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Sunday, June 25, 2017

One Challenging Recovery Week

Remember when I said that my last week of taper was pretty non-traditional (for me)?

Well, there seems to be a pattern here, because my first week of marathon recovery was pretty non-traditional as well. And not in a good way.

All I can say is "UGH!"

Anyways, here's what went down...

Overall, I felt good following Grandma's Marathon, which had been run on Saturday (June 17th). We had a 7+(hour) drive back home on Sunday, and took a few rest stops to get out of the car and stretch and walk around. As is typical for me, the DOMS showed up Sunday evening, leaving me feeling like I'd been hit by a bus Monday morning. It's a package deal, and I know the DOMS are part of the routine. I passed on doing my usual #5at5 Monday morning and instead did an easy-paced 1-miler after work. You know, never miss a Monday (even if it's only for one mile)!
a short and easy-paced #nevermissaMonday
After the scare with the sudden knee bursitis flare-up, I was really surprised the marathon had gone so well. Granted, I did not run it as I'd planned, finishing a good 30 minutes slower than I'd wanted, but my knee felt great the entire race and even afterwards. Imagine my surprise when it started swelling on Tuesday. There also was some redness, which felt hot to the touch and hurt if I put any kind of pressure on it (not a great day for the white skinny jeans...#ouch). I was still taking my prescription anti-inflammatory meds (from the week prior), so I put the Ace wrap back on that evening and slid on some compression socks before bed (another typical post-marathon side effect for me is puffy legs and kankles as my body adjusts to the fluid levels...and this usually happens about the time the DOMS are leaving).
This was my blogging reality for most of the week...feet up and leg wrapped
I  was surprised to see the swelling had gotten worse overnight. It still wasn't looking as bad as it had the previous week, so I was optimistic it would leave as quickly as it had returned. I had the afternoon off, so I went for a 2-mile walk, and everything felt fine...actually, the walk made everything feel better because I think it loosened up some of the "tightness" I had been feeling in my knee and surrounding area. Still no sign of the usual water-retention thing with the kankles, so that was a definite win!
post 2-mile walk
I did some arm work in the evening, since I hadn't been doing much else fitness-wise. I also was very mindful of the fact that I had just run a marathon four days prior, and although my body seemed to be feeling recovered, I knew it was not. Respect thy recovery...yadda yadda yadda.
Even if I can't work my legs, there's no reason for my arms to be idle
Ugh. I woke up with more swelling, achiness, and redness. Seriously?????
Attractive, NOT!
 I decided to try to get in to see my doctor...and hope for some answers or possible on-the-spot solutions. Well, as luck would have it, my regular doc was out, but I was able to see her partner (who I had seen in the past on occasion). He was reluctant to do much (draining any of the fluid out or injecting steroids in), but reassured me that bursitis usually will correct itself in a few days if it isn't further aggravated. He did write me a prescription for Prednisone (a steroid) that I could try if nothing felt better by Saturday. Really?
ugh...isn't it ugly?
On my way back to work, I stopped and bought a knee compression sleeve to try. Still an ugly fix, but it wasn't quite as obnoxious as the Ace wrap. Let's suffice it to say, my usual Thursday #5at5 didn't happen either.

After a terrible, sleepless night (from constant throbbing of the fluid-filled knee area), I awoke to the same...redness, swollen skin (still), and increased stiffness in the knee. That was it. As soon as the pharmacy opened, I called to make sure they did receive the call-in for Prednisone and picked it up on my way home for lunch and wasted no time in popping those pills.

I knew it would not be an instant relief kind of thing, so I slid the knee compression sleeve back on and forced myself to continue to keep that #glasshalffull perspective. I had a hair appointment, so that gave my spirits a definite lift. Isn't it amazing what a couple of hours in a stylist's care can do for your mental well being?

A slight variation to the 'do....
I also posted my #FridayFashionFlair pic on Instagram. Getting some nice feedback from my followers also brought me some smiles. By the way, are YOU following me on Instagram (@runningonthefly )? Do you wear clothes on Fridays (I certainly hope so!)? I invite you to play along...post a pic of your outfit and tag me...I'd love to see what everyone else is wearing!
I love the turquoise and brown color combo!

