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Thursday, April 6, 2017

Half Full or Half Empty?

Shall we explore the half-full vs. half-empty in regards to my current situation?

I'll share a few random things that have left me in a juxtaposition of thoughts and feelings about these very random things. I consider myself a glass half full kind of person, but I'll let you decide. Here's the latest and greatest:

First of all, the weather. I know, I know, I know...the weather will happen and there's no sense stewing about it because I don't have an "in" with Momma N (not that she'd grant any of my requests anyways, the evil witch that she is). Seriously, the cold and damp weather has been such a buzz kill this week. I love the color grey (take an inventory of my closet and you will see a plethora of it), but I much prefer my sky to be blue. But, guess what? It takes grey skies to make rain....and rain turns the icky brown post-winter grass into a beautiful green carpet. And, the grey sky did give me a decent photo op recently....

The bright red traffic lights would not have been so dramatic with a blue sky in the background 
The busy-ness of spring. To put it bluntly, I have "stuff" happening almost every weekend until after Dam to Dam (June 3rd). But...Dam to Dam marks the end of marathon training,,,,and my taper will start upon crossing the finish line. And, that taper leads to the actual marathon for which I'll be tapering (Grandma's Marathon, June 17th). So, I guess I'm pretty much booked until July (because not much of anything will be happening after the marathon). This is actually a good problem, because I will be busy with my 26.2 training (lots of fitness), and I'll be up and running (literally) early every weekend (lots of sunrises to witness). And, I won't be tempted to add any additional races to my schedule (until after the marathon LOL).

Early morning miles. I'm an authentic night owl, but with early bird tendencies. I like getting up early and getting a jump start on my day...but that alarm clock is pretty annoying, rattling my cage at 4:15 (on my running mornings). I don't always jump out of bed and eagerly get dressed in my running clothes (fortunately, I usually have my outfit ready and waiting for me on the floor). Once I cross the threshold of the front door, though, I'm good to go. In the dead of winter, but especially in the heat of summer, there's nothing like an early morning hour of time well spent in the running shoes. It invigorates me, from head to toe. Heading to work, knowing the run is already done, frees up my mind to focus on my job. I don't have to worry about squeezing in a run later after work or after dinner.
Thursday morning's #5at5 (five miles at 5 a.m.)
My running shoes. Most runners look forward to new shoes, but I sort of dread it. My over-pronating feet (and high arches) can feel every miniscule "tweak" that happens to the new versions of my current models of favorite shoes. Case in point, the new models of my last two most-perfect-in-the-world-ever pairs of shoes were both "improved." First it was the Mizuno Wave Inspires (remember them? They got me through my first two marathons). Then it was the Brooks Adrenaline GTS.....they were my saving grace when my Mizunos had changed...until they changed as well. SO, here I am (again), on the verge of many upcoming long runs, and at a crossroads as to what to do. I'm tempted to go back to Nikey Structures. Those were my tried and trues, until, on a whim, I tried the Mizunos for the first time. Throw in the fact that I don't live near a local running store, and it gets even trickier with purchasing (and potentially returning) new shoes.  But, the sliver lining? There's probably a new model of a shoe out there (somewhere) that may work even better than these other favorites did for me. And, maybe, just maybe, I'll find it.

Can I mention the weather one more time? Spring weather is NOT a fun time for those of us who have daughters who play tennis. The wind is something awful. The grass near the courts is usually always damp and muddy. And, if the sun ain't shining, the temps can be brutal. The good thing about being a runner (a year-round outdoor runner, none the less), is that I have plenty of outdoor gear that works like magic. Thermal tights? (oh yeah, they fit nicely under jeans or can be worn all on their own). Pretty headbands? (I'm good on those). Comfy shoes that can get muddy? (Didn't I just mention my small army of retired running shoes?).

All decked out in my fleece-lined tights on a particularly windy afternoon
So, those are but a few of my current situations and dilemmas. First world problems, anyone? What would you rule on this...is my glass half full or half empty?

