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Friday, June 23, 2017

The Good and the (not so) Bad

Did you all know I ran a marathon last weekend? (I know...I have not talked much about it)

Running a marathon is not easy. Sure, we all train for the big day, but even with a perfect training plan, there's no guarantee race day will be a perfect scenario for those 26.2 miles.

Case in point, Grandma's Marathon 2017 ( full recap HERE ).

Although a lot of things weren't ideal for me on the race course, there were many things that made up for any bad karma and/or frustrations. Care to hear a few examples? How about five? (you probably knew there would be five LOL)

1. My endurance still won out, despite not getting to a 20-mile long run. My training was less than ideal in the final weeks leading up to taper. The problem? Too many other races. Sorry, but I'm not sorry. Although I do not consider myself a "racer," I still love the allure of a start line. Although I added a few bonus miles here and there after some of the races, it would have been a bit more "ideal" to just do a long training run(s) and skip the race(s). But, this was MY training plan, and I was not training for a BQ or a shot at the Olympic Trials. Bottom line? My endurance still won out and got me to the finish line (albeit a good 30 minutes slower than I'd hoped). Oh well. I'm happy, so that's all that matters.

2. My hydration and fueling were spot-on. Even though my exhaustion was severe by the 18th mile, and my feet were sore and my body was a sweaty mess, I never felt like stopping. I took more walking breaks than I'd planned to do, but I also was feeling a little light-headed at times and knew it would not have been wise to push through that.  Besides, I had a fun friend (Rachel) with me for the first 22+ miles, and she kept me laughing and (momentarily) helped me forget any discomforts.

3. A glorious triumphant final mile. As I was passing the 25-mile mark, AC/DC's Highway to Hell came up on my Ipod. Oh My Goodness! I had not had my music on for most of the race (because Rachel and I had been chit-chatting until we got separated around mile 23). I popped in the ear buds shortly after I lost Rachel, and was blessed with some of my favorite tunes. Fate? Divine Intervention? Call it what you will, but when the AC/DC song started, I knew all was well in  my world again. I probably had a silly (delirious) smile on my face, and I definitely came back to life and ran that final mile faster than the previous 15.

4. My official race time TOTALLY made my day!  Granted, I did not finish anywhere close to a 26.2 PR. I had to reset my watch around mile 23, and then I noticed it had officially "checked out" by mile 25. In other words, I had no idea where I was time-wise in the final miles. The clock above the finish line said 5:03:xx, which was almost exactly what I'd run the 2015 race for a finish time. It wasn't until we were driving back to our room that I noticed the email with my official finish time of 5:00:27! Even though it was not a marathon PR, it was a Grandma's course PR. Given my state of total exhaustion, it felt like a new world record to me. And it made me realize that maybe I'd like to run another marathon after all.....(#staytuned).

5. The post-race endorphins totally had me in a giddy state of mind this past week. The thing is...the endorphins weren't there at the finish line, or at the after-party, or even the next day. It wasn't until Tuesday (?) when they hit me (about the time the DOMS were leaving). I was sitting at my work desk, thinking about the race, and couldn't help smiling. Suddenly, the less-than-desired finish time no longer mattered. I had finished my seventh marathon, and that was something I'd never imagined happening 12 years ago (when I couldn't even run a 5K without taking walk breaks). Wow. I'm a 7-time marathoner!

I'll even give you a bonus "good feeling" thing: I have not had the usual post-race water retention or kankles!!! Currently, though, I am "patiently" waiting for my knee to calm down. I had that scary bursitis flare last Tuesday, and was able to get treatment and all was perfect on race day. Imagine my surprise when Tuesday of this week, I could feel it returning.  Although it's really annoying having the puffy (and oh-so-tender) knee, it is keeping me from jumping right back into my running shoes. I did run an easy mile on Monday (and felt good), but the next day the knee started puffing up (like it had done a week prior), and by Wednesday, I could barely bend it. Don't worry, I have been to the doctor...they want me to give it couple more days because bursitis typically will cure itself (if you don't further aggravate it).  Not ideal, but manageable. Onward!

So, that's where I'm sitting (literally, my right leg is elevated and there's an ice pack on my knee). I have run one mile since the finish line in Duluth...and I'm okay with that. Besides, I still have a few remaining post-26.2 endorphins to keep me company. Life is pretty good.

So, enough about me...your turn! Have you ever had a race not go as planned, but you still enjoyed the experience? Ever have the post-race endorphins show up a few days late?

 I'm linking this with Meranda and Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five 2.0

And also with Nicole for the Fit & Fashionable Friday link-up


  1. I have my share of races that weren't stellar, but I still had a great time. Mostly because of who was there with me. I'm so happy that your knee is (mostly) behaving and didn't give you any problems during your marathon. I think you'll have a number 8 in your future!

    1. Thanks, and I agree...there will probably be a #8 sometime. I have said it before...I am a runner,not a racer. Above all else, I love just being in my running shoes and crossing finish lines. Every time I try to control the pace, I end up frustrated...I do much better not trying for a specific pace or split.

  2. That's the attitude! Finishing is winning. I'm sorry to hear about your knee tho. I sure hope it calms down!

    1. I have never EVER had knee issues...until 10 days ago. What's up with that??? I have a different anti-inflammatory med I'm trying today...hoping that will jump start the healing.

