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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Still holding on to Summer

Well, well, well.

The autumn season made its (unwelcome) arrival, on Sunday (September 22nd), bringing with it a 30-degree temperature plummet. Ugh! 

The good news was this intro to Fall 2024 was short-lived, and the temps rebounded back to summer feels-like conditions by the next day. The great news was that these beautiful weather conditions lasted the entire week! 

Before I dive into the deets from the week, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blog as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week in my little happy world of extended summer fun:

A not-so-welcome-to-Fall on Sunday...
Wow, it was a rude awakening to have 57F temps waiting for me come Sunday morning. While it wasn't actually raining, there was a very heavy mist in the air for my 1-mile "wake-up" walk. Totally NOT my gig. Thankfully, it did warm up a bit as the day progressed, so I got back out, around dinnertime, for another walk (this one two miles in distance).

Never miss a Monday...
As if Sunday's 57F temps weren't bad enough, it was 48F Monday morning. Granted these temps will feel wonderful in a few months, but right now they're a bunch of nonsense, LOL. I knew it would be warmer (and sunnier!) after work, so I made the executive decision to postpone the Monday run for after work, and elected to hit the spin bike in the basement (six miles). By lunchtime, it was sunny, bright and beautiful, so I took advantage and walked a couple miles.

The return-to-summer temps were a fabulous 70F after work, so I set my sights on three miles. The first mile felt a little sluggish, but shortly thereafter things started to feel better...and better. Gotta love a nice progression run on a beautiful day! Not pictured, I snuck in a quick upper-body workout before bed to celebrate World Strength-Training Day; did you? 

It was another typical take-it-easy Tuesday...
I didn't feel like I was pushing my pace on my run, 12 hours prior, but my body was feeling pretty achy and cranky upon wake-up. After a quick 1-mile walk, I cued-up a stretching workout (via Peloton), and gave my body some TLC. Another walk, in the warm after work temps, confirmed the recovery day had been a success.

We mixed-it up on Wednesday... 
My Wednesday 4:45 AM running gals weren't able to make it this week. I didn't feel like running five miles in the dark, all on my own, so I did the next best thing...15 miles on the spin bike! The temps were, again, quite warm at lunchtime, so I simply had to walk a couple miles (wouldn't you?).

It had been awhile since I've done a "long-ish" run late in the day, but I was game to give it a go when I got home from the office. Apparently, the 9:40's seem to be my new sweet spot as I've been hitting them a lot recently. Five miles, with an average pace of 9:43? I'm totally good with that.

A very thorough thankful Thursday
It had been several months (last winter? early spring?) since Deb and I both were on the indoor bikes, in unison, for our weekly cardio/chat session. I had severe darkness and she had heavy rain, so it was a win-win to spin and grin together. After my 15 miles were finished, and had we parted ways, I picked up some weights. Silly me, I didn't realize just how much heavier 8-pound weights would feel (compared to the usual 3-pounders) for a "light weights/high reps" upper-body session. Yowza.

After work, I headed over to Altoona for the Thursday night group run. I ran the first mile on my own, very easy-peasy. Then a younger guy started chatting with me for the second mile, and the third...and this became not just a progression run, but a tempo run as well. The thing is, none of the aches and pains of recent were an issue. Things that make you go Hmmm. Let's just say I drove home with a crazy endorphin buzz.

Finally Friday...and I kept things low-key
After a few late nights, and two very early mornings, I was due for some recovery time. My body didn't feel "achy tired," but it definitely had some fatigue going on. A 1-mile early morning walk, and a 2-mile evening walk, and nothing else (other than some stretching). As you were.

A successful long run Saturday…
I took a gamble and came out victorious. I’d run eight miles two weeks ago, then did a scaled-back 7-miler last weekend. My gut was telling me a 10-miler could be possible… and, #spoiler,  all went well. The temps were fabulous (low-60F’s), the sky was clear and the air was crisp and calm. My mile splits were pretty consistent as well, so I’m feeling good about the IMT DSM 13.1 on October 20th. Now if Momma N could do me a solid and grant me the same (or similar) race day conditions, I’d be ever so grateful! 

…and what's happening on Sunday?
Hmmm, not a plan as this goes up press. I’ll probably get out for a walk, or possibly a short recovery run. The weather is looking great, so I might be doing some cycling, as well, in the afternoon. 

Overall, I'm feeling really good with my state of fitness. Running has been going surprisingly well (despite some lingering piriformis issues). This week's mileage came in at 21 miles, with some decent (unintentional) speedwork mixed-in. Walking had a good showing with 14 miles. Biking took a bit of a hit, with 36 miles, but that's all I was able to squeeze in (and all of those were pedaled indoors, yikes!). I'm taking a pass on heavy-duty lower-body strength work for the next few weeks, until I get past my half marathon October 20th (truthfully, my lower-body strength mojo has not been especially strong for awhile).

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. Back in black, quite literally! I was also back in jeans because the morning temps have been cool. Just an observation...who would have ever thought, just a few years ago, that distressed denim would be so in-vogue? Certainly, not I. I gotta admit that it does have an edgy look, and can sometimes actually "dress-up" an outfit. How's that for irony?

Lastly, it was National Daughters Day (on Wednesday) and National Sons Day (on Saturday). I am so lucky to be triple-blessed with my kiddos. Truthfully, I celebrate them every day. 

So, that's the latest! I keep saying this summer-like weather won't last, but it keeps holding on...and I'm holding it with a tight grip as well.

How are things in your world? Summer-like conditions, as well? Any big workouts this week? Distressed denim: yay or nay?

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  1. The weather has definitely turned here, not too cold of course because it's the UK! I have been off running, sadly, because I've had Covid, brought back from the US by my husband who caught it on a work trip. I'm out of breath getting up the stairs at the moment so it'll be a while before I'm running again. But I will get there at some stage. You're doing really well, great fitness, well done!

  2. Yay for the 10 miler!!! Someone is going to have a good race in a few weeks!

  3. Great job on the 10 miler!!! You are more than ready for your half next month!

  4. Looks like you are in a great place training wise for your upcoming half. Gotta love those unexpected great runs when they happen

  5. World Strength Training Day? I had no idea, but luckily Monday was (coincidentally) a gym day for me.
    i love how you describe the air as "crisp." That's what I'm longing for! I would describe our air more as "swampy." I know you don't like the cold, but I would take 48 right now.
    Sounds like running is going really well- you should have a great race on the 20th!

  6. Congrats on the 10 miler! I was happy to run 6 last weekend— although it was hard on my own without all the Scooby stops. ;-)
    It was so warm and humid this week, both in Chicago and at home. I am ready for a taste of fall, but I don’t need it to be 30 degrees cooler yet!

  7. Well done on the long run!

    It seems that you and your kids have a very strong relationship- that's so wonderful! They are lucky to have such a great mom as you :)

  8. Yay for the double digit run. Those are always a bit intimidating but you did that! And look at that sunrise!

  9. I'm glad your ten mile training run went well and hope you have equally good weather for your upcoming half! We really lucked out with yesterday's gravel grinder considering the crappy weather we had all week.

  10. Sons' Day was spent at a band competition! I think I owe him a makeup. We are still just sort of collecting ourselves after last week. The weather is simply bizarre. Not a fan. Great week for you, again!
