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Sunday, September 17, 2017

Emotions were RUNNING high

It was a roller coaster week of emotions!

With the (quite hopeful) potential of getting the (return-to-running) green light from the surgeon on the horizon, I wanted to be especially careful with my walking mileage (you know...so as to NOT jinx anything). Yeah...that was my plan on paper....

Monday's emotions: contemplative, sad, respectful, pride-laden
Well, that conservative mileage idea kinda sorta (most definitely) went out the door on Monday. Monday was not an ordinary Monday this week. It was Patriot Day, a day I take very seriously. In years past, I have always done something symbolic to commemorate this day and pay honor to it. I have run for 9.11 minutes. I have walked for 9.11 minutes in complete silence (no music). One year, I even ran 9.11 miles after work (under especially hot and humid conditions).
During my morning 3-miler
This year, my circumstances were different. I did my early morning walk (about three miles), and spent most of that in thought and prayer. Later, I had an extended lunch hour (with the possibility of not needing to go back later), so I headed out for another 3+ miles in the beautiful and warm (dare-I say?) summer-like temps. It's been a long time since I've been out in the midday sunshine in workout clothes!
9.11 miles done in tribute to September 11th
Later, it turned out that I didn't need to return to work after all, so I put my shoes back on and headed out again...this time on a quest for 3.11 more miles. It wasn't easy, and the final mile or so went pretty slow because my body was tired (and the temps had gotten warm). But I did it. 9.11 miles for the day...and the total walking time was around 2 hours and 15 minutes. How's that for a #nevermissaMonday?

Tuesday's emotions:calm and needing recovery
Tuesday was very low key, and a much-needed recovery day for my legs. A mere 1.5 mile in the early hours with the hubby and Max, and 3-total (cumulative) miles for the entire day.
The daily morning jaunt....
Wednesday's emotions:calm
Wednesday, I was out the door (on my own this time) for two hilly miles in my neighborhood.
Post walk...stretching in the (still) dark morning hours
The weather felt like summer again, and Max and I added another 2 bonus miles in the afternoon heat!
Back in a tank top!!!!
Thursday's emotions: Excited, nervous (and, later, extreme joy!)
Thursday morning, I met up with Barb for a very fast-paced 3.5 miles at 5:00 a.m., then Max and I did another 1/2 mile trip around the block.

I had to finally break out the Visi-belt....
Later, the hubby and I headed to meet with the surgeon for another post-op follow-up/progress check. He was very pleased with how good the suture scar is healing and the reduced (now almost non-existent) swelling. At long last, after 11 weeks of post-op recovery, he gave me the green light to return to my normal activities (including running!). No more follow-up appointments, but I am supposed to call him immediately if I have any problems or concerns.To say I was ecstatic would be a major understatement!
Upon leaving the surgeon's office, I was so excited for my return to running
Friday emotions:sheer happiness sprinkled with apprehension
As eager as I was to get back on the road and return to running, I knew it would not be just like picking up from where I left off three months ago. I wanted it to be a monumental endeavor, so I decided to wait until Saturday...when I'd have more time to really enjoy it (and not have to worry about getting to work on time, etc.). The hubby and I took Max for a quick 2-miler, and I called it good.

It felt SO good to be back in summertime temps!
Saturday emotions: all over the place
The weather was perfect (mid-60's...just like summer, which is my favorite time of year). I purposely did not set my alarm because I wanted this endeavor to be in full daylight so I could cherish every moment. I headed out around 7:00 and walked about 1/4 mile to warm up (in addition to some foam rolling and dynamic "warm-ups"). When I broke into a run, I could feel my eyes welling up and there was a bit of a lump in my throat. I felt ZERO aches, pains, or stiffness. My goal was to run for 3 city blocks, then walk for 2....and I did that for a total of 3.5 miles. It felt SO good to be running again, even if it was with intervals. Feeling the sweat running down my back, squinting into the sun, and
double-knotting my laces...total euphoria! It almost felt like I'd never had that 3-month sabbatical!
All aglow and happy to be running again!
Later, my sister and I headed to Iowa City for the University of Iowa vs. North Texas game. My son is now a student at Iowa, so it was fun meeting up with him while we tailgated. A new tradition at the Iowa games is the Hawkeye Wave. The entire crowd turns and waves to the children at the new Children's Hospital...and I was close enough to see the children waving back. Oh gosh...what a beautiful tribute! There were tears burning my eyes and another painful lump in my throat.
With the son, the sis, and doing the Wave
Upon returning home, I took a nasty fall as I was climbing out of the car. Somehow, I lost my footing and the more I attempted to right myself, the more my balance suffered...and down I went, hard. Very hard.Thankfully, I landed on my right outer hip (and not my recovering knee), resulting in lots of road rash on my hands and some nasty bloody scrapes on my fingers and elbow (and several chipped finger nails LOL). UGH!

