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Sunday, May 28, 2017

Back in the SPRING of things

I think Momma N likes me again.

I say that with the utmost sincerity and humbleness. We've had some very questionable weather this spring, especially in recent weeks. It finally feels like the spring temps are here to stay...well, until the summer temps make their (much anticipated!) arrival.

Although our spring has been a bit psychotic in terms of weather, I honestly cannot complain (much) because I've had decent weather on my most of scheduled running days. I've been able to swap a day here or there to accommodate the rain (or outright avoid it), and have not had to struggle through too many unpleasant outdoor adventures. Glass half full, right?

This past week went well. As mentioned last week, it was time for a scaled-back, recovery week. With Grandma's Marathon looming (now only three weeks out!), the mileage is crucial but the recovery is paramount.

Monday rolled in, bringing us unseasonably cold temps and a stubborn N/NW wind that smacked us in our faces during our #5at5. None the less, the run went well and we had daylight for almost the entire five miles. Another successful #nevermissaMonday, so all was well.

It felt like a late-winter run...minus the snow
Even though I felt recovered from Saturday's struggle-bus-16-miler, I still felt a little extra TLC would be good thing for Tuesday. Some extra foam rolling and yoga are always a good move, no matter how recovered you think you are.

There also was a badly-needed pedicure on the agenda
I have not spent much time with my bike (who, by the way, still needs a name...remember this Blog Post from last year?). I dusted her (him?) off and did about seven miles in the late afternoon sunshine on Wednesday. Despite the beautiful day, the wind was crazy...and the final three miles felt like a bonus 10 miles instead with the fierce headwind. That which doesn't kill you.....
Be careful with the camera angle...you may look like a giant with a child's bike
On Thursday, we had another chilly, though pleasant, morning for our second #5at5 of the week. Temps were in the high 40's, but with little-to-no wind, it felt a lot warmer. My friend, Barb, and I have been doing these #5at5's for several months now (you can read more about it HERE), and it's been a fun adventure! Now that the days are notably longer, we have almost total daylight (even at 5 a.m.). We don't have total sunshine (yet), but there's not much need for extra "safety" lighting. I look forward to continuing this ritual indefinitely, even after the marathon. We've been doing them since last September, why stop now?
Happy with the daylight!
With another long run on tap for the weekend, Friday was another day of active recovery. I did have a fun #Fridayfashion post, though. It's no secret I love color and enjoy pairing different colors together, like navy and orange. Add the white skinny jeans and some sparkly sandals, and I'm set for the day. By the way, are YOU following me on Instagram? Post a #Fridayfashion pic and tag ME!
Orange and Navy for the win!
We had some major fog for most of Saturday morning. The temps were in the low 50's, but the air felt especially damp (hence all the fog). We headed out at 6:30, and finished about two hours later (which included a potty stop near the 5.5 mile mark). It was one of those runs that went smooth despite my angry muscles. Not sure what was going on, but my hammies and hips were just "not feeling the run." I'm gonna assume the heavy air and lack of pre-run hydrating may have been a factor (though I had water with me and drank a few sips every mile or so). I'm also gonna assume it was my body's way of reminding me the past three weekends had taken a (brief) tole on me, and the scaled back mileage was necessary.
10 miles done
In keeping with my post-long run recovery routine, I headed out Sunday morning with the intent of doing a simple, easy mile. Imagine my surprise when I realized everything felt like  it was in 100% working order (this also happened last weekend, following that tough 16-miler). I decided to run two miles instead. I felt like I could have run much farther...but I stopped at two miles. It was, after all, a recovery run, and it's best to treat it as such.
another successful recovery run done
So, how did this week fare? Over all, I am happy with everything! Although I was an achy mess after last weekend's 16-miler (as well as through most of Saturday's 10-miler), I felt great both of the days following those endeavors. I think that confirms my training is going well, and I'm glad to have the wisdom to honor my gut instinct and keep the mileage moderate. I finished the week (Monday-Sunday) with 22 miles, and am at 104 total miles for May (with a couple of runs remaining before June arrives). I have a half marathon next weekend (with five bonus miles after the finish line...which will give me 18 miles for the morning), and then my Grandma's Marathon Taper can begin.

In other news....

I must confess that my 5-minute plank didn't happen on Thursday. Oops. I was up late finishing my Friday blog post, and forgot about the plank until the next morning. Have no fear, I did the plank on Friday evening instead....can you think of a better way to spend a Friday evening?

And, you all probably know Max by now. He loves going for walks...

...and car rides! 

Car ride? Did someone say "car ride?"
In case you missed them, here's last week's posts:

Can you say DOMS?

Mileage AND Maintenance

But enough about me! How was your week? Spring-like weather? Training runs going alright? Are you disciplined about treating the recovery with the same respect as the training?