  3. Races aren't about times, and they don't need to be perfect. My favorite races are often the ones that I had to fight for!

    1. I agree. I always say that anyone can run an "easy" race...but the ones that take true grit are the most rewarding. Been there, done that (MANY times) LOL

  4. Love your attitude Kim! Hope your knee settles down quickly!

    1. Thank you, Michelle ;-) This whole "knee thing" is uncharted territory for me LOL

  5. I hope your knee feels better soon the icing usually helps. I sometimes get sad after a big training cycle is over mostly because I don't know what to do with myself :) Have a great weekend!

    1. I know...the "what now?" is over whelming! I think I'll focus on my 13.1's for awhile. A lot less miles and it's easier to see results with a much less chance of injury.

  6. Gah, I'm sorry your knee isn't behaving this week. But at least it got you across another finish line before it flared up again.

    And I (obviously) agree about the pace/race plan. I can, and do, follow a race plan if I'm gunning for a PR in a half or even a 5K. But 20+ miles and I just need to run by feel. A lot can happen in 26.2 miles. One minute you could feel like the king of the world and the next step could be a race-ender. You just never know.

    It was a pleasure running with you. Thanks for the company. :)

    1. This knee! I have never had knee problem, like EVER. I ran 26+ miles and it felt great...but try and do a slow & easy 1-miler (Monday) and everything seemed to revert to last wee's stress/trauma. Ugh. Oh well.....I know it could be so much worse, right?

  7. As long as I'm not in pain, the endorphins are there for me. :) But I'm not so sure I'd feel that way after double the distance!

    Few races go as planned!

    I hope your knee goes back to normal quickly.

    1. I started a short round of steroids today....we'll see if that knocks it out (in a goood way LOL)

  8. I can relate to #1. Last year I was doing so many short distance races that I didn't train properly for my fall half. Ya know cus training for a 5K is different than training for 13.1!
    Having an official time come in better than what you thought is always great!

    1. I was so surprised I finished three minutes faster than the gun time...it didn't seem that long until we crossed the start line. Not complaining! ;-)

  9. Too bad about the knee. Hope it's temporary.

    26.2 miles - you are rockstar! I am in awe of another who can train for one.

    1. I'm hoping the knee thing is a once and done (even though it appears to be relapse from last week)

  10. Congratulations again on your race, and that's awesome that your finish time was even better than you thought! Being a 7-time marathoner is a huge accomplishment! I'm sorry to hear about your knee bursitis...my right knee is grateful that I won't be racing for a couple of months!

    1. I wonder if I was just so exhausted (like from mile 18) that my form went to pot and my knee absorbed the brunt of it? I'm just surprised I didn't feel anything while running.

  11. A course PR is pretty awesome! Way to go with another 26.2!!!

    1. Thanks! The course PR was a surprise, and a very pleasant one at that ;-)

  12. It may not have gone as planned, but sounds like you still had a fun race! Sorry to hear about your knee...hopefully a few days of rest will fix it right up.

    1. I did have fun despite the less-than-desirable issues. It's a super great event!

  13. Great job! As long as you had fun and enjoyed the experience, that's a positive

  14. Keep resting up Kim!!! Still on a high from last weekend!

    1. My "high" is still maintain, too. Despite my finish time being a good 30 minutes slower than I'd hoped for, it was a finish ;-)

  15. I'm sorry to hear about your knee, but glad that you are resting it. It just needs a little more TLC before it's back to normal!

    1. This knee thing is SOOOO weird! I've never had knee issues...ever!

  16. Oh, gosh, Highway To Hell would be perfect for the last mile of a marathon! Glad so many things went well - I hope your knee settles down.

    1. Highway to Hell is one of my favorite songs anyways LOL

  17. Kudos on the marathon. I think running them are such an incredible feat. I ran a half one time, it was challenging so I can only imagine a full marathon.

    1. As tough as 26.2 miles are, that finish line is amazing ;-)

  18. Its so good to focus on things that went well in a race! I hope that knee calms down quickly!

    1. The knee is feeling better. I'm postponing the running for a few more days, maybe even another week to make sure it's totally healed.

  19. Glad you had that musical inspiration to get you to the end! Great finish!

  20. Not getting a PR doesn't mean that we can't have a great race experience. The most important thing is that you had fun while running the race. And if you aren't having fun, then what's the point of racing, right?

    1. I agree! I don't get the racers who focus ONLY on their finish time. They might even run a fast race, but if they miss a PR, they are bummed...and have probably missed out on so much fun and excitement along the way.

  21. Congrats on your marathon but so sorry about your knee! Hope it is healing up quickly for you!!

    1. The marathon really was a blast...the knee? Just a small detour ;-)

  22. My second marathon was like this, not as planned, but so awesome anyhow!!!

    1. The marathon is a beast...I simply have to make it fun or I'd be a mess of anxiety LOL

  23. I seriously think the most important thing is having fun... sounds like you accomplished that. Hope the knee is recovering.

    1. Thanks!! Yes it was fun...and the knee is rebounding (albeit slowly)
