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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Not my #typical week...

Hey everyone!  I'm participating in an awesome Blog Hop with many other fabulous bloggers (thank you, Kristy, from Runaway Bridal Planner, for all of your efforts in making this happen!). Monday is my day to shine (so to speak), so I'm gonna rock the boat a bit and do my Weekly Wrap a tad bit different this week.....

In order to introduce myself (and my blog) to the new peeps, I thought I'd summarize my previous week, and do a compare/contrast on how it accurately (or not so much) reflects a typical week in my life. Sound good? Here we go....

First of all, let me say that running is my sport-of-choice, but it in no way dictates my every hour/minute/second of existence. I also have a husband (we celebrated 26 years of married bliss in August), three kids (ages 22, 19, and almost 17), a dog, and a life outside of my house (I have worked the past 10 years for a local architectual signage company).

I am also a self-proclaimed art geek, which often gets played out in my clothing (color, anyone?). I love all things artsy-fartsy...drawing, painting, funky patterns, knitting, and writing.

So, here's what went down this past week:

Monday...was a day of active rest & recovery (on the heels of having ran the Mercy Live Up Loop 5-Mile Run and IMT Des Moines Half Marathon) over the weekend. Funny how one can run a great race, and feel like a million dollars the next morning. Then, the afternoon hits, you lace up the shoes and head out for an easy #nevermissaMonday run...and feel like a train wreck. Holy Yikes, Batman! That "easy" run (only a mile this week; lately the Monday runs have been five miles) went really slow because the feet, back, and hips were NOT feeling like leaving the house.

at least the sunshine was beautiful for Monday's run...
Running two races on the same weekend has happened several times before (so that's typical). The half marathon distance is my favorite kind of race (so that's typical as well). I have been doing a #nevermissaMonday run every week in 2016, (also a typical thing). Feeling like my body was not gonna make it back home...that was not typical (UGH!).

Tuesday, I had an "easy" five miles on the training plan. No big deal. I met up with my friend, Barb, at 5:00AM (yes, 5:00 AM...in the wee dark hours prior to sunrise) and we got the miles done. Thankfully, my body felt better recovered, and the run went well. It even felt like summer again! I got to dig out a tank top and shorts!

Score! Back in a tank and shorts!
Typically, these easy runs have been happening on Mondays, but my training plan had a bit of a twist this week (due to the previous weekend's races, and the fact that my marathon taper is looming in the not-too-distant-future).It is pretty typical for me to rise and shine (even without the sun) and run in the early morning, and my friend, Barb, does a lot of the same races as I do (so we do a lot of our training runs together).

Wednesday, there was a challenging workout on deck. A warm-up mile, the three miles of hill repeats, followed by two additional miles (at "faster" paces). Holy Lightning! My speed perception is so whacked, the hill repeats went faster than I could have ever imagined (the three sets of 800 meters were 4:17, 4:22, 4:20...what the WHAT???). Then, the next two miles? I pushed myself (because I thought my tired legs were going slow)...but it turns out they actually were going even faster than they had on those hill repeats. ((gulp))

Pondering (under the pines) about my messed up speed perception
Was this typical? Not even close. Well, the hill repeats and speed training have been a constant thing with my training this cycle...I'm working with a running coach (for the first time) and she has me doing all kinds of things I never thought possible. But the speed of this week's workouts totally took me by surprise. I'm an "average" runner, NOT gifted with speed, and these hill repeats happened on hills (duh!) on a hot day with substantial wind...and I ran them at a speed I normally could have (maybe) mustered for a short race (with a tail wind). #mindblown

Thursday was another day of active rest and recovery, and I certainly needed it after Wednesday's sprint fest. I did post a #TBT pic of a jack o'lantern from three years ago. I had run my first marathon, the Quad Cities Marathon (recap HERE), a month prior and went a little crazy telling (and showing) everyone. (I told you I was an #artgeek)

