About Me

Monday, November 19, 2018

Ever. So. Incredibly.Thankful. 2018

 Being a runner has had a pretty significant impact on my life.

There is SO much to be grateful for...and not just this time of season, but year-round.

I've written previous Thankful posts (in 2017, in 2016, in 2015 and in 2014), and I honestly don't know if I could say it any better. Bear with me, I'm gonna go with (mainly) what's been said before, but tweak some of it to make it more current.

My family.  I am so absolutely in love with my husband and three amazing kids.  They don't usually run with me (though the youngest daughter ran her first 20K last summer, and the hubby joins me at a few races now and then), but they put up with me and my running.  And, they don't complain too much about the running shoes scattered throughout the house or the occasional icky toenail. On occasion, they do ask me about my running...without my having to prompt them.
Image may contain: 5 people, including Kaylynn Hatting, Liliann Hatting, Ashton Hatting and Kimberly Busse-Hatting, people smiling, dog
Thanksgiving weekend 2017
*My faith.  I'm not gonna get all high and almighty on you, but my faith is my cornerstone. It's my humbleness, and my strength. It's my everything.

*My friends. I have an abundance of awesome people in my life.  I appreciate all their kind words, messages and hugs. Some of them are just as crazy as me, and have been known to run Ultra's overnight, in the heat (and humidity) of summer...complete with lightning, rain, and Christmas lights. Some of them drive (and fly) crazy distances to run marathons with me. Others have hopped on airplanes and met me in Chicago and Las Vegas. They make me smile and feel warm & fuzzy.

Image may contain: 10 people, including Kimberly Busse-Hatting, Linda Pro, Marcia Kadens, Deborah Brooks, Susie Lemmer, Sara Angelilli, Michelle Dandridge Dixon and Kimberly Greene, people smiling, people sitting, table and indoor

*Maxton McArthur. We adopted Max from a nearby animal shelter almost four years ago. I didn't grow up with a dog, and our family had never had one. I totally didn't get the "dogs aren't pets, they are family" thing. Well, I totally get it now. This adorable little guy has wormed his way into my heart, and everyone else who has met him. He makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, too.
My favorite pic of Max and me
*Freedom to run "my way." I don't have be fast. I don't have to run every day. I don't have to run excessive weekly mileage. And I don't have to love every experience in my running shoes. Most importantly, I don't have to impress anyone other than myself. Running has liberated me like nothing else. It has shown me just how strong my endurance really is, and it has kept me humble on many occasions as well. It's my reality check.

*My virtual running buddies.  There are so many wonderful people who have become dear friends, and most of them came to me via this blog and my running page, Running on the Fly. There have been countless messages, well wishes, (virtual) high-5's, and many laughs shared through our computer screens. And, there have been some tears and sniffles, too. I have met some of these fabulous peeps in person, and look forward to meeting many more.

*The racing community.  I don't consider myself a racer, but I love the atmosphere on race day.  There's something about an entire bunch of strangers, all running towards the same finish line, that makes me feel at-one with all others on the race course . Nothing is better than the final 100 feet of a race...the finish line fanfare is intoxicating.
*The gift of running.  Having spent most of my life believing I was not an athlete, I am so humbled (and proud) to call myself not just a runner, or a marathoner, but an Ultra Marathoner! It's not my intention to impress others. Instead, I hope to inspire them to violate their own comfort zones. I now have eight marathons under my belt (three of which are ultras!), 44 half marathons, a few 10-mile races, and countless races of other distances. If I can be an "athlete" (with my less-than-athletic body), anyone else can be one, too.
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and text
Approaching the finish line with my daughter, at her first-ever 20K
*The gift of a successful rally-back.
Being side-lined from running for three months last year (following an emergency surgery) was tough.  This time last year, I was well on my journey back to racing, and had just finished the Rock'n'Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon. A month ago, I ran my eighth marathon, and I have been smiling ever since. My rally-back has, indeed, come full-circle. I'm ever grateful for the journey and all the highs and lows and lessons learned along the way. 
So, those are the main things I'm reflecting on this week, and my heart is ever so full. How about you? What are you thankful for? 

**I'm linking up with Marcia and Patty and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run... We're talking about all things Thankful. Join the party!

**I'm also linking this with Debbie and Rachel and Marc and Lora for the Running Coaches' Corner
Running Coaches Corner Logo
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  1. For someone who's not a "racer" you sure race a lot, LOL! These are all great things to be grateful for and you are definitely blessed! Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. ha ha! I "run" more races than I actually "race" them. But, I do LOVE the race day atmosphere & excitement!

