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Saturday, November 18, 2017

Let There Be Rest

Let there be rest...

Yes, indeed. Rest was a much-needed commodity this week. Coming off the R'n'R Las Vegas Half Marathon (and the 2-hour time change), numerous (walking) miles, and three consecutive very late nights...well, let's just say I found myself  in a moderate run-down (and dehydrated) state of euphoria. My body was craving rest, and I obliged.

Still in Vegas, Monday started off with a power walk (sort of) through our hosts' neighborhood. Although I contemplated doing a short shakeout run, my body was just not having that. The R'nR race had been a mere 12-hours prior (due to the late afternoon start time), and my body was still in that post-race funk with the angry tummy stuff and fatigued muscles (that had just spent nearly six hours dormant as I slept)...so, this #nevermissaMonday was a walk. And I was quite alright with that. We didn't fly out until 3:00 p.m. and finally arrived back home around 10:30. ((yawn))
Medal Monday....pay no attention to the compression sleeves clashing with the capri's
Tuesday had me out the door for a quick early morning walk through the 'hood, then off to work for a full day playing "catch-up" from having been out on Monday. Not a lot of fitness stuff happening, but I did some stretching and foam rolling and welcomed the DOMS back for a short visit.
Still in compression sleeves...
On Wednesday, I met up with my friend, Barb, for a few early morning miles in the heavy fog. We ran approximately 4.5 miles, and everything felt good...though I could tell my pace was a bit slower than usual. Oh well, that's what happens when you're in a state of recovery from a crazy weekend.
Back on the road...
Thursday brought with it more fatigue (still!), so after my short early morning walk, I did a little bit of stretching. I had never been this tired after a race, but I know the body does not lie...if I'm feeling run-down, I know it's time for some down time.
Sometimes all you need is a little extra sleep and a good, long stretch
The temps were moderate on Friday, but crazy windy. I had taken the morning off from work (so I could pick up our Pennsylvania daughter from the airport), and slept-in a little (gee, there's a definite pattern with that happening again LOL) and ran a couple of easy miles. The bonus? I had complete daylight!

Saturday was (yet) another low-key day in terms of fitness. The morning temps were cold, windy, and rainy. The hubby and I were headed to Iowa City for the Iowa vs. Purdue football game, so I knew there would be plenty of walking on tap anyways....so that was my exercise. I was quite content with that as well. A bonus? Technically there were two bonuses...we hooked up with the son (and brought him home for his fall break) and we got to participate in the Iowa Wave (a monumental thing to experience...at the end of the 1st quarter, the game pauses for a few moments so the crowd, players, and officials can wave to the children at the Stead Family Children's Hospital overlooking Kinnick Stadium. I have yet to NOT cry in doing so). My pic from Instagram (below) was even featured on the jumbotron!

With the son (above left) and during the Iowa Wave...look closely and you can see the children waving back 
Sunday was, yet, another cold morning. Apparently, Momma N is a lot more eager for winter than I am. I met up with Barb, and we knocked out about 5.5 miles in the sunshine-filled chilly air. Thankfully, I seem to already have the winter weather layering mastered, so I never felt cold (other than my face). I could tell my body was still feeling a bit sluggish, but all was good. I don't have any big races coming up for awhile, so I have no training agenda to worry about and no "required" miles hanging over my shoulders.
So that's my week! Total mileage came in at 12! Ha! A very low-key week, but it was needed. The R'n'R race went remarkably well, considering I had less than two months to train for it (following my 3-month running sabbatical, none the less). Under normal circumstances, those 13.1 miles would not have been an issue. Had I not already been registered, I probably would not have attempted that kind of distance so soon...it was a pretty aggressive undertaking. But, I was careful to not run excessive mileage, and I omitted all speed work from this short training cycle because I didn't think my recovering knee could handle the additional stress. Even though my finish time was a good 20-minutes "slower" than I'd prefer, that finish line was a monumental victory for me. It was the Vegas strip, after all. I had no intention of running it fast anyways.

In case you missed them, here's the posts from last week:
That thing called "Fate"
R'n'R Las Vegas Half Marathon Recap
Winter Running Must-Haves

In other news:
Did you catch my #FridayFashionFlair on Instagram? I featured my denim jacket...I mean, who doesn't love denim? This little jacket has been with me for awhile (maybe 10 years?), and it's still a staple in my wardrobe. Seriously, this little number is SO versatile...it's the perfect casual chic add-on. It looks dressy and funky with pearls or casual and comfy with a basic black shirt. Do you have a denim jacket? I invite you to play along...post a favorite outfit on Friday, use the hashtag #FridayFashionFlair, and drop me a tag (@runningonthefly). It's fun to see my fitness friends in non-fitness attire!
I love my denim jacket!
As mentioned, the Pennsylvania daughter is home for an extended week, and she brought her little baby, Lola, along with her. Max went along with me to the airport, and it was a crazy ride home with both dogs fighting for her attention.
Max and Lola...no concept of personal space
And, last of all, this weekend is the 1-year anniversary of my Route 66 Marathon experience. It's hard to believe it's been that long already! What an adventure that was...battling not only the hills of Tulsa, OK, but also the wind, and let's not forget that unexpected hip/groin pain for the last 24 miles. Despite my tough race, I still had a fun time. The course was challenging (and I knew it would be), but the crowds were fantastic. And, check out that small trophy-sized medal!

Route 66 Marathon, 2016
And, that's a wrap! How was your week? Are your temps feeling rather winter-like as well? Have you ever needed more time than usual to recover from a race? Do you have any tough races that you look back on with fond memories?

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter

I'm linking up with my gals, Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap. This weekly check-in is such a great place to connect with fellow fitness-minded peeps. Please join us! 


