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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Busyness: 101

Yowza, what a week! 

We’re talking almost nonstop action on the daily, as well as most evenings. Alas, never a dull moment! We all know that’s the way I best function, right?

Before I divulge the deets from this busy week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here’s what went down this week, in fitness and whatnot:

Sunday, Sunny Sunday
Wowza, it was a sunny morning, but a (slightly) frigid 56F upon wake-up. Whoa, Momma N really needs to keep it seasonal, LOL (the last time I checked, my calendar was still showing summer). Anyways, I grabbed a fleece hoodie & headed out for a three mile walk. Thankfully, I only needed the hoodie for the first two miles. Overall, it was a beautiful day, allowing for a late afternoon 10-mile bike ride also (no pics, but I #PinkySwear it happened). 

Never Miss a Monday
With gloomy and damp outdoor conditions, I kept the fitness inside in the dark early hours, via the spin bike (11 miles). Things were better by lunchtime, so I a got outside for a 2-mile walk. I did get caught in a heavy mist on my post-workday 2-miler (title pic, above), but kept it vertical and avoided any potential new road rash incidents. 

Low-Impact (but High-Action) Tuesday
I’ve been in denial on the dwindling early-morning daylight, but finally acknowledged just how dark it is until almost 6:00 now. I had scheduled a strength stack (glutes & legs, core, and upper-body, all via Peloton app) to do in the "dark" hours, and saved my 2-mile “fasted cardio” walk for afterwards, outside with daylight. After work, it was a night of  Iowa State Fair walking (I’m guessing 2+ miles) and heavy rocking & rolling at the Hairball concert  (a fabulous hair band tribute extravaganza). 

Double Workout Wednesday 
After Tuesday’s late night, I was really surprised how easy Wednesday’s early morning shenanigans felt. I even woke up before my 4:10AM alarm, LOL. After a summer sabbatical from the early bird group runs, we welcomed Kelly back. She also stuck around and ran a couple bonus miles with me after Bill and Hannah called it good. 

The day turned damp, almost as soon a I returned from my morning run. After work, though, things were dry. With a busy weekend on tap, I knew the bike would not be seeing much action. I was already planning on an early morning indoor ride for Thursday, so I decided to do an impromptu 11-miler, outside, with Krystal. Hey, you gotta take advantage of the outdoor opportunities when they're made available, am I right?

Triple the Fun Thursday
After a mini sabbatical, Deb and I were reunited for another edition of our weekly (virtual) cardio get-togethers. It was a dark and rainy morning anyways, so the planned indoor biking was a perfect fit. Deb walked while I knocked-out 17 miles. After parting (virtual) ways, I did a short arms & shoulders workout before heading to work. 

After work, there was another much-anticipated reunion on the roster, this one with Barb (remember her?). We met for a 3-mile run, but wound up chasing the weather…we’re talking heat, humidity, rain (which quickly became a downpour), thunderbolts & lightning, and an eventual rainbow. But we got it done and survived. It was just like old times on my old stomping grounds.

Full-Day-On-Tap Friday
With a long day of travel on deck, Friday started with a pre-sunrise walk (in my former town).  Of course, it wouldn’t be a legit selfie (below) without a drive-by bust. 

Saturday - another long day on the roster
The sis and I got out for a 3-mile walk before checking out of our hotel. We were staying in downtown Indianapolis, right by the Gainbridge Fieldhouse (more info below). We saw several landmarks, some amazing architecture, and a 5K race in progress (that I knew nothing about). And I call  myself a runner, LOL. Then it was back on the road, for the return trip to Iowa. 

…and what’s happening on Sunday?
Well, believe it or not, there’s another day of extensive driving. There's a mini family get-together, in NE Iowa, so I’m hoping to get out for a short walk before hitting the road. If I make it back at a decent time, and the weather allows, there may be an evening bike ride added to the schedule. We shall see. Heads-up, I will have limited time (and WiFi availability), so I may be delayed in getting to all my blogging duties. Thanks for your patience!

So, this week kept me in constant motion, in terms of fitness and just fun stuff in general. I kept the strength work at the minimum (still being cautious with the cranky shoulder). Running saw 10 miles, walking logged approximately 16 miles, and biking had me in the saddle for 49 miles. 