 I'm linking this with Meranda and Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five 2.0. The theme is beverages, so this is my twist on the topic.


  1. I feel bad complaining about the weather because its not THAT bad but it really doesn't feel like spring. Do you ever buy your running shoes on Running Warehouse? They have free 2 day delivery and a 90 day new or used return policy. Also, usually the coupon code FB15D says 15% on sale items. Whenever I am on a hunt for shoes I order from there because I can get a bunch and return what I don't like! Also, you can set price alerts so you know when they a shoe goes on sale and then stock up:)

    1. I have never tried the Running Warehouse...I might have to look into that. I'm always leery of buying shoes online (unless they are a current model I'm familiar with) because my feet are so nit-picky ;-(

  2. Your tennis is my boys lacrosse. I have been freezing my butt off out there in the bleachers the past few weeks. Seems like it gets cold everyday we have a game. First world problems indeed :)

  3. The weather has been very grey here all week, so I feel your pain! I think we've had more rain in April than the whole year, it's so odd.
    Totally get what you mean about brands changes the sneakers. I noticed a difference between the Mizuno wave inspire 10s and 11s. The 10s are my ultimate favorite and I am thankful that I purchased a few pairs when they were on sale! I can run in the 11s, 12, and 13s but there is a difference and it's not as comfortable.

    1. I LOVED the WI 8's so much ;-) I have two pairs of the 11's, and yes I can run in them, but they were just not quite as perfect. I have heard the the 13's are better, so I might give them a whirl. UGH. It could be another can of worms...

  4. The weather has been really wild this spring--more so than usual. But I still think you have a glass half full, Kim.

    1. I try to keep my glass more full than empty LOL Dwelling on the negatives does nobody any good ;-)

  5. Our temps have been all over the place. It was 77 when I ran Tuesday, I had to run on the treadmill yesterday because of thunderstorms, and today it's 44 and windy. My body just can't keep up LOL.

    1. We're gonna have temps in the 70's this weekend! I'm not gonna know how to act...but I will manage LOL

  6. This week was really wet, gray, and raw for the most part. But we are SUPPOSED to get some to get some springlike weather finally next week. I hope they're right. No tornadoes here, thankfully, so there's your half full glass.

    1. You really have had an extended winter in your area. At least the tornadoes have stayed away ;-)

  7. I think either way the dreaded alarm would be painful at 4:15 am, but at least in the summer, you know you are getting up to warmer weather, opposed to those cold winter mornings. I don't know how you do it. Kudos to you!

    1. I sometimes wonder how I do those early mornings, too. But it's so rewarding to get them done early ;-) We were in church recently, and the husband told some friends that I'd run 9 miles earlier before the service...and it was the first morning of the time change LOL

  8. This spring weather has been insanity for us. It was in the 70s in February. Then gray and rainy through almost the entire month of March. Then we had a 60˚ day on Wednesday. And now we have 3" of snow. WHAT?!

    1. snow? That white 4-letter word? Oh, you have my condolences....

  9. I am still waiting for better weather to start playing tennnis here! I hope you find the new great shoe... that is a puzzle for me too.

    1. Yes, the new shoe will be an interesting conquest...hopefully not a frustrating one

  10. I only set my alarm for 4:15 once a week, for OTF. If I did it more often I'm afraid I'd start waking up that early every day, and that would be rough!

    1. That's so true! Most days, my body wakes up before the alarm LOL

  11. I go with a glass half full! That 4:15 alarm setting is no joke! You glass will be really full will the sun comes out!

  12. Half full for sure, despite the negatives you are able to get it done and stay positive!

  13. Ahh the weather. This winter it has been so hard not to complain. The cold and snow has felt endless. Let's try to be half full about it :)

  14. Let's say half full!! You've done so well and gotten in some great workouts DESPITE the endless winter we've had. And you're getting up super early - 5 at 5 is really insane!!

  15. I'm thinking your glass is about half full!
