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Sunday, August 6, 2017


I'm always coming up with new (to me) hashtags, and #onward has been my latest and greatest.

Granted, I'm still moving through recovery (full details HERE), but I'm also moving onward from what got me there. It's hard to say when or where the finish line will appear or if I'll even be aware of it happening. After all, aren't we always moving towards something, or away from something else, in our quest for adventure?

Anyways, this past week was one of phenomenal growth, discovery, and accomplishment. Care to hear what went down?

It started with Monday's major PR in post-op (cumulative) walking miles. How does the number NINE grab you? Don't worry, those nine miles happened over the course of the entire day, not all in one outing. You know, never miss a Monday!

I went out for 3 miles in the early morning...
Don't ya love the magic of filters?
....and my friend, Barb (remember her?), met up with me and we walked about 5.5 miles in the evening.
Why do a second walk? Why not!
The temps on Tuesday morning, were a bit chilly for August...we're talking mid-50's. Ummm...as much as I love the cooler temps, I prefer them in October and not as early as August, thank you very much. #Brrrrr  I ended the day with  5 miles (plus some planking & push-ups).
And a plank in the early morning sunshine...

Wednesday was another cool morning, but I had a light bulb moment as I was getting ready to leave for my early morning jaunt....why not pull out a pair of arm warmers (instead of whining about the cool temps)? I'm not ready to give up my tank tops just yet. I did some planking when I returned to the house, and a little bit of arm work. The day ended with 6 total walking miles.
Not just a runner

Thursday was, yet, another morning with temps in the 50's. Seriously, Momma N, what kind of game are you playing? The day ended with 5 cumulative miles of walking.
Shhhh! The city is still asleep...
Again, more cool temps on Friday morning. Isn't it weird how, just overnight, the weather can drastically change? This entire week had chilly temps in the early morning hours, everyday. Fortunately, every day has also had normal "seasonal" temps by afternoon, so it has been manageable. Actually, I guess it's been a good refresher on what to wear for those chilly, pre-start line temps for race days, right? Friday ended with 4.5 miles.

Saturday was a beautiful day. We didn't have a lot of sunshine, but the temps were pretty mild and the humidity was minimal. The hubby and I had been to a baseball game the evening prior, and returned home late. I chose to snooze a little later than usual Saturday morning, but was out the door around 7:30. I had intended to walk 3 miles, but as I was nearing the finish of my route, I ran into a friend I had not seen for awhile...so I walked a couple extra miles with her.

I have not had much opportunity (or ability) to do any yard work this summer...and my flower gardens are badly in need of some TLC. I spent a couple hours in the afternoon pulling out numerous weeds, and dividing/transplanting some plants...can you say, Garden Squats? I ended the day with 7.5 total miles and a very tired body.
I scored a bargain on a Cubs hat at the baseball game, so I had to wear it!

Sunday was another beautiful day in Iowa! It also was day #21 of early morning walking! I was out the door before 5:30 for 3 peaceful miles before the sunrise. There was even more garden squats (among other stuff) on the roster for the afternoon.
Kind of cool when the early morning sky matches your Route 66 jacket!
Overall, it was another great week on my Road to Recovery. As this post goes live (Sunday morning), my weekly miles are at 40 (but there will probably be another 2-3 miles added before the sun sets on Sunday evening). Dang! There's no way I'd be logging that many miles under normal circumstances,  even if I was deep in the throes of training. All of this walking has given me a new perspective....on more than just running.

In case you missed them, here's my blog posts from last week:
***Better Faster Stronger
***Road Signs...Are runners exempt?
***Can we talk about Walking?

Road to Recovery update:
***Mobility is  great! Walking is a no-brainer, and I can tell my pace is improving substantially.

***Range of motion is slowly improving. I can go up stairs with ease, and going down is getting easier every day. Getting in/out of a car is still my most challenging daily activity...these darn long legs need to bend a lot for that to happen and having one knee that can't quite cooperate 100% is annoying.

***The suture site is also looking better every day. At times, it feels really tight, especially after I've been sitting for awhile or have had my leg "straight" for an extended period of time. I'm using a lot of lotion (as well as coconut oil) to keep the skin  moisturized, and that seems to help.

