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Sunday, January 13, 2019

The Off-Season Continues 

Ahhhh, the off-season.

Have I, by chance, mentioned it's my off-season at the moment? Actually, it's not just a single moment, and there are several moments remaining of this annual scale-back-on-the-running occurrence.

Anyways, not everyone takes an off-season. We all have our preferences with what works for our training. For myself, this includes a brief period of re-grouping during the winter. After all, I don't usually have much for upcoming races this time of year. I don't need "all the running" to maintain my fitness when there's other things that work just as well while giving "all the running" muscles a lighter schedule.

So, here's what went down this past week, as I entertained another week of off-season fitness...

Never miss a Monday
I don't remember how many Mondays I have kept this routine, but it's been going on for a few years. Well, there was a 3-month period (summer of 2017) when I was sidelined from running, but the #nevermissaMonday ritual continued, via power walking. The temps were cold and rainy on this particular Monday, so I did my fasted-cardio, via power walking on the 'mill...in my not-too-glamorous mudroom.
the mudroom has become the  catch-all for all things clutter
Later, out came the sun and dried up all the rain...but then it went hiding behind the clouds. Oh well, I was able to get outside for a couple of miles around the college campus after work. Besides, you're only cold when you're standing still (or taking a selfie).

Getting-it-done Tuesday
Another cold and damp morning on tap, I decided to keep it inside. I fired up the elliptical, and spent 30 minutes cranking out some cardio (while watching Cheers on Netflix). For what it's worth, I set a new PR for "distance" and made it to 3.5 miles (it's the little things, LOL). As I have said, I am skeptical of the accuracy of the readouts on the elliptical, but I do appreciate how much faster the time goes in comparison to the treadmill. Judging by the sweaty mess when I finish, I'm getting in a good cardio workout regardless. That followed with some burpees, plank jacks, push-ups and planking. Happy (very sweaty) Tuesday!


HIIT'ing it UP on the Stairs for Wednesday
Not everyone embraces a stair workout as much as I do, but it was National Take the Stairs Day! We need to celebrate, right? I wrote a new stair workout to commemorate the occasion:

Plyo-Infused Stair Workout
**10 flights of  stairs (single-stepped)
**5 flights of  "jumping jack" climbs (alternating your feet together and apart) as you make your way, via "jumping & jacking," to the top
**10 flights of stairs (double-stepped)
**5 burpees
**10 push-ups
**5 flights of stairs (triple-stepped)

A few notes:
-I chose to do three (3) sets of the circuit
-This took me about 30 minutes, with an approximate 10-second rest between the circuits (for hydration).
-The triple-stepped flights were done in a moderately slow, controlled manner
-Results? 15 total burpees, 30 total push-ups, 90 total flights of stairs (15 of which were "jump-jacked")
-Since 90 was an odd number to end on, I added an additional 10 flights (single-stepped) as a "cool-down." Wouldn't you do the same?
Did you take the stairs on Wednesday?
Double-the-cardio Thursday
Another rainy morning at wake-up, so I power-walked for 20 minutes with 'Milly. Honestly, it was one of those mornings when I really didn't feel like getting up, but I did so anyways. After all, I am pretty thankful I get to choose to show up and get my sweat on. Not everyone has that option.
.After work, I laced up and headed outside. Outrunning a train, chasing the daylight and nailing the optimal layers all made for a great, late afternoon run. Even the day-long lipstick was still intact. Those four miles pretty much tempo-paced themselves. I like it when that happens!
I love the extended daylight!
Finally Friday
Ugh. The DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). Talk about a tricky beast. Just when you think you're in the clear, BOOM! My body felt so achy and breaky when Friday morning rolled around. I immediately declared it an active recovery day, and decided to layer up and go for an early morning walk outside. Although I had run those four miles pretty intensely the evening prior, I think the stiffness and cranky muscles were actually a (delayed) result of Wednesday's stair workout. That said, the 2-mile walk in the crisp air felt awesome. I returned home feeling totally refreshed and the muscles weren't angry anymore. Don't ever discount the power of a walk!
Feeling oh-so-much better!
Let there be snow on Saturday!
If I have said it once, I have said it at least 1,000 times...I prefer summer over every other season. Fortunately, we've had a very mild winter, thus far, in terms of snow. That all changed overnight, and there was a thick layer of the white stuff on the ground. We have had the cold winter temps, so we might as well have something to show for it...am I right? Besides, there's something quite satisfying (badazz, if you will) about beating the snow plows and leaving your own tracks everywhere. I also hit the elliptical Saturday evening for 30+ minutes of cardio before lights-out.
What happens when it snows? Runners leave footprints!
Snow-Packed Sunday
I got out for a few miles Sunday morning, then the hubby and I shoveled out my (vacationing) sister's driveway (for 45 minutes, thank you very much). Anyone know an approximate calorie burn for snow removal? Fortunately, it wasn't a wet snow, but it still was very dense and heavy. Glass half full, my fasted-cardio was probably off the charts. All the bending, stooping and squatting (and heave-ho'ing of snow) served as my stretching/cool-down. Don't be jealous.
Image may contain: one or more people and outdoor
The cold never bothered me anyways (but I still prefer summer)
So, overall, it was a solid week. It was very cardio-heavy, but I'm counting the stair workout as a bit of a strength session with all those triple-stepped flights. I tweaked my left elbow a couple weeks ago (not sure how), making it difficult to do arm work right now, so I have been avoiding that recently. Total mileage this week came to 25 (11 running/7 walking/7ish elliptical). I'm doing daily planks, leg lifts, push-ups, burpees and wall sits as well, but am considering switching some of them to alternate days. Stay tuned...