Sunday emotions: ouch!
I woke up Sunday morning feeling like I'd been hit by a bus. It's probably a combination of (1) DOMS from Saturday's monumental run, (2) sitting for 3+ hours in a cramped football stadium, and (3) aches/pains from that catastrophic fall. There's a lovely (NOT) "saddlebag-looking" bulge on my right outer upper thigh at the moment (don't be jealous), but I think I'll survive this.
It was damp and chilly...
The hubby, Max, and myself did a short 1-mile walk in the damp and cool morning air and that was my morning. I do plan to head out later for a few more easy-paced walking miles when I'm feeling better, later in the day or evening. But, on a side note...the hubby and I went for a somewhat hilly bike excursion in the afternoon! The first 1/2 mile felt a bit stiff, but after that, the knee loosened up and felt fine. Another feel-good adventure on the road to recovery.
The bike felt better this week 
So, total mileage (thus far...Monday-Sunday morning) is at 33(+/-). That's a little higher than expected, but those 9.11 miles on Monday contributed to that.

Another thing I did this week was my first-ever water cleanse/sugar detox. I drink a lot of water, but I usually have to add some sort of flavoring to it. My goal was to make it Monday-Friday drinking only plain water for all of my beverage needs (that means no milk, no juice, no chai latte'...can you see the struggle?). As for the sugar, I tried to not have any blatant sugar-laden foods (candy, granola bars, jam, etc.). I'm happy to report both of these challenges were not that tough, and I did great keeping myself disciplined (there even was a coworker's birthday at work, and I resisted the urge to grab a donut or mini candy bar). I didn't take any measurements, so I don't know if I lost any inches...but I did lose a few pounds (which is probably water weight, so I doubt that's a valid "gain" from the experience). I don't know if I feel any better for the process, but it definitely felt good to know I was making more conscious decisions on what I put into my mouth.

In case you missed them, here's my posts from last week:
The Waiting Game
Summer 2017---Thumbs-up? or Thumbs-down?
Where Are You Running?

My Road to Recovery update:
There's not much left to report on this. I know I'm still not fully recovered (will I ever be 100% back to "normal?"), but each week I can feel more flexibility and range of motion in my knee. It's hard to believe it's been almost an entire three months since all of this drama started, but I do feel better and stronger for the experience. I definitely have a better perspective on the "bigger picture" and that will enable me to not dwell on little frustrations as much as I used to do. Onward!

In other  news:
Did you catch my #FridayFashionFlair post on Instagram? Even though the Iowa temps were flirting with the 90's, it still was chilly in my office. The long sleeves served me well, and you all know I love bright colors. It just happened to work out that my nail polish (from earlier in the week) was still intact and matched almost as good as my lipstick. Priorities, right? You're invited to play along...post a pic of your Friday outfit (or a favorite outfit from the week), use the hashtag #FridayFashionFlair, and tag me (@runningonthefly). It's fun to see my fitness-minded friends in non-workout clothing!

Well, that's a wrap! Talk to me...Did your fall-like temps do a sudden turn-about (and return to summer)? Have you ever done a water cleanse or sugar detox? Ever taken a rather long (necessary) sabbatical from running...and felt "all the emotions" upon returning?

I'm linking up with  Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap. This weekly check-in is such a great place to connect with fellow fitness-minded peeps. Please join us!


  1. Ouch! I can't believe you fell. Seriously, after all you've been through, can you just have a smooth return to running? Glad you are mostly ok. Fingers crossed for an uneventful week.

    1. Seriously...have I ever bragged about my coordination or grace? LOL I was not blessed with either of those. I'm just thankful I didn't land on my knee!

  2. Welcome back. Take it slow, right?

    1. You better believe I plan on taking this slow...even tough I felt like I could have run longer (and walked less), I chose to go the conservative route.

  3. How exciting that you are back to running! It sounds like it went really well. Glad you didnt mess up your knee with that fall!

    1. That fall could have been a major disaster....glad it wasn't any worse. But, oh my aching outer thigh LOL

  4. Eeks! So, so excited that you are back to running this week. I like how you divided the days out according to your feelings. You had a monumental week of training! I hope that the rest of it is smooth sailing (now that you got that fall out of the way). Can't wait to see what next week brings for you!

  5. I do remember having many of the same emotions when I first came back after a stress fracture a few years back. I thought every ache was a new injury. I wondered if I forgot how to run. Our minds can really be so powerful and not always in the best way. Nice job on cutting the sugar. I am keeping it up. Some days are harder than others.

    1. I was amazed at how easy the running felt, but I know I will be a paranoid freak with every paper cut or staple poke out of fear of staph returning and invading my body.

  6. I'm so glad you were able to execute your long awaited return to running! The tears always well up for me on the first run back (and sometimes just on a good run). Yes, our summer has returned with a vengeance. I hope this is our last spell of mid 90s. Good luck as you add back mileage! Thanks for linking.