Halloween 2013
Friday, I had another speed workout on the agenda, and my body was still feeling a tad bit fatigued from Wednesday. Without going into too many details, for the first time in this training cycle, I almost bailed after the first mile (coincidentally, that was just the "easy" warm-up mile LOL). I felt tired, it was windy, and my head just wasn't into the run. I decided to do the second mile... I did need to get back to my house, after all (if I was indeed gonna call it quits). Then, I decided to do another 2-mile loop (and make a feeble attempt to hit the prescribed pace). I actually wound up hitting those paces (even slightly faster) and finished the final two miles at an "effort" pace as well. This was one of those runs where the mind and body had a major disconnect....even though my mind had checked out after that first mile, my body was present and did what was expected of it. #mindblown #again

Yikes! What just happened on that run???
This also was NOT a typical workout for me. If I wasn't under the direction of a coach, I would have not even left the house. Or, I would have bailed and headed back home...long before the warm-up mile was complete.

Saturday was a beautiful day in Iowa...sunshine and perfect temps. With my long run on the roster for the next day, I was supposed to only do three easy miles. Mission accomplished. There's a small lake in our town that has a 1-mile perimeter on a trail. I had not been there in several months, so I drove over and ran my three laps and left the watch at home.

I love running at Arbor Lake
This was the kind of run I had been craving after the tough week. This is more my style...running just for running's sake...no time limits, no paces to hit, and no gadgets dictating my performance. Just running. #perfection

Finally, Sunday arrived.Typically, I prefer to do my long runs on Saturdays, but as mentioned, things are changing in these final weeks of training. My mileage is crazy high (for me) and I am starting to feel the effects of it (and my sleep schedule is not helping). Also, doing my long runs on Sundays gives me the added obligation to not procrastinate because our family has church at 10:00.

I had 16 miles on the plan, and Barb agreed to run her long run with me. We met at 5:15AM. We did a 5-mile jaunt, and paused for a potty break in a park. Next, we ran a 3.5-mile segment and stopped at my house briefly (I needed to shed a layer of clothing). We headed back out and finished the remaining 7.5 miles. We had moderate temps (49-degrees when we started), but there was a wicked wind out of the South/South-East. The final three miles were a struggle for me, but we got it done. It felt great to have that run finished!
Whew! That got tough towards the end...
All said, I ran 37 miles this week, bringing my October miles to 129. #gulp  Rest assured, that is NOT typical for me either. The miles seem crazy (well, they are crazy!) because I'm just about to my taper for the Route 66 Marathon (November 20, Tulsa OK).

In other news...

My #Fridayfashion post was a hit on Instagram ! Do you ever do a #Fridayfashion post? Tag me, and I'll play along!

flannel, jeans, boots, and a puffer vest for the win!

And, #sigh. This is probably the last bloom of my rose bush for 2016. 

I love my flowers!

In case you were wondering, I can get a little crazy with #hashtags. Care to know more about me? This post goes into a bit more detail about me and my so-called life as a runner (and otherwise).... Me and my #hashtags.

So, answer me this...Do you use #hashtags? Have you ever had crazy mileage weeks (or months)? Favorite distance to race? 

As IS typical, I'm linking up with the ever-lovely ladies, Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap. Do head over and check out the numerous blogs and see what everyone's been doing this week!


  1. I love your pumpkin!!! I quit carving pumpkins because the squirrels kept eating them. I hate that it is getting to be that time of year but the cold is coming! I am not ready to break out all the cold weather gear yet. I need to up my hashtag game! I keep a list hashtags on notes in my phone so it is easier when I post on Instagram and Twitter. Great wrap up!

    1. The pumpkins now days are just for me...the kids are "too old" and don't care about it at all. I haven't bought any pumpkins yet this year...gotta get that done!

  2. Great job pushing against that wind! I struggled with it yesterday and too was shocked with my mile splits. I thought I was going so much slower.

    1. The wind was crazy this past week...almost every day. Even the side-wind has been a challenge.

  3. Great training week. You are going to crush Route 66. My 800s splits always surprise me too. I run them in the dark and think I'm running at such a slower pace. Then I sync my watch and BAM. That is the cutest pumpkin ever. I may just have to steal that idea. Thanks for linking, Kim!

