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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Making the Grade and Back on Track

January was a strange month.

If I were to compare it to a train ride, it would be a near-derailed experience in regards to running mojo and attitude. The temps were sub-artic, the wind was spiteful, and I spent a lot of time with dear Old 'Milly. Thankfully, the final few days allowed for a total 180-turn-around. 

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Perseverance...while inside

Weekly theme? Perseverance.

It was another week (mostly) inside. 

How does that grab you? The good old Iowa weather has kept me inside far more than I'd like this winter. Seriously, Momma N...what's up?  I ranted and runfessed about it recently (post is HERE), and it's really been a buzz kill to my mental well-being.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Time to Runfess...

Let me start by saying January 2017 (in terms of what I consider "running") has sorta sucked.

There. That makes me feel better already.

Have I been able to run? (absolutely!) Has it been pain-free? (for the most part, yes) Then why am I being such a wet blanket about it? Read on, I'll share some Runfessions with you....

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Stella vs. 'Milly Interval Extravaganza Workout

Ok, I think I have been cooped up inside for far too long.

I came back from Chicago with a nasty head cold and throat-scalding cough (You can read about Chicago HERE). I remember reading or hearing that if you stay inside too much, it can actually weaken your immune defenses because all the "gunk" is also trapped inside with you (no fresh air filter). Typically, I'm an outdoors kind of gal, but it's been so cold, damp, and dangerous outside that I have stayed in the house.


I think my current state of illness has pretty much run its course, but I didn't want to risk a relapse by going outside (it was in the low-30's, windy, and damp)....so I decided to get creative. The constant power walking (and moderate running) on the 'mill is SO boring for me, it was time to mix it up a bit.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Blown away....in the Windy City

Any guesses where I went last week?

To say I was blown away in the Windy City would be an understatement, at least in terms of weather (though it was a bit chilly and breezy Friday afternoon). But considering the people, friends, sites, and adventures..."blown away" is spot-on.

Monday, January 16, 2017

An ode to the Puffer Vest

Anyone who has ever seen a semblance of me in colder-than-summer weather has probably seen me in a puffer vest.

Hands-down, a cozy puffer vest is my first choice in winter running wardrobe must-haves.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Because Runners Walk, Too

This week's theme? More walking (and that's alright).

Although I did more running (in terms of mileage) than walking, I did spend more time with 'Milly than I did outdoors. By the way, do you know who 'Milly is? She's my nemesis and she's a treadmill (more info on last week's blog post, I Named her 'Milly).

The polar vortex temps continued, and so did the icy road conditions. As I have said, the freezing cold temps are downright evil, but not having any snow to show for it makes it feel THAT much colder.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Five Recent #HASHTAGS

#confession : it took me awhile to catch on to the whole #hashtag thing.

I think hashtags originated on Twitter (?), but I could be wrong. I was very late to the Twitter thing and still do not do much on that platform. Other than sharing (most of) my Instagram posts, there may be a random "thinking out loud" observation, but that's where it ends. I barely have time to keep the blog posts coming, say nothing about scrolling through yet another social media maze of stuff.

But the hashtags? I have grown to love those babies. They're like mini explanations to my various posts...without any excess words (or punctuation). Kind of a time savor at the expense of complete sentences. I can honestly admit that I may be #overindulging in my free use of them, though.

Last year, I wrote a well-received post (appropriately titled, Me and My #hashtags) and used said hashtags to introduce myself to an audience of new fellow bloggers/followers. Well, there have been several hashtags that have gotten a lot of exposure this past week....

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Working out...at Work?


It's something most of us do.

Most of us, however, do not have the luxury  to run everyday or whenever the urge presents itself. 

That's right. Most of us have a life outside of our running shoes. We have families that need our attention and household dwellings that do not clean themselves.  I'm going out on a limb here, but  I am guessing the majority of the people reading this also have jobs outside the home (in some capacity). 

To be a good runner, we need to run. To be a great runner, though, we should also be doing other things. 

So, without further ado, here are some "mini workouts" you can do, while at work or even at home.  These are not meant (in any way) to replace a real, more thorough workout, but  you can use them to ease away a little stress or tension throughout the day. Your mental well-being may get a little recharge, and your muscles will not be sitting idle.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

I named her 'Milly

The first week of 2017 was, in a nut shell, frickin' frigid in Iowa.

Ironically, we didn't have much in the way of snow, but we did have single-digit temps everyday with sub-ZERO "feels like" conditions (factoring in the ever-present wind).  So, yeah. In keeping with my January goals, I did all of my #30minutesofdailycardio inside.

Any guesses what that entailed? If you guessed time on the 'mill, you're correct. We've had our treadmill for many years, like since 2001 (?). She's almost like family (and I use that term of endearment quite loosely).....but she's never had a name, so I named her 'Milly.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Let's talk about my Off-Season

Can we Talk?

Did you hear the latest?  I declared 2017 as my year for Focusing on FUN (more details HERE)! But that's not all....I have also deemed January as my Off-Season.

Why an off-season? And, why now?

Well, there are several reasons actually....

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

2017 - Focusing on FUN

As I look forward to a new year, one thing that will be first and foremost on my agenda is FUN.


Because I used to be one of those runners who simply enjoyed running for the mere act of what it was...running. One foot in front of the other, lots of interaction with the spectators (and as many fellow racers who would put up with me), and a glass-half-full attitude. Somehow, in 2016, I found myself on a different route (no pun intended)...and kept seeking out PR's (Personal Records). Sure, I still had fun on the race course(s), but my focus had shifted to a more competitive (?) place where it didn't belong. And it didn't feel right...though I desperately tried to fight what didn't come natural.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Let's Embrace the Possibilities

Well, 2016 has drawn to a close. And 2017 is here, in full force. Bring it, I'm ready!

Reflecting on 2016 forced me to reassess all that happened. There were so many wonderful moments, grandiose achievements, and numerous joyful miles trodden (many of which in the company of running friends).  There also was a (tiny) handful of disappointments, nothing worthy of intense therapy (physical or otherwise), but I let them take up too much real estate in my overall happiness of late. UGH. My bad. (a big thanks to all the peeps who didn't kick me to the curb in my state of whining).