In case you missed them, here's my posts from last week:
Running into the New Year
2019 - Bring It!
Plyo-Infused Stair Workout

In other news:
Did you catch my #FridayFashionFlair post? Every Friday, I post a pic of a featured outfit on Instagram. I've been doing these for a couple of years. Why? Although I'm a runner and fitness enthusiast, I am not dressed in athletic attire 24/7. I also have an #artgeek mind and a love for all things color and fashion. Besides, it's fun seeing what my fitness friends look like outside of their fitness regime. That said, this week's outfit featured a current winter season favorite of mine, a shawl wrap. This particular one even has arm holes, so it is work-desk-functional. You're always welcome to join the party and post of pic of your own....just be sure to grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and give me a tag (@runningonthefly).

I have had several people ask, and I have carefully avoided any direct answers, as to what I have in mind for a marathon this year. This week, I revealed the proverbial elephant in the virtual room. Ready? I am hoping to take on not just one, but two, marathons in the fall. The Air Force Marathon (Dayton, OH, Sept. 21) has long been on my radar. And, the Marine Corps Marathon (Washington, DC, Oct. 27) is a no-brainer. I have not yet registered for the AFM (a few logistics to finalize) and the MCM is lottery-dependent, but I am so excited to take on the challenge of back-to-back marathons!

And, finally, if you're on Facebook, you probably have seen the latest craze...the How Hard Did Facebook Age Me thing. By posting your first-ever profile pic alongside your current profile pic, you (and all the Facebook world) can see how much (if any) you have aged. So, yes, I fell victim...the pic on the left is from NYE 2008 and the other is from late summer 2018. I don't think I have necessarily lost (or gained) any weight, but I definitely have a lot more muscle tone and I've run a lot more miles (and a LOT more races). I think I am doing alright.
then and now
Well, that's a wrap on the latest and greatest. How has the new year been treating you? Any crazy weather? Staying inside or opting outside? Any races coming up?

 I'm linking up with Holly and Wendy (and this week's guest host, Kim) for the Weekly WrapThis weekly check-in is such a great place to connect with fellow fitness-minded peeps. Please join us!

Are you following me on social media?
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  1. I had a lot of muscle soreness this week too! I like it and hate it at the same time. Shoveling snow is crazy hard and an intense calorie burn. I always feel it in my back. Have a great week my friend stay warm

  2. You are the most active person I know during their "off-season"!

    I had some pretty bad DOMS on Friday but luckily (I guess?) it was just my upper body and not my legs.

    1. Well, although I am staying active, I am keeping the running at the bare minimum. I keep thinking I should be doing a few more miles here and there...then I abruptly tell myself, "NO!" (and, the good thing is that I listen & obey LOL)

  3. I seriously don't know how you can call this your "off season". You are really staying active for sure! Did you ever decide what to name your Elliptical? Is Ellie in the running? (haha no pun intended). -M

    1. I totally forgot to mention it, but I do think I will go with Ellie for 'her" name. Thanks for the great suggestion!

  4. ok your off season is busier than most people's active season.

    Two marathons?!

    One is scary enough for me.

    Cone to NY. Go for three. Lottery is tomorrow.

    1. Well, I think NY is during the same time as these other two marathons...um, I think I will need to take a pass for this year ;-)

  5. We're meant to get snow at the end of the month, just when I'm ramping up my mara/ultra training. Oh well, it will be as it is. Lovely workouts and outfits this week as ever!

    1. Thanks! As much as I LOVE all things summer, there is something so beautiful and tranquil about the snow. (not that I'm prepared to "enjoy" for the next three months)

  6. I have DOMS from my hip hop yoga class on Friday night. Soooo many chaturanga's!!! I think you look better now than you did 10 years ago. Keep doing your thing!

    1. ha ha...for me, "hip hop" and "yoga" do not belong in the same sentence. I am such an uncoordinated klutz, I'd be way too stressed about doing the moves backwards to get any relaxation out of it.

  7. Winter is the best time for an off-season :) Don't run the Houston marathon, Midwest marathon training is tough, haha!

    Exciting news about your fall marathons! When do you find out about Marine Corps' lottery?

    1. There's a reason all the marathons I have done have been in the summer or fall....I really don't think I'd enjoy the necessary training in the cold months. The MCM lottery opens in March, I believe, so I won't know anything for awhile.

  8. Way to keep rocking the off-season!

    Shoveling snow is no joke of a workout. So far we've avoided the snow, but the bitter cold has definitely settled in.

