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Monday, September 18, 2017

What's On Tap-Fall 2017

Fall 2017 is going to be unlike any fall I've experienced  (in terms of running, that is).


There's a very conservative number of happenings on my roster this year. When I say conservative, I am not joking...I have three official events bought and paid for. That's like half of what I'd normally have on my calendar.

Oh well, those three events are sure to be fun. And, since there's only three of them, I plan to showcase them.

But first, I should rewind and explain a bit about the lack of start (and finish) lines this season. Remember that little emergency surgery "incident" back on June 29th? Yes, well, that little incident threw a major curve ball into my running for the remainder of summer (for those who haven't been following my journey this summer, full details are HERE). In other words, there was ZERO running (having a nasty 6-inch suture seam directly over one's knee will do that to you).

Anyways, I was granted clearance from my surgeon last week to return to running. Even though I wasn't able to run over the summer, I was able to walk. I logged many miles in the walking shoes, and I believe that served me well in maintaining much of my endurance and cardio capacity.

Here's what's on tap for Fall 2017:

First up, there's the Kickoff 2 Kinnick 5K on September 30th (Iowa City, IA). Now in its 4th year, this event benefits the University of Iowa Dance Marathon (supporting fundraising efforts for childhood cancer treatment and research). The hubby and myself are both University of Iowa grads, so this event will be near and dear to our hearts. The route finishes on the field of Kinnick Stadium, the home of the Iowa Hawkeye football team!

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The swag is looking pretty sweet!
Next, I'll be running the Mercy Live Up Loop 5-Mile Run on October 14th (Des Moines, IA). This 5-miler is part of the IMT Des Moines Marathon weekend. I first ran the Half Marathon in 2008, then returned in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, and 2016. I also ran the Full Marathon in 2014, the 5K in 2015, and the Mercy Live Up  5-mile last year as well. To say I have a deep fondness for this weekend of running is a major understatement. The organizers are actually starting a new loyalty program this year (the Heel to Toe Club), honoring runners who have run any of the events in years past. That said, I should be receiving a 5-year pin with my registration packet (and a 10-year pin in 2019)!

a familiar course to welcome me back to running
Last of all, the grand finale of my fall, will be the Rock'n'Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon on November 12th. Not only will this be an epic distance for me (returning from the surgery & subsequent recovery), but it's gonna be a major girl's weekend as I meet up with several blogger gal pals!
Prices Increase TONIGHT!
We get to run The Strip at night!
Another thing different with my fall racing season this year is the fact that I will NOT be racing any of these races. In fact, I will probably have to do some of them with run/walk intervals. Even though my endurance is probably strong enough to go the distance, my recovering knee probably isn't. Honestly, it's been almost three months since I've been able to bend my right knee completely. I can bend it enough to run without compromising my form or stride, but there really isn't time to train for these distances without throwing in some walking breaks (especially the half marathon). And I'm quite alright with that.

So, that's what I have on tap for Fall 2017. Tell me about your schedule...any big races on the horizon? New events? Training for winter races?

  **I'm linking up with Marcia and Patty and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run... We're talking about Fall 2017 racing schedules. Join the party!

...and with Susie and Debbie and Rachel and Lora for the Running Coaches' Corner.

**And with Nicole and Annmarie for the Wild Wednesday Workout


  1. I don't really trust myself to run a race and not "race" lol. I would like to get in a 5k this fall but we'll see. I can now run 3 miles without stopping, but my pace is so far off from where it used to be.

    1. Even though I sometimes try to run a strong race (that is, when I actually AM running LOL), I really don't consider myself a racer. I just don't have that all-or-nothing mentality. I'm just so thankful to finally be running again, I'm gonna embrace what I can do (even if it's not as fast as I know I am capable of doing) ;-)

  2. I think it's wonderful you've anything on your roster after what you've gone through. FWIW sometimes racing is over rated. Finishing is winning! Can't wait to see you!

    1. Totally agree...racing is SO overrated. Most of us are not Olympians or Elites, after all, and our livelihood does no depend on setting PR's (...well, at least Mine doe not LOL)

  3. Sometimes I use a race as part of a training run, so I have learned how to not "race" a race, lol.
    You're going to have so much fun in Vegas this year :)

  4. So great that you can run again.....see you in Vegas!

  5. Vegas is too big to really race anyway! I have some fall races I'd like to do, but we're also still hammering out some family stuff so I have to wait until the dust has settled. I do NOT plan on training this winter. Running, yes, training, no.

