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Monday, January 14, 2019

Running - The Gift That Keeps Giving

Running has been pretty good to me.

It got me in shape (13.5 years ago). It toned up my (somewhat) soft body. It built my endurance. After a life of not considering myself an athlete, it proved otherwise.

And, it continues to keep giving to me....

First of all, running has brought me all kinds of funky, colorful running gear. Neon green, for example, is rampant among my fitness wardrobe. It's a favorite color of mine...it's bright and has a bit of a funky edge. However, it looks like you're not wearing anything in the dark. I have a favorite pair of neon green shorts, and I wear them often in the warmer months, but it's usually during daylight hours. I wore them for my first ultra (July 2015), which was an overnight race. Everything appeared fine until I made that first lap on the back side of the lake, where the lighting was pretty minimal...and it looked like I was running in the buff from the waist-down. Yep.
There they are...the shorts that magically "disappeared" without going anywhere
Running has taken me to all kinds of fun places. When the Iowa Hawkeyes played in the Rose Bowl (2016), I found a race to do while in the Pasadena area. Apparently, several other runners (who also were Hawkeye fans) had the same idea.
A bunch of Iowa Hawkeye fans showed up at a race in Huntington Beach...and I was one of them
Running has the ability to cloud my memory, much like childbirth. There are races (and, frequently, training runs) that are so excruciating, you wonder why you chose to do them and swear you'll never do them again. Then, you cross the finish line, re-hydrate, and realize it wasn't so bad. And (almost) immediately, you want to do it all over again.
The thrill of another race bib to pin on never gets old
Running has taught me to appreciate other forms of fitness. I used to be "just a runner." In other words, running was the only form of quality exercise my body would consider doing. Once I started doing (and enjoying) other stuff (strength training, stair running, and HIIT....to name a few), my entire world transformed. Running, most definitely, is my main go-to, and my legs look like those of a runner.... but it's nice to have defined muscles elsewhere on my body, too. Of course, with more distance running, my injuries have increased...but I'm better equipped to deal with them, I recover much quicker, and I have other things to occupy my time if I'm side-lined from my running shoes.
not just a runner
Running has given me a front row seat to witness the achievements of others. As much as I enjoy conquering new goals (that were once outside of my comfort zone), I get even more satisfaction in watching others do the same. Even if their goals surpass mine, it's thrilling to witness quality achievements and dole out the high-5's as they happen.
Escorting our youngest across her first-ever finish line was one of my proudest moments
Running has taught me to see the "bigger picture" on race day. It is possible to have a great race by focusing on your pace, stride, cadence and splits. It's possible, though, to have an even better race by just running it for fun, chatting with other runners, and enjoying the crowd along the course. I'm not an elite, nor will I ever be an Olympian.....there's nothing for me to gain by trying to pose as one.

It's OK to smile and act goofy on the race course
Running has taught me to enjoy and appreciate the journey. If I can't smile while I'm running or racing, then maybe I shouldn't be lacing up in the first place. Yes, there are times when I'm in pain, or I'm tired, or my head is pounding harder than my feet on the pavement. There are times when I'm just not "feeling" the run.... that's normal and is to be expected. But if I can't find something to smile about while out there, then my attitude needs a time-out. I believe there's something good to come out of every bad experience, otherwise most of us would never reach any of our goals or cross any of those finish lines. If there's something to be learned, then it's quality time well spent.
Every run is a gift
Running has showed me, time and again, that running friends are the best! There is no such thing as too many runner friends. Just when I think my running circle is complete...a new quality friend enters the scene, and it's usually someone I couldn't imagine not ever knowing. Runner friends are a rare breed, and I cherish and respect all of the ones who are a part of my tribe.
Simply the best
So, yes, I'd say running is one of the best gifts I could have given to myself. Little did I know, in the summer of 2005, that it was only the beginning.

So, talk to me.....Has running been just as generous to you? How long has it been a part of your life?

I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

**I'm also linking this with Debbie and Rachel and Marc and Lora for the Running Coaches' Corner
Running Coaches Corner Logo
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  1. I LOVE this post, so inspiring! I loved hearing a bit more about your running journey, too. I started about 20 years ago now but just ran 5k women's races and ran on the treadmill in the gym. Got more serious about it when I moved to Birmingham and did my first half-marathon in 2005. I don't like racing much but I do love helping and supporting people, whether that's running with them, helping with our To 5k and Beyond courses or through my volunteering and officiating. One of the massive things running has given me, therefore, as well as fitness, self-confidence and great friends in real life and the blogosphere, is the opportunity to fulfil my strong need to serve others. Win-win!

    1. You are such a fabulous role model of runners everywhere with all of your extensive volunteering and support. Running certainly fulfills far more than just a fitness need ;-)

  2. Love this post #kimtwin! I feel like running, and the running community, have given me so much throughout the years as well.

    1. Agreed. It's like we're our own little village with our own dialect ;-)

  3. What a fabulous spin on the topic! Running is definitely an incredible gift and I agree with you on every point! <3

  4. Love this! The running community and running itself have forever changed my life. I honestly don' t know what I would do with all of my time without them

  5. Love that you and I took the same lens on this. And somehow I totally forgot about the travel element
    Your neon green is my hot pink. So ridiculous but <3

    1. When I saw what those neon shorts were doing to me, I just threw my hands in the air and kept running (while stifling several giggles)

  6. Great post Kim!! It was inspiring and gave me a warm feeling. Made me think about when I first started running and why. Running has definitely changed many things in my life.

  7. Yes to all of these (especially the colorful clothes, LOL)!

    I've been running about 10 years now. So many people say to me wow! I can't run. I always reply of course you can -- IF you want to. Cause I certainly had never run a mile before I decided to do just that. :) And then some . . .

    Oh, I would add you can chat with other runners, high five the spectators, thank the volunteers . . . and still push hard for that PR! I always do all that. And I am for sure not posing as an elite. :)

  8. Loved this post! Running has given me so much in my life too. I loved the "running has the ability to cloud my memory" one. If we humans didn't have that, every child would be an only child and no one would run more than 1 marathon! :D

    1. ha ha ha...when I trained for my first marathon, it was going to be a "once and done" endeavor. Granted, I was blessed with a magical experience on race day, and once I crossed the finish line, I knew I simply had to do it again.

  9. I love this post and it's so true! Running even gave me my husband! We met more than 20 years ago at a race, so I'd never met him otherwise.

  10. Running teaches us so many amazing things! thats one of the reasons i keep at it.

  11. I really enjoyed reading this post! Running has given me so much too... I have been in a slump with it lately, but the post has reminded me of why I love running so much!!!

    1. Even going through a slump, we know what it feels like on the other side....that's usually enough to pull us out of it.

  12. love this so, so much and definitely going to share on my page :)

    Running has literally changed my life. It's given me life. It's given me a purpose. It's given me drive and discipline. It's given me friendships. It's taken me places and given me an even stronger bond with my husband - we changed our lives together with running just 10 years ago. I never thought I could be any sort of athlete at all but I AM and it's given me the confidence to actually say that out loud.

    1. Thanks, dear friend ;-) You are such a sweetheart ;-) You echoed everything that drove me to write this ;-)

  13. Running can definitely be a wonderful teacher, and it's awesome seeing other people out there crushing their goals too! I don't run too often, but I really appreciate how welcoming the running community has been whenever I dip my toes in!

  14. What a wonderful tribute to your running career! Running has given me many similar gifts. Nice post!

  15. What a great post Kim! Running has truly proven to be a bigger gift in my life than I could have ever imagined and this post is a great reminder of that!