  2. Dogs are surely family! We always had them growing up. I can't imagine not having one! The running community is great! I have so many runners that I follow through blogging and IG that I do feel like they really are friends. And it's great when we actually get to meet in person:)

    1. It's been so fun meeting so many of my blogger friends in person ;-)

  3. It is good to stop and take stock of everything we have to be thankful for. You have a beautiful family! And the running community....can't say enough good stuff about my in-person running friends and the ones I have only met online. Sometimes people complain about the negativity of social media, but I honestly have to say, I have been pretty insulated from that here on the running blogs and on Twitter too (since most of my followers are runners). Runners are such a positive group - they are a lot of fun to hang out with!

    1. Agreed!! We're in good company with our runner friends ;-)

  4. Running has surely transformed my life! I often think about what my life would have turned out like without running. I don't know how many more miles I've got left on these legs, but that just makes the miles I run now even sweeter.

    1. I'm really glad I have running in my life, too...and it's only been 13 years for me so far.

  5. Amen to all. Running may be the best give I've ever given myself. I am so much better for it. I feel the same way about virtual friends. Amen to doggie love as well. They are total family! Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. There are so many things to be thankful for...running definitely is at the top of the list ;-)

  6. Great list! I love that photo of you and Max :) I never had pets growing up either and didn't really get it until we adopted our cats. Now I can't imagine life without them.

    1. That picture of Max and me was taken a few months after we brought him home, and it continues to be one of my favorites.

  7. I love this post and echo everything that you said! I'm SO SO thankful for the virtual running community and so thankful that I got to see you twice this year :)

    Wishing you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks #KimTwin ;-) I'm glad we got to meet up twice this year, too. I hope we'll be crossing paths again in 2019 ;-) Happy Thanksgiving to you, too (tell Mom "hi" from the other Kim)!

  8. Max is super cute, can see why he converted you
    44 Halfs, wow. Do you have a favorite?
    Thankful too to the awesome e-running folks. So many new friends.

    1. Of all the half marathons I have done, Dam to Dam still remains my favorite. It used to be a 20K (12.4 miles), but was converted to a 13.1 course for a few years. I have run it the past 11 years ;-)

  9. So thankful to be part of both your virtual and real life running friend group. Meeting you all was the highlight of my summer. Can't wait for the next meet up. Enjoy your Thanksgiving with the family!

    1. A big amen, sister!!!! I look forward to our next reunion as well!!!!! ;-)

  10. That is a great picture of you and Max. He is an adorable little fluffball!

    1. Thanks!! The pic of Max and me took several attempts to get because he kept trying to kiss me instead of looking at the camera....then I realized that is what made it so perfect ;-)

  11. what an amazing post <3 you do have so much to be thankful for!

    I'm thankful that I am able to run. I'm thankful that I travel and run. I'm thankful for an amazing husband, truly a life partner, someone who gets me and knows exactly what I need when I am not so happy. I'm thankful for the experience to live in another country and thrive. i'm thankful for friends, live and virtual, who support me and lift me up when needed. I'm really, really thankful that I'm healthy, healthier than I've ever been and hopefully that means I can enjoy my life for a long time!

    happy thanksgiving Kim! ENJOY!

    1. Even though you won't be feasting on turkey and pumpkin pie, I'll be thinking of you as I celebrate all things thankful ;-) I'm SOOO glad that you're a part of my circle of gal pals ;-)

  12. There are so many things to be thankful for! I love that you made a whole post about it, thank you!

    1. There are, indeed, many things to be thankful for ;-) Focusing on all that I have, rather than what is missing (ahem...that elusive return to a sub-2:00 half marathon LOL) keeps me smiling.

  13. I just love all of this! So much to be thankful for...Happy Thanksgiving Kim!

    1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, too ;-) I'm thankful you're a part of my tribe ;-)

  14. I love this - esp your running buddies near and far and your pleasure in inspiring others. I'm grateful for the opportunity running gives me to inspire and support other people and to tie in my love of volunteering with my other main hobby (other than reading) as well as my running buddies here in the Midlands and around the world. I'm also grateful for your inspiring outfits even if I will as a default put on a black outfit myself!

    1. ha ha!!! Oh, come-on....try on a little color ;-) Seriously, YOU inspire me with your many acts of volunteering. We all should follow your lead....

    2. Thank you, that's a lovely thing to say, and I am lucky to have those opportunities to volunteer as I know they're not so prevalent everywhere.

  15. I love all of the pictures you shared, what a beautiful family you have! It is definitely the time of year to take a step back and be thankful!!

  16. the photo of you and your adorable pup is making me smile like a fool. I love that you took the time to list all the reasons you are grateful. You have many!

    1. Thank you! I think it's important to stay grounded, and be thankful.
