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Saturday, February 10, 2018

Can you say SNOW???

If I had to pick a theme for this past week, it would have to be SNOW, because we got  lots of it!

It's really too bad I totally jinxed myself on a recent post (Runfessions, Anyone?) where I proclaimed that I thought the worst of winter was in the rear window. HA! Apparently, Momma N was not about to go down without a fight.

Here's a taste of what all happened...

As is typical, I had my #nevermissaMonday on tap. I knew we were going to be getting some snow in the afternoon, so I opted for a quick mile on the 'mill upon wake-up. I also added in 40 supermans (for the Superman, Squat, and Twist Challenge..more info at the bottom of this post) and  40 burpees (because I'm still a glutton for punishment). I also did some arm work in the evening.
***Monday's snow fall: almost 8 inches.
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Welcome to Monday!
Per my February monthly plan, there wasn't much on Tuesday's roster other than the 40 squats for the Challenge and some rest/recovery. I was totally good with that.
squatting in the pj's with some lovely bed head.
We awoke to a few inches of new snow on the ground. I met up with my friend, Barb, and we ran our usual #5at5 loop. Although the temps looked cold on the weather app, it actually didn't feel too bad outside (except for a brief 1/2-mile directly into the mild wind). I'm always amazed how bright it is in the winter, even with the moon hidden behind the clouds.
**Tuesday's overnight/Wednesday's early morning snowfall: a couple of inches
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people sitting and shoes
Out on the streets, that's where we meet....
How about another stair circuit workout? Since I'm doing supermans on Thursdays for the Challenge, I decided to incorporate them into my stair workouts. Why not, right? Besides, they offer a brief recovery period in between the cardio from the stairs and burpees (yes, I'm also keeping the burpees alive on Thursdays as well).

Here's what it looked like:
**10 supermans
*10 flights of doubles
**10 reverse flutter kicks
*10 burpees

--> five sets  netted me 50 of everything, and a thorough sweat. The "glow" was a-flowing and my heart definitely was a-pumping.
***Thursday's afternoon snowfall: approximately 3 inches
Image may contain: one or more people
supermans, stairs, reverse flutter kicks, and burpees...and a 2:30 plank for dessert
I'm utilizing Fridays as a predominant rest day this month... except for the 50 weighted squats that were on tap for the Challenge.
50 squats for breakfast
There was more snow in the forecast, mainly for Friday overnight and for Saturday morning, which inspired Friday's post, Should I Stay, or Should I Go?, in reference to the Red Flannel Run. With the potential for several more inches of snow (not only for us, but also for Des Moines, where the race would take place), I started to have doubts as to whether or not I should DNS (do not start) the race. The travel roads may (or may not) be cleared, but how about the race course? And, with the colder-than-cold temps, could the race itself be canceled? How badly did I really want to run it?
***Friday's overnight snow fall: a few (more) inches

Well, with the potential to DNS one of my favorite races, the hubby stepped in and encouraged me to just go for it. He had a few errands he could take care of while I ran the race, and then I wouldn't have to worry about driving myself (the race was an hour's drive away; potentially longer if the roads were a mess).  Since the run was still "on," we decided to head out around 7:00, which would allow for plenty of travel time for the 9:00 start.

My 7th Red Flannel Run!
Let's just say, all went well. The roads were clearer than we expected, and we arrived with a good 45-minutes to spare. The race itself went very smooth, despite the heavy snow along some of the streets. Many times, it felt like I was running in thick (and slushy) quick sand, making it rather difficult to get good traction. Thankfully, I had  my clothing layered with near perfection and never felt cold in the single digit temps. Also, although I slipped a couple times, I was able to maintain a "vertical" stance and finish the race upright. The 5-mile course ran a bit short (4.61 miles according to my Garmin), and my pace reflected the difficulty with the snow-covered streets, but I'm very happy with my finish time. I haven't yet seen the official results (we weren't able to stick around for awards), but it did show me finishing 5th place in my age group.

