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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Five #hashtags Worth Chatting About

Shall we chat about #hashtags? 

I have to admit I use them frequently. After all, they evoke a lot of feeling, additional information, insight, and humor without really saying much.

I have been #hashtagging (is that a word? If not, it should be) all over the place recently. Care to hear my Top 5?

1 - First of all, #brrrrrr!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I could have sworn the calendar (on March 20th) said Spring was beginning. Isn't it a bit odd that we're almost an entire week into April...and it feels more like Winter? Seriously, we're talking single digit feels-like temps in Iowa, snow flurries, and fiercer-than-fierce wind. I'm glad I didn't pack away the thermal running tights or fleece-lined shirts.
Those temps do not lie...it was really that cold on Easter Sunday!
2 - Second, let me just say #ouch!

On a quest to mix things up a bit for April, I decided to add some speed work to my training, beginning with some 400's at our local college's track on Monday. Mind you, I was running against the wind (no matter which side of the track I was running), so my effort was probably greater than what my splits indicated. But holy crap, my hammies did not enjoy the experience. Even with a lot of foam rolling and stretching, they continued to feel the burn for several days. DOMS, anyone?
400's + wind =exhaustion
3 - Thirdly, my Wednesday morning 5-miler was #postponed!

Yep, the temps were 15F (with a feels-like of -3F) at 04:30, with 24mph wind. Even though I have run in all kinds of cold and wind this winter, I am SO done with it. And, for some reason. these temps feel a lot colder in April than they do in January.
4 - Fourth, I am feeling so #nostalgic for summer!

I love the sunshine. I love the heat (even when the air is humid). And I love running and racing without needing several layers of clothing. I love having daylight in the early morning hours (for my #5at5's, none the less). And I especially love not having to think about which direction the wind is blowing in mapping out my routes...because that very wind will feel most refreshing.
Dam to Dam 2016
And, finally, I'm ready for some #upward action!

On Sunday, I will be taking it to the stairs for the seventh time (my sixth time in Des Moines) for the Fight for Air Climb. I have been training for several months. I surpassed my fundraising goal. My legs and my cardio capacity are ready. I'm excited to take on those 88 flights of stairs!
Eat. Sleep. Climb. Repeat.

Anyways, those are some things I'd share with you. I think the #hashtags tell the story best, would you agree?

How about you? Do you use #hashtags? Which ones are your favorites?

I'm linking this with Meranda and Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five 2.0. 

And, since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm also linking with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date. What would you share, if we were having coffee and chatting about life?

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. I was thinking about the wind this week and how it is so much different to run in cold wind vs warm wind. Good luck this weekend!

  2. You do like those #hashtags, don't you? Very clever post.

    1. What can I say? The #hastags say a lot with fewer words ;-)

  3. Cute post! #Brrr has certainly been accurate! I use #motherrunner the most. See you tomorrow for coffee

    1. I have used #brrr a lot this winter. Thankfully, we didn't have oodles of snow, but we certainly had plenty of bitter cold temps.

  4. #brr is a good one. SO today it is suppose to be in the 70s and tomorrow they say chance of flurries at night. How crazy? I thought spring was here to stay.

    1. We're supposed to get snow on Sunday! I'm hoping whatever system they are forcasting reroutes and misses us.

  5. Sometimes I feel like I think in #hashtags! Good luck in your event this weekend! (Is it still called a race?) #climbstrong

    1. Thanks, Debbie! Yes, the Climb is technically a race...but since the stairwells are narrow and there are so many people, the participants go in waves all morning long. You get printouts of your "splits' (from each building), but your rank will not be determined until the event ends and all finish times have been verified.

  6. 88 flights of steps!! That's amazing! You are so ready for this!

    1. Thanks, Ana! I feel ready...it seems like I've been training forever ;-)

  7. I ran on the treadmill yesterday because it was damn cold AND insanely windy. I'm with you -- if I ere training, if it were the middle of winter, I might have run outside. At least there was some sun.

    And I'd gone out earlier in the day in my head to toe down coat, which I should NOT have to wear in April!

    1. This weather is so cold for April! Running in this stuff in the middle of winter is one thing (like you said), but a total buzz kill in the "spring."

