About Me

Monday, November 20, 2017

So Incredibly Thankful

Being a runner has had a pretty significant impact on my life.

There is SO much to be grateful for...and not just this time of season, but year-round.

I've written previous Thankful posts (in 2016, in 2015 and in 2014), and I honestly don't know if I could say it any better. Bear with me, I'm gonna go with (mainly) what's been said before, but tweak some of it to make it more current.

My family.  I am so absolutely in love with my husband and three amazing kids.  They don't usually run with me (stay tuned, I'm still at work on that detail), but they put up with me and my running.  And, they don't complain too much about the running shoes scattered throughout the house or the occasional icky toenail. On occasion, they do ask me about my running...without my having to prompt them.

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Christmas 2016
*My faith.  I'm not gonna get all high and almighty on you, but my faith is my cornerstone. My humbleness, and my strength. It's my everything.

*My friends. I have an abundance of awesome people in my life.  I appreciate all their kind words, messages and hugs. Some of them are just as crazy as me, and have been known to run Ultra's overnight, in the heat (and humidity) of summer...complete with lightning, rain, and Christmas lights. Some of them drive crazy distances to run marathons with me. Others have hopped on airplanes and met me in Las Vegas. They make me smile and feel warm & fuzzy.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and text

Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling, people standing, sky and outdoor

*Maxton McArthur. We adopted Max from a nearby animal shelter almost three years ago. I didn't grow up with a dog, and our family had never had one. I totally didn't get the "dogs aren't pets, they are family" thing. Well, I totally get it now. This adorable little guy has wormed his way into my heart, and everyone else who has met him. He makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, too.
My favorite pic of Max and me
*Freedom to run "my way." I don't have be fast. I don't have to run every day. I don't have to run excessive weekly mileage. And I don't have to love every experience in my running shoes. Most importantly, I don't have to impress anyone other than myself. Running has liberated me like nothing else. It has shown me just how strong my endurance really is, and it has kept me humble on many occasions as well. It's my reality check.

*My virtual running buddies.  There are so many wonderful people who have become dear friends, and most of them came to me via this blog and my running page, Running on the Fly. There have been countless messages, well wishes, (virtual) high-5's, and many laughs shared through our computer screens. And, there have been some tears and sniffles, too. I have met some of these fabulous peeps in person, and look forward to meeting many more.

The racing community.  I don't consider myself a racer, but I love the atmosphere on race day.  There's something about an entire bunch of strangers, all running towards the same finish line, that makes me feel at-one with all others on the race course . Nothing is better than the final 100 feet of a race...the finish line fanfare is intoxicating.

*The gift of running.  Having spent most of my life believing I was not an athlete, I am so humbled (and proud) to call myself not just a runner, or a marathoner, but an Ultra Marathoner! It's not my intention to impress others. Instead, I hope to inspire them to violate their own comfort zones. I now have seven marathons under my belt (three of which are ultras!), 37 half marathons, a few 10-mile races, and countless races of other distances. If I can be an "athlete" (with my less-than-athletic body), anyone else can be one, too.

*The gift of recovery. This year, more than ever before, I am especially thankful for the gift of recovery. Things looked very bleak a mere five months ago...a surprise bursitis attack, emergency surgery (from said bursitis rapidly morphing into a staph infection), a week-long hospital stay, four weeks of IV infusions, and a 3-month running sabbatical while the 6-inch suture wound healed. Whew. My rally back went slow and cautiously, and I was rewarded by crossing the finish lines of a 5K, a 5-miler, a 10K, and (most recently) a half marathon. To say I'm grateful would be a major understatement. I had a huge network of cheerleaders (both on a local level and via social media), and they all contributed to my #glasshalffull journey towards recovery.

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In the hospital, with my new friends....Guido (the IV pole), Linus (the PICC line), and Voldemort (the suture scar)
So, those are the main things I'm reflecting on this week, and my heart is ever so full. How about you? What are you thankful for? 

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter

**I'm linking up with Marcia and Patty and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run... We're talking about all things Thankful. Join the party!