  4. Way to get your long run in before church! It looks like you have more fall colors and cooler weather than we do. We did have a wicked wind yesterday but it calmed down today. Love your Friday outfit - so cute!

    1. Our fall colors just emerged the past 7-10 days or so...things were green for a long time this year.

  5. wow! 129 miles in October. Kudos for you! And the month is not even over yet. You must be tired! I am tired just reading about it.

    1. Ironically, I just wrote a post recently proclaiming how tired I WASN'T feeling LOL This week, though I finally started to feel some fatigue. I got to get my sleep schedule in order... my usual late nights are not working as well with my early morning runs as they used to...

  6. As I have said in previous posts, I'm doing so many early runs in the dark this cycle (due to the date of my marathon). I think that has helped the long runs go pretty slick (most of them, anyways) because running the dark is totally different than in broad daylight....especially on the hilly routes. ;-) The hills are almost effortless when you can't see how big they are LOL

  7. Wow great job with your mileage this week! Love that pumpkin :)

    1. Thanks! I need to get some pumpkins bought so I can do some Halloween prep this week. Hard to believe October is winding down already!

  8. I can't express how much I love that pumpkin! Do you think you'll do another running theme pumpkin for Halloween? I wish I was crafty but I'm horrible at any arts and crafts things lol

    Great job on your mileage this week and I love your cow print headband!

    1. Thanks!! I have not bought any pumpkins yet.....I usually do a running-themed one (maybe Route 66 this year?), a dragonfly image (of some sort), and a "traditional" jack o'lantern face...I need to get to work!

  9. That is a lot of miles! Good job!

    1. Thanks ;-) This is the most mileage I've ever run...weekly or monthly. YIKES!

  10. Way to get that 16 in before church! I pressed hard to finish 13 before my daughter's flag football game and that was a challenge. No, I don't run crazy miles. I barely run at all, and I will pay for that come marathon day.

    1. Oh, I beg to differ! You're a badazz runner chick...I know you'll do great. Even if you don't finish with your desired time, your endurance will get you to the finish line...probably faster than you think ;-)

  11. Nice work. What a cool pumpkin. You are killing your workouts such an inspiration to get me running more!

    1. yes! Get outside and run ;-) (I need to come up with some pumpkin ideas for this year...soon!)

  12. Sometimes I feel like I think in hashtags! Though I don't actually use them in my regular writing, but I can get a little carried away on Instagram! Nice job on the high mileage! I haven't done those kind of miles for a long time. Nice to look forward to taper time, isn't it? :-)

    1. Oh gosh....I am SOOOO looking forward to taper! Although....I have two more long runs (and probably some more speed drills, etc.) to get through first....

  13. Great week! I am always blown away by your posts! I am happy that Fall has arrived and the colors are so pretty.

    1. Our colors have only been "in bloom" maybe 10-14 days...they are really gorgeous right now!

  14. Sounds like a great week of running! It's amazing what we can accomplish when we challenge ourselves outside of our comfort zone.

    1. no doubt! Even when we "think" we're more tired than we actually are LOL

  15. This month is getting up there in mileage for me as well! I'm training for several races and this past weekend did my first back to back long runs Saturday and sunday. Well, not really long, kind of medium but still. Sometimes I also enjoy running without a watch...I just focus on getting the miles in, not paces.

    1. I'm not much of a gadget gal (except for my music). Although I like the challenge of the specific training runs with paces to hit, etc., I do not like the feeling of being dependent on my watch to make it happen. I agree...I prefer miles over paces ;-)

  16. Loved getting to know you a little better, I really enjoy reading your blog each week :). It's crazy when the mileage is so high, anything in the 30's is crazy to me lol. You're doing great and Coach M is really bringing out the best!

    1. Well, I'm actually working with Coach Suz (from Suzlyfe) ;-) Crazy all the things I've been doing (without an argument LOL)... I've never done this much mileage or speed work before.

