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Monday, August 28, 2017

Assessing August...

Did August make the grade?

That's a tough one for me to assess. After all, this was a very strange August, in more ways than one. Here's the report card:

My State of Activity--A+
First of all, there was my state of activity. Although I have been rocking the title of "Runner Sidelined" since June 20th, August was the month of some major movement. Believe it or not, even with my scaled back mileage of recent, I still surpassed my July miles (which were 77). Currently, the August miles are at 138...I probably will not be able to double the July tally, but I will come close by month's end. Yikes, I can flat-out guarantee I would not be reaching that kind of quota if I was running instead of walking every day.
Early morning miles for the win
The State of the Weather--B
Let's talk about the August 2017 weather, shall we? First thing, I have been very fortunate in terms of early morning "dryness." In other words, I have been able to walk outside every morning (with the exception of  Sunday, August 20th, when it was raining) every day since July 17th (when my daily early morning streak began). Impressive, yes? But, in terms of temps, it has been very unseasonably cool, especially in the pre-dawn hours. Now, I appreciate the high 50's/low 60's temps for running...but definitely NOT in August, and for sure NOT for walking. Can you say, "Brrrr?"
A rare August morning in a tank top...
My State of Recovery--B
This Road to Recovery (extensive details HERE) has been an interesting journey. I'm able to walk "like normal" now, I can get in/out of a vehicle without much effort (finally!), and I can go up/down stairs (mostly) with ease. But there is that %$&# 6-inch suture line. Not only is it horribly ugly, but it sometimes feels really tight and uncomfortable, making it difficult to bend my knee as much as I'd like. Obviously, the running is still on standby...but I do think I'm getting closer to getting back on the road and doing more than just walking.
Don't me jealous...Voldemort is ALL mine
The State of My Optimism--B+
I have successfully kept that proverbial glass half full through this life-changing event, but there have been a few gloom & doom moments when the water level has waivered. Summer is my favorite season for running, after all. It's been very hard to see all of my running friends' sweaty post-run selfies because my eagerness to trade places with them is overwhelming. Fortunately, walking has been a great substitute for running, and the early morning walks have really been fantastic. I certainly have been reminded to appreciate every mile, whether it's by running or walking, because none of us really know if it could be our last (or an unexpected emergency surgery will blindside you).
Grateful for EVERY mile
The State of My August Goals--C
Oops. I have only missed a couple days of push-ups. I have done the leg lifts daily...just not three times each day. And the daily foam rolling? Major oops. It's happened, but very sporadically.

So, there you have it. Over all, I give August a thumbs up. How was YOUR August?  Any goals that you successfully accomplished? Weather...good? bad? ugly?

**I'm linking up with Marcia and Patty and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run... Join the party!

...and with Susie and Debbie and Rachel and Lora for the Running Coaches' Corner.
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  1. You are amazing. I'm not sure I could be that committed to walking. Some people say they only run if they are being chased. I only walk if I can't run and can't drive. Fingers crossed that you keep improving and the last remaining issues end soon.

    1. Well, walking is all I've had since the surgery LOL. I feel bad for all the times I shunned walking in the past, when I thought it was a "step down" from running...it's certainly given me a new perspective.

  2. Im sitting here questing how its actually the end of August already! We have had cooler than normal temps this month too, which would have been great for running. That is some impressive walking mileage!!

    1. Right, where did the summer go? You and me both have kind of been robbed of a "real" summer....

  3. I'm not sure if I agree with you about the cooler morning temps--I personally like those conditions for running or walking--but I think you had an amazing month!

    1. I still prefer the heat LOL I will be one happy giddy runner next summer ;-)

  4. You are a star for keeping a glass-half full attitude through all of this! Yeah, how can we be winding up August already?? The entire year is flying too fast.

    1. Well, as mentioned (sort of a runfession), that glass has waivered at times...but this experience has given me a new perspective on gratefulness.

  5. The flexibility of your knee WILL come back -- it's just going to take time.

    We had plenty of rain in August. And while it's cool now -- and frankly, I'm appreciating it -- we had a LOT of humidity & some very humid long runs that weren't a whole lot of fun.

    All you have to do is look at the Gulf Coast, though, to realize how very lucky we are. Kim, you're doing a great job!

