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Thursday, January 14, 2021

My Inside Ride is Quite Alright

I have often said, "I run, therefore I am."

But running is no longer my one and only when it comes to fitness. It took several years of ongoing injuries to learn that good runners run, but great runners do other things as well. Truth be told, I don't consider myself a great runner, but I'm definitely an experienced one.

As much as I love strength-training and HIIT workouts, I have to admit cardio (in general) is my fitness "drug" of choice. When my body needs a break from pounding the pavement, though, I'm thankful to have several options to choose from when I'm craving a cardio fix. The newest member of my fitness clan is our stationary bike, whom I've named Sebastian (but I call him Sebbe, for short).

Actually, Sebbe isn't new to our household. The hubby bought him a few years ago, but it's only in the past two months that I've gotten acquainted with him.

Let's just say, Sebbe and I have spent a lot of time together since our first ride (on November 11, 2020). Can you say 310 miles? He stepped in, during the final weeks of my biking streak, when the temps were getting too cold for riding with Gustavas (my mountain bike). He and I have become quite good friends!

Here's a few things that I love about my inside ride...

Sebbe is convenient. One of the biggest perks of an indoor bike is the convenience. What can I say? There's no helmet required, balancing is a non-issue, and there's not any traffic to get in my way. Sebbe even has a small fan, in between the handle bars, so it truly feels like I have a breeze blowing on me (even if it's a simulated one).

He's weather-proof. I don't have to stalk the weather app, or dance around the forecast. It's rather nice not having any weather elements to face and/or fight (I'm looking at you, rain and wind).

No coasting allowed. There still are plenty of hills to enjoy (because hills are good for us, not just on foot but also on wheels). When I'm on the indoor bike, though, I get to control them...how steep, how long, and how many. I have a lot of hills in my town, so it's nice I that can train (virtually) on them year-round.

I'm not too crazy about the seat. The padding is good, but OUCH! The edge of it gave me some nasty chafing, so I either have wear capris (none of my biking shorts are long enough) or sit on a towel (draped over the edge). Crisis averted; problem solved.

It's versatile and super quiet. I can easily watch the television (hello, Netflix!), scroll social media (with both hands, if I want to), or virtually ride (and converse) with others. That's not something I could do on the elliptical (too bouncy) or the treadmill (much too loud).  

All in all, indoor cycling has been a lot more fun and exciting than I could have imagined. I think it's important to have a variety of exercise options in one's arsenal, and cycling has really served me well in recent years. It not only has been a great recovery vice on my non-running days, it has also strengthened my legs and upped my running game. Now that I've become acquainted with indoor cycling, I can look forward to continuing this regimen year-round. Onward!

Related post: 

Have you tapped into the benefits of cycling, both indoors and outdoors?  Ever utilized cycling as a recovery vice? 

I'm linking this with Michelle, Renee, Darlene, Jenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media? 
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  1. I enjoy my indoor bike too; I've had it quite a few years, although there's ebbs & flows with its use. I definitely think most runners could benefit from doing something other than just running!

    1. I agree...we all benefit from doing more than just running ;-) Variety serves us well!

  2. I’m enjoying my bike, and trying to figure out how to work it into my schedule. I definitely like being able to ride hard without worrying about debris on the road or traffic!

    1. Avoiding traffic is so sweet! I hadn't thought about street debris, but that's nice to avoid as well.

  3. Glad you are enjoying your indoor bike so much! I've used mine alot over the year just not recently. I'm sure I will get back to it again one day.

    1. I'm really enjoying a lot more than anticipated! I was worried it would be as boring as Milly, but that's so not the case!

  4. As you know I'd rather run. Walking is 2nd and hiking is 3rd. Biking is a distant 4th but when the weather sucks and there's no time to go outside, my bike is my hero.

    Yes I wear bike shorts & sit on a towel. I don't ride long or hard...since I get more sweaty than with the other activities.

    can't wait to join the ZOOM tomorrow.

    1. Running is still my #1, but I'm glad (and thankful) to have other options. Walking is definitely a great low-impact alternative on the non-running days, and biking is awesome in the heat of summer when it's (almost LOL) too hot to do anything else outside.

  5. You know I am a huge indoor cycling fan as well for many of the same reasons. Also a fellow cardio junkie I just need to feel my heart beat fast :) Happy Friday

    1. You have been one of my indoor cycling role models ;-) While I haven't (yet) drank the Peloton Kool-Aid, I've really been enjoying my indoor rides!

  6. You already know how I feel about indoor cycling! I don't even own a "real" bike, lol.

    1. ...and you're the other indoor cycling role model ;-) I still prefer outdoor cycling, but the indoor gig has been great!

  7. I'm loving indoor cycling for all of the reasons you mentioned! I still haven't named my bike though LOL ;)

    Thanks for linking up!

    1. I feel like a schmuck for not figuring out this indoor cycling thing sooner. We've had this bike for several years LOL We'll have to brainstorm a name for your bike ;-)

  8. As someone who "just runs" I love seeing a different approach to fitness, and yes I'm taking notes. When the weather is nice it's so good to be outside, but this time of year...indoor fitness rocks! Gotta get that TV watching done sometime;-)

    1. Well, I beg to differ...I don't think you "just run," because you also do strength-training and walk quite a lot ;-) And you like your treadmill a lot more than most people, so there's that LOL

  9. I have been wanted to start up with my indoor bike again and this post just inspired me to do so! I agree, so many benefits of riding indoors. I have the nordic track bike that has those rides you can take through certain cities and watch them on the screen, but I have not subscribed to the service again this year and don't think I will since I found some free ones to use with my iPad. Have you used any of those? If not, you should check them out. They make riding quite enjoyable!

    1. I was worried the indoor bike would be almost as dreadful as the treadmill, but have been pleasantly surprised that was not the case at all. I have not tried any of the videos because I have not been bored (yet) doing my own thing. I adjust the resistance quite a lot as I ride, and the bulk of my rides are 10 miles, so I get a good 45ish minute workout (depending on how much I up the resistance).

  10. Hmmm, maybe if I had a cool bike like yours I would enjoy indoor cycling more! I agree that it's a great, convenient alternative to running- I just put my road bike on the trainer when I want to ride inside and it's kind of boring.
    BTW thanks for commenting on my blog and I would love to join your Sunday link-up! Please let me know how to proceed.

    1. I thought about getting a trainer for my bike, but we already had this bike so I gave it a go. It's pretty basic...there are a few programmed workouts and 10 levels of resistance, so it's been fun getting acquainted with the (limited) bells and whistles. We look forward to having you join us Sunday!!

  11. I'm so glad you've found your groove with indoor cycling. I'm sure it's awesome to have another fitness option, especially in your winters!

    Thanks for linking up!

    1. Yes, we need indoor options, in Iowa, to get us through the winter LOL I do make it outside, most days, but it's nice to know I can stay inside if I choose to.

  12. you know I'm a HUGE fan of biking, indoor and out!! glad you have embraced the bike fully!!

    1. Embracing the bike was SO much easier than I thought it would be. Sebbe is a lot more lovable than Milly.

  13. I have my Peloton but have not made time to use it. At least I wised up and paused my membership. No reason to pay if I was not using it. However, I don't want it collecting dust so I need to figure out what to do.

    1. You probably could still ride it, even without doing actual Peloton workouts, right? I have not done any instructor-lead workouts yet, but have had a lot of fun experimenting with the different resistance levels to simulate hills, etc.

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