  17. Good for you for running on Monday - I definitely would have convinced myself to lay on the couch! :)

    1. I have that #nevermissaMonday thing....I have not missed a Monday yet ;-)

  18. Kim you would truly love all the architecture in New Orleans not to mention all the different forms of art. From local artists up to big time galleries.
    I love your twist on your hop post and weekly wrap up. It's nice to revisit what we all do, how many kids we have and all.
    Even though I missed my run this morning, I would skip out on a lot more if I didn't have a coach breathing down my back. :)

    1. We went to Mardi Gras in Mobile (many years ago), but I'd love to do the "real" one in New Orleans. I have considered the Rn'R, but the medal is a real disappointment. And, it's quite a haul for me to get there from Iowa....snow & such to travel through that time of year...

  19. I do use hashtags but I rarely go crazy with them. Usually try to keep them at 3.

    Sounds like working with a coach is really working for you!

    1. The coaching thing has been a great adventure...certainly doing a lot more than I thought I was capable of (and probably wouldn't be motivated to do it on my own).

  20. Dropping by from the hop...Wow, you are one fit mom! I love to see your running outfits. A girl can look glam while working out can's she? ;-)

    1. ha ha! I do have a small vanity problem....I refuse to look like a fuddy-duddy ;-)

  21. Isn't it crazy how your mind can make you think you can't do something when you can. Good on you for pushing through!

    Your Saturday run looks lovely, I really like running around lakes or near water and the autumn leaves look really great.

    1. I love running in the autumn...the smell of the leaves is awesome, and the colors are breathtaking. How do people stay inside? ;-)

  22. Running 2 races in one weekend (and crushing them) definitely warrants a little more rest for sure! All this time, and I just realized our kids are the same exact age :) 19 and almost 17 which is crazy since we are both only 29 :)

  23. Wow, awesome job! I just love it when my speed/distance exceeds my expectations on a run. :) Love your pumpkin and your hashtags!

    1. Thanks!! It was a pleasant surprise to check my watch and see the actual splits/finish times. Totally not what I was expecting (or felt like).

  24. You do get some crazy mileage in- it makes me tired sometimes just thinking about it- LOL! You are very motivational! When do you post this Friday fashion post- I need to check it out- looking good lady!

    1. Don't be that impressed...this kind of mileage is for the marathon training....there's no way I'd endorse doing this year-round. I post the #Fridayfashion pic sometime in the morning, or when I'm on my lunch break

  25. I love that you're a hashtag fanatic! I sometimes go overboard with the hashtags. It's good to know that I'm not the only one. Keep up the great work with your running. I've never heard of #NeverMissAMonday running. You introduced me to a new idea for 2017!

    1. I saw the Monday thing last year, and have tired to stick with it for 2016...so far, so good. It's a great way to start the week ;-)

  26. I love the hashtags! We just got the awesome weather in FL here this past weekend. I'm really hoping it will be here to stay but it sure isn't 49, lol. Good luck with the training and racing!

    1. Our weather has been strange this year...autumn arrived almost a month late. The leaves just started changing color in the past 10 days or so (in my town), and we don't have many leaves on the ground yet.

  27. I love love love....your pictures!!

    Girl 2 races in a weekend .. get it girly!!

    I am glad that you got a good workout in on Friday despite not feeling your best.

    The last of our Zinnias bloomed also...makes me so sad :( even though I love Fall , the blooms of summer are so pretty!!

    1. I should post a pic of my zinnias.....they did well this year, and still look good. #staytuned

  28. You're awesome! You have been absolutely killing it with your training, and I love reading your updates. I'm sorry you had a rough couple of runs. We all have them, but now you can put them in the past and move on.

    I wish I was fashionable enough to have a #FashionFriday type post. Most days, I just do workout clothes (I can even wear them to work) - I am bad at putting together cute ensembles. Maybe I'll learn one day. :)

    1. The workouts went better than I thought they would, but certainly felt difficult at the time. The tough runs make us tougher LOL

  29. Yay! I love all things artsy fartsy as well, haha. + way to go on your training! I love your Friday fashion post too. :] Fall fashion is my favorite even though summer is technically my favorite season!

    Congrats to you and your husband--26 years is awesome!!

    1. I agree, summer is my favorite season, but I do love the fall clothing!

  30. Love learning more about you! Love the jack-o-lantern with your "runningonthefly" logo! Love your Friday fashion posts and I love 10k's!

