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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Better Faster Stronger

They say all good things must come to an end, right?

Well, I beg to differ. I think this is true not only for good things, but also difficult things as well. That said, I had another week of decent milestones, accomplishments, and victories on my continued Road to Recovery (complete story HERE, on my blog's new Road to Recovery page).

For starters,  I am ecstatic to be back in a routine with my fitness. I have been doing leg lifts (50 on each side, plus some single-leg balance holds) during the three IV in-home infusions each day. Getting back outside, though, and actually feeling like I was legit moving and grooving has totally given me a new lease on this thing called "recovery." Granted, my mileage may seem a bit aggressive, but it is walking mileage. I'd never attempt this daily stuff if I was running all of these miles.

I ended the day with a total of six miles! That's definitely a post-op PR! I did a couple of miles in the wee hours, some throughout the day with Max (in 1/2 and 1/3 mile increments), and a few miscellaneous ones in the evening. Those miles were in addition to the leg lifts, planking and some push-ups and strength work for my arms. Never miss a Monday!

I'm pretty proud of what my legs and feet are capable of doing
I was out the door around 5:30, and what the WHAT? It was 64-degrees! I love the cooler temps, but I'm not ready for them just yet. After all, my summer has been kind of jacked due to the past six weeks or so, and I haven't been able to enjoy the heat (and humidity) as much as everyone else. None the less, it still was a beautiful morning and a fantastic day.  Total miles came in at 5.5.

Yes, a long-sleeved shirt...in JULY!
Also, on Tuesday, I had an appointment with my Infectious Disease doctor. He was very impressed with how well my leg is healing (he hadn't seen it since I'd been discharged from the hospital). He said my blood levels were still looking good, and that I was to finish the last couple days of IV infusions...and the home health nurse could remove the PICC line Friday morning!

I could feel some of the humidity returning. I dug out my race shirt from my first marathon, the 2013 Quad Cities Marathon. Ahhh, the memories! Obviously, I will not be returning there this year, but I have so much love and warm fuzzies for that event. Total (cumulative) miles came in at 6.

Warm temps returned, and I was happy to greet the new morning with a smile and a thumbs-up. Seriously, why did I not think of these early morning walks until just recently? Even if I can't run, it feels so good to be outside in these calm and quiet moments of the day. Total miles for Thursday were 5.

Oh, did it feel strange when I headed out at 5:30 with Linus (my PICC line) for the last time. I did a fast-paced 2-mile walk and headed back home to get ready for the nurse's arrival.

I even did a quick plank...
Although I was eager to have the IV infusions over and done, it was kind of surreal to realize it really was going to happen. What had become my new normal was going to change again...and I'd be transitioning back to a more "normal" normal for me. The nurse arrived, and took my vitals (as was the usual protocol). She got her stuff laid out and removed the dressing over the PICC line site. I looked away because I didn't want to see it happening. The next thing I knew, she told she she was done and I had not felt a thing. Then she showed me what it looked like...16 inches long! I must have misunderstood the nurse at the hospital when she told me the line would be about 6 inches (and I thought that was freaky). Had I known she actually said the PICC would be 16-inches, I would have definitely needed full anesthesia to handle the initial insertion. Ignorance is INDEED bliss.

Thursday night was the last in-house infusion...and Friday morning, Linus was history
Apparently, my body is a lot more fatigued than I'm aware...I woke up at 5:00 a.m. and laid back down for "just a few minutes" before grabbing my shoes and heading out for my ritual early morning walk. The next thing I know, it was 9:00! OOPS! Instead of my usual long walk, I took Max out for a 1-miler.

A mile with Max
Saturday was such a beautiful day in Iowa! The temps were pleasant, the humidity practically non-existent, and the sunshine was unbelievable! I went for a long walk after lunch, and it felt so good to feel sweat running down my back (with the PICC line gone, I now have free reign and sweating is allowed). My poor flower gardens were badly in need of some TLC, so I spent a couple hours weeding, dead-heading, and cutting down some spent day lily stems when I returned from my walk. Garden squats, anyone? I ended the day with six total miles (and plenty of sore muscles).

Again, I fell back to sleep for a bit and didn't get out until 6:00 a.m. Fortunately, the sun wasn't too high in the sky yet, so I did get to see it rise. A 3-mile power walk was a great start to my day, and I did more garden work in the afternoon.

