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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Let's be honest...

Let's be honest...

Marathon training is time-consuming. Yes, yes (a thousand times), yes, we make time for that which we desire. Unfortunately, other things get pushed aside (and/or forgotten). Such is life.

Here's five (blatantly honest) runfessions of what's NOT been happening this fall in my little corner of the universe....

First, let me tell you that I love all things Halloween. I'm not into ghosts, goblins, or the occult, but I do embrace the festive and fun aspect of the holiday. I always dress in costume, I look forward to handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters, and I usually can find a costume party for the husband and myself to attend. But, I must runfess, this year I have done ZERO decorating. I haven't even bought any pumpkins for carving (yet).  I almost forgot to dig out my DIY spiderweb shirt ....but I did finally remember to wear it to work on Thursday. Whew! Now it can go back to the dregs of my closet for another 50 weeks.
I almost missed the annual "wearing of the web" shirt. Almost.
Also. in keeping with the fall, is harvest. I don't live on a farm, but I do have a small raised garden. Our tomatoes were slow this year, though, and we didn't have much (other than cherry tomatoes) until just recently. I made two huge batches of salsa in the late summer...but that's where it stopped. I've had bowls of (mostly) cherry tomatoes and jalanpeno peppers on my counter for the past month (maybe longer). And  I just cannot find the time to blanch, slice, and/or dice the remains. I am slowly tossing them, one by one, out to my compost bin, though. I'm sure the birds and squirrels love me.

Look closely....there may be a few more tomatoes about to relocate to the compost bin

There's also that pile of shoes that have migrated from my closet to the bathroom floor. I'm not quite sure when it started, but these shoes have taken up homestead under my bathroom sink. Actually, there is plenty of room for them there, no matter how unsightly the pile of them may appear. Maybe I won't put them all back where they belong after all....

Pretty, yes, but not the most tasteful in decor

And, I'm really having a difficult time keeping up with the laundry, especially my running gear. The clothes drying rack over-floweth. I barely get everything cleared off, folded, and stashed away....then the weekend rolls around and it's time (again!) for the weekly long run. Alas, the cycle begins all over again....

There's even more stuff hidden on the inside racks

Finally, there's my latest knitting project. Would you believe I started this (it's going to eventually be a poncho) back in February? It got set aside...and forgotten. Now I have the task to find my notes on what I was doing (it's a pattern I created, so there's no formal written pattern in print), or I may rip it out and start afresh. Ugh. None the less, I will finish it before winter. (but not until) after my marathon....

There. That feels much better! Honesty (especially in running) is the best policy.

Have you ever trained for a race and found yourself in a constant tail-spin in trying to stay ahead of the game?  Did some things in your household take a back seat?

I'm linking up with Marcia for the Runfessions link-up, as well as with Lacey and Meranda and Rachel for the Friday Five 2.0. Do head over and check out all the great reading!


  1. There's that whole "after the marathon" thing for me...but what is my excuse now? Ugh.

    1. I honestly don't know what I will do after Route 66....I can't remember what I did with all my "free" time....

  2. Hah! I have the same issues and no marathon to blame it on. I think running shoes are happiest under the bathroom sink. My husband decorated our house and I bought candy to give out, but I don't think pumpkin carving is going to happen ....

  3. Cute Halloween sweater! I tried to grow a tomato plant this year and it never grew.I ended up buying all mine at the store.

    1. I've had a lot of the bigger tomatoes given to me (for when I made salsa), but the cherry tomatoes have been crazy...

  4. My drying rack looks like that often! i always ask myself "How did I go through all these clothing items in a week?" lol

    1. It's crazy! I drape all the tech gear over the clothes basket in my closet (it saves time on sorting through the entire basket)....and I don't realize how much is there until it's out of the washer & time to hang it all up on the drying rack. Yeah, where did it all come from???

  5. Oh my! I can't tell you what my house looks like right now. And I've decided to do it all over again without a break. I will get organized some this weekend. I will. (Hee Hee). I runfess, my shoe pile is all over the house. My husband complains. I wish I had a cubby in my bathroom. Seems like the perfect place to me!

    1. Well....that area under my counter is kind of a make-shift cubby at the moment. ;-)

  6. House cleaning is just never my priority. I want it to be clean, but it still gets shoved fairly far down on the list.

    My pile of shoes is in the bedroom -- our bathroom is too small for that!

