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Sunday, April 9, 2017

Grey Skies, Blue Skies, and Lots of Bling

Grey skies are gonna clear up....

...and I'm so happy they did! We had a rather damp and chilly week. Fortunately, that all turned around on Friday, making way for warm temps and lots of sunshine, and a busy, bling-filled weekend!

Here's what went down...

Monday. As predicted, the air was foggy and misting when I rose from my slumber. Having been on vacay the entire previous week, I knew my day at the office would be crazy and busy and crazy busy (get the picture?), so I knew I would not feel like doing anything at the end of the day or evening. I also knew the forecast was calling for heavier rain throughout the day and into the evening. Well, alrighty then. I quickly pulled on some running gear (and grabbed my pretty pink jacket) and headed outside before I could change my mind. Never miss a Monday, that's how I roll. #nevermissaMonday

Attractive, huh! Doesn't everybody rock a rainy hood over their head?
Tuesday. Even though my weekend's two runs (a 10-miler on Saturday and an easy 2-mile shakeout run on Sunday) had gone well, my hips were feeling a bit on the funky side. Nothing painful, but strained. Tuesdays usually are low-key recovery days anyways (although sometimes, I add a stair workout if my Wednesday schedule is gonna be crazy). With the Fight for Air Climb happening a few days later (on Sunday), I elected to declare a stair-climbing taper. Seriously, why not? At this point in time, I had nothing to gain by running any more stairs....and there's always a risk of injury, why take a chance and have a possible injury happen this close to Climb day? Thus, all that happened (in addition to my daily April challenge exercises) was a brisk cardio session (power walk) with Max. Trust me, we were probably walking faster than most people jog. 

Fun times with Max
Wednesday. Nothing. Zippo. Zilch. Total rest day (except for the April stuff). And the dreary weather continued...but take a look at the awesome (in my opinion) pic I captured of the grey skies with the red traffic lights.That would not have happened on a sunshiny day.

I love the contrast of the red traffic lights with the grey sky...
Thursday. Ahhhh, after almost three complete days of little-to-no activity, I felt completely ready to hit the road. My friend, Barb, and I rallied, and met up for our #5at5 (5 miles at 5 a.m.), and it was incredible. The temps were still cool (in the high 30's), and the air still felt a bit damp. Oh, did I mention the 15mph wind? But we had a beautiful clear sky, and we ran steady and with ease. The three easy days (Monday-Wednesday) were well worth it. 

Another successful #5at5
Friday. Another day of moderate rest (well, there was another crazy power walk with Max...). Ahhh...the temps were back to where they should be (mid-60's) and we had sunshine! I had to shoot my #fashionFriday pic outside because the green grass was so beautiful! (Are you following me on Instagram and Pinterest? Post a #fashionFriday pic and tag me!)

I'm loving the color combo of the turquoise, teal, and green grass...and the pop of red in the scarf adds a fun touch
Saturday. This day took some planning. I was registered for a local race, the Live Healthy Iowa 5K (there were 9 locations in the state hosting a 5K, and one of them was in my hometown #score). I also was hoping to get a 10-mile training run done. I had thought of doing the 5K, then heading back out for the additional seven miles, but I wasn't that crazy about stopping then starting back up for a distance that would be twice as far. Also, although I am not a fan of the 5K distance for racing (ugh...a 3-mile sprint? NO thanks...it usually takes me that long to get warmed up LOL), I was curious just how fast I could run it (I knew it was a flat course). Then, I had a #lightbulb moment....

Make those "first three miles" work for you!
Why not do a 3-mile warm-up run before the 5K? Then, I could do a few stretches and dynamic drills before the start line, and have at it? Years ago, a friend gave me the suggestion to do a warm-up run before a 5K....an easy warm-up run, just to get the muscles loosened up and the body warmed up. She reminded me that a 5K distance is relatively short for a distance runner, but often times we need those 3 miles (or more) to get in a rhythm. If we run the warm-up at an easy pace, we'll be warmed up (with all the kinks worked out) and will still have plenty of energy for the actual race itself. Barb was on board with this strategy, so we met up at the race site at 7:00, and did those three miles. At race time, we crossed the start line, ready for action! 

