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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Gloomy Is As Gloomy Does

Gloom is a state of mind, and quite a subjective one at that.

No doubt, things continued to stay nutzo with the #covidcrazy pandemic. The weather, though not uncomfortable, certainly wasn't all sunshine and warmth either. And, although I felt humbled at times, my fitness endeavors kept the sweat flowing and my heart pumping. After all, I get to do fitness endeavors, no matter how tough or challenging. That's always a good thing!

Before I lay it all out, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Monday's non-gloomy snow...
Don't adjust your screens, that is snow! We had nonstop snow from Sunday afternoon until late Sunday evening. As I said (via social media), it doesn't matter if we're only a couple days into Spring, Iowa weather doesn't usually follow the calendar. I have to admit the snow did look pretty and made for a very tranquil setting, so I laced up and got out for an early-morning #nevermissaMonday 2-miler before work. I've been doing my Monday runs after work (for the past few months), so it felt great to do something different. And that snow? It was gone a few hours later. No harm, no foul.

Tuesday's non-gloomy recovery day
I'd had a busy weekend. There was the COVID 19-miler virtual run (Saturday), an hour of loading/carrying a couch and love seat to our son's new condo (through two sets of stairs, none the less, also Saturday), a 2-mile recovery run on Sunday morning, more loading/unloading items for the son (Sunday late afternoon), and that 2-miler on Monday morning. I had  ZERO regrets for all the action, but my body definitely was ready for some recovery time. I spent 30 minutes on the elliptical (to loosen up the legs), and that's all she wrote (well, except for some stairs).

Wednesday's non-gloomy #5at5 in the fog
As per usual, Barb and I met up for our weekly run. It looked (and kind of felt) like the set of a horror movie. There was thick fog, plenty of damp mist in the air, and even some wind (you know, for good measure). Actually, though, the run went very well despite the eery, less-than-desirable atmosphere. Oddly, we saw a lot of traffic...usually we're lucky if we see one vehicle during those early morning miles.

Thursday's non-gloomy HIIT/plyo and upper-body strength
It had been a few weeks since I'd done any HIIT or speedwork, so it was time. I wrote up a workout before bed (on Wednesday) and awoke the next morning eager for action.

I'm calling this my  "Fast & Furious 4 Sets of 5" ((ahem))...
**5 stair flights (double-stepped)
**10 burpees
**15 jump squats
**20 mountain climbers
**25 plank jacks
**1-minute wall sit (as recovery)

Trust me, this looked a lot easier on paper than it was to execute (LOL), but that's all good. I can do hard things, and I'm quite grateful. The four sets took me less than 24 minutes, and everything was thoroughly awake and alert (and on fire) when I finished. That's a good thing, too. I also did a 20-minute upper-body strength workout after dinner (sorry, no pics).

Friday's non-gloomy recovery day
I woke up Friday morning expecting some DOMS to be ready and waiting for me...but they were MIA! I fired up the elliptical for 30 minutes (of leg flushing) and called it good.

Saturday's non-gloomy #8at8
There were all kinds of rain and storms (and even a tornado watch later in the day) in the forecast. Imagine my surprise when Momma N blessed us with a window of "non-activity" (which hadn't shown the evening prior). Barb and I, respectful of social distancing (again), knocked out eight miles. It was a similar scenario to Wednesday...heavy fog, nonstop mist in the air, numerous puddles. Also, there were millions (upon millions) of worms. Everywhere (all together now..."EEEW!").  The run went well, though I was a saturated mess (from the puddles and all the mist in the air) when I got home. And, I discovered I'd worn an old pair of shoes by mistake. Oh well.

Sunday's not-too-gloomy Fight for Air Climb, via virtual
I got the email, late Friday afternoon, that the Fight for Air Climb would not be rescheduled after all. Instead, the organizers were encouraging all participants to climb together virtually on Sunday morning, which was the Climb's original date. I had already planned to climb the 76-floor "distance" on my own anyways, but it was a real buzzkill to now know this would be the grand finale for the 2020 event. Not gonna lie, that was a bit of a gut punch...but it is what it is. Even though going up (and down) my stairway 76 times isn't the same as climbing the four buildings in downtown Des Moines, it still honors all the work of the American Lung Association. To smack this COVID-19 (in my own way), I continued on to 100 flights (instead of just the 76). No finisher medal this year, but I do have seven others and over $1,100 in (cumulative) fundraising in my name. And that will do for now.