  1. This weekend always makes me think of past marathons because of both Route 66 and Philly! Thats smart to give yourself some rest, especially after a race and traveling. Hope you're feeling better this week!

    1. I am feeling better now, but earlier in the week I was feeling pretty sluggish

  2. I'm going to take a page from your book and cut back for a few weeks after next Saturday's half marathon! My next race is in February--it's time for some rest.

    1. I just knew my body needed the cut back (even if my mind didn't). Besides, we all know there's nothing to gain by over-doing it, especially in the off-season LOL

  3. The half marathon plus the travel really does zonk you more than you realize. Glad you got some extra rest this week. My daughter is home too-enjoy her! (I think mine might already be sick of me!)

    1. The air travel is so exhausting! It feels like a race in itself (and NOT a short one at that). I was thankful for the extra rest...and have ZERO guilt in taking it.

  4. Well, obviously, I needed a lot of down time myself this week and yes, with just a few rogue days, it's been like Feb temps around here. There's still a whole lot of cleaning and cooking and baking going on!

    Those dogs sure are cute. I have to take Lola to the vet tomorrow AND the next day; she's having what will probably be her only dental ever. Couldn't come at a worse time, but it had to be postponed and I just wanted to get it done -- although right now I REALLY wish I'd waited til next week. Oh well, at least she should have better breath!

    1. I think Max is due for a dental....he had one back in January. We have no way of knowing if his previous owners had ever done that for him or not (we're assuming not).

  5. My week has all been about recovery too. It was a little tough to get going in the mornings, but at least I have Thanksgiving break coming up. I did do yoga Friday and Saturday night, plus a couple workouts for my abs. I'm still not doing cardio, but I think I'll be back to that after Thanksgiving.

    1. This past week was so exhausting for me! It seemed like I just could not get caught up on sleep, and that's rare for me.

  6. I think traveling really takes a toll, although it is fun. I know you are excited to spend some time with all the kids during Thanksgiving. I really enjoyed the Route 66 half marathons I've done. The crowd support in Tulsa is unbelievable! Thanks for linking.

    1. The Tulsa route is tough (and SO hilly), but the crowds were awesome, everywhere, along the entire 26.2 miles.

  7. I'm right there with you having a low-key restful week. We needed it! Those doggies are precious!

    1. I think a lot of were resting and recovering last week! Hoping all of my sleep is back in check for this week....

  8. Sometimes you just need rest! Good for you for listening to your body. That Vegas time change is a killer--especially after coming home!

    1. yes, the 2-hour time change was a killer! We did so much walking and didn't drink enough water, so my body was like a dried up sponge...UGH.

  9. The last 24 miles of a marathon... LOL... that's like the whole thing. :-D Sorry about the pain, though. That would make for a long race. :(

    Nice recovery week. Sometimes that's just what we need after a fun race-cation.

    1. You're right, it was pretty much the entire marathon...totally caught me off guard. It's not like I didn't already have numerous hills (and wind) to battle, but I also had several miles of self-talk (more like arguing) as to whether to quit at the half marathon finish line, or "warrior" on to the 26.2 finish line instead LOL

  10. Good for you for listening to your body and getting the extra rest you needed.

    Somehow I missed your RnR recap so I'm off to read if now ;)

    1. I'm a huge advocate for listening to one's body. There seldom is ever anything gained by non-stop working out, especially when the body is just not in top form. UGh. The rest felt great ;-)

  11. You deserve an easy week after running a race. I took it easy this week as well after the marathon last Sunday. Enjoy you week spending time with your family.

    1. Last week was so exhausting! I've never had that kind of fatigue following a race

  12. Your "rest" weeks are still pretty active! How great to have your daughter home. I'm glad the pups were just fighting for attention!

  13. I am still tired. And I am slow to get adjusted to the cold.

    Hopefully I'll get my energy back this week!

    1. Crazy how tired all of us were last week! That Vegas air must have done something to us...

  14. I love the Iowa Wave! That is so wonderful and congrats on your Vegas Half Marathon! Looks like you had a fun race!

  15. Sometimes we need down weeks for sure. Good thing you listened to your bod!

    1. I knew if I didn't honor the rest/recovery that was needed, I'd be plummeting down into a injury-prone spiral...

  16. Oh gosh, Max and Lola! So cute!

    I love the Iowa Wave. That's such a beautiful tradition, and I'm sure the kids appreciate it so much.

    Some weeks are harder than others in terms of recovery. You always so so well as listening to your body and making smart choices when it comes to all that. Keep it up!

    It's chilly for here. Some mornings have dipped into the 40s. Everyone is a mess with allergies and sinus issues, because it starts out cold and then the day heats up to the 70s and 80s. Pick a lane, Florida. Pick a lane.

  17. I've definitely have those races that take longer to recover from - always good to listen to your body!!!

  18. Recovery is sooooo key! Good for you for taking the time you need. And what a perfect week to recover and nourish your body. Have a great Thanksgiving!

  19. It's so hard coming off of a race that involves travel and especially a two-hour time change. At least you kept moving!

  20. Rest is always good after a race and travel (especially that time change)! We are finally getting some temps that feel like fall, which is welcome!

  21. I've been feeling like that all week -- and no marathon, so I don't know what my problem is. I think the cold, gray weather isn't helping matters any, I'm sure. Happy Thanksgiving!! :)

  22. It sounds like you did the right thing by listening to your body. I admire that you still got out for walks and stretching too!

  23. Hey, when the body demands rest, you provide it! Iowa is doing great this season ...I know you guys are having fun. And that wave to the children ....so moving! Just love it!

  24. Sometimes we need to just rest, our body craves it. You did good listening to it this week!
