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Thursday, January 10, 2019

Plyo-Infused Stair Workout

We all love fast and furious workouts, right?

Well, this will get your heart pumping and test your leg strength. It may also have you questioning your sanity and sweat capacity.

For starters, did you know it was National Take the Stairs Day on Wednesday?

Being a 6-year veteran of the Fight for Air Climb, and a huger-than-huge supporter of the American Lung Association, I take my stair training pretty seriously.

I'm also a runner, and most runners know the benefits of running on  hills as part of training. I always say that "stairs are like hills on steroids" due to the (somewhat) steep incline. I have also done some plyometrics (jump training) in the past. So, why not combine the two?

I give you my very own Plyo-Infused Stair Workout:

**10 flights of  stairs (single-stepped)
**5 flights of  "jumping jack" climbs (alternating your feet together and apart) as you make your way, via jumping, to the top
**10 flights of stairs (double-stepped)
**5 burpees
**10 push-ups
**5 flights of stairs (triple-stepped)

I did three sets of the circuit, which netted me 15 total burpees, 30 total push-ups and 90 total flights of stairs. Not one to end with an "oddball" number (90???), I added an additional 10 flights of stairs (single-stepped) as a pseudo cool-down. Whew! This took me about 30 minutes. My legs were toast when I was done and my headband needed changing. But I felt like a total badazz.

What ya say? Care to give it a try?

If you're interested in more stair workouts, check out my #NotJustARunner Workouts page (HERE).

What is your favorite form of cross-training? Have you done any stair-training? Did you celebrate National Take the Stairs Day

I'm linking this with Meranda and Lacey for the Friday with Fairytales and Fitness link-up. 


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  1. Yay - I did stair training on Wednesday, go me! I would be too scared doing jumping jacks on my stairs as I only have a handrail one side, and I can't get up three at a time, my legs won't go that far (I feel you are taller than me, I'm 5'2") and maybe your stairs are less steep than mine! I did do doubles and felt it was very much like a lunge, though.

    1. oh yes...I am 5'9, so I have very long legs ;-) When I do the triple steps, they are like an "extended" lunge and are done (somewhat) slowly, in a much more controlled fashion, or there would be face-planting and tumbling involved.

  2. I have short legs -- they are just not suited to that kind of workout. Plus I'm mindful of how easy it is to fall on stairs -- but you go girl!

    My (very short) Iron Strength workouts include jumping lunges, jump squats & burpees & that's enough for me!

    1. I was first introduced to plyo when I did P90X, many years ago. Tough work, but very fulfilling (when it's all done).

  3. I will start with normal stairs. not sure that jumping jack stairs would work for me because I am the Queen of the Klutzes, but I will give it a try. I did go up the stairs at work yesterday (from the first floor to the seventh and remember they are double stairs, so like going up two floors each floor...) because I felt I didn't move enough during the day (I was really busy and didn't make my lunch walk or anything for that matter!).

    1. I am very klutzy, too. The jumping jacks were tough....I did have to hold the hand rail on quite a few of them.

  4. When I saw "stair workout", I know you had to be the author! Wow! I will give it a try, but this workout looks like it will kick my butt!

    1. It is totally kicking my butt TODAY...the DOMS showed up late last night and have made themselves at home....

  5. This looks like a killer workout

  6. wow the jumping jacks on the stairs look killer! I would probably fall on my ass :) Looks like a great cardio workout

    1. ha ha ha.....fortunately, I did have a rail to assist me in the final flights (of each set of jumping jacks).

  7. I always take the stairs at work rather than the elevator and the same when I travel to NYC. That's enough for me.

    But you go, girl. I love following your workouts.

    1. This may have been my toughest stair workout YET. Those jumping jacks were killer!

  8. Jumping jacks on stairs...I'm not sure I trust my coordination that much!

    1. Well, the first couple flights aren't too challenging...after that, they really get hard. I'm glad I had the wisdom to "only" have five flights of them at a time LOL

  9. I love that you;re such a big advocate for stair workouts. I'm going to try to do one next week to get my blood pumping!

    1. Seriously, you really get a lot of bang for your buck with stairs. Everything from the waist-down gets worked.

  10. Wow, you take your stair training pretty serious! I think this is a great workout to do indoors and I think I'm going to start trying these!

    1. For me, the stairs provide the most efficient cardio because your heart and lungs really work hard in such a short time span.

  11. I have two sets of stairs (besides the basement stairs) in my home - one set in the foyer that is broken up by a landing with a 90 degree angle halfway up, then one that is a straight shot from the upstairs to my family room. I sometimes run up the front set and then down the second in circles. My mom thinks I'm crazy!

    1. ha ha ha...my dogs always tries to follow me up and down, then gives up after a couple of flights LOL

  12. This looks like such a fun workout! My stairs are totally not conducive to workouts. We have such a wonky house.

    1. At least your house is conducive for burpees, am I right?

  13. This looks awesome!! Stairs are no joke when it comes to cross training! I literally sweat bullets on the stair master within 5 minutes every single time!

    Have a great weekend!!

    1. Ironically, I have never tried an actual stair master LOL I'm a believer in the real thing ;-)

  14. I actually took the stairs all week, so yay for that! That looks like a great workout!

  15. Your pictures on Instagramof your stair workouts always inspire me! Thank you for sharing this one!!!

  16. I have never done a stair workout other than the stair master.
    I don't have stairs in my house, but I take them at work every day!
    Your workout will be one I will have to try once my knee is better!