Look at that sunrise!
Overall, it was a busy, active week. My total (walking) miles came in at 32 (at the time this post goes live), but there will be an additional 3-4 miles on tap for later in the day. I'm still doing the leg lifts (100 each leg) and balance holds (2x30 seconds for each leg), but have scaled those back to just twice a day now. I think the 3-week IV infusion "boot camp" was long enough to get the muscles in condition ...besides, my hamstrings and quads have been on fire from all of the extra walking. The daily planking is still a constant routine, and I'm doing strength work on my upper body and push-ups regularly. The only thing really missing from my life is the running, but the walking has been a great replacement for now.

In case you missed them, last week's blog posts:
*Epiphanies Aplenty
*Running Fluff on the Frugal
*What's there to Runfess?

Road to Recovery update
***IV in-home infusions ended on Thursday evening, approximately at 10:10p.m. Originally, our plan was to continue the in-home infusions for two weeks (following my hospital discharge) and then do a week of orals.That all changed when my doctor had a death in the family and had to reschedule my follow-up for the past week instead. No big deal. All told, I administered 64 infusions all by myself (UGH!). I still have a couple follow-up blood draws (to ensure the infection is, indeed, completely gone).

***Mobility is improving daily. The skin around the suture site is tight, though. The surgeon reassured me the skin will stretch in time, but it's best not to force it. None the less, I can walk like a normal human being most of the time now.

***Range of motion is improving daily as well. As mentioned, as the skin around the suture site continues to heal, the range of motion increases. I'm a tall gal (with long legs), so I have to bend my knees more than most people for simple things like getting in/out of a car.This has been the most challenging of everything...but I'm happy with how things are progressing.
The latest pic of Voldemort
***The suture site looks better than I thought it would, though still a bit scary. Voldemort is the most appropriate name (thanks, Deborah!). I don't need to keep it covered all the time, but it's a definite security blanket thing for me when it IS covered. I'm so paranoid about tripping and falling on it. Also, compression is not mandatory but recommended to help keep things nice and tight (plus it feels good). I have figured out it's best to vary the degree of compression (and the "length" of my leg that is covered) to avoid getting "divots" in the flesh.

In other news:
Did you catch my #FridayFashionFlair this week? A lot of peeps were intrigued with the chunky statement necklace...which is actually a belt. Have you ever tried that? I hope you're following me on Instagram, and if so, I invite you to play along...post your Friday outfit and tag me (@runningonthefly). I'd love to see what YOU'RE wearing.

...and speaking of fashion....I may have forgotten to remove the "off-to-work-I-go" earrings the other night for my evening walk. OOPS. But don't they add a bit of flair to my workout outfit?

Lastly, I added a new page to my blog, called The Road to Recovery. It's a place with all the related blog posts documenting my current reality. Check it out if you're new to my blog and wish to learn more. You can click HERE or click on the menu bar at the top (under the cover photo).

So, how about you? Was your week full of activity? How's your weather been? Have you ever inadvertently worn your "fancy" earrings with your workout clothes? 

I'm linking up with Deborah (on behalf of Holly and Tricia) for the Weekly Wrap. Please join us!


  1. I am glad that the recovery is going well for you! You will be back in no time! impressive mileage for walking! I did the same thing on Saturday, closed my eyes for a few minutes, woke up at 8 am instead of 5:30!! I must have been tired.

    1. I think my body is more tired than I'm consciously aware...probably a sign that I'm due for a real rest day

  2. Wow I cannot believe the walking mileage you are racking up! Glad you feel as though you are getting back to normal. We all need extra rest sometimes and it's great you are taking it. Nice week!

    1. I am surprised at the walking mileage as well. It doesn't feel like that much work (compared to running, at least).

  3. Great job this week! I am sure that this process feels like it is taking forever but I feel like you have come such a long way in such a short time. Your story is really inspiring and I can't wait to see you back to your regular running routine. Keep up the strong work!

    Yay for small victories! Goodbye PICC line!

    1. Yes! the PICC line is history ;-) That was a major milestone ;-)

  4. Hooray for small victories this week! That's awesome that you were able to say goodbye to the PICC line.

    You are doing an amazing job on your walking mileage!

