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Friday, January 15, 2021

...Because I Choose To...

Choices aplenty...

Right? Most everything is a choice, at least regarding our behavior, our attitude, and our actions. This past week presented me with plenty of choices...weather (stay inside or opt outside?), workouts (cardio, strength, both?), and wellness (to snicker or smile?). The list could go on...

Bottom line, we have a lot more control than we sometimes realize. I'm quite grateful for that! This is my journey, after all, not anyone else's. 

Before I get to the nitty gritty, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

 I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

So, here's what went down in my little corner of the universe:

Monday - Choosing to never miss a Monday.
Another Monday morning, another 10-mile ride on the indoor bike for breakfast. What can I say, this routine has been working well, so there's no need to tweak it. After work, the sun was still shining bright, and the wind was still blowing strong...but that 3-mile run felt great.

Tuesday - Choosing to sweat together.
All is fair in love and sweat, right? In our case, the early bird (me) got the elliptical and the other (the hubby) got the bike. It's always fun having company in the sweat den, and a new PR was pretty sweet (five elliptical "miles" in 37 minutes...I guarantee you that will never happen on foot LOL).

Wednesday - Choosing to rise and run.
I often get asked why I get up so ridiculously early, and run (often times) in the dark. My answer is not only that I get to, but that I choose to do so. More often than  not, I wake up before my alarm, even on the earlier-than-usual mornings. Having the streets all to myself is nice. And, a winter morning with minimal wind (and a star-speckled sky) is pretty sweet as well (says this heat-of-summer runner). So, Wednesday? Up and out the door, and three miles done, all before 5:45a.m. (and that was with a 10-flight stair climb for a warm-up). I was good with that. There also were 12 indoor bike miles after dinner. I was good with that, too.

Thursday - Choosing to UP my stair game.
It's no secret I love my stair workouts, but lower-body strength work? Yeah, not so much (but I do them anyways). If I combine these two into one tough endeavor, though, I'm totally game. This workout had a total of 100 flights (all "double-stepped"), and 50 of those were with weights. Of the weighted flights, 30 were side-stepped...kind of like a side lunge, but on an incline. Ever tried side-stepping up a stairway with extra weight? It'll give your balance a run for its money. I also mixed in a few intervals of push-ups (you know, just for fun). There was also upper-body strength work in the evening. That was fun, as well.

Friday - Choosing a strong cup of glistening & glowing "coffee" for breakfast.
Believe it or not, there were some DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) waiting for me upon wake-up (I blame the weighted side-stepping on the stairway). In all honesty, I wasn't surprised. Friday's are pretty low-key days (right now) anyways. We did five sweaty miles on the elliptical, to flush out the legs, and things felt better.

Saturday - Choosing to move and groove with friends.
We'd gotten more snow on Friday, leaving the streets laden with sporadic patches of frozen slush and several random slick spots. I met up with Barb, and we knocked out five (somewhat) easy-paced miles in the Iowa wind. There was some slipping and sliding, but we both remained vertical. Afterwards, it was the second edition of the Blogging Biker Chicks Zoom ride with Coco, Darlene, Debbie, Michelle, Deborah and Renee. I got in 16 miles with Sebbe (he's my indoor bike), giving the lingering DOMS (from Thursday) and my tired legs (from the earlier run) more relief.
(thanks for the group pic, Coco)

Sunday - Choosing to take it easy.
The sun was bright, and there was another fresh layer of snow. It may have been cold (21F, with a feels-like of 11F), but the wind played nice. The temptation to go for a short recovery run was too much to fight, so I layered up and did a short 1-mile run. I'd forgotten how good a recovery run feels, and I really felt like running further...but chose not to (and the world did not stop and the sun continued to shine). After I returned home, the hubby and I headed out for a brisk 2-mile walk. There's probably more walking on tap for later...why not? 

So, this week's totals: 
Biking: 44 miles
Running: 12 miles
Walking: 11 miles
Elliptical: 10 miles
Stairs: 120 flights
Strength: one lower-body and one upper-body

In case you missed out, here's what else went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair! Temps were chilly (and rainy/chilly) at the end of the week. This high-low hemline top was a perfect keep-me-warm option with it's soft, flannel-lined underside. It's actually more of an athleisure piece (complete with thumbholes!), but I dressed it up with the white skinny jeans and some jewelry pieces. The show-stopper, though, was this pair of pewter suede booties. Ever have a love-at-first-sight moment with shoes? Well, that was the case with these babies. As always, you're welcome to join me on Fridays...post a pic on Instagram, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and be sure to tag me (@runningonthefly).

