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Friday, November 10, 2017

That thing called "Fate"

I'm a pretty spiritual person, but I also believe in Fate.

Fate has been waving its magical wand and sprinkling all kinds of fairy dust on me in recent months, and this past week was no exception.

For example, there was Monday. Anyone who has ever read even just one of my weekly wrap-up posts has heard me mention #nevermissaMonday. You know the routine...Monday arrives, and I run at least one mile, just to get the new week off to a great "fitness-y" start. Well, this past Monday was gloomy, cold, and windy. Yuck. I got out early in the morning for my usual "wake-up-walk-through-the-'hood and made a command decision that the 1-mile run would happen later. Then, I spent the greater part of the day debating not only when, but also where, I'd do this run. The outside conditions were just not calling me (and with the R'n'R 13.1 happening a few days later, I really did not want to risk getting sick). It was looking like a (not-so-fun) date with 'Milly might be happening.
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, outdoor and nature
Then, later in the afternoon, the clouds started break up and the sun smiled through! I changed into my running gear, laced up, and headed out. Instead of just doing a mile, I ran two. I didn't mean to, but my pace felt almost tempo-ish because the crisp air felt so good in the bright sunshine (I think the wind may have also vacated the premises). Talk about a (proverbial) 180 in terms of weather.

We had more cold weather temps on Tuesday. Since I had run a little extra on Monday, I decided to do another early morning walk in the dark.
Image may contain: one or more people and shoes
That evening, I opted for some upper body strength training. I did three circuits of (6) exercises (involving 20 reps with the 8-pound hand weights). And, that's all she wrote. The heart rate got moving, and my arms felt like over-cooked spaghetti when I finished.
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Then, Wednesday arrived. I had been keeping an eye on the weather, and noticed Thursday would bring us very cold temps. As luck would have it, my race wasn't until Sunday. It would be in my best interest to switch my (usual) Saturday run for Friday. In doing so, bumping up the (usual) Thursday #5at5 to Wednesday morning would make more sense. The outcome? Wednesday's temps were cold (no argument there LOL), but since there was no wind, the air was actually quite calm and tranquil....resulting in another steady-paced effortless run. Whew!
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling
How about a rest/recovery day? Thursday's temps were mucho cold and windy. There was a quick early-morning jaunt around the neighborhood, and some planking, but that was the bulk of it. And, I'm alright with that.

Friday had another slight switch in my usual routine. Fridays are usually a rest day, but with the switch of my running days (and my race happening on Sunday), Friday was the perfect day for a short run.  I met up with my friend, Barb, for a few early morning miles. The temps were cold again, but we ran a shortened route (four miles), and called it good.
Later, the hubby and I boarded a plane. Destination---> Las Vegas! (No Friday blog post...I knew I wouldn't have time to be reading other blogs or replying to comments on mine...so I took the day off from blogging)

Saturday's fitness involved walking numerous miles. I met up with Tricia at the expo and we hung out for most of the afternoon. Later, we returned to cheer on the gals running the R'n'R 5K and did more walking along the Strip.
With MaryBeth, Marcia, Tricia, and Darlene
And, Sunday! The R'n'R Half Marathon had a start time of 4:30, so the details of that are coming later this week. I'll give you a preview of my Race Day Preview, though. I wore the event shirt. Yes, I know, it's bad karma in doing so...but we were encouraged to wear the shirt because of it's reflective graphics. And, I may have taken some creative liberty and made it into a tank top...
So, that's my week! My mileage (assuming I finish the half marathon LOL) will tally at (approximately) 24 miles. And, with the half marathon done, that will be it for "big" races in 2017.

In case you missed them, these are my posts from last week:

In other news:
Saturday was Veteren's Day, and I'm proud to be married to a vet. My hubby retired a few years ago after 31 years of service.
Did you catch my #FridayFashionFlair post on Instagram? With the temps suddenly being in the sub-freezing range, I have been living in colorful scarves, multiple layers, and gloves. Brrrr. It's a bonus if the gloves match the ensemble, right?

So, that's a wrap! How was your week? Cold temps? Any races? 

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter

I'm linking up with my gals, Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap. This weekly check-in is such a great place to connect with fellow fitness-minded peeps. Please join us! 


  1. You already made your shirt into a tank? Wow! Very creative. Looking forward to your recap.

    1. Of course I already fixed the shirt, this art geek is always looking for projects ;-)

  2. Looks like things worked out well for you this week! Hope you are having fun in Vegas!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I cannot wait to hear about your weekend in Vegas! Hope you all had a fantastic time

  5. Sounds like a great week! That's cool the shirt is reflective. Hope you had a great race!

    1. Well, they told us the shirt would be reflective...but I didn't notice it while I was running. Oh well...I still love the graphics!

  6. Can't wait to hear more about Vegas! Looks like a cool shirt - especially with your modifications. Glad the weather aligned for your workouts.

  7. The weather sounds like it has been more like winter there than fall. Looking forward to reading your recap of the race. That's great you got to meet up with the ladies during the 5k!

  8. Great week Kim! Can't wait to read everyone's Vegas recaps ...looks like you all are having 'mega fun'!

  9. I can't wait to read your recap! All the photos were so fun to follow this weekend. And awesome job with your shirt. :)

  10. I can't wait to hear about Vegas. That race is on my bucket list.

    1. Vegas was a lot of fun, but involved a lot of walking and subsequent dehydration...but, oh well ;-)

  11. You know I prefer tanks. You'll have to show me your trick. If I tried, it would be so jagged. I didn't master scissors in kindergarten. LOL. It looks like Vegas was fabulous. I can't wait to read the full report. Thanks for linking!

    1. We totally missed you in Vegas ;-) See if this link will take you to my blog post on the tank top tutorial (June 11, 2015)...

  12. Looking forward to hearing more about Vegas! You all looked like you were having a good time :)

  13. I need to hunt down your tank top tutorial! I have lots of t-shirts that are begging to be cut. Also, thank you so much to your husband for his service! I'm so appreciative!

    1. This link should take you to the blog post (from June 11, 2015) on how to do the tank top thing with a shirt...

  14. I'm glad you were able to strategize around the weather and get in all your workouts, and even a trip to Las Vegas. You snuck in the news about that Vegas trip– I'm impressed by people like you who can pack and get out of town so efficiently.

    1. Well, our flight didn't leave until 7:45p.m., so we had a few hours in the afternoon to finalize all of our packing LOL

  15. What a great week! You definitely had the weather Gods on your side for those runs leading up to Vegas. I hope you're having a great time there!

  16. What a fabulous week you had! I so wish I had been in Vegas. Maybe next year.

    It's been pretty chilly here, but the humidity is still high. Hopefully, we will get some nicer temps as the weeks move along.

    1. Vegas was a lot of fun, but it was nice to get back home. After three nights of action, my body (and mind) was done LOL

  17. I am sooo jealous of Vegas, definitely want to run that race soon!

  18. I did not wear the shirt. I never do, and I have my race day outfit planned in advance. I love that you made it into a tank top already. The sleeves are a little tight, but my shirt is going into a t-shirt quilt I'll eventually have made.

    1. I had read in a recent email where they were encouraging runners to wear the shirts, so I planned on that before I even boarded the plane LOL Usually, the event is saved for AFTER the finish line ;-)
