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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Is Running a Nuisance?

A lot of us do this running gig....have you ever thought about how crazy our sport is? Is it a nuisance? Or, maybe it's just some of the details of it.....

One of the coldest races ever....it was in the single digits with the crazy Iowa wind
For starters, there's the cost of those pretty shoes. Yes, those running shoes are a necessary evil.
The first time I bought official "real" running shoes (from a real running store), I did a silent gulp as I handed over the $120+ for something that I would not be using daily. As we all know, handing over cash for expensive running shoes did get easier with each subsequent training season.

My Mizuno Wave Inspire 8's....total love connection
A real nuisance for me is my hair. Actually, I like my straight hair (though I wish it had a bit more thickness). How to fix my hair for my favorite sport can sometimes be a challenge, though. I'm past the (boring) low pony tail look, so I usually try to do something funky with it: messy bun, braids, headbands, sometimes hats or visors. A lot of times, how I do my hair is contingent on the weather.

Variety is the spice of my life
I run with  music more often than not, so that means keeping the Ipod constantly charged and ready for action. But what is up with those tangled ear bud cords?

This is not spaghetti
Then, there's the whole wrestling match when it's time to disrobe. I prefer a more fitted shirt (saggy & baggy is not my scene), so it can be a challenge getting everything off after a workout.

Summer running = sweaty clothes
Ladies, you know what I'm talking about...

Total truth
And last of all, those races are not cheap. The registrations are crazy for some of the big name races (Chicago and NYC? Upwards of $200...and that's not even including your transportation there or lodging). But crossing those finish lines? It's worth all the craziness and nuisances along the way.

Got bling? 
What is one thing about running (or your sport of choice) that you consider a nuisance? What's the coldest (or hottest) race you've ever done? How do you feel about the price of running shoes?

I'm linking with Deb for the Wednesday Word...today's word? Nuisance. I'm also linking with Susie and Rachel and Debbie and Lora for the Running Coaches' Corner. Check out the lovely hosts, and do take notice of all the linked blogs!


  1. Yes on the ear bud cords! I joke that mine have a special "self-tangling" feature because they can be in knots the second I take them off. On the other hand, I'm not ready for the cordless Apple thingamajigs.

    1. I agree....I'm not ready to upgrade to cordless thingamajigs either....yet LOL

  2. Haha! I know my husband thinks running is a nuisance! LOL

    1. My husband has learned to just go along with it (and on occasion will join me). I endured 20+ years of monthly Air National Guard drills, so he knows to keep quiet because this is MY thing ;-)

  3. Hottest was probably ZOOMA Annapolis, athough I've had a looooong string of hot races. Which sucks, since I don't race well in the heat. Coldest? Coldest half was actually Vegas, but I think the coldest shorter race I've done locally was in the teens.

    Getting off a racer back bra after running? You could tear a shoulder!

    1. You probably have similar running conditions as I do in Iowa...both extremes of hot & cold (and a mix of everything in between...sometimes all on the same day)

  4. LOL I have many friends that just don't understand thw whole "running" thing and why I need certain sneakers, headphones, clothing, etc. They always say "Isn't running a cheap sport?" Umm...NO!

    1. No doubt! Running is not a cheap sport...and it shouldn't be unless you want to be miserable (in cotton!) or injured (in the wrong shoes).

  5. I laughed out loud at this post! I don't run with music unless it's a rare solo long run (I prefer to do my long runs in a group). I would say the biggest nuisance is finding a toilet on long runs when we are running out in the country. Sorry if TMI!

    1. The lack of "potty options" is a nuisance! I loop back to my house (every 5-7 miles) on my long runs...to ensure there will be an available potty and then I don't have to carry fuel with me.

  6. The cost of running shoes hasn't been as much of a nuisance since I started working full time as a race manager - which means FREE RUNNING GEAR including shoes throughout the year, and a massive discount at the running store my company owns :D

    The cost of races, though? Yeah that's a nuisance, but at least as a race director I now understand the WHY of those price tags...

    1. Oh yes...I do get the high price tags on races, but it's a big financial committment none-the-less. Lucky YOU...free running gear (I'm jealous!!) ;-)

  7. Dealing with funky post-running clothes is definitely my biggest nuisance! I'm so glad I use Aftershokz headphones because I couldn't stand dealing with my earbuds getting tangled all the time!

    1. The tangled cords is a mystery...I swear I lay them down either flat, or neatly rolled into a perfect circle. It's like they tangle themselves in my sleep...

  8. Haha I laugh at the earbuds tangled! I've ruined many pair by getting them caught between my car seat and the console!

    1. I've never had a problem with them in the car....it's always when I get them to head out for a run...it's like they have a self-tangling feature...

  9. my annoyance with music is that I get so bored with my music!

    1. I have not added to my play list in a long time...there certainly are some that I skip through, and many that I replay (a couple times LOL) as I'm out and about in the running shoes. I find it pleasing great when a favorite song pops up (I have a Shuffle) at a crucial time and gives me that little extra boost

  10. I've had to ask my husband for help with the sports bra after a run more times than I care to admit. Definitely a nuisance!

    1. I'm not especially "well-endowed," and it's still a struggle!

  11. Running can certainly be a nuisance sometimes! I find it's those goals that we have, and the tug between pursuing them versus the sometimes lazy feeling you get on some days. Gotta align! I feel like I have more trouble getting my sports bra on just right, but after a long run, I just want it OFF! Last long run (8 miles) I literally walked inside to my clothes hamper, off, and into the shower... barely time to grab a glass of water to rehydrate!

  12. Girl- taking off a sports bra is the WORST! I love your take on the Wednesday Word this week!

  13. This post made me smile a lot!
    Years back I had those zip front sports bra's, I don't know why I ever changed they were the only time I didn't almost dislocate a shoulder trying to take it off, LOL
    Hate the price of shoes, but we'll keep paying, they'll keep charging, it's unfortunate they've really go us on that one, LOL
    Coldest marathon I ever did was Top of Utah so cold my lashes were frosted and all my clothes covered in frost by the first mile, I made the newspaper with the picture, LOL
    Hottest, may have been a toss up, Casper Marathon and St. George both neared triple digits toward the end so they got hot. Thankfully it was just desert heat!

    1. I have never run a race in "desert" heat....all I know is humid heat LOL

  14. Oh yes, many nuisances in the running world. But we barely bat an eye anymore. I'll never forget the look on the my hubby's face when my NYCM race fee came through on the credit card. Yowza.

  15. Ah yes, my hair is a major nuisance. It's naturally curly/frizzy which I hate, so I always have to wear it long enough for me to pull up into a ponytail. If I don't put it up, I have hair sticking out in every direction when I'm finished if it's the least bit humid out.

    Even though I'm late in reading your last week's Wednesday Word post, I'm grateful that you linked up!