    1. 10's are fun! I have learned that every distance is a challenge, especially the shorter ones because you run then faster & harder! Pacing is always a game to learn (and re-learn).

  31. You're mileage was crazy high this week! Way to go! You impress me so much with all your races and early mornings. I need to get back to my AM workouts.

    1. I have been doing a few afternoon runs lately,but still prefer the early morning runs just for the sake of getting them done.

  32. Hi there! I love that jack-o-lantern! So awesome. Mine would look like one of my kids did it. In fact, I often blame my arts and crafts mistakes on them #ohwell. I run pretty crazy miles too (I'm an ultra runner) and although I've been doing it for a while, like you, it still kind of blows my mind that somehow it all gets done. My Friday Fashion is pretty lame but if I ever look fashionable, I'll play along with you :)

    1. It's crazy how the mileage perception shifts as we progress....Now that I've done some marathons, I have ZERO fear of the distance. Of course, there's the challenge of pacing yourself so you can run that distance (or farther) a little faster each time....

  33. Wow, you are a rock-star with how active you are. Even when you have a run that you don't like, you got out there and got it done. There's something to be said for that. Great training! And, I love hashtags, I'll have to check out yours. :)

    1. I have to give credit to the coach....knowing I have someone to report back to keeps me pretty accountable. I'm disciplined on my own, but I know I cut myself slack more often that I should sometimes

  34. I loved your comparison post! Even though it is not typical, great work on your mileage this week/month!
    I use hashtags mostly on Instagram, but not so much on my blog. I guess I never really thought about using them there before! Haha
    My fav distance lately is an 8k. My body can deal with it as I have been recovering from injuries, and I don't have to train hard for it.

    1. My kids tell me the hashtags are supposed to only be for Twitter or Instagram....but I like them because they are quick little bursts of "one-liners" without all the extra words (#mytheory)

  35. What a great week! I wish I had half of your great week! I love how active you are!

    1. I try to stay active even when I don't have a 26.2 lurking...but the past few weeks have really gotten cRaZy. The things we do, huh!

  36. I continue to be blown away by your dedication to marathon training and your weekly/monthly mileage. You're a beast!!!!

    1. Well, the weekly/monthly mileage is due to the marathon...there's no way I'd do this kind of stuff year-round ;-)

  37. 26 years of marriage? That's a marathon if I ever heard one. Haha. But when you're with the right person, I bet it gets better with time. Congratulations to you and your hubby.
    I love that marathon pumpkin too. Cute idea.
    I love using hashtags too. #Runwright all the way for my running adventures and #itscomplicatedstories for the book I published

    1. Ha ha! I didn't even think of the "26" aspect in married years. Technically, it's about 26.2 years at this moment in time LOL

  38. Haha I use hashtags all the time! I love the Fashion Friday post photo - looking like Fall is in full swing there! It still feels like summer here - which I wish it was easier for me since hot and running don't work well for my body. I feel like a hamster on a wheel in the gym lately. Yay for your 5am workouts though! Must be nice to view scenery as you work out

    1. Our autumn was a little late to arrive...the leaves just started turning the past 10-14 days (it's usually earlier).

  39. You are one cool chick! Love catching up on your blog.

    I loved our roses this year, too. My first ones!

    1. thanks! I love checking in with everyone else as well ;-) Some of my flowers were breathtaking, and some not so much. My tomatoes took forever....and now they are crazy. I can't keep up with them. They are cherry tomatoes...so they're kind of hard to use. I might just have to try to cut them up and make salsa....

  40. Wow, that was a crazy week !I think those runs where we leave the watch at home are usually the best ones.

    1. I seldom take my watch with me...I have been using it a little more with some of my specific workouts/speed drills, though. But yeah, I prefer to leave that gadget at home LOL....not addicted to it ;-)

  41. Wow, that's a decent amount of running! Great job in squeezing it all in between race recovery and heading toward your next marathon!

    1. Thanks!! This mileage is crazy! I have never done this kind of high mileage, ever. I'm pleasantly surprised I'm not confined to a bed in my constant-recovery-mode.