I'm linking up with Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap. Please join us! 

And I'm also linking with Courtney for her Weekly Training Recap Link-up


  1. I am know convinced that mother nature has it in for me now! We have had the most rainy spring that I can remember and I've been dodging it to my bike rides in. I am nervous about my tri race next weekend being rainy and having freezing temps. Looks like you had a pretty great week!

    1. I think you're gonna kick booty next weekend...rain or shine! You're in excellent tri shape ;-)

  2. A little extra TLC and foam rolling is always a good thing!

    Mother Nature was not that kind to my area this week - nothing but rain, rain and more rain all week (except for one day). Luckily we has sunshine this weekend, but then back to ran all day tomorrow. Sigh.

  3. Our weather here has been gorgeous and I was sending you good weather vibes last week. I hope it warms up for your morning runs (but not too warm that it is uncomfortable)

    1. Ha! Thanks ;-) I love the heat, so it is seldom ever "too warm" for my liking ;-)

  4. We had some rain this week, but luckily it didn't interfere with my plans. After yoga Friday I raced to book a pedicure -- nothing like looking at your toes in forward fold to send you to the salon! ;-)

    1. My toes just look bad...which is why they are always covered in polish. Ignorance is bliss ;-)

  5. Mother Nature has fooled us a few times this week--both on Thursday for my Cubs game and today? It was supposed to rain both days but both days turned out amazing!

    1. Knock on wood, all the forecasted rain has missed us this weekend...so far....

  6. Some days it feels like summer and other days like fall.

    At least it didn't rain this weekend.

    Since my half PR, my runs have sucked. But i'm not training so I guess it's ok.

    1. We had a bit of a late winter relapse recently, but I think that's ended....I hope...

  7. I am never one to skimp on recovery. It's been such a cold, wet spring but momma N surprised us with some really nice weather this weekend!

    1. Sometimes I think I might overdo the recovery thing, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. I'm just too paranoid about over-training (I think that most who over-train are in denial of doing so)

  8. OMG! Max is such a CUTIE!! :) Love your top on Friday! I can't believe that Grandma's is coming up so soon!! One year I WILL run that marathon.

    1. You will love Grandma's! I'm just hoping for a much drier experience this time (it rained for the first two hours in 2015). Well, a faster finish time would be a nice perk LOL

  9. First things first....very cute sandals in the pic with Max!! Love those!

    Next, I can't help but snicker a little that you guys are finally getting spring like weather while we have been fully thrown into summer weather for weeks now. Ugh. Enjoy the cooler temps and good luck with Grandma's!!

    1. Well, in full disclosure, we did have spring weather back in April....but once May arrived, it was like time travel back to February or something. ;-)

  10. I'm so happy you got warmer weather back! Event hough it is warm here all the time, it has been nice for a couple of days (which means I haven't been melting!). I loved your Fashion Friday outfit! Super cute colors ;)

    1. Awww, thanks! Yes, it finally feels like summer be just around the corner.....

  11. Glad your weather is improving! Our weather has been all over the place, and Ive had enough of the rain! Although most days it doesn't start util the afternoon so at least I can still get outside in the morning.

    1. The weather has been tough to deal with (and figure out) for May. I hope that all ends before June begins ;-)

  12. I love the bike picture! I had the same "giant" thought, so I'm glad you mentioned it first! ��

    1. After I saw the pic, it took me a few minutes to figure out what looked so "odd" about it LOL Geesh...I look like an ogre....

  13. In typical Dixie fashion, we go from winter to full on summer (and I'm still whining about it -- LOL). It sounds like you've have a successful training cycle. There's always a few aches that go along with it and you are smart to add in restorative days. I think doing your last long run as a half plus extra will be a fun way to celebrate moving into taper. Thanks for linking, Kim!

    1. Thank you, Holly!!! I"m hoping I still have 5-miles of gas in the tank after the finish line on Saturday...

  14. The weather has been so crazy here in DC. Glad it's nice in your neck of the woods!

  15. True or false: I'm kind of freaking out the Grandma's is three weeks out. True. The answer is true. But that means I get to see YOOOOOOU sooner! Woohoo!

  16. The weather has just been nuts and quite the roller coaster. I'm over the cold weather and more than ready for summer to stick around for longer than a day or two.

  17. I think I'm safe in saying spring is FINALLY here in Chicago! I rode 32 miles in the Bike the Drive on Sunday and the predicted rain held off and Momma N treated us to a beautiful morning along Lake Shore Drive. I spent most of yesterday gardening, and the beautiful bright sunshine had me up early this morning. I'm gearing up for a 5-miler now!

    1. Spring was a long time arriving in Iowa, too! Actually, it showed up early in February, then reverted back to winter temps for awhile...UGH!