    1. The walking has been going well. I can really tell my "pace" has increased as my range of motion has gotten better.

  5. Wow! You walked more than I ran! I'm so happy to see you doing so well.

    1. There's no way I'd be doing this kind of mileage in the summer if I was running (with nothing major on the calendar)....then again, if I was running, there would be stuff on the calendar to train for LOL

  6. I think the earrings look great. :) Easier to wear walking than running (and yes, I've sometimes had earrings in while working out, but not while running).

    That's great that everything is coming along so well. I know it hasn't been easy (to say the least), but it sounds like you're healing up great. My mom gets her cast off soon and can have a brace (she broke her ankle about a month ago).

    Healing is hard work!

    1. I almost always wear earrings....even for running, though they are smaller and less "dangly"

  7. I'm so glad you're recovering well. Sooner than you know, you'll be running and getting ready for LV !

    1. It's hard to believe it's already been a month since the surgery....

  8. I'm so glad your recovery has been going so well. You really racked up some great walking mileage! I think I would have freaked too if I'd known the PICC line was 16 inches - yikes!

    1. I sat there in disbelief for a good minute when the nurse showed the PICC line to me...seriously? THAT was in my arm????

  9. Yay for being done with that PICC line, and I'm sure those morning walks are good for your body and your spirits - it is the best time to be outside in the summer.

    1. I totally LOVE being outside. The early mornings are so nice and tranqil ;-)

  10. No more Linus!! That's great news and one step closer to full recovery! Your knee is looking good too and all of that walking is preparing you both mentally and physically for your return to running! Onward Kim!

    1. The walking feels good...I can tell my pace has increased just in the past week. Now that Linus is MIA, I can actually work up a sweat ;-)

  11. Every time I read one of your posts, I'm blown away by your story. It's good to see you continuing to increase your walking mileage and get in other workouts while waiting for your suture site to heal. You are one strong lady!!

    1. Thanks, Amy ;-) I have to re-read some of my posts to believe this all has really happened...it's been quite the experience!

  12. That's some impressive walking mileage! Glad healing seems to be going so well. You have an amazing attitude about it.

  13. Looks like the recovery is going well. That is great! I am very impressed with the walking mileage.

  14. I'm still stunned by this whole thing. So very glad you're well on the road to a full recovery and I know I say it all the time but you are a trooper!

    1. Thanks, Marcia ;-) It still feels very surreal at times...

  15. Congrats, no more Linus! I would not have been able to handle 6 inches of PICC, let alone 16.

    1. I sat there in disbelief for a couple minutes when she showed me how long it really was

  16. Great mileage and great news on the line being out! I love that necklace, I would have had no idea it was a belt. I've never tried that before.

  17. So glad to hear you're healing so well! Nice that you've settled into a good routine while you're recovering. Great job with all the walking and strength work. You'll have a nice base of fitness for when you start running again!

    1. It feels good to be active....I'm not good at sitting idle LOL

  18. You're getting stronger each week! Love reading about your road to recovery!

  19. Wow - you are one tough lady! I admire your positive outlook and dedication to staying active while fighting a staph infection. I wish you all the best in your recovery!

    1. Thanks ;-) I had heard of staph infections, but never knew just how severe they are. UGH.

  20. I know you must be so happy to get that PICC line out for good, but oh my goodness, sixteen inches? I'm with you, ignorance is bliss!

    1. I am SO glad I didn't know the true length until after the fact. I avoided researching anything PICC while I had it LOL

  21. Glad to hear that the recovery is going well. We had a few cooler mornings too. It was a nice change from the humidity, but I know it is not here to stay. We have the whole month of August to get through.

  22. Sounds like the recovery is going well for you! The weather here in San Diego has been very humid but luckily not super hot and a lot of marine layer in the morning which helps a TON!

  23. 16 inches! Oh my gosh! I'm so glad you're doing better!

  24. Ok I have a lot of "wow's" with this post. First, 16 INCHES?!?! OMG. Second, WOW to all of your walking miles! You are a beast, woman!! Third, WOW to all your other exercises. I'm seriously in awe of you. You're amazing.

  25. Glad that PICC is finally out! Can't wait to hear about your continued progress and healing!

  26. I'm so glad to hear that recovery continues to go well for you. 16 inches is just insane!!!

  27. You are recovering so well! We had college temps last week and I was lovin my early morning runs but we are back to the heat this week.

  28. You are making awesome progress!! When I couldn't run at the beginning of the summer, I got in lots and lots of walking too. I love it- although it takes a lot longer than a run!
