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Saturday, April 7, 2018

"Spring" Training

Isn't it April? Spring? Where are you?

As much as I have been  loving the longer days, I'd be especially over-the-moon joyous if the weather was a teensy bit warmer. And, how about the wind? Well, there could be a little less of that as well. But maybe that's just me?

Oh well. Even though the weather has been questionable, the training continues.

This past week was another action-packed one. There was running (obviously), walking, dancing (more details below), and oodles of cross-training. Life is pretty decent even if the weather is not so desirable.

Here's what went down:

Monday. I did get out the door for a short early morning walk, but postponed the #nevermissaMonday run until the afternoon, when I'd have daylight access to our college's track. In an effort to hopefully work my way out of my 13.1 plateau, I added a track workout to my roster. Although I only did (4) 400's, there also was an approximate 1/2-mile warm-up run to get there, and a 1/2-mile cool-down run back home (as well as the recovery runs/jogs in between each 400m lap). Oh, did I mention it was windy?  My splits got progressively slower (1:49/1:50/1:56/1:59), but considering the 21mph wind, I was alright with them. Speed is definitely not my specialty, so I don't usually have very high expectations. My hammies, though, did not like me very much for a few days following this short workout...apparently my legs were working much harder than I realized.
Three total miles , and some triceps dips...just for kicks
Tuesday. Even though it was a rest day, I got out for a couple walks and did a few push-ups (30) for the Triceps, Push-ups, Squats Challenge.

Wednesday. My usual #5at5 had to be postponed due to the extremely cold temps. I did get out for a short walk when daylight broke, and did some burpees and jump squats for the Challenge.
Those poor tulips at my feet just emerged from their slumber...hopefully they make it
Thursday. Ahhhh, temps in the 20's! Isn't it crazy how sub-freezing temps can actually feel warm when the wind is at the minimum? I met up with Barb, and we knocked out our weekly #5at5  in some of the warmest temps all week.
Five miles at 05:00, finally!
Friday. Another rest day, so nothing crazy happening in my fitness world other than some additional walking in the afternoon and the 40 push-ups for the Challenge.
Filters can make an otherwise boring pic (of push-ups, none the less) more interesting
Saturday. Another cold, spring day in Iowa! Thankfully, we had ample sunshine, so the single-digit feels-like temps were not too uncomfortable. Barb drove over, and we headed out at 08:00 for eight miles.
How's that for an #8at8?
A short while later, I had dance practice with the dancing daughter. Yes, you read that correctly, dancing. For the first time ever, there is a Mommy/Daughter dance for the recital this year...and the daughter asked me to join in the fun. Did I mention it's a hip-hop dance, none the less? Oh.My. Our session was for 45-minutes at the studio, then the daughter gave me an additional 60-minutes of one-on-one instruction after we returned home. Since coordination and grace are pretty much MIA from my natural repertroire of abilities, this felt much like an extreme boot camp endeavor, especially following that 8-mile warm-up run. Stay tuned...there will be pics to come at a future date.

Sunday. Another "chill" morning in Iowa. I headed out for an easy-paced 1-mile shakeout run. It's become my routine to do a short recovery run the day following a long run. I've been doing this for a couple years...the run is never longer than a couple miles, and it's always easy-paced. No matter how difficult the previous day's long run has been, these recovery runs always leave me feeling refreshed recharged and, often times, recovered.
Who needs caffeine when you can have fresh air?
After several months of training, the only thing on the agenda was tackling the 88 flights of stairs for the Fight for Air Climb in Des Moines later in the morning. Stay tuned...the recap is coming!
Image may contain: 1 person, closeup and outdoor
Another Climb!
So that's my week of fitness with (another) week of icky weather. Total running mileage came in at 17. Every run is a blessing, regardless of how frigid & windy (or hot & humid), so I have been trying to keep my complaints to a minimum. I had a major epiphany last summer when I was sidelined...despite one's circumstances, there are many who are not able to run at all, and they would gladly trade places with those who are able to run but are whining about it. I am choosing to be thankful.

In case you missed them, here's my posts from last week:

In other news:

As mentioned above, I'm participating in another challenge, hosted by Rachel. Every day we have triceps dips, or push-ups, or our choice of jump squats or burpees. Easy peasy, right? Often times, I have Max acting as my coach, supervising my moves.
...but isn't he cute?
Did you catch my weekly #FridayFashionFlair post on Instagram? despite the winter-like "spring" weather we've been experiencing, I'm doing my best to keep things bright and cheerful. There's nothing like a cheetah print scarf (or anything cheetah print, in my opinion) to liven up even a black sweater. I dug out the burgundy skinny jeans to stay away from the "Back in Black" look. As always, you're invited to join me...post a pic of a featured outfit, use the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and be sure to tag me (@runningonthefly)....I'd love to see YOU in a non-fitness-themed ensemble!
Don't forget the lipstick!
How about a new 'do? Somehow, my hair always seems to regress back to the flat, boring coif, even after a few cuts and trims. It was time to change things up a bit more dramatically...so my gal added several more layers and gave me a few more bangs. What do you think? Do you ever venture out of your comfort zone and try new things with your hair?
Somehow less is more...
And, lastly, I unveiled my April goals this past week. Nothing extreme, but just enough to keep me active.