    Great marathon choices! Don't forget if the MCM lottery doesn't workout for you I have a bib I need to trade in. :)

    1. Thanks, Michelle!!!!! I will for sure keep that bib offer in mind. Only, it's a bummer you won't be there with me ;-(

  9. I posted the aging one to my twitter since I had literally just updated my FB profile
    I'm just fine with thirteen years of aging.
    I've totally stolen "never miss a Monday" from you and it's such a wonderful tone setter - and a conscious choice that I make. I'm really "try not to miss a Monday" but it's better than I used to be.
    I hope the MCM lottery gods smile down on you
    And yes, I agree. Only cold when standing still or walking -- so I've been running by the river which is a closer start to running than Central Park where I have to cross six avenues and all too often hit the lights

    1. I'm glad the Monday routine has gone well for you! I first saw it on a meme (not sure how many moons ago), but it just stuck with me. I just do it, even the Mondays after a tough race or a long run. Even if it's just one mile (at a very slow pace), it kick starts my week.

    2. Next Monday with a day off for MLK post Lebow is going to be a challenge, but one I'll embrace. I might need to butt scoot down the stairs though

  10. Someday I want to do MCM! It's definately a bucket list race for me. We got a few inches of snow here in KS and it was very pretty but it is going to make major mud quickly!

    1. Our snow still looks pretty, but already a lot of it has melted in the streets. That just gives way to ice in the morning ;-)

  11. Um...OMG. When you don't really work out for a week because you break a finger being stupid and then you decide to take a kettlebell on a road trip and do all the squatting and lunging...yes. DOMS. ALL THE DOMS. Grandbabies wanted to play, I was like, "ok, give Nana a minute, or 5, to get out of this chair." LOL

    I may or may not have a race in the near future. Maybe. Possibly. IDK. :)

    MCM is one of my favorites!! And, it's within driving distance since my folks live that way. Maybe I'll make it up there to cheer!

    1. YES YES YES!!!!! I'd love a cheer squad for MCM, and I'd love to get to meet you in person ;-)

  12. Your stair workouts are crazy! I sure couldn't do them with my hip issue now, but even when I'm healthy I've never tried! I do love your energy.

    1. Well, Miss CoCo, you do some pretty intense Orange Theory stuff that almost has me fainting just from reading about it ;-)

  13. Your stair workout is intense! Wow! I would be a sweaty mess for sure after that. Glad to read that you are enjoying your off season!

    1. I seriously didn't think all those jumping jacks would be so tough...but add that incline (and repeat several times), and YIKES. I was a major sweaty mess.

  14. I had DOMS Sunday and Monday after my run last weekend. my piriformis was tired and I realized I only did one day of strength training over Christmas. I got back to it Sunday, and I was wincing every time I got up from desk on Monday.

  15. I've officially adopted your "Never Miss a Monday" starting today! Let's see how long I go for, but I feel so good sitting at work knowing I have already started my fitness routine for the week! Two marathons, back to back...! Now that's a challenge and a half! Can't wait to see how it goes.

  16. At first I was thinking "wow the temps are so mild there" and then the SNOW! Shoveling is one of the toughest workouts (living in New England all my life, I know!) as long as it's not bone chilling cold outside, it can be fun too. I love that you're rocking the new elliptical! If the time passes quicker than the treadmill - that's a WIN!

  17. I'm pretty sore too, from my long run yesterday. Happy that it's a rest day. I cycle my running and training too, but it's more depending on what races I'm training for rather than the season. Have I said before that I'm sooooo glad I don't have to deal with the snow? It does look like much of the country is buried under it these last few days!

  18. you had a great week! are you in your off-season? I'm not so sure you mentioned that before ;-) SUPER exciting about TWO marathons this year!!! Fingers crossed for MCM!!! I was quite the wuss this week with the weather. And we didn't even have snow. Honestly I would rather run in the snow than in the gale force winds we had last week. And I abhor running in snow...

  19. Oooh those are great marathon picks! MCM remains one of my faves. I've been inside, I've been outside, I've been up and down. And yeah I've got a couple of races coming up. :)

  20. I don't take an off season--I don't have "a season", I guess. I do regularly schedule rest and recovery, tho. Good luck with the MCM lottery!

  21. You look gorgeous in both your older and newer photos!

    Look at all that snow! Crazy!

    Our off-season is in the summer, when it's just too hot to deal with running. Races drop in mileage and frequency in July and August, so that's when our training kind of goes by the wayside.

  22. We have the cold temps but still no snow -- and that is just fine by me. Maybe a storm this weekend . . . I hope not!

    I haven't been on FB a super long time -- I saw the challenge on IG, but never really saw any "rules". I think you definitely look great in both photos -- beauty is an inside job. :)

  23. I do the same thing with off season. It doesn't usually become totally off, but I take it much easier. I ran outside over the weekend, it's been a really long time. So hopefully that starts happening more.

  24. We have crazy weather here....crazy dry! I foresee a nasty fire season ahead.

    Have I mentioned, I admire anyone who can just walk on a treadmill? There is no form of entertainment available that would keep me doing that for very long.

  25. You have a very busy off-season! Love it!! Our weather has been miserably cold here this week, so lots of time on the treadmill for me!!