    In fact, after my next half, I don't know when the following half will be. I love having them all lined up but we're just not there at the moment.

    1. I have heard this 5K is really a crowded endeavor, so there is not much racing happening for anyone LOL

  6. Vegas for me too! I didn't have anything on my fall schedule last year since I was interviewing, and packing up everything to move up to Colorado. Plus there wasn't anything local I wanted to do.

    1. I typically have 3 other half marathons happening in Sept-October, and last year I also had Route 66 marathon (mid November). This fall really feels bleak!

  7. Sounds like some great plans for the Fall! I love that two of the races are ones that you've got connections to.

    1. I'm really looking forward to my fall. It's gonna be very different that what I've known for the past 9 years...but it's what my reality is at the moment.

  8. I have a fondness for Vegas because that's where I set a half marathon PR! Even though you won't be racing these races, they may end up being your best (as in most fun) races!

    1. I agree! I like new PR's as much as the next runner, but I also REALLY enjoy just the mere act of running...especially if I have some friends along with me ;-)

  9. So glad to hear that you are back to running... and it sounds like you have the perfect schedule to ramp back up!

    1. I have to take things slow for now, but I also need some races to work towards ;-)

  10. so glad that RnR Vegas is still on your schedule. It was my favorite half to date did it 3 years ago. You are going to have the best time!

  11. What a great fall running schedule! Jealous you'll be running RnR Vegas - I did it three years ago and it was a blast! I can't make it this year because I will already be there a month before and can't justify traveling back.

    1. I'm excited to get back out there running/racing. It feels like it's been f.o.r.e.v.e.r.

  12. Nothing wrong with walk breaks! I train Galloway style so that's how I run all my races. I'm actually faster using the walk breaks than I am without!

    1. I have heard that about a lot of Galloway runners...the walk breaks work so well that they can totally dominate the running part. We shall see if that works for me...

  13. All of those races sound so fun! I want to do RNR Vegas one day. This whole year has been light on racing for me. I only did Disney Princess weekend in February, have a race this weekend and one in December. I may try to add in one more. It's been kind of nice having a light schedule.

    1. It's a catch-22, right? In a way it has been nice having the downtime...but I have really missed the race day exxcitement.

  14. It seems like you're going to have an awesome fall. Excellent running schedule! ;)

  15. Girl I am ecstatic to finally meet you in person in Vegas! We are going to have a ball and unless something changes time will not be a factor in this race either! I want to be able to see all the sights and that is hard when I'm trying to beat a certain time!

    1. Exactly! Why would anyone want to rush that experience? I'm really looking forward to finally meeting y'all (see what I did there), too ;-)

  16. Sounds like a great fall! I have started racing a lot less frequently now that I'm a mom - it's just too much effort to get to a race these days.

    I'm excited to run my first trail half marathon on October 7th!

  17. I'm going to have major FOMO come November 12th. You're going to have such a great fall, I can feel it!!

    1. I've certainly waited long enough for it LOL....you just need to hop on a plane adn land in Vegas #problemsolved

  18. I keep trying to make Vegas happen, but I don't know if it will.

    I think you have a really nice plan in place for the rest of the year. I realize it's not what you would have wanted, but I think it's just what you need.

    I have RNR Savannah 1/2 Marathon in early November, Space Coast 1/2 Marathon the weekend after Thanksgiving and some other runs peppered here and there. I'm excited for the upcoming season.

    1. Vegas was kind of a whimsical decision, and ironically, it became my beacon when all of my summer came to a crashing halt on June 29th.

  19. 3 races in a season is a lot for me! I am only signed up for one, although there are 3 "maybes" as well. I doubt I'll end up running all of them since they're all in October.

    1. I'm usually in "half marathon" shape (year-round), but that's different this year. It;ll be fun regaining that endurance and going the 13.1 distance again.

  20. Kudos to you for recognizing the need to not "race" any of your races this year. I can feel it - 2018 is going to be an incredible comeback year for you!

    1. Thanks! I"m hoping for a great comeback...it's gonna feel epic regardless of how long it takes me.