In case you missed out, there was only one post:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. As mentioned, Friday had me in a car for the better part of seven hours, road-tripping to Indianapolis for an evening of basketball. Thus, the outdoor temps were steamy, but the inside temps were chilly (I’m looking at you, over-active air-conditioning). Alas, I was in short sleeves with a comfy 1/4-zip on standby. 

The sis and I made a quick trip to Indy, arriving by mid-afternoon on Friday. I think I may have been one of the last Iowans who had not seen Caitlin Clark in action, but that was remedied at the Indiana Fever vs. Phoenix Mercury WNBA game Friday evening. Spoiler: the former Iowa Hawkeye superstar was on-point (see what I did there?), as she, and fellow Fever teammates, came away victorious. 

So yeah. I’ve (jokingly) said before that sleep is overrated. Amazingly, I’m not feeling the effects much (yet), but I am banking on some snoozing in the backseat on Sunday’s road-trip. 

Tell me about your week! Any crazy weather interfering with your fitness? Ever been to Indianapolis? Would you have FOMO discovering a local race, two blocks from your hotel, while on a trip?

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  1. Bummer that you had to keep a couple of your cardio workouts inside this past week. Our weather was pretty mild this and didn't interfere with any of my workouts.

    Glad to hear that you had a good road trip and that Caitlin's team won. Safe travels tomorrow!

    1. Despite all the car time, seeing Caitlin play (in person) was pretty cool!

  2. This is definitely the busy time of year--it can get a little overwhelming for me! But summer is short and we need to squeeze it all in. Enjoy your family today!

    1. Yes, summer is far too short...I'm certainly celebrating every moment that remains of it!

  3. You sure weee busy! In a good way! Nice to see Barb here again. Hope you had fun in Indy I miss my Hoosiers

    1. The trip to Indy was quite a whirlwind adventure, but fun! I loved the downtown scene there!

  4. Why yes I have been to Indianapolis! I went there for a long weekend trip in March and I loved every minute of the trip. My family went there a few times when I was young, but it was my first time there as an adult. My favorite part was taking the stairs to the top of the Soldier's and Sailor's Monument. I loved how walkable it was.

    I can believe that you aren't feeling the effects of the big weekend - because I feel the same when I travel! It's so busy but it's also so much fun.

    1. The travel effects finally hit me on the car ride home this afternoon...I finally got some much needed ZZZ-time in, LOL!

  5. Wow that sounds fun! I love road trips, and seeing that game must have been amazing. And you got to spend time with your sister!
    I can't believe how chilly some of your mornings have been. I actually love running in 50 degree weather- maybe that's a little chilly for walking though.
    Back to school means I'm getting up early again, and it doesn't get light here till around 6:30, UGH. WHEN do we turn the clocks back??? Oh... not till November. Darn.

    1. We're getting decent daylight by 5:45-ish, but I know that's not gonna hold for much longer. I like road trips, but my body doesn't, LOL. I felt so stiff after I got home this afternoon from three days of 7-ish hours EACH.

  6. Wow. you are busy but you always seem to get it all done.

    I love that you mix in fun stuff!

  7. BARB! How exciting! And what a fun week. I would really love to share some of your cooler temps, but we are still pretty hot and humid over here. We are still staying pretty light here, but the darkness will come and then FALL!

    1. Ugh, I am in no hurry for fall....though, that does bring football with it ;-)

  8. Sounds like a good week. How great to run with Barb and see your family.
    I have not been to Indy!

    1. It was just like old times running with Barb! The crazy weather just added to the experience, LOL!

  9. Hui, you had a very full week. I love all the in-person and virtual workout meetups that you fit into your week!
    Let's not talk about that the days are getting shorter... I am still enjoying my early (not "your early") morning runs outdoors and hope it'll last a little longer... when that changes, my whole schedule has to be rearranged as I don't have a treadmill at home.

  10. The growing darkness may be my least favorite part of the dwindling summer days. How fun to road-trip to Indy to see CC! She is a class act!

  11. Looks like such a great week Kim, full of friends, family, and fitness! Well done!

    I don't want to think about the end of summer already....so sad!

  12. A full but fun week! I also am not enjoying the darker mornings. I miss being able to run on my summer running routes - since it's pitch black when I run I stay where it's well lit and off my usual summer spots.

  13. Yay, Barb! How fun. I am surprised that you didn't know about that 5K in Indy! Hopefully you are all well rested from all of those shenanigans now. It looks like a super fun week.