So, another interesting week. Honestly, I have nothing to complain about, other than a couple more races going virtual (that had previously been postponed)...and that's not even a valid complaint, given the current situation. Running was a bit scaled back (after the previous weekend's high mileage), 15 total miles for this week. Walking had a big upswing with the hubs and I walking a couple miles almost every day, as well as some extra walking on my own  (14 miles). There were two elliptical workouts (60 total minutes), one upper-body workout, and 205 stair flights climbed. And let's not forget Thursday's HIIT/plyo extravaganza.

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:
Spring Break: BROKEN
My 2020 Spring (empty) Bucket List
Runfessions...because somethings never change

In other news:
Friday Fashion Flair! Although it's not an easy time (or a happy time) for some of us, I'm doing my best to keep things bright and cheerful and colorful. After all, our attitude is one thing we have 100% control of, right? As always, you're welcome to join me on Fridays...post a pic on Instagram, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and be sure to tag me (@runningonthefly).

This is not an easy time, by any means...but there's a lot of things that have kept me optimistic. Fitness, especially running, has played a big part. It's a big "constant" for me, usually on a daily basis. It's in my control, and that hasn't changed. I am well aware of all the negative out there, and the seriousness of this virus. I'm not ignoring any of that...I'm just choosing to focus on all the good. For myself, that's time and energy better spent.

 And, who doesn't love Dr. Seuss?

The first week of the 19 Minutes for 19 Days Challenge has gone well! Thanks to everyone for participating! It's not too late to start...anyone can join at any time. Let's do this together!

Finally, when I got home from my Saturday long run, I was taking off my wet shoes, and felt a little disgruntled to see how much the soles were already worn. I've had these shoes since just before Christmas and had really hoped to get a lot more wear out of them. Then I realized they were shoes from almost two years ago (yeah, DUH!)! I've hung on to them for walking and elliptical, or really short runs (2-3 miles, max). Thank goodness the new shoes are still in prime condition. Can you see the similarities between the two pairs? (Thankfully, at least I had a matching pair on!)

new shoes on top, old ones on the bottom

So, that a wrap! I hope all is well in your household and you and your family are staying safe.

How was your week? Any new at-home workouts? Are you able to work onsite, or working at home for now? Virtual events?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


  1. I have indoor and outdoor running shoes and I remember that one time that I got the two mixed up and of course I got my indoor shoes all muddy, oh well, that's life. Congrats on getting your stair climb even though the race was cancelled. I did my first virtual race this week and I was surprised and pleased that I was able to push myself to get non-virtual results on my own. I'm loving the #19for19challenge.

    1. Although I ran my Chocoholic 10K last weekend (as part 1 of that 19-miler), I still want to drive to the race site (an hour away) and run the "race" there for a more accurate "virtual" experience (it's an out-and-back on a trail in a park). I'm not sure how easily I could do a 10K on city streets (with road crossings, etc.) and mimic a race experience. A 5K maybe, but a 10K is just long enough I think it would be tougher (?). Thanks for your loyalty to the #19for19Challenge!!!

  2. Sorry your climb turned virtual. Disappointing for sure. Honestly I'm not so sure how all the races that have been pushed to fall can happen. There are SO many. Oh well, at least our snow is gone! The torrential rain and high winds can end any time now...hahaha!

    1. I agree...I wonder how all these postponed races are gonna pan out with the previously scheduled ones. Our rain was lighter than forecast yesterday, but today's wind was psychotic.

  3. Ha - I thought you had two different pairs of shoes on! I have a set of treadmill shoes, and I'm always a bit sad when I end up taking a new pair outside to get dirty for the first time! I still don't have a good pair of "long run" shoes yet, but I guess that doesn't really matter anymore! I keep forgetting to post my #19for19challenge workouts. I have been walking a lot to listen to an audiobook before it's due back to the library. I hope I get to finish it in time! Great workouts this week!

