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Monday, June 17, 2019

The Allure of a Local Race

Big cities and big races are a big draw for a lot of runners, but there's a certain allure of a local race.

Case in point, my hometown event...the Grinnell Games.

Have you ever run such a race? An event that you could walk (or run or bike) to the start line? It's nice when most of the law enforcement personnel, manning the intersections, call you by name (and not because you've been a bad girl). And, as a bonus, you recognize all of the race volunteers on the street corners and can personally thank them, by using their name.

This past weekend, I participated in the 2019 Grinnell Games, running the 5K. I have been a huge supporter of this weekend of events since its inception, in 2012. After all, as a runner, I think it's important to support the local events that, in turn, promote the very sport that I love so much.
Various event & volunteer shirts from previous years
There are many advantages to running in a local race, one of which is meeting other local runners. It's amazing how many area runners there are that I haven't crossed paths with until an event draws all of us to the same start line.

Another thing that I appreciate is the familiarity of the race course. Even though the Grinnell Games events (race distances and routes) have varied over the years, I think I have run on most of the city streets at one time or another while training. Several of the streets see action, via my running shoes, on a weekly basis. No surprises on race day.
What a difference 12 miles can make! At the 1-mile mark and approaching the finish line in 2016...it was hot and I was tired
Then there's all the people! Often times, a lot of the volunteers are people I already know. It's nice being greeted at the water stands and on the street corners by people who know my name. Hearing your name as you cross the finish line (from more than just the announcer) is pretty sweet.

Finally, I've been able to give back as a volunteer myself. With the variety of events that have been offered over the years, I've had plenty of opportunities to not only pin on a race bib, but also don a safety vest.
Got cowbell
As mentioned, this year I ran the 5K (there also was a half marathon option and a kids' warrior run). The temps were warm, and somewhat humid. The scattered storms that had been forecast, though,  were a no-show. I finished in 26:13, which was a decent 5K finish time for me.
Image may contain: one or more people

I have also run the half marathon three times (in 2012, 2014 and 2016). They used to offer a 10K trail run, which I ran three times as well...in 2013, combined as a combo with the half marathon in 2014, and combined with the 10K street race in 2015. I also ran the 5K (with a different route) in 2018. I had to take a pass in 2017 as I was in Duluth, MN for Grandma's Marathon that weekend.
the 5K in 2018
Needless to say, I've had a lot of fun running and racing in my hometown. I'm quite grateful to have a fun local event that doesn't require an early-morning commute to the race site, and also offers decent swag every year. There's also been plenty of opportunities to challenge myself with multiple events.
2014 half marathon... the morning after the evening 10K trail race 

My first trail race, a 10K full of hills, slippery grass and dirt (2013)
How about YOU? Do you have a local event, or several, that you've run numerous times? Have you had the opportunity to volunteer or help plan such an event?

I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

**I'm also linking this with Debbie and Marc  for the Running Coaches' Corner

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  1. You know I love a good racecation, but I'm also a fan of smaller hometown or local races as well. It's nice to just walk to the start line, or a quick 10 min drive away. Also I love supporting my local community when I can.

    1. I agree! It's important to support the smaller races (which usually benefit a local charity).

  2. There are a lot of local races here and it's nice to be able to roll out of bed and drive a couple minutes to the start line!

    1. I still have to drive a good 20-30 minutes, unless it's downtown...but that beats the 50-minutes (or longer) drive of going to "the big city"

  3. Oh this is lovely! I always marshal at the NICE (National Institute for Conductive Education) 10k every year, it's in our local park where parkrun happens, it's for a good cause (the foundation aids people with movement disorders), I'm friends with the race director and I can usually call out the club vests for everyone and the names of about a third of the runners! We had a local marathon which was a bit horrible and put everyone off certain roads we train on a lot, and we have a half marathon and 10k in the city too which is nice to do.

    1. Most of our smaller races benefit great causes, too. It's kind of a no-brainer to do what we love (running) for the better of others ;-)

  4. I love small, local races. Easy logistics, inexpensive, and as you describe, everyone knows your name. I am doing a 5K on Saturday that I *could* run to the starting line, but I won't! :)

    1. ha ha!!! I think I have walked/run to the start line of this event every year except for the times it was held just outside of town for the trail run. It adds a great warm-up/cool-down to your day ;-)

  5. Yep, some local events here that I really appreciate not having to trek for hours to get to.

    1. It's nice not having to deal with a long commute on race morning! I'm always paranoid, no matter how early I leave, that something unforeseen will come up and delay my getting to the start line...

  6. It is definitely a bonus when you know the course and are familiar w your surroundings. I do like the small homeotwn races as well.

    1. It is a nice perk! And a bonus is that you have an automatic "new" running route that won't require a GPS signal for distance LOL

  7. Small local races are the best. They're so much easier to get to!

    1. Right! I have to commute to most of my races (usually at least an hour), so I really appreciate having this race just a few blocks from my driveway.

  8. I absolutely love local races and have several that I've repeated on a yearly basis! There's nothing quite like home! :)

    1. Isn't that the truth ;-) I have a handful of small races that I do almost every year, too!

  9. There is definitely an appeal to the familiarity of local races! And I like that a lot of the small local races support a local charity.

    1. I agree 100% I think we all need to support our local events, not just by participating, but also by volunteering. These races don't "run" themselves, right? ;-)

  10. I agree with you. Moreover in the local races we know every step of the path, we don't have to wake up too early to stay in time at the start and we can leave the car at home (so no parking problems).
    However this year I skipped the local 10 km event because in my city we have many possible routes for a race but the organization insists with a silly 4 short laps with a terrible hill and a dangerous downhill (this is the problem not the hill) to do 4 times.

    1. Ouch! That would be (mentally) painful...four times? I guess, to some, that may be the challenge of it-->to stay in the game, but for others it would get boring.

  11. Hometown races are the best! I wish we had more of them. Actually, the only one we have that is really in my town is the one my husband puts on and I have to work it! We do have other local races though.

    1. Local races are a lot of fun, and it's unfortunate some runners shun them for their small size. I have a lot of nearby favorites, but I'm trying to seek out other races to try, as my schedule allows.

  12. Congrats on your 5K, and such a huge leap from the year before, which is also a great finishing time! I used to live right near the Art Museum in Philly, and while there were often some larger races, I always have comfort in the familiarity of my local running community. I do need to do more volunteering though!

    1. I'd love to be in Philly! The R'n'R was a blast, but I know that was only a glimpse of the area. Even the trail around the river was quite scenic!

  13. We have a ton of local races and I love so many of them. It's almost hard to keep running them over and over because there are so many other races out there to run.

    I love that your town has this and I'm so glad you are able to participate year after year.

    1. I think it's important to support the local events. There are other races happening the same weekend, but I'd feel disloyal going elsewhere.

  14. Would you believe I've actually ONLY done local races? I guess technically not all in the same town, but I've never racecation'ed. I'm a big fan of sleeping in my own bed and smaller crowds.

  15. Love a good local race. They are quaint and cozy and I feel there's a better vibe with the smaller races. Thanks for sharing and good job with your race!

  16. Local races are the best! Easy to get to and you sleep in your own bed. :-) Congrats on your 5k!

    Thank you for linking up with us and I am sorry it took me so long to read your post.
