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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

2019 Bring It!

Have you heard? It's a New Year!

I don't know about you, but there's a lot that's gonna keep me busy.

For starters, I'm gonna continue with the fasted-cardio thing.I respect that not everyone is a fan (or an advocate) of it, but I know it works well for me and my early bird lifestyle. Besides, I love the satisfaction of getting in a great workout while a lot of the world is still in a state of slumber. I'll be doing my early morning runs on some days. There will be a lot of power walks, outside and (on occasion) on the treadmill. I'll be playing with the elliptical (stay tuned, that is still a work-in-progress). And, there will be some HIIT workouts happening. It's all gonna be great!
Elliptical-ing in the early hours...
Did I mention HIIT? I jumped on the HIIT wagon last year, and it was a pretty fun ride. I can assure you, these are here to stay. I usually mix in some stairs and planks (for recovery periods), and have been known to take these outside...like on my front porch. Stay tuned, I'll be chatting more about these in future posts.
burpees, planks, plank jacks for the (sweaty) win
I have some new-to-me races to look forward to. Granted, I already have a pretty extensive roster of favorite races, but I'm really gonna make more of an effort to find some new ones to explore. After all, a new course is a guaranteed PR, right?


...And, the big (virtual) elephant in the (virtual) room.....my big, exciting goal for 2019....two back-to-back marathons! I have had my eye on the Air Force Marathon forever (thanks to my hubby's 30+ years of service), and the Marine Corps Marathon is a no-brainer. Go big or go home. The AFM is September 21 and the MCM is October 27. I have done eight marathons, so I am not new to the training. I also have done a marathon (Grandma's Marathon, June 2015) and run an ultra (Christmas in July 6-Hour) a month later. I do not have any grandiose finish time goals for either, but am eager for the challenge of taking on both of these military events.

So, there's a quick look into what I have happening down the road. 

How about you? Any big goals on tap for 2019? Any new routines? 

I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

**I'm also linking this with Debbie and Rachel and Marc and Lora for the Running Coaches' Corner
Running Coaches Corner Logo
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  1. That is awesome on the two marathons!

    I've been wanting to also run the Cherry Blossom Ten Miler but somehow I missed the lottery this year. Maybe next year.

  2. Woohoo! So excited to virtually cheer you on for your two big races this Fall! :)

    1. ...and I"ll be cheering for you, as well, on your big race!

  3. Love the name of the Chocoholic Frolic! :) Hope 2019 is an awesome year for your running!!

  4. I don't think I knew that you were doing MCM! Woo hoo another chance to see you too. Cherry Blossom is going to be the best

    1. Well, I have to hope the lottery gods are as kind to me for MCM as they were for Cherry Blossom....

  5. The AF Marathon sounds like fun! It looks like you have a great lineup of new races, though I'm not sure that I'd be all-in for anything called Freeze Fest!

    1. Ahhhh, Freeze Fest...."freeze" is a relative term anyways...

  6. Get it, girl!

    I am so excited for you with Cherry Blossom. This is a bucket list kind of race for me and I have yet to enter the lottery due to conflicts. Next year, I'm just going to go for it.

    You have a lot of awesome things coming up!

    1. I have to miss the Fight for Air Climb, though.....but the Cherry Blossom will be a great time with some fellow bloggers ;-)

  7. Exciting plans!! I have taken your lead and did Stairmaster Of Stairs today. I did 330 stairs up and down and did the first 5 sets UP in twos (owwwww, I have quite steep stairs) so thank you for that inspiration!

  8. Wow! You have some big plans- that's exciting!!

  9. WOW. Good luck with both of those marathons. If I do a second, I think I'd go for Marine Corps. Loved spectating when my SIL ran it about a decade ago
    I find fasted cardio intriguing. I do it on the rare day I get in a workout before work and for short races.

    1. Well, the bulk of my workouts are early in the morning, so for me it's a perfect fit.

  10. I hate running in the cold so I wait until spring to start racing. Back to Back marathons! That's exciting. Good luck

    1. I'm used to running outside, year-round, so the cold doesn't bother me (much)

  11. Good luck with your big race plans! I'm eyeing some new-to-me races for this year also.

    1. I have a lot of new-to-me events happening so far, it's exciting to toe a different start line ;-)

  12. What a fun lineup! Looking forward to seeing you in DC!

  13. Wow! You have an exciting New Year planned out. MCM is one of my favorite races!! Looking forward to following your journey this year!!

  14. Oh wow, what an exciting year ahead! I didn't know you were running MCM - and doing 2 marathons back to back? I have no doubt you will do awesome!

  15. You're going to be in DC twice in 2019? Awesome! I've run both the Cherry Blossom and MCM many times and both are great races (CB 5 x and MCM 10 x). Like you, I like to repeat my favorite local races, but haven't run either one lately. Happy training!