  8. Love the hashtag theme. The best to describe me is #hungry. lOL

  9. I don't use many like the ones you have here but still love them. It's SO cold here, I'm done with winter...where is spring?
    I too ran on my treadmill yesterday because of the cold wind!

  10. I'm so done with this weather too. My treadmill has been a run-saver, but my race is outside, and I'd like to run outside.

    1. I haven't been on the 'mill much. I have been sucking it up and going outside most of the winter...of just skipping the run and doing the stairs instead.

  11. Um, it was snowing this morning. Again. SO OVER IT lol

    1. Seriously. This winter has gotta end eventually, right? We're slated for snow on Sunday....

  12. This weather has been a total #buzzkill. I'm beyond over it. I'll think back to these days when I'm tempted to complain about the heat later this summer. Have a great climb!

    1. Well, I know I won't be complaining about the heat (we all know how much I whined last summer about NOT getting to run in it LOL)...but I'm ready for winter to conclude.

  13. Oh my gosh have fun! How long does it take to go up 88 flights of stairs?

    1. My actual finish time for the 88 flights has been around 18-19 minutes (I think)...but it's over the course of four different buildings, and the chip time only records our actual time in the stairwells.

  14. I love your cleaver hashtags! Hoping you get some springtime weather soon!

  15. Have a great "race" this weekend! You have the best hashtags. :)

    1. Well, you need to venture out west and climb with me some time! I assure you, stair climbing is not "dumb." ;-)

  16. Have fun on your race.


  17. I confess I've been known to use #winterforever, so I'm sure the rest of the world hates me. But I do think expecting winter to be over as soon as April begins is asking a bit much of Montana.

    1. We usually have a semblance of Spring by mid-March. Granted there's usually one last wintery hurrah, but this has been non-stop!

  18. It's funny how something like hasthags really gets into our psyche. I think it's a language thing, like picking up the slang when you visit a different region/country.
    They were threatening snow this weekend, but not anymore. But the #brrrrr is back.

    1. And we're supposed to get snow tomorrow afternoon...we're right north of the edge of the cell, hoping it misses us!

  19. Great job with the hashtags! Running in the wind is the worst. I've also had to deal with it being there no matter which direction I go. The best, of course, is tailwind and it feels like I am flying.

    1. It's always interesting comparing my splits after a windy run...it's obvious when the wind was on my tail or in my face

  20. I say #enough of this wintery April weather! We are expecting snow in Chicago tomorrow!!!

  21. Ha! I love this post! I actually love using hashtags, but I use them all wrong- I make an entire sentence that no one can read, as if everyone is thinking the same thing! LOL. Like #alliwannadoissleep or something ridiculous like that!

    1. Oh, I take liberty and make hashtag sentences, too! Why not? They're fun to read and figure out...like the personalized license plates ;-)

  22. This is a great theme! I guess my hashtag would be #readyforspring :-)

  23. Way to go on the speed-work! Not to mention running against the wind, what a bad a$$! DOMS stinks though, hope they calm soon.
    I feel for all you guys still suffering with the insane cold temps. Being in Florida, we luck out on this front. Though, don't worry, our awful humidity will get us soon enough. LOL!

    1. We get plenty of humidity in Iowa (not quite like YOU get), but I'd gladly have that over these sub-freezing temps & wind.

  24. Sometimes I just make up my own hashtags! They're fun. :) Good luck with all of those stairs tomorrow!!

  25. Fun post! We all like hashtags and lately my favorite has been #olderandslower #butstillmoving ...I think it sums up my running these days. Lol

    Good luck with the AirClimb ...you'll do great! And hopefully that #brrr will become #holyheat soon!

  26. I love seeing how creative people can be with their #hashtags!
    Hope your climb went well!

  27. What a clever approach to your post! I’m with you, I also thought that it was Spring. I cannot believe that there were flurries during my long run on Saturday morning!

  28. I am #hashtagilliterate and need to take #hashtag101! I hope the fight for air climb went well.

  29. #ouch: I've been doing the Superheroine fitness workouts and no matter how many times I do Episode 2 I always think that I've gone too light on weights the next day... til the day after. Something about this particular program has what I call "creeper doms" just when you think you're safe, you're sore!

  30. Wow the cold!! That’s crazy! I sure hope it warms up soon! Best of luck with the stair climb!