**I'm linking this with Debbie and Rachel and Lora for the Running Coaches' Corner.


  1. There are so many things to be thankful for. I think having running taken away for awhile gives you a new appreciation for it, but I hope neither of us has to deal with that again!

    1. Agreed! I was very appreciative of it before my dramatic summer began, but I definitely have a renewed sense of gratitude now.

  2. I'm so grateful for all the friends I've met through running--everything else is just icing on the cake!

  3. Isn't it crazy how all-encompassing running can be? It was a gift to see you twice this year! :D

    1. It was fantastic getting to see you and run with you as well. The R'n'R experience was so fun (despite our numerous issues along those 13.1 miles).

  4. I'm thankful that I am healthy and can run. I am also thankful for my family that has supported me in everything that I do.

  5. Love this post! This is my favorite time of the year because we all get to reflect on all our blessings. I'm really thankful for the Weekly Wrap and for it connecting me with wonderful women like you!

    1. Ditto to that! I'm so glad we got connected on the WW...hopefully, someday, we can meet in person ;-)

  6. This has been a year of recovery for me too and I'm so thankful that I'm back out running! Haven't put in the same miles as you but I'm pleased with where I'm at and where I'm headed. And family is the best. <3

    1. Recovery is a tough road....Glad to hear you're rallying back, too!

  7. So many wonderful things to be thankful for! I never had pets growing up either and didn't really understand the pets are family thing until I got my cats. They really do add so much to our lives!

  8. My ITBS gave me a renewed sense of Thankfulness when I couldn't run. Now I enjoy every bit of it, even if the weather isn't perfect. I'm thankful for my friends and family, and I'm thankful I can spend Thanksgiving with my family after living apart for 8 years.

    1. Have a great Thanksgiving! That's great that you get to spend it with your family ;-)

  9. This post is awesome- I especially love part about running "my way" ... keep it up, sister!

    1. Thanks! I believe we all need to embrace our own uniqueness

  10. Love! Where would any of us be without this beautiful gift??? And to think ...anyone can have this gift, they just have to take the first step! Happy Thanksgiving Kim!

    1. I agree...running is so simple, and most people can do it if they take that first step. ;-) Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  11. I'm so thankful that I started running and for all the amazing things that it has brought my way! I don't know why everyone doesn't do it?!? Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Exactly! Why doesn't everybody run??? Running brings so much more to our lives than just fitness ;-)

  12. I'm grateful for my friends past and present. I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. Thank you ;-) Best wishes for a great Thanksgiving to you, too!

  13. So happy to see you fully healed and running again. That's definitely something to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks ;-) I feel very blessed ;-) Have a great Thanksgiving!

  14. So thankful running came into my life and love the running community- virtual and in person! I've met so many awesome people through running and pushed myself further than I ever thought I would. It's definitely helped me to see what I'm truly capable of. As 2017 comes to a close and 2018 looms on the horizon, I can't wait to see where this incredible sport will take me next! Happy Thanksgiving, blogging friend :-)

    1. Yes, there are some awesome running (and blogging...cough cough) friends to be had in this little community. Glad you're a part of it!

  15. I could not agree more! I have so enjoyed and come to appreciate this little running and blogging support group we have. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Ditto! I have so many online people who are dear friends...and many of them are ones I have not even met in person...yet ;-)

  16. We all have so much be thankful for. When it comes to running, I'm definitely grateful to be healthy and have not had any injuries this year. I'm also grateful to have had PR's in the 5K, 10K, 10 mile, and especially the half marathon (been chasing that one for years!). I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

    1. Thanks, Janelle! Best wishes to you, too, for a great Thanksgiving!

  17. Great post. I'm definitely with you on family, especially this year. I've had a bit of a rough few months but I'm always grateful that my family is still there to support me.

    1. Family is key! I'm grateful for my family and their support ;-)

  18. Aw girl, I made your list!! Thank you :) I'm thankful for you, too. So happy we met in person finally!! Can't wait to see if we can do it again in 2018.

    1. Of course, you made the list!!! It was such a fun time running Grandma's with you ;-) We'll have to find another (dumb) adventure in 2018 ;-)

  19. So many things to be thankful for! I don't know what I would do without some of the great friends I met through running!!