So that's a wrap on the last week. How are things in your world? Has spring arrived for you? Has winter remained? Any new events on the horizon?

I'm linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap. This weekly check-in is such a great place to connect with fellow fitness-minded peeps. Please join us! 

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. Yay for dance practice! I have that later tdoay, hehehe. :P I hope you had fun!

    I hope it'll be actual-spring soon--I'm tired of this cold snowy weather! :[

    1. Word has it that spring should be arriving (finally!) on Wednesday!

  2. You are a very brave mama! Good luck with the dance but that's a nice way to spend some extra time with your daughter.

    Cold, relentless wind, snow, rain . . . yes, we're dealing with it all (and not at all liking it).

    1. The dance thing is gonna be fun, but also gonna require a lot of extra work on my part. My art geek brain just does not have much in terms of coordination or grace LOL

  3. The weather has been crazy here too. One day it'll be 70s and the next 40s with rain and wind. I hope spring comes soon and stays. You are so motivated to still get out there early to run when it's so cold there. I would never be able to. Good thing I have a gym to go to. But then I have no excuses.

    1. I think we're supposed to get decent temps on Wednesday...and they are forecasted to remain!

  4. Good luck with the dance, how fun :)

    Ugh, it was super windy here too this week...and still cold! Even though I'm not running, it should would be nice to have some spring weather...

    1. The wind has been absolutely nutzo! If the temps would warm up some, the wind would be a bit more bearable...

  5. Another solid week -- despite the weather. As much as injuries suck, they do help you appreciate the runs you can enjoy once you've recovered. Looking forward to the recap.

    1. Thanks! Yes, injuries do suck, but they do teach us a lot about ourselves.

  6. Schizo weather here too. I've been delaying my runs until the warmer afternoon, but I needed to do my run in the morning yesterday, and did all 6 on the treadmill. At least this coming week looks warmer.

    1. It's supposed top be warmer in Iowa, too...I'm almost giddy with excitement!

  7. So I think we are going to need some photo evidence of the mother daughter dance class! LOl That actually sounds really fun to do together. Congrats on the stair climb look forward to hearing all about it

    1. ha ha...there will be pics of the dancing stuff, so just be patient ;-) The recital is in a few weeks ;-)

  8. That mother daughter dance sounds fun! Altho I'd be in need of lots of training for that too. Good luck!

    1. Oh gosh...the dancing thing is so not my specialty. There was a reason I had the daughters take dance when they were young (so they wouldn't end up as lanky and awkward as their mom). Marathons are much easier ;-)

  9. How exciting about the mother daughter dance! Im sure it will be fun. Hope to see pictures!

  10. Yup, Spring is on vacation and it doesn't look like it will be appearing anytime soon. I bet we go straight from winter to summer temps - ugh!

    Awesome job on the Fight for Air Climb!

  11. Not only do we need to see pics of the hip hop dancing, I think a video is in order. Great job on another Fight For Air Climb event. I hope you'll get some well deserve spring weather this week. Thanks for linking!

    1. Stay tuned...I'll try to post a video, but it will have to be after the recital (studio policy). Oh gosh...it's quite humbling trying to learn a new "thing" that your body just is not equipped to do LOL

  12. Of course your hammies were tired from that track workout! You have to work exponentially harder when it's windy and those were not slow paces!! You're amazing!!

    Once upon a time, many years ago when my girls were little, they both did community cheer. And there was always a coach/team mom cheer competition at the end of season celebration. One year I was team mom for my youngest's squad. Oh boy, the looks on those girls faces when us moms hit the floor. #shockandawe #embarrassed LOL! That mother daughter dance sounds like it will so much fun!! :)

    1. Fortunately,it was the daughter's idea for me to do the dance with her. I actually am quite flattered....though it's gonna require a lot of work on her part to keep helping me learn (and remember) all the complex moves.

  13. I'd love to try hip hop dancing! That would be fun! I don't know how good at it I'd be...but it would be entertaining to say the least!

    I'm not enjoying the return to spring temps because that means its hot here in Florida, but I wouldn't be happy if it were in the 20s either! I also love recovery runs the day after a long run...I did that all last year during marathon training and plan to do it again. It breaks up the lactic acid and allows me to shake my legs out post long run.