Before I went to bed on Friday, I slid off the compression sleeve...and ugh! There was a reduction in redness, but there still was a lot of fluid retention. 
maybe I should join the circus with my freaky asymmetrical legs....
Fortunately, I slept much better and awoke to see a huge reduction in swelling! Finally! The stiffness felt better after I took Max for a short walk. I know it sounds incredibly vain, but it was nice to see BOTH of my legs resemble each other again...having one odd-looking puffy mess of a knee is not too fun.

Continued reduction in swelling, but still not where it needs to be. My patience is getting close to being MIA because this is such a frustrating reality. But, alas, maybe it's a good thing...I know I'd be tempted to lace up and head out for a run if things were better. It's only been a week since the marathon, after all. I did go into the race slightly under trained, but with an open mind. And I was incredibly lucky the race went so well considering four days prior I was in a similar situation with the first bout of the bursitis. 
Displaying FullSizeRender.jpg
Sunday after church.....
 So, there was not much for fitness happening this week. I ran one, (count 'em, ONE) mile this week. It's crazy how 26+ miles could feel so good, but one easy-paced recovery mile (two days later) could wreak such havoc. Of course, this all may have just been pacified with the cortisone injections four days before the marathon. I'm just surprised I felt nothing during the marathon itself  and it wasn't until four days later this bursitis reappeared....you know, just when I was starting to think I was recovered. SNAP!

Anyways, in other news:

Our race day pics from Grandma's Marathon were posted....what do you think?

to buy or not to buy?
In the midst of NOT running this week, I made a "motivational" meme from a pic of when I DID run a few weeks prior. I know there is a lesson to be learned from my current state of recovery....I still haven't quite figured it out, though.  Suggestions?

June 7th was Global Day of Running. I did a #5at5 that morning, and later saw the promotion that I Love to Run had going (a free medal for running their virtual 5K). I ordered two of the medals (one for me and one for my friend, Barb) on Monday, June 12th, and got notification the next day that they had been shipped. 
I actually did a 5-miler instead of the 5K...back on June 7th, when I could run LOL
I was really hoping for it to arrive by Thursday (June 15th) so I could give Barb her medal before we departed on our journey to Duluth. According to the tracking by the USPS, it went from California, to two places in Maryland, and then to Des Moines before finally making its way back to me (on Friday, 11 days after it left its origin). Can anyone explain the logistics of that?
Why all the excess mileage across the country?
Despite my ornery knee, I am grateful I feel pretty recovered everywhere else. I never had the usual kankles or puffy legs, so that's a definite win!

swollen knee, but no kankles!!!

In case you missed them, here's my posts from last week:

So, that's my first week of recovery! Let's hope the worst is over...because I have a few races on my summer roster.Tell me...have you ever thought your were recovered, only to have a relapse of a phantom injury? Ever had unexpected knee problems? Has your glass-half-full attitude ever been tested? 

Ain't got time for this
I'm linking up with Zenaida (on behalf of Holly and Tricia) for the Weekly Wrap. Please join us! 


  1. Ugh! I know how annoying knee issues can be. I'm glad that you were able to get to the doctor this week just to check everything out again. Seems like the meds and the compression sleeve are helping with the swelling which is great! I hope that it's back to normal soon.

    1. This knee thing is so frustrating because it's nothing I have ever experienced before. Today, it feels like the knee is better,but the pain is spreading up my leg...along the IT Band (I think it's the IT Band...never had problems with THAT before either). UGH.

  2. Glad the swelling is finally going down. Hope it's all back to normal soon.

    1. I hope it's back to normal soon, too. This is so frustrating....

  3. Oh wow your knee still looks kind of scary swollen! Are you going to go to another Dr? I do love all of your race photos did you buy one of them?

    1. I'm calling my doc in the morning if it doesn't look any better. I think the knee is looking better (still ugly, though LOL), but the pain is working its way up my It band now....

  4. Wow, thats not good! How strange that it felt fine during your race and is so swollen now. I hope it gets better quickly!

    1. Thanks ;-) I know...why did it NOT hurt (or swell) during those 26 miles????

  5. My knee troubles were a surprise. My doc thinks I must have partially torn my meniscus sometime in my past and not known it. It eventually caught up to me, out of the blue! I love your motivational meme - it's perfect for my running life now. Hope your knee is just being cranky and it's nothing serious!

