About Me

About Me

Hey Fellow Runners!!

I'm Kim.

Mother of three. Runner. I have not won any races, but I have crossed many finish lines.

I became a serious runner in 2005 and have not looked back.  In 2008, I ran my first 20K, and have been hooked ever since.  The half marathon/20K distance is my FaVoRiTe.....it is far enough to challenge my endurance, but short enough to easily accomplish.  And the hardware is an added bonus ;-)

On September 22, 2013 I officially became a marathoner!  And....on July 18, 2015 I ran my first ULTRA!

And I do not plan on stopping any time soon ;-)

I am a born and raised Midwest gal, having lived in Iowa most of my life (with a brief AWESOME seven year sabbatical in the East Lansing, MI area). Most of my races have been on Iowa soil, or a nearby state. Got any great races where YOU live? I'd love to hear about them! I want to be able to say (someday) that I have run a race in every state, and on every continent as well. Ambitious, huh!

A word of caution....I have an intense LOVE for color, so you will seldom see me in black. I believe in quality over quantity when it comes to mileage, so you will never hear me bragging about crazy, extreme miles (weekly, monthly, or annually). I love my music, but that's about it for technology gadgets for me...so you will not read much about me agonizing over my pace per 1/4 mile splits or my cadence. I'd rather run a race (or a training run) based on how I'm feeling, and not let a series of stats on my watch dictate my efforts. #oldschool

I also tend to smile and/or pose for the photographers on the race course (they need to laugh just as much as the rest of us), and I finish most every race with my hands in the air. Every finish line is a victory, after all, why not celebrate it?

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  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE your LOVE of color!!!! we have enough darkness and drabness in the world...bring on the bright colors!!


  2. I love the colors myself. Sometimes, I go overboard with it. But then I also love black and will often swing from all-black for a couple days to pink, purple and bright orange the next. Not sure what that says about me except that I love life and try to express myself in every way.
    Love that last line of your About Me. Every finish line is indeed a victory so why not celebrate it!

  3. Hello Kim, I've enjoyed reading your blog today, after it was recommended to me by Wendy (Taking the Long Way Home). I admire your commitment to racing and performance, as well as your energy. I've added you to my list of blogs: http://runyoung50.co.uk/blog-lists/ I've used your profile picture from this page. Best wishes Katie (@RunYoung50)
