters. Coincidentally, Deb's Virginia Tech Hokies womans basketball team (ranked #8) were facing-off against my Iowa Hawkeyes (ranked #3) that evening. 

Following the 3-mile run with Deb (and 3-mile cool-down on the bike), I got busy with some strength work. How does a session of glutes/legs, Barre (lower-body), and arms/shoulders grab you? It left me feeling spent, but in the best way possible. There also was plenty of walking...1-mile (late-morning at work) and then another three miles after dinner. Yes, I slept quite soundly that night.

Finally Friday...
After a week of decently mild temps (by November standards, at least), Friday brought us back to reality. I had every intention of getting out for a morning walk, but I just couldn't get excited about the cold (and still dark) conditions outside. Instead, I headed downstairs, back to the basement, and did eight miles on the bike. Trust me, it was much warmer down there! I finally got outside, after work, for a 2-mile walk (gotta keep that #OptOutside streak going!).

Simply Sensational Saturday...
This busy day started with the Living History Farms Race (near Des Moines), a 5ish mile adventure over grass and gravel, through some timber and brush, and over (and through) a few creeks. The weather was cool (low-40F's), but the bright sunshine made the temps feel nice. I may have taken a small stumble & tumble (notice the muddy hand, LOL), but it was a fun event! Shortly thereafter, I was back in the car and headed to the Iowa - Rutgers football game (in Iowa City), and then off to a concert that evening.

...and what's on the agenda for Sunday?
Well, the forecast is looking bright, sunny and warm! I'm probably going to need a bit of a sleep-in, following all of Saturday's antics, just saying. But, I do plan to get outside and enjoy the beautiful unseasonably warm weather.

So, yeah, it was quite a week! Other than Friday's brief cold spell, the mild temps were much appreciated. Even with the time change, my mornings are still pretty dark (#WhompWhomp), but that's the reality of being an early riser. Anyways, running was a respectable 15 miles (nothing grand, but definitely not too shabby). Walking was alright (17ish miles). Biking saw 46 miles of pedaling action. I'm happy with the strength workouts, but am considering adding in a daily challenge to get me through Thanksgiving (maybe daily wall sits?).  

In case you missed it, there was only one post this week on the blog:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. Yep. With Friday's chilly temps, I had to add a layer of flannel. Flannel shirts are a fun way to add a little bit of color to your fall wardrobe (although I do see them being worn year-round these days). There's so many options...fitted, over-sized, traditional plaid, or solid-colored. You can leave them unbuttoned, as a layering piece, or waist-tied. Tucked or untucked. The possibilities are endless. What's your preference? 

Looky here...

This Facebook memory made me laugh. I guess I'm nothing if I'm not consistent, huh. Thursday's selfie with the moon and Venus shining bright was also captured exactly a year ago. Things that make you go Hmmm...

And, let's not forget Veterans Day. I've known a lot of veterans throughout my life....friends, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and my father (pictured below). 

So, that's the latest! Hard to believe we're approaching the halfway point of  November...already! Thanksgiving is less than two weeks out, which means the Runner's World Winter Run Streak is just around the corner. With the Living History Farms Race done, my race calendar (and, therefore, my training calendar as well) is open for a few months. I'm looking forward to even more carefree miles in the running shoes, and some more focused cross-training. 

What's the latest in your world? Are your races winding down? Any big races scheduled for 2024 already?

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  1. You had so many great workouts last week. I can't wait to hear all about today's race!

    1. Thanks, Deb! The workouts all felt great, but Saturday's race was a doozy with all the hills and "technical" incidentals ;-)

  2. We also had some warmish weather this week and I loved it!! And it's dark when I run too now. It will be until summertime sadly!

  3. I'm really enjoying this fall! We've had so much more sunshine than usual and for the most part, the temps have been decent. Congrats on your race--sorry about the tumble!

    1. This fall has been unique and much warmer than usual...no complaints on that!

  4. The weather is doing alright by us! I got a couple of hikes in this weekend to celebrate.

    15 miles of running and 5 of them were a race! Congrats on the bell bling!

  5. You had lots of activity this week! That race sounds really fun and different for you. Looming forward to reading all about it.

    1. The race was one I've had on my radar for years, but never could get excited about all the elements (potential weather, as well as the terrain and creek crossings). Turns out, it wasn't as scary as I'd anticipated and more fun than I'd imagined ;-)

  6. That’s a huge leaf!

    Congrats on your race yesterday, Glad the tumble wasn’t a rough one. I

    1. There are a lot of these large leaves on the college campus, so it wasn't hard to find one suitable for the pic. The tumble happened so fast, I didn't really have time to access what all took the hit, but my two wrists got a little banged up and there's a very sore spot on my left shin, but no broken finger nails ;-)

  7. A cross country race! I have a feeling I'd be all sorts of sore after that tumble. Hope you are feeling good! Sounds like a very packed Saturday. You need some rest :)

    1. I'm waiting for more bruises to show up, LOL. So far, the damage doesn't appear to be too bad...

  8. You are one busy lady.

    I'm a summer runner too and I need to get our mojo to run in the AM even if it's cold.

    1. The early morning just works best for my work schedule. I'm glad that I'm an early riser, by nature ;-)

  9. Well, I feel like we had a "summer rewind" here- it was 89 (feels like temp) at the end of my run today and I am NOT OKAY WITH THAT. Send down some cooler air, please!
    I love the sound of that race! I hope you're doing a recap- I want to hear more details.
    i like your flannel shirt, but if I tried to wear that here I think I would burst into flames. I'll just admire it from afar!

    1. Yes, there's a race recap coming on Tuesday ;-) It was a lot more fun than I anticipated, and am thinking it might be one I have to go back to next year.

  10. Congrats on your trail race! One muddy hand is nothing, LOL, I tried to hunt down the muddy mess I was after my first trail half (with no stream crossings). We have been brrrrrr pretty much all week, with a little bit more wintry mix too. It's really amazing how different the weather is all over the country!

    1. Well, it wasn't pictured, but my other had had some mud as well...just not as much, LOL. My shoes were still wet this afternoon, though!

  11. Congrats on the trail race (I hope the tumble was really just a small one, but I see you smiling, so I believe it's all good. Every trail runner is a hero in my book!

  12. Awesome work on the race! That cow bell medal is cute. I have one, maybe two more races before the end of the year. It's hard to squeeze in that holiday run, but I have plans to do it. Last week was warm, but this week is chilly and gloomy. I can do without the dreariness.