  6. Oh no! I'm so sorry about your knee - that's rough. At least it happened after the marathon and you have some time to recover. I hope it heals quickly!

    1. Thanks ;-) I'm thankful this is all happening now and not two weeks ago (at least that surprise bursitis episode was treated successfully)

  7. Gosh, that knee thing is really concerning. I hope you find out what's going on in there.

    1. Well...the knee thing is not as bad (still swollen, but the pain is minimal)...but now it's the pain moving up my It Band that has me wondering what the heck is happening.....

  8. Sounds like something that will take time and a bit of rest (ahem!) to get better. We're impatient, but you can't rush things like this!

    1. I know...this has to run its course recovery-wise. It's just frustrating we have no answers what it really is, or specifically what caused it....and why did it take four days after the finish line to blindside me. Wouldn't think this should have made its appearance like during those 26+ miles? #frustration

  9. So bummed your knee swelled up again post marathon. Thank heavens it behaved long enough to run your race. Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery BEFORE RnRCHI!

    1. Thanks!!! Knock on wood...it's looking a bit better this morning (where's that damn wood...?). I'm hoping to run a 5K on July 4th, but have accepted I may be walking some (if not all) of it. Fingers crossed!

  10. Congrats on your marathon! OMG! Your knee!! Definitely does not look good at all. I hope you heal soon and fast.

    1. Well, the knee looks much worse than it feels...still a little puffy, but definitely not as painful.

  11. Ugh, your poor knee! I hope that the swelling continues to go down and it's back to normal this week.

    1. Me too! I have a 5K on July 4th I'd prefer to run (but will walk if need be)

  12. Wow, i'm glad your knee carried you through the marathon but this flare up is no fun and I hope you recover soon! I was so bummed I missed #FashionFriday this week. I was on a roll too! I had so much going on getting ready for the parade and all. Your outfit was cute!

  13. Ugh. :[ Bursitis is not fun--my friend offered me a back alley injection (so I wouldn't have to pay for it if we got it done at the clinic we work at, haha), but I'm still hoping it'll just resolve on its own. I'm glad your marathon went well despite that, and I hope your knee feels better soon!!

    1. It is progressively feeling better each day...just not as fast as I'd like LOL

  14. Oh my! The frustration with the knee! was it painful?

    That medal is traveling all over the place! I've had things shipped to me that go somewhere else first... and pass right by me

    1. The medal went from one coast to the other (flying directly over me, actually twice...because Des Moines is west of me and it was coming from the east coast at that point LOL)

  15. My knee problems are quite different, but they often come on literally with no warning. It's so frustrating.

    Here's hoping you're back to normal soon. And that was so sweet to order a medal for your BRFF!

    1. This is my first-ever knee issue....and it's been just short of a nightmare with the timing of it. Thankfully, it's improving daily...just s.l.o.w.l.y....

  16. Oh no, I'm so sorry about your knee! That swelling looks so painful. I hope you are feeling better really soon!! Prayers for a speedy and full recovery.

  17. Ohmygosh, lady. That knee doesn't look good. I'm sending you all the healing vibes in the world!!

  18. I'm so sorry about your knee! So frustrating! Hopefully the worse is behind you and this week will go smoother!

  19. Wow, what a week! I'm glad that swelling of your knee is just about resolved. Hopefully you will get to the bottom of it. Great race pics from Grandma's!

  20. I love that you used the word ornery! LOL. Hope all that swelling goes down soon and you get your knee back. :)

    Even with just one mile, I think you did great for a recovery week. You still got in a few walks, which is great.

  21. Your poor knee! Sure hope it gets better soon. I didn't run at all last week afree my half and thankful for the rest time.

  22. I don't think I have ever seen anything quite like that! I hope your knee returns to normal soon! I think resting it looks like the way to go!

  23. Wow, a 7 hour drive after running a marathon?!? I can't even imagine! And I hope your knee feels better ASAP.

  24. Oh, that does not look good! Hope the swelling goes down soon! I'm sure you are desperate to get back running again but do make sure you rest it as much as you can.

  25. I hope the worse is over with that knee... it hurts mine just looking at those snaps. Great race photos!