Although I am not embracing the revert-back-to-winter conditions, it is my reality. We received a few additional inches of the white stuff overnight, so Sunday's shakeout run was all about making my own tracks. There is something soothing and tranquil about being the first one to leave footprints, am I right?
More footprints in the snow...
So, there's my snow-enhanced week! All told, we received approximately 15 inches of the white stuff (Monday through Sunday) . Not only did I run about 12 miles in the stuff, I also put in a couple of miscellaneous hours of snow shoveling. Ugh. That's life in Iowa!

In case you missed them, here's my posts from last week:

In other news:
A big highlight this weekend was a celebration for my Aunt Thelma's 95th birthday! She's the eldest sibling in my father's family, and you'd think she was 15-20 years younger than what her birth certificate indicates. She still drives, is very independent, and frequently travels (alone) to Arizona to visit family. We high-tailed it back home after my race on Saturday, did a quick clothing change (and and clean-up), picked up my parents and made the 3-hour drive to SE Minnesota for this awesome family event.
Thelma and my father
My #FridayFashionFlair post (on Instagram) featured a favorite fashion necessity...a cheetah print cardigan. I'm all about cheetah-print anything (in small doses, though LOL). It's a wardrobe staple and ever timeless as it can be dressed up or down. You're invited to join me on Friday...post a pick of a favorite outfit, use the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair), and drop me a tag (@runningonthefly)! What do you think...cheetah-print yay or no-way?
Cheetah print for the win
As mentioned above, February has me doing all sorts of supermans, squats, and twists for another challenge (hosted by Rachel). Here's what we did this past week:

Monday - 40 supermans
Tuesday - 40 squats
Wednesday- 40- twists
Thursday- 50 supermans
Friday - 50 squats
Saturday - 50 Twists
Twisting (but not shouting) before leaving for my race on Saturday
And, finally, did I tell you about my February plan of action? I modified my weekly training to include the exercise moves from the Challenge on certain running days and also to make good use of rest/recovery days. So far, all is working well with my training for next month's half marathon.

Alright, it's your turn...talk to me! How was your week? Any more snow? If so, have you been outside, making tracks? Have you ever DNS'd a favorite race due to weather? 

I'm linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap. This weekly check-in is such a great place to connect with fellow fitness-minded peeps. Please join us! 


  1. We got quite the storm this week -- see, I told you winter is far from over; people really ought to listen to me -- but then it actually warmed up some and rained, so it's been back & forth between melting a lot of the snow & some lovely black ice. Good thing I'm not running!

    Your Aunt Thelma sounds awesome. Wish my parents were like that!

    1. Yes, Judy, you nailed it on your prediction about winter LOL Knock on wood, we haven't much of the thawing happening (yet), so the black ice has not been an issue.

  2. Glad to hear you decided to run the race.Yay for 5th place even. We also got a lot of snow here this week that made for outside runs more of a challenge. Happy birthday tp your Aunt. She does not look 95!

    1. My aunt is pretty amazing. My dad has her and two older brothers (and a third brother, who is deceased). All of them are so fun to be around...all are witty and it's like a comedy show with all the bantering back and forth.

  3. That sounds like a lot of snow! If we got that much the whole state would shut down. Glad you were still able to do the race- congrats!

    1. The snow is crazy! I think we had ZERO snow in January, and hardly any in December. UGH. I want summer!!!

  4. Holy cow! If we got that kind of snow here, I think the whole state would shut down. haha! That race definitely would have been canceled, that's for sure. Major props for you getting out there and still running it!

    Happy birthday to your aunt! I love that she's still so active and feisty!

    1. My aunt is great! She is so witty and fun-loving, and has so much energy.

  5. So much snow! We got some snow M, T, and W but with the warmer temps and rain it's almost all gone. Hopefully it doesn't come back. Great job with your race! You are killing it with your strength training!

    Happy birthday to your Aunt! How fun is that!

    1. I have not seen this much snow in a long time (even for Iowa). Just last month, they were talking about the severe drought we were in, now we are way ahead of the "average monthly snowfall" and the month is not even half over.

  6. We were in the same snow globe as you. It’s kind of pretty! I just don’t love the thaw freeze cycle—that’s when the running gets dicey. Have a great week!

    1. I agree, it was a pretty snow, but just way too much of it in such a short time span.

  7. Glad you were able to get to your race. I haven't DNS'd a race due to weather, but the race I did DNS due to injury, it rained buckets, and was delayed by lightning.

