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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Five Recent #HASHTAGS

#confession : it took me awhile to catch on to the whole #hashtag thing.

I think hashtags originated on Twitter (?), but I could be wrong. I was very late to the Twitter thing and still do not do much on that platform. Other than sharing (most of) my Instagram posts, there may be a random "thinking out loud" observation, but that's where it ends. I barely have time to keep the blog posts coming, say nothing about scrolling through yet another social media maze of stuff.

But the hashtags? I have grown to love those babies. They're like mini explanations to my various posts...without any excess words (or punctuation). Kind of a time savor at the expense of complete sentences. I can honestly admit that I may be #overindulging in my free use of them, though.

Last year, I wrote a well-received post (appropriately titled, Me and My #hashtags) and used said hashtags to introduce myself to an audience of new fellow bloggers/followers. Well, there have been several hashtags that have gotten a lot of exposure this past week....

for example:

I live in Iowa, and am very well-acclimated to whatever weather Momma N throws at me. I'm used to cold winters, snow, ice, and windy days with sub-ZERO "feels-like" temps. But the month of January has been downright evil to us. Fortunately, we have not had much snow this winter (maybe a few inches at most, but that was back in December). But having these bitterly frigid temps without any snow to show for it ...well, that's cruel and unusual punishment.


Hallelujah! As I have eluded to (in numerous recent posts), it's my off-season (more details HERE)! I trained hard and ran a late-season marathon, then jumped right into a 40-day running streak. Even though I took the running streak easy, it still was non-stop action at a time when I was also trying to recover from an especially tough marathon. Am I sitting idle? (ha! not a chance!) Am I still running? Absolutely (just not high mileage, and certainly not everyday).


While doing my streak, one of the most utilized hashtags was #optoutside With the exception of one run (due to -30 temps), I did ALL  my streak runs outside (remember, I live in Iowa and these runs happened in December...just saying). But, as mentioned, the weather has been especially polar vortex-like recently, and since I'm not "in training" for any specific event, I don't have to be uptight about how I go about #keepingfit and #stayingactive. There are many fitness-based things I can do in the comfort of my house...and I can still run inside on the 'mill (UGH) if I have to.....

Did you know I named my 'mill? She's lived with us for almost 16 years....so I finally gave her a name, and dedicated an entire blog post to her (I named her 'Milly). Her and I have been spending a lot of time together with it being my off-season and all. I have done a lot of power walking with her (on my non-running days, because #runnerscanwalktoo). And, there have been a few indoor miles run with her as well.


Did you know I'm an avid planker? I don't remember when it all began, but it's been going on for a few years, at least. I'm not a coffee drinker, but I love my chai latte's...and every morning, I do a 2:30 forearm plank while my chai is heating. Back in November, I took on the challenge of trying to do 150 minutes of planking for the month...and that habit stuck. I don't do a lot of 5-minute planks,but it's easy to check-off 5 (cumulative) minutes of planking each day.

Yes, you can plank on the 'mill. C'mon #plankwithme
So those are the five main #hashtags in recent use (plus a few bonus ones). Do you use hashtags? Do you find yourself using a lot of the same ones repeatedly?

I'm linking up with the awesome gals Meranda and Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five 2.0

and with Nicole for the Fit & Fashionable Friday link-up.


  1. #livebeyondexpectations is mine. also #suzapproved

    1. Those are legit ;-) I need to keep a chart (somewhere?) of all of my favorites...because sometimes I forget them

  2. Sometimes I use hashtags to tell my story on IG. And sometimes I use them to see if people are paying attention...

    1. Ditto for me...I like sneaking in a funny one (or two) to see if anyone reacts LOL

  3. I love using hashtags the way you do. They originated with Twitter and that's how I found the #runchat tribe. I don't get the posts with 30 hashtags - do people really search for all those? But I'm not very IG savy. #TGIF

    1. And I'm not Twitter savy. One time I got a message notification, and it took me forever to figure out how to access it #truth #techmoron

  4. I love that you have come up with your own creative hashtags! My current fave hashtag is #squadgoals just kind of seems fitting for me and my crew. I need to come up with my own

    1. Well, there have been many ones that I thought were my own creations..but when I typed them in, they popped up as already existing LOL

  5. Ooh I like the 5 minute plank idea!! A hashtag is enough to get me to try and do that!! My most frequent hashtags refer to either running, foodporn if I posted about food, or for my local blogging group. They pick up my IG posts and will repost if they think they look good!!

    1. I do a lot of hashtags on my posts...but seldom ever "search" for any....#mybad

  6. I do use hashtags & I'm a repeat offender. #dogsofinstagram, #newyearnewme (I'm not really trying to change much, I'm hoping to inspire others0, #shoeporn, #foodporn . . . unfortunately too many people's eyes glaze over at the hashtags, but they really can be useful.

    1. I don;t search for many of them, but I do take the time (most of the time) to read through the hashtags on posts

  7. I love this post - so original! I use hastags on instagram, but it's normally the same core group of hashtags. I should definitely branch out and use/look up new ones!

    1. I tend to use a lot of the same tags also...and when I come up with a "new"one, I'm really good about forgetting it LOL

  8. I do not do hashtags because I am not on social media often.You deserve a little break after all your marathon training lately. Love the name of your treadmill. My mom said if she ever would get a cat she would name it Milly.

  9. I use hashtags for search purposes but I do not read the hashtags people use in their posts. #mybad

    1. Ha! I'm kind of the opposite...I read more of them than I ever search for LOL

  10. I use a lot of the same hashtags, but I've been trying to switch it up a bit recently. I love your #mileswithmilly one. I need to name the treadmills in my building's gym.

    1. I tend to use a lot of the same ones as well...but I"m trying to get in the habit of adding a few "new" ones each time I post something

  11. #mileswithmilly is my absolute favorite! Love it!! Cute Friday 5 post. I'm a crazy person when it comes to hashtags.

  12. Milly is a cute name for your treadmill! I do not use hashtags and still don't really understand! I think if I used Twitter I would understand them more. I hope you're having a great weekend!

    1. I still don't use Twitter for much...it's just too high-maintenance for me. I'm on it mainly because everyone else is, but it certainly is my least favorite platform.

  13. Lately, my faves are #photoaday and #texas!

  14. What creative #hashtags! I use them on IG a lot to search for new people to follow.

  15. #optinginsideagain make me laugh! I used to avoid hashtags but Instagram really changed how I look at them, and now I use them. I love creating random ones!