    1. Hip hop dancing is fun, but it's really tough for me because I have ZERO coordination. My awkward body keeps wanting to do most of the moves backward...

  14. Congratulations on climbing those 88 flights of stairs!! I don’t know anyone as committed to training on stairs except for you! It’s been cold down south this week too. I can’t wait to see pics of the mother daughter hip hop dance!! How fun will that be??

    1. We had our first rehearsal last Thursday and I came home really frustrated and in a slight panic. After Saturday's class (and subsequent extra practice at home), I feel much better about it. But, UGH, I am SOOOO uncoordinated!

  15. The weather has been nuts in Chicago too - I vow not to complain about any heat in the summer!

    1. ha ha, Deal! Afte rmy surgery/recovery last summer, I will never complain about the heat, either. It was really hard to be sidelined while everyone else was posting sweaty selfies on social media LOL

  16. I'm going to need to see video of that hip hop. I love that you are dancing with your daughter!

    1. We will probably have video, but won't be allowed to post it until after the recital. Stay tuned ;-)

  17. I agree with Marcia ^^^ I can’t wait to see photos! So cool that you’re doing it with your daughter. Looking forward to your stair climbing recap.

    1. Thanks! The dancing thing certainly is an out-of-comfort-zone experience LOL

  18. I'm done with the cold weather. It's brutally cold out today. I tried to go for a walk during my lunch break but it was so cold, I stopped at my car just to warm up!!! Way to stay active!

  19. I'm guessing the long winter means that we will have a longer summer!! We are seeing some snow flurries here now.

    That 88 flight of steps climb sounds amazing!!

    and I love the new hair do!

  20. You’ve got a lot guts with the dancing. I have two left feet.

    What an active week as usual.

    So tired of this cold weather.

    Live the hair. I have an appt Thursday.

    1. Ha! I may have a lot of guts with the dancing, but I"m hoping to not make a fool of myself

  21. That windy spring weather must be pretty widespread, seems like everyone in our group is complaining about it. Rachel's challenge is keeping so many of you busy-- you aren't the only one who was doing her workout on your rest days. Hip-hop! That would be a great personal challenge for me, too, one I'd like to try sometime. Congrats both on getting out of your comfort zone and on having a daughter who wants to have her mom dance with her!

  22. I had to laugh at your hair photo :)
    The weather is seriously bipolar. Spring one day, back to winter the next!!

  23. I can't wait 'til I'm 100% back from my injury to add in track and speed work again. I was just starting to get into them last season and like the variety it adds.

    Side note, that cheetah scarf is adorable!

  24. Dancing with the daughter sounds fun ...can't wait to see these pics! Congratulations on another stair climb ...you're a pro at this stuff!!

  25. What awesome memories you are creating with your daughter! Ten bucks says you all repeat the routine at her wedding someday. Can't wait to hear more about it!

  26. the weather in Iowa is insane! I seriously don't know how you deal with it!

    the Hip Hop stuff sounds cool! You guys need to video tape that because I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to see it ;)

    I like your hair! looks good! and you know me, I am a bit adventurous with my hair now and again.

    all in all a good week Kim. Those intervals will get better. And you will get faster.

  27. All I'm saying is there better be video of your hip hop endeavor! How fun!

    We just had a hailstorm! In Florida! What is even happening???

    Congratulations on your climb. I love those events for you, and I really hope to do one, one of these days! Although, my training would probably not be as dedicated as yours! You are so diligent about your steps!

  28. Saturday we had 50 and sunny - followed by strong winds, followed by dumping snow. Yep, sounds like spring has arrived!

  29. Still cold here...still winter. I am so over it! It looks like strong winds/cold rain for Boston now too which makes me very unhappy (but optimistic it will change)

  30. Love that you and your daughter are dancing together - and I agree with Marcia, there must be video ;)

  31. Spring is definitely here in Vegas, and I am in my happy place. :) It will be here for you soon. Just remember these days when it's hot and humid in the July. LOL How fun (and exhausting) to do the hip hop with your daughter! Can't wait to see some pics.

  32. Great job! I keep forgetting that it's April because it hasn't felt like it at all! Running in the wind is brutal so great job on that speed work! I hope the cold weather doesn't ruin your flowers!

  33. Yes, yes, and yes to it actually looking like and feeling like Spring outside. I think we might finally be blessed with some warmer weather in another day or two. And I FINALLY do not see any chances of snow in the forecast!!!!!

  34. Can't believe how cold it still is in the US! Before you know it, it will be summer - although I think you wouldn't mind that ;) Can't wait to see and read more about your dancing recital with your daughter. Sounds like fun!