In other news:
My #FridayFashionFlair post on my Instagram page actually showcased my Thursday outfit. What can I say? The cheetah print cold shoulder blouse paired with a "simple" denim mini was much more fashionable than what I wore on Friday. You can never go wrong with a couple of fashion staples like these, both can be dressed down or glitzed up with the appropriate accessories. By the way, I invite you to play along...post YOUR Friday outfit and tag me (@runningonthefly)!

It took me a few days to come up with some August goals. I decided to not mention the walking, since it's a routine thing for me anyways. I do need to be accountable for the daily push-ups and leg lifts, though. Trust me, they do happen daily, but I can tell I'm starting to get a little lax on them (side note--the teen daughter complimented me on my toned legs this week...if she's noticing, it must be happening LOL...or maybe she's just campaigning for a new car?).  And the foam rolling....it isn't just for running!

Lastly, don't ya just love it when the mailman leaves some goodies in your mailbox? I received this custom-designed paracord bracelet this week, and have been wearing it everyday.You need to check out Theresa's site, Charmed Running. She has some beautiful stuff there! I came up with the color scheme, and she did the rest!  I have also gotten zipper pulls from her (keepsakes from each of my marathons and ultras), and they are nice!

#ONWARD...with a beautiful dragonfly
So that's the latest and greatest! How was your week? Successful training? Cooler temps? Any significant running-related jewelry that you wear?

I'm linking up with Heather (on behalf of Holly and Tricia) for the Weekly Wrap. Please join us!


  1. Sounds like a great week! (and encouraging to me since I haven't been able to run in 4 weeks and hope to 'walk' for the first time tomorrow!)

    1. I hope you're able to walk tomorrow, too! I'll be thinking of you and sending good mojo vibes your way ;-)

  2. Please send some of that weather to Connecticut, lol! You are a walking machine my friend! I love the bracelet that you received this week. I usually wear momentum jewelry wraps for my runs. The phrases are always so positive!

    1. I don't have any Momentum jewelry...yet. It looks so nice!

  3. I always forget about using arm warmers. We did have some cooler mornings this week but not that cool yet. So you don't even sleep in on Sunday either? I love #onward

    1. I don't usually NEED arm warmers in August LOL which is why I didn't think of using them earlier in the week

  4. I'm glad you are continuing to find peace in your walks!
    I forgot to post #FridayFashionFlair this week AGAIN! I need to start taking pics of my outfits earlier in the week...haha

    1. There have been a few times when I wear an outfit earlier int he week...and use that for the #FridayFashionFlair. I figure...it's no so much about what is actually worn on Friday, but you want to feature ;-)

  5. I actually don't have any running jewelry, unless you count the turtle necklace my husband got me. :)

    While it finally cooled down some today, we really suffered through a lot of hot & humid weather last week. And rain, of course, the ever-present rain. We're growing mushrooms in the backyard . . . bright yellow ones.

    I took a little social media break this week, I'll be back!

    1. The unexpected cool down this week was weird. it's never that cool in August! I doubt it's here to last (and that's fine...I still want a bit more of summer).

  6. Great job again this week! You are crushing your recovery! You can also send those cool temps my way any day! If I could live somewhere that the temps were 60's year round, I'd buy a plane ticket right now.

    1. We don't usually have these kind of temps in August. They feel nice, but I'm just not ready for them yet...

  7. Great week! #onward is the perfect hashtag. I would gladly welcome some of those cooler temps, especially for my morning runs - still crazy humid here!

    1. I suspect we'll get our "usual" August weather back soon...it's never this cool this time of the year

  8. Those morning temperatures sound amazing! I'm actually going home in September for a little visit and I'm hoping to enjoy something like that while I'm there! Congrats on your 9 miles!

    1. Although the morning temps feel nice...it's too early for them (my opinion). I want my summer back ;-)

  9. I stalk tracking numbers so I know when the post is bringing my goodies! My Garmin arrived Thursday, and I'm ordering a couple things this month, including a birthday gift. I'll need that in time to wrap it up.

  10. Oh, #onward is such a great hashtag for you! Your activity level is amazing!

    1. Let's just say I'm sleeping pretty soundly most nights...

  11. Glad to see you are just moving as much as you can! Getting back to running should be a breeze.

  12. It sounds like another great week of walking! That bracelet is so cute. I love the bright colors.

    1. You know my obsession (?) for bright colors ;-) Don't you have the same "condition?"

  13. Love your fun bracelet and the zipper pull idea! I love that "garden squats" were ok for your knee. I'll be wary of them from now on after this tendon debacle.