Both Barb and the hubby joined me for this 5K adventure

I'm not going to do a recap, so I'll give you a brief summary...it went well! I ran one of my fastest 5K's ever, finishing in 26:31. Mind you, that also was with a powerful 25mph wind out of the SE and without my music (sadly, the Ipod got left behind at home, still charging #oops).  My Garmin putzed out on me at the 1-mile mark (or I may have hit a foreign button), so my distance showed 2.14...almost like the entire first mile never happened (WHAT???). Barb and I headed out and did four extra miles after the awards...and opted to head to the lake, where we had a bit of shelter from the wind. Total miles for the day--->10!

Sunday. Remember all of that stair training I've been doing this spring? Well, it wasn't just because I love stair climbing, it also was prepping my body for the Fight for Air Climb. This was my sixth time tackling a stair climb event for the American Lung Association (and my fifth consecutive year of doing the Des Moines venue). All went well! Stay tuned...the full recap is in the works!

Another Fight for Air Climb done!

In other news: 
I have been having some slight hip "tenderness." My hunch is it's time for new running shoes, at least for my long distance training runs. I have been at a crossroads as what to do....I've been wearing Brooks Adrenalines GTS (both the 15's and 16's) for the past 20 months. I love both versions, but the I loved the 15's a tiny bit more. Before the Brooks, I was loving Mizuno Wave Inspires. I started in the WI 8's, skipped a couple of new models, and most recently was wearing the 11's. Again, I liked them...but the originals (the 8's) were total perfection. Well, I've decided to give the Wave Inspires another go...and brought these pretty babies home on Saturday.  
Aren't they pretty?
Ever given your dog a bath, you know, just because...and were astounded by how much dirt was left in the bath tub? Wow. And to think this little guy has been snuggling on my bed pillow.... 

post-bath, I caught him going crazy on the couch

...and speaking of April goals, I came up with a few daily challenges to keep me active, accountable, and (hopefully) injury-free. So far, I've done well doing these everyday, and there have been some days when I've done a few extras (additional minutes of foam rolling on my running days, for example). 

Care to join me?
A hugely popular Instagram post last week was a "repost" of one of my original chalk drawings. This was how I announced to the world when I decided to register for my first marathon (spring 2013).

In case you missed them, here's my blog posts from last week:

Anyways, enough about me. How was your week? Have you had some grey skies as well? Have you ever taken an extra rest day, and were rewarded for it by having a great run or race? Ever done a warm-up run before a start line?

As usual, I'm linking up with Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap

and Ilka and Angela for the Sunday Fitness & Food Linkup


  1. Great weekly recap! So happy that you decided to give the Mizunos another try :) Congrats on your strong finish time for the Fight for Air Climb!

    So happy that you decided to sign up for another marathon :)

    1. Thanks!! I'm excited to run some miles in the Mizunos....I've missed them ;-)

  2. What a great idea to do the warm up! Clearly it worked-- you nailed that 5K time!!!

    1. I do n't do many 5K's,but the warm-ups definitely help with that short distance

  3. It's so funny how dogs go crazy when they are wet!!!

    Great week for you. Send some of that energy my way!!

    1. Max goes absolutely nutzo when he's right out of the tub...as soon as I open the door, he bolts outta there

  4. Congrats on the race! I also like to do a solid warm up before a 5k because its such a short distance and takes me awhile to warm up.

  5. Congratulations on the race. A longer warm up for a 5k definitely helps as you start the race with muscles all ready to go.

    I also got new shoes this week, but I went for Brooks! First time wearing them and I like them so far.

    1. Have fun with your new shoes! I really liked my Adrenalines ;-)

  6. Congrats on your race! And great idea on the 3 mile warm-up - I swear I have to try that the next time I run a 5K!

    1. I do n't do many 5K's, so I seldom remember to do the warm-up LOL

  7. You really smoked your 5k and then all those stairs on Sunday. I too hate a 5k just because I push myself so. I know they are good for me but I don't have to totally love them. I wonder if warming up would do me good as well. May have to try that.

    1. I don't run many 5K's because I just don't have the speed to make it worth my while....I'm glad I did the warm-up, I just need to remember to do it more often

  8. Great job running after the 5k race. I do not like 5k races either because I feel like I need to just sprint the whole time. But either way I would still not run after after a race....haha. Good job doing those stairs the next day.