    1. Thanks, Judy! I know the flexibility will come back...when it's ready and not by forcing it. But, UGH. I wish it would just happen already LOL

  6. Every day for you is a step (pun intended) closer to full recovery and running. Kudos to you -- you've handled being on the sidelines with nothing but grace.

    1. Thank you, Holly ;-) I have been blessed with so many wonderful friends who have given me SO MUCH support and encouragement through this ;-) Thanks for being a huge part of it ;-)

  7. If you want some warm temps, you can come to Denver. It is cooler in the mornings, but we're at higher than normal temps because of Harvey. I was promised fall temps heading towards Labor Day, and it'll be 90 today.

    1. It gets warm during the day (in the 70's/80's), but these mornings have been crazy!

  8. I am in awe of your dedication to keep moving and active! You are awesome... because if this would have been me, I would have caught up with all the seasons of Friends and Gilmore Girls.. again! Stay awesome!

    1. Awwwww, thanks! My motivation to stay active is the 13.1 in November....that I'm hoping to run. I will not be going fast, and may need run/walk intervals, but that race has been my beacon ;-)

  9. Even though it's not running, your mileage is very impressive!

    1. Thanks ;-) It's given me something to work towards while the running shoes are sitting dormant LOL

  10. Glad your optimism is holding up. I imagine your scar will fade and be more noticeable to you than everyone else.

  11. I think that overall you are doing an amazing job dealing with everything! Your walking mileage is really impressive and you are still doing other exercises as well.

    1. I want my transition back to running to go smoothly, hopefully all of this fitness and cardio will give me a "running" start LOL

  12. Wow 138 miles for August?? That's amazing! I made it just over 50 running and walking before surgery. You are doing great and will be back to running before you know it!

    1. This is my comeback month! Hoping for a smooth transition back to running...

  13. You've had an amazing month, and I've been so impressed by how active you've remained despite your injury. I'd definitely give you an A+ for all that you've been able to do!

    1. Thanks, Janelle! This recovery business has been an interesting journey..

  14. I'm glad you're progressing so well! You've had a great attitude about everything (at least what you let us see!). My August has been okay, but the weather has been horrible. Yes I know you prefer warm weather, but this goes beyond.

    1. ha ha! I know my definition of perfectly warm weather might clash ever so slightly with yours ;-) Maybe I wouldn't be craving the heat so much if I was able to be running in it...you know, fully experiencing the weather and all its glory (?)

  15. When I had my ACL surgery many years ago, I thought I would never get the flexibility or range of motion back. I was not yet a runner and I went on to then do all the crazy stuff I do now. I know it's starting to get frustrating but I know all of your walking is keeping you in great shape.

    1. I had a revelation the other day...I think it's not so much the suture line (good ole Voldemort) that is the hurdle, it's just the knee joint itself being stiff from lack of bending the past two months while Voldy healed (?). I'm working on s.l.o.w.l.y bending my knee a little teensy bit more each day to loosen it up...so far, so good...

  16. I'm totally 100% completely with you on this weather. This is NOT what I signed up for! I need heat, people!! Sunshine and hot days. Not this "fall-like" nonsense in the middle of summer. #ugh

    1. Hallelujah, Sister! We need this fall nonsense to take a breather, right?

  17. Even injured, you are rocking it! Well done! The weather could be a lot worse, even though it hasn't been pleasant for a while. You are pushing through like an absolute boss!

    1. Our August weather has really been wacko...much cooler than normal. I hope we're not in for an early winter...

  18. I was going to get back to doing my pushups every day... YEAH that didn't happen...

    1. Even doing them daily, I'm always amazed how easy it is to forget about them...what the what?

  19. I couldn't keep up with my burpees. They were getting too hard for me. Maybe I can try doing 10 a day or something like that. My running mileage is low for August. That's OK. It should ramp up now that I am running more often.

    1. Burpees are tough...I'm really amazed how much coaches/instructors push them on people. They have so much impact and a complicated, forceful thrust...it's easy to lose one's balance and over extend (my excuse LOL)

  20. You are one amazing woman! 138 and counting miles in August, that is awesome!

    1. 138 is crazy...especially given the fact that I'm not training for anything LOL