    1. I have had the tears happen on random runs, and at occasional races (like that first marathon). My emotions kind of dominate my life LOL

  7. Great job being back! I use intervals all the time, because it's what I can do with my knee. Enjoy it!

    1. The intervals are going to take some getting used to, and I may need to adjust them as I depending on how "easy" they feel.It's a total new ball game for me LOL

  8. Yay! So happy for you that you are able to run again. It has been really hot here as well, more like summer opposed to fall.

    1. I'm actually liking this brief return to summer...because I am NOT looking forward to that dreaded return to winter in a few months

  9. Oh goodness, I'm glad you're okay from that fall and didn't land on your knee. And how exciting that you're back to running! I've definitely teared up - at the start line of the half marathon I ran while I pregnant (definitely had all of the emotions then!) and at the finish. And I've also teared up when I've had a really good run after a string of really annoying and lingering health issues.

    1. Oh yes!!! Those great runs following a string of bad ones or other "bad" issues are blubbering-worthy

  10. Welcome back to running! Wishing you many happy miles to come :)

    1. Thanks, Michelle! I'm glad to be back...but I'll not be 100% back (running withOUT walking intervals) for awhile ;-) IT's gonna be monumental when that happens, though!

  11. It's so great to see you up and running and back on the bike again! Yikes, so sorry about that hard fall. That wave is the sweetest!

    1. That wave....oh gosh. It was SO emotional to see the entire stadium waving. I am so proud to be a Hawkeye ;-)

  12. I know you were so stinking excited to get out there Saturday morning! Nothing like a fairly long forced break from running to make us even more appreciative of a few miles, right? Yikes on the fall! Glad you didn't fall on that knee! Take it slow and easy!

    1. Ha! I landed real hard (and really awkward) on that outer thigh...my subconscious must have really been in overdrive to avoid my knee being anywhere close to the cement LOL

  13. Yay!! At last! What fabulous news from the doctor and I can just imagine all those emotions you had on your first run. Beautiful. Your patience has been amazing. It's onward and upwards from here (PS: when my hubby was in Iowa he was given a tour of the Children's Hospital and taken to the room where the kids watch the Hawkeye matches! I actually cried when he told me the story. And he was told that they used kids to help them with the design of some aspects of the hospital. So, so special x

    1. The Children's Hospital is quite a sight! My signage company has done the majority of the signage for the hospital, and yes, a lot of the designs were inspired by the children's artwork. Totally a beautiful tribute!!

  14. Your post had me full of a range of emotions as I followed along! I am so happy that you are back to running and had a pain-free experience! The football game looks like fun and that's so cool that you get to wave to the children hospital, I'm sure they love it!

    Hope you're feeling better after that fall, but clearly, you won't let anything keep you down!

    1. Ha...that fall definitely had me "down" for a couple minutes...not quite certain how it happened LOL

  15. I'm so happy at your return to running. I know you have wanted this for a long time!

    I gasped when I read that you fell and was really hoping that it wasn't on your knee! I am glad that you are okay.

    1. Judging from the brutal force with which I landed on my hip, I think my subconscious went overboard in protecting that delicate knee area...

  16. Glad your appointment went well and you can get back to running again! Take it easy and enjoy :)

    1. I'm looking forward to fall! Eager to get back outside and doing more than just walking

  17. It was quite a week! Glad you are lacing up to run again!

    1. Yes, I'm glad to get back outside in the running shoes ;-)

  18. Congrats on that good news from the doctor! It does sound like an emotional week. I hope that the soreness goes away soon :)

    1. The soreness is pretty bleak, but the beautiful purple color of the bruise is almost electrifying

  19. I'm so happy to hear that you ran and felt amazing!!! So sorry about your fall, though. But RUNNING!!! YAY!!!!!!!

  20. Glad to hear you got the go-ahead to run again. And what great timing with the cooler weather coming. So sorry about that fall!

    1. I'm eager to get back in the running shoes on a consistent basis again

  21. I'm so happy that the surgeon gave you the green light and that you were able to make your return to running! I cannot imagine how high the cloud was that you were on when you got that news and were able to go for that first run. Just be careful to not do too much too quickly. :)

    1. I have no desire to rush into anything...I am too paranoid about injury to that recovering knee

  22. So happy you are back to running!! You did great in your "sabbatical" for sure, but I know what it's like to be unable to run, not fun. Sorry about your fall, hope it doesn't set you back.

    1. The sabbatical seemed like forever (as you can relate)...glad it's over!

  23. So happy you're running again! Hope the bruised hip heals quickly.

    1. Well, the bruised hip is looking pretty colorful at the moment LOL

  24. What a roller coaster week! I love that you got 9 miles in on 9 11. I do sugar detoxes from time to time, just to remind myself that I am the one in control!! I can get totally addicted to it if I'm not careful.

    1. I was really surprised how "easy" it was...but, dang! There is sugar everywhere.