Most know my hubby is retired military (33 combined years of service with the Air Force, Air National Guard and Army National Guard). This Facebook memory popped up this week...11 years ago we welcomed him back home after his deployment to Kyrgyzstan.

And, finally, I have already noticed the days getting longer. There are even brighter days ahead as we (slowly) make our way towards Summer (my favorite time of year).

How was your week? Any fun fitness endeavors? Are you opting outside, or staying indoors? Have you noticed the days getting longer already?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. That's a fun FB memory! I've been both in and out. I could not resist some beautifully snowy trails this morning. The falling snow made them less icy. I've most definitely noticed later daylight in the afternoon. Yay!

    1. I think that FB memory pops up every year LOL Isn't the increased daylight wonderful!!!!

  2. What a lovely week! I enjoy getting out early too although I like it when I get to run through a sunrise more than a whole run in the dark. I had a decent running week this week, most runs with a friend and one where I actually concentrated on my form and won some pace as a result (that wore me out a bit!).

    1. I totally LOVE my sunrises, but they're just a bit too late for me right now (Except on the weekends). I have not thought about my pace since the stress fracture. I've just been running "by feel," which is what I do anyways. Hoping to ease some speed workouts back after I see the podiatrist in a few weeks, though...

  3. Love it! Thank you to your husband for all his service, and to you and your family for the sacrifices you made so he could do his duty to our country <3

    1. Thank you <3 It is the entire family "serving" when the military member is deployed.

  4. What you said at the beginning about choices and actions-I saw a quote this week that I really liked: we cannot always control our first thought but we can control our second. And I know you are not a fan of winter but the is pretty and I hope we have at least one snow storm this year. Nice to "see" you yesterday!

    1. That's a great quote...controlling our second thoughts <3 At least Winter has been tolerable, thus far LOL Stay tuned, we still have two more weeks of January and all of February ;-)

  5. I am trying to get outside as much as possible for my workouts this winter. Watching Pablo for the long weekend has made me get out for short morning and evening walks above and beyond what I would normally do. :-)

    It was so nice to catch up with you yesterday virtually while riding our bikes. Let's do it again soon!

    Thanks for the linkup!

    1. I'm trying to get outside everyday in one way or another...so far, so good. I really enjoyed our ride yesterday, as well as our "bonus" ride ;-)

  6. I was able to get outside for all my runs this week, which was great! I'm definitely looking forward to more daylight and some warmer weather...eventually.

    1. Our daughter has a bunch of her stuff stacked on top of the treadmill right now, so Milly has been out of commission LOL (Not that I give her much love and affection anyways)

  7. Like you, I totally notice the days getting shorter -- and longer. I may not be moving a whole lot, but I am getting outside every day. Although if it hadn't warmed up yesterday enough to melt the ice, that wouldn't have happened. Bandit & I were happy. :)

    A nice, varied week, Kim!

    1. It still seems dark in the mornings, but I can definitely see a difference after work. I'm trying to at least take Max around the block once a day, but a lot of times it's just easier to let him out in the back yard...

  8. Aww, love that picture from your FB memories! I really like your boots too - but I'd be too cold to wear them! Unless it's summer I need to have some sort of warm footwear on. I get cold too easy!

    1. I hesitated for a quick minute on getting the boots due to the lack of socks...but I buckled because they were just too cute to pass up. I usually need socks, as well, because I'm always cold. I wear fingerless gloves/wrist warmers at work a lot this time of year LOL

  9. Yes it is all about choices - a good reminder! As always you had such a great mix of workouts this week. It was great to see you yesterday :)

  10. That bike ride was fun. I usually only ride 30 min and so this was my longest run. Like my running lately, I am biking slooow too. I don't care as long as I do it.

    Yes yes always get outside...every single day!!

    Great week for you...so much variety for exercise and color!

    1. The bike rides really go fast! Have you experimented with the resistance yet, or standing?

  11. Interestingly, I've had 2 new families in my clinic from Kyrgyzstan! Thankfully they speak English. It is very difficult to find a medical translator who speaks Krygish!