    1. The stairs were fun, but the stairwells were very hot & humid...

  9. I'm really loving your Friday Fashion clothes. You looked so cute! I'm getting another stitch fix tomorrow and I'm a bit worried. I peaked at it and the clothes are UBER expensive this time?? WTF? $98 dollar jeans? they better rock my socks off! A HUGE congrats with your 5K finish!

    1. I think the StitchFix clothing is beautiful...but just cannot justify the price tag

  10. I always think about running before a 5k but never do. I do run after and yes, it's hard to stop and start. My long runs after are never good ones yet I still sign up for more races. Crazy!

  11. Congrats on another Fight for Air Climb and new shoes!! Our weather has been mostly gray here in Hong Kong too. I can barely see out the windows today because it's so foggy!!

  12. Once I ran a mile warm up before a 5K, and that ended up being my fastest 5K. Did I ever do that again? Of course not...but it's a really good idea, and very nice that it worked out so well for you! :)

    1. That 5K distance is tough....I often take for granted that short distances need a special strategy

  13. Gosh, I guess doing that 3 mile "warm up" really paid off. I'll have to keep that in mind. I might have those same Mizunos upstairs. I've only worn them twice - including at the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler so I can't remember if they are Inspires or a different model. :-)

    1. I need to remember to do a substantial warm-up more often, it does make a difference

  14. I don't often warmup before races but when I do it's for the 5k and 10k distances. It makes a huge difference in races that short!

    1. Those short races are easily taken for granted by us distance runners LOL

  15. The warm up before the 5K is such a great idea! You can easily get those first 3 miles in in the time everyone is lined up waiting to run the actual race! Great week, and such a cute pup!

  16. That is an amazing 5k time Kim!! And in 25 mph winds?? Wow!! I love that you got a 5k medal too and got in the rest of your miles! Looks like you had another great week!!

  17. I don't do it a whole lot, but occasionally I will race & then later on finish up my long run miles. Hey, whatever works for you!

    When I walk with the dogs it's soooooooo slow. Just think about how often Max stops to do his business. Now multiply by two. Then of course there's the circling back to mark over the other dog . . . that was so much simpler with just one dog.

  18. I've been hearing a lot about the warmup before a 5K and it really intrigues me yet also intimidates me haha! I'll have to try it someday - congrats on your great finish! Looking forward to your stair climb recap!

  19. One of your fastest 5ks after a 3 mile warm up? GO you!

  20. You're such an inspiration! I used to not warm up before races, too. But it really works wonders to get those muscles primed, especially if you're gunning for a PR.

    And my dog is notoriously dirty. Probably from all our runs. :)

  21. I agree about 5k's...the further I run distance wise the less I like the intensity of a short 5k. It does take me about 3 miles to get warmed up. I've never run before a 5k though so maybe I should give that a try next time I do!

  22. That's a great time on your 5K congrats and your stair climbs are always impressive!

  23. Great job getting in your long run and a race at the same time. I don't think a lot people warm up for 5k races. I don't but I should!

  24. Great job on the 5k and stair climb (love that headband!). I usually do a short warmup before all distances except the marathon. I just ordered a pair of Mizunos Inspires and then realized I picked the wrong size #fail. My dogs go crazy after a bath too! Thanks for linking, Kim!

  25. Clean puppy! Nothing is sweeter than a freshly bathed pup!

    I love those Mizunos. I have to update mine and am still debating on color. I love these, but I think it's time for pink ones. We'll see.

    Can't wait to read your recap! I love that you do the Fight For Air Climb!

    Hope your weather is looking brighter for good, now! Dreary days can really mess with your motivation.

  26. Congrats on such a speedy 5K, Kimberly! The advice your friend gave you definitely paid off!The warm-up helps tremendously. A trainer in NYC told me years ago to always warm up 2-3 miles before a 5K, and honestly I never did, which is a huge mistake! When I run a 6 Miler I usually never hit my right until/after mile 3. So next time I will warm up before as well!

  27. We've definitely had grey skies and lots of rain up here in Washington! I guess it's those April showers. Your 5 miles at 5:00am sounds like you've got true mental toughness. Since having our daughter it's been nearly impossible to wake up early. I have played around with warming up before some races and not before others, but there are so many other factors that I'm not sure which works best. Way to go on your fast 5k!

  28. A little extra rest does a body good! Awesome time for you! I have a 5K coming up and I think I might need a warm up mile or 2 first- thanks for the tip!