    1. Well, I was not squatting very deep...but, OH MY HAMMIES! ((#ouch)) I have worn the zipper pulls as pendants on necklaces ;-)

  14. Awesome job with your walking! I'm glad to hear your road to recovery has relatively been pretty smooth!

    The cooler temperatures have definitely taken me by surprise! We weren't in the 50's in the am but the low 60's made a visit and it was almost a shock to the system!

    Very cool charm, I'm going to check out that site!

    1. Thanks, Janelle! Use code RUNNINGONTHEFLY for a 20% discount!

    2. Yes, do checkout the site! There's a lot of neat stuff to peruse ;-)

  15. The bracelet looks beautiful! #Onward, girlfriend!!

  16. I don't know if people taking walking seriously enough! Since we adopted our dog (1 month ago) I've been walking 20 minutes twice a day on top of my normal running/day. Walking has added so many more steps into my daily mileage, though I don't really track walking.
    Keep on going onward girl!

    1. I agree...I think a lot of runners look down on walkers because walking is not as "fast." Obviously, running has a little more cardio involved, but the benefits are not in proportion to it because the risk of injury increases. I'm glad I have it in my life !!

  17. Sounds like things are progressing nicely for you. Glad you are enjoying those morning walks.

  18. Girl, we could so use a little of that cooler weather down here! Even with a cool front, our mornings were still in the mid to upper 70s with high humidity. Ugh...just so muggy.

    What a cool bracelet to help remind you that though you're not running at the moment, you are moving onward and reaching goals!!

    1. Thanks, Teresa ;-) When all of this knee stuff hit the fan, the word "onward" just came to mind. It really has a lot of meaning and significance for my situation.

  19. 9 miles last Monday?!? You're my hero! Keep up the great work with your recovery!

    1. Thanks! The 9 miles was quite a milestone...but I was dreadfully tired as a result LOL

  20. Ironically, I went to put on a pair of jeans the other day, and they felt tight over my calf muscles! WHAT!!!! I have not worn pants (other than running capri's) since early June (due to the bulk of the compression sleeve I usually have over my knee). That was SO unexpected LOL

  21. I love the push-up goal for August!!!

    1. Push-ups are easy to forget LOL I need to publicize my goal to keep me accountable ;-)

  22. I love, love, love that Onward bracelet. It's adorable and totally fits you. Tell Barb I said hi!

    1. Thanks, Rachel ;-) I'll pass on the salutations to Barb ;-)

  23. Cool weather is still a pipe dream in the south for another 2 months! And love the Onward bracelet!

    1. It's usually a lot hotter here (Iowa) this time of year...it's really odd it's been this cool in the mornings recently

  24. I love how you are able to get this all done! That leg isn't keeping you down at all! <3

    1. Ha! if anything, the recovering leg is inspiring me to stay active ;-)

  25. It's amazing how many miles you are logging by just walking. Awesome job!

    1. The miles really add up when you don't need a recovery day in between each "workout." ;-)

  26. I love that new bracelet! And way to go with continuing to push onward this week :)

  27. Onward is a great theme! Love the new bracelet. I don't have any specific running jewelry that I wear right now, but I have a sketchbook full of ideas of jewelry (some running related) that I want to make if I ever find the time again. Another good week for you on your road to recovery!

    1. Thanks ;-) I"m a jewelry dork, and everything I wear has a sentimental "mantra" or memory associated with it.

  28. Onward is a great hashtag. Always the best direction to be headed.

  29. I wish I was dealing with cool weather really I was. I love to wear arm sleeves but we've got a few more months before that will happen!
    Your road to recovery is going so nicely! Sometimes walking fast is harder than running so walking is a great workout!
    I love the colors on that bracelet! #Onward is just perfect!

  30. GARDEN SQUATS! I love it! Maybe if I treated it as a workout, I wouldn't neglect my plants as much. I'm just thankful it's been rainy so at least that's helping keep them watered! I think Onward is perfect - especially with your road to recovery. Positive thought can have a huge impact on recovery!

  31. You are rocking this recovery! I love all your early morning walks!! Awesome job!

  32. Let's make a deal - ill send you some of our heat/humidity and you can send me some of your cool weather! :) Great job this week!

  33. You had an awesome active week. The weather is strangely fallish in Ohio. I'm loving it but I know the heat will return.