    1. We got pretty luck this weekend...the heavy snow that was forecasted kind of missed us, and the snow that we did get was manageable.

  8. Happy birthday to Aunt Thelma! I'm glad your race went off as planned despite the harsh weather.

    1. I got lucky. The roads were pretty clear (for driving LOL), and the race itself was fun....just a bit more challenging due to the snow to trudge through.

  9. I did not think a little snow would stop you from your race! I hope we get a little a snow this year all we have is ice and rain. Happy birthday to your Aunt so cute they are!

    1. ha ha...I wasn't worried (much) about snow at the race, but the overnight snow preventing me getting there. I'm glad it all worked out to get the race done AND make it to my aunt's party afterwards. It was a long day, though!

  10. Looks like you did get a lot of snow up there! Great week of workouts Kim! I need to do more squats!!

    1. This is the most snow we've had in such a short time span in awhile...certainly the most snow we've had all winter. UGH.

  11. Snow was my theme as well. Glad to get any miles in at any speed.

    I skipped my long run. But it is what it is.

    I would have done that race too.

    Hope this winter ends soon.

  12. Wow! Happy Birthday to Aunt Thelma! She sounds like an amazing woman. Glad the snow didn't keep you from your race - your red gear is awesome!

  13. Happy Birthday to your Aunt Thelma!

    Despite the not-so-great weather, you had a great week of workouts!

  14. We had snow several days last week, but not as much as you! It was such a warm January here that it feels like winter is just starting now - I hope we get at least a few more weeks.

  15. I love being the first to put footprints in the snow! I have not perfected running in the snow yet since we don't get all that much. haha. Annie at www.anniegetcharun.com

  16. Your workouts always impress me! 95 - so cute! I had a nice snowy run this week but but the time I looped back my foot prints had disappeared!

  17. Sounds like a great week, minus the snow! We just had a lot of rain this past week.

  18. Great week! Wow, that's a lot of snow for Iowa!

    Impressed with all those squats :)

  19. Happy Birthday to your Aunt!

    You had a great week despite the snow. No snow happening here - just endless rain!

  20. I'm a yay for leopard print! I even have some leopard print Lycra in my sewing stash ready to be made into some workout wear (if I ever get around to it!).

    You had so much snow! We don't get too much where I am but one of my races in December was postponed due to snow. It's not something I usually have to worry about with races.

  21. I'm so ready for Spring! Snow has lost its appeal :/

  22. The theme for my week would have been RAIN. I saw a running tank in cheetah print at the Mercedes expo and immediately thought of you. Great job on the new challenge. Thanks for linking!

  23. What an exciting week for you! I’m in awe of your 5 at 5 runs. I’m not fully awake at that time let alone go for a run. Wow - Happy 95th to your grandmother - Amazing that she’s still independent - what’s her secret?!

  24. We didn't get any snow this week, but we've had the cold temps. I wish when it's that cold that it would snow. I'm inspired by your early morning runs, especially in the snow! It looks like you had a great week of workouts! And, Aunt Thelma looks amazing! Happy Birthday to her!

  25. So glad you managed to do that race in those conditions. I have said this before to you - but I love your "get on with it" attitude. You just get things done! And well done on the placement too! Happy Birthday to your Auntie - if I could be 95 and still so independent! Wow! Here is to many good and healthy years!

  26. Yay for being able to do a workout in your pajamas! In my mind, that's the best kind of workout and best way to either start or end the day!

  27. Happy birthday, Aunt Thelma!

    I'm glad you got to run your race! I can't imagine all that snow!

    I've never had a race cancelled, although we have had a few postponed due to lightning. I know the last two years, a few big races had to be nixed or postponed due to hurricanes. They were able to make them up at a later date, but it was big doings to get it done.

  28. Wow! Sounds like you had a great week despite the snow. We have been hit hard with snow here as well!!

  29. I have run in snow exactly once. It was fun, but not something I want to do on a regular basis. Mad props to all of you runners who run regularly in that kind of weather. This wimpy Southerner can barely handle temps below 50! Ha!

  30. I need your layering tips! I was freezing at my race Saturday!