    1. We'd never heard of Kyrgyzstan before the hubby went there. He had a translator with him most of the time he was there (for meeting with the leaders/governors).

  12. Well, my fractured rib took some choices away from me, but I’m choosing to do what I can instead of moping about it. I really wish laughing didn’t hurt so much though! I appreciate your husband’s service — and your sacrifices while he was deployed.

    1. It's crazy how those tiny little ribs can hurt SO BAD! Simple things like bending over or twisting sideways were torturous!

  13. That zoom bike ride sounds like so much fun! I saw a few of oyu post about it on Insta. What a great way to stay active and social! And what a FB memory. Wow!

    1. The Zoom rides have been fun! The time really goes fast when you're sweating and talking at the same time ;-0

  14. Such a good reminder - it's all about choices and we just need to make sure we make the right ones :)

    I will definitely attend the next blogger bike meetup - missed you ladies this weekend!

    1. And we missed YOU, KimTwin! Someone told me, years ago, that we can choose to react or choose to respond, and that really stuck with me.

  15. Choosing is such a powerful mindset. I feel the same re: sunrise. We're privileged to be able to get up and go.

    1. Choosing is all on us, individually. I think that's what helped me deal with tough times or setbacks (ahem, emergency knee surgery and/or stress fracture). I got to choose what to focus on, and that made a huge difference in my well-being.

  16. I also get up and run early because I choose to do so. Running in the morning sets the day for me. Yep still running outside. I have no choice. :-)

    1. I love my early morning workouts. I agree, they really set the tone for the entire day ;-)

  17. We have been so lucky with our weather and I've taken full advantage and gotten outside. Inevitably it stormed today so I'll be back inside for my fitness for a while...hey I am actually looking forward to getting to wear my tank tops and shorts again instead of a million layers!

    1. And you like your treadmill a lot more than I do mine, so it's a win-win ;-) I do like having the elliptical and bike, though, because I don't have to layer up for those LOL

  18. Wow Kim, you are KILLING IT. Weighted side steps on the stairs??? No wonder you were sore! Those sound brutal (and yet... strangely intriguing).
    I'm linking up with you guys! I put a link to you and Deborah in my post- let me know if there's anything else I'm supposed to do. Looking forward to reading everyone's posts... I love seeing what other people are doing.

    1. Thank you ;-) We are so glad to have you join us!! The only other thing would be to click on the blue box (just above the comments) that says +Add Link...that will prompt you to then add a link to your specific post, as well as your name and email. That will enable the other linkers to access your post. Let us know if you have any questions ;-)

  19. The fact that we can choose our actions and attitude is a very good reminder. I know I've been guilty of feeling like a victim of my circumstances on more than one occasion, though I think I've been doing better this last year in terms of mindset and positivity.

    1. I have felt like a victim, many times, as well. It's frustrating when our circumstances don't play nice, but it's EMPOWERING to rise above that and choose our actions from there forward.

  20. You are making excellent choices, Kim. Awesome workout week! I had to laugh at you getting up early on Tuesday so that you could get the machine of your choice! :) I used to love getting out early and feeling like I had the streets to myself. It was so peaceful running at 5:30 am.

    1. Thank you, Laurie ;-) Well, the hubby moves a lot slower in the morning than I do LOL, so it wasn't much of a race to get the desired machine ;-)

  21. great balanced and chosen for week Kim! You know I thought I'd be able to use my stairs too somehow before we moved, but now that I've fallen down them I think that's a no go. Great exercise though! no wonder you had DOMS!

    was fabulous riding with you again on Saturday! looking forward to whenever the next session is!

    1. Those side-stepped stairs were no joke! I'm so glad we've got this biking thing going!!! Trust me, there'll be plenty more ;-)

  22. What a fun facebook memory!

    yay to longer days :) Spring will be here before we know it!

    1. The longer days are definitely happening!! Now, we just need the temps LOL

  23. I love your blogging biker chicks workout! It makes me wish I had a bike so I could join you!

    1. I've had this virtual biking thing in my head for awhile, but it took some brain storming (with a few of the "chicks") to fine-tune it. IT's been a fun fitness option ;-)