    Not decorating seems to be a common theme today.

    1. My house is pretty clean, but the clutter is out of control....and I just have no time to sort through it. The struggle!

  7. I identify with so many of these. I love Halloween and have done ZERO decorating. I'm very sad.

    1. My kids are older now (two are out of the house) and the third one is in high school....so no one really cares about the lack of decorations (except me). I at least need to carve a few pumpkins....

  8. I'm actually grateful the kids are old enough to carve since I'm over it. At least you picked your produce. I've got pepper plants out on the deck with peppers so hot they'll burn your face off so I simply stopped picking them. And there they hang...

    1. I actually enjoyed carving pumpkins (#artgeek, don't forget) as long as someone else would scoop out all the gunk (#OCD #eeewww).

  9. Haha, your shoe pile looks like mine! I have a friend who says the floor of his spare bathroom is the permanent home for his collection of running shoes 😆

    1. I hate having my shoes there.....but they are accessible ....

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. LOL! I store my shoes in the bathroom too! I will take a pic next time- you will feel better :) I ordered a new shirt for Halloween this year and I can't wait to put it on! I have worn the same one for 7 years or so! YUCK! TGIF!

    1. I need to up my game on the Halloween shirts! I have the spider web shirt and a sparkly jack o'lantern shirt...and that's it! Our school's colors are orange and black, so I can make due, though.... (check out Instagram!) #Fridayfashion

  12. I have neglected quite a few things thanks to marathon training, that's for sure! Your laundry room looks very familiar, lol! I love your holiday sweater - and you made it yourself?!

    1. It's actually a long-sleeved shirt that I embroidered the web and spider on...#artgeek

  13. Ha ha! Yes, I always have to remove & fold the clothes to make room for the next load ;-)

  14. I love that spider sweater! So cute. I'm glad I'm not the only one that has more running/triathlon gear laundry than regular laundry. I think between the 3 of us in our household, we do way more athletic gear laundry than regular laundry - but I wouldn't have it any other way! Have a great Halloween in that sweater

    1. Yes...the running gear is taking over! And, ironically, whenever I go into a store...that's the first place I'm drawn to

  15. Oh my gosh, is that a Swirlgear shirt? I had the yellow one!

    1. Yes, indeed...it's a Swirlgear shirt! I love it...wish I would have gotten more of them

  16. Oh I haven't gotten around to buying pumpkins or candy - oops! I like your spider web shirt!

    1. Thanks!! I need to get the pumpkins and candy, too......

  17. Love the sweater! I need one of those ;) we have have four pumpkins to carve this weekend, sure lpoking forward to thr pumpkin seeds!

    1. I have tried several times,but have never successfully mastered the raosted pumpkin seeds...they're always "soggy" and not crunchy. Any tips?

  18. I love Halloween too. It reminds me of when my granddaddy was still alive his birthday was on Halloween an we always had a party at his house!! I think that's why I enjoy it so much!

    1. Our youngest daughter's birthday is November 1st. When she was little, there were many Halloween nights where I was running back & forth from the front door (handing out candy) to the kitchen (mixing up/baking a birthday cake).

  19. I love Halloween too. It reminds me of when my granddaddy was still alive his birthday was on Halloween an we always had a party at his house!! I think that's why I enjoy it so much!

  20. Oh laundry. I never seem to be able to keep up with it...

    1. I know! My clothes basket is about tumbled over from the overflow of running gear...again!

  21. Shoes seem to take on a life of their own......my have......

  22. Isn't that clothing drying rack always overflowing?! I can imagine that knitting would easily get put aside in the spring/summer months. While I don't knit, I can imagine that it's a good "staying cozy" hobby whereas spring and summer we have a bit more active hobbies... more running, but also more gardening, going out, and less sitting inside on the couch. At least for me!

  23. My drying rack looks the same. LOL !
    During marathon training my social life takes a back seat. My weekends are filled with running and rest, and less with dinner parties, late nights and alcohol. Because I have trained for 2 marathons this year, I runfess I have clearly neglected some of my friends and family.

  24. The laundry drying rack struggle is real! haha I hate having it out but by the time my clothes are dry it's time to hang up the next load.

  25. The laundry game is no joke during marathon training, especially if my husband and I are both in the middle of training. Oiy! The time commitment to marathon training is absolutely no joke! I think that is the main reason I have only run one. I just haven't hit a point where I can commit to it again.