    1. I have been using the #19for19challenge hashtag as the "header" of my posts, or else I know I'd forget it LOL It took me several minutes to realize I'd had the old shoes on because they look so similar. I usually have all of them on a shelf (under my bathroom sink), with the old ones on the top row, but somehow those had gotten moved and the new ones were still on the rug by the front door...it definitely won't happen again LOL

  4. When I have put in enough miles in my running shoes, I use them as walking/everyday shoes. Mine are a different color though so no mistake there. :-) You had so many types of weather this week. Isn't it supposed to be Spring? It's been gloomy all week and seriously I've had enough of it. Ugh! OK, rant over.

    1. These are my only two pairs that are so similar in color, so it's never been a problem. It was kind of gloomy here, too, most mornings...but has (oddly) cleared up by late afternoons most days.

  5. We saw tons of worms on our run this morning too. Ewww...is right! :) So sorry about the stair climb cancellation. I know you were looking forward to that. Good for you for going the extra mile. Or in this case, the extra 24 flights! Love that "choose wisely" graphic. So true. We do get to choose and we need to make good ones every day, especially right now. Great reminder!

    1. Thanks, Laurie ;-) I saw the "choose wisely" graphic Friday and loved everything about it.

  6. Crazy that you got snow! We are starting to see temps in the 90s, and it stinks that I am nervous to go out super early because i don't want to trip or lose my footing and hurt my leg. :(

    I am keeping up with the 19 For 19 Challenge, and also making great strides with the Two Week Core Challenge (although I hate it LOL). We are all just doing the best we can.l

    1. The weather app did show snow (this was last weekend), but we were all surprised how heavy the snow was when it arrived. Just glad it didn't stick around very long...

  7. Your workouts never look easy! Bummer on the Stair Climb, but I guess it was going to be too hard for them to reschedule. Are you still going to work? My fashion is never noteworthy, but I’m in leggings and cozy top mode working in our basement.

    1. They called the Climb a couple weeks ago, and were planning on postponing....but given the unique (and uncertain) circumstances, I'm not at all surprised they had to just make the final decision. The few of us still working onsite are donning more casual clothing right now, too, since there's only a handful of us there and we aren't getting any visitors LOL

  8. I'm surprised so many races are rescheduling--I think the logistics have to be so tough. I'm sure that stairclimb would have been really hard to reschedule. Good for you getting it done on your own.

    1. I think the biggest issue with the Climb was the fact there's so much uncertainty when things will stabilize. 1,000+ people, breathing heavily, in enclosed stairwells would NOT be a good setting ...even a few months from now. Ultimately canceling was the right call, though very disappointing.

  9. Sorry your climb ended up anti-climatic, no pun intended. SO MANY worms and slugs. Ew
    Gloomy can totally be a mindset, you're right. Trying to fight mother nature/COVID's gloom and find the helpers

    1. Oh gosh, I have never seem so many worms over the course of eight miles LOL

  10. I'm doing all my work remotely for now -- lots of Zoom meetings, etc. It's actually busier because I'm trying to get in my billable hours BUT also home with two kids under four. So lots of early mornings and late nights right now. But grateful to be able to work and be at home!

    1. I'm quite thankful all three of my kids are beyond the school/college stuff now. Such a tough time....

  11. Thanks for hosting this link-up each week to keep us connected! It's nice to see how other runners are coping.

    1. Thank you for linking with us each week! I agree...we all have different ways of coping, and it's nice to get ideas and inspiration from one another.

  12. Sorry about the climb, that is a shame. I'm still here, still running, we've just had semi-official info we are supposed to be jogging for up to 30 minutes a day for our mandated exercise (but can walk for an hour or ride a bike for between the two). This was said by a minister in an interview. If I do that I won't get the 20 miles a week I need to keep my immune system boosted, so I'm looking at doing slightly more daily. He did say it's according to fitness and there are a lot of people out running who are clearly not used to it, so I am taking the government's advice to boost your immune system with exercise over that. Argh, though. World is getting smaller.

    1. It's great that they are promoting fitness...so many people struggle with the importance of it.

  13. I know you train hard for your stair climb event and really look forward to it. Bummer they are not able to reschedule it. Pretty impressive that you did 100 sets of stairs alone in your house. That is something to be proud of this week! Can't believe you have snow

    1. Well, the snow was from last Sunday (and into Monday morning)...glad it's gone!!! It's weird to have the Climb over and done, because it really didn't feel like the Climb as I know it to be. It's gonna take a little adjusting to figure out a new routine.

  14. That Dr. Seuss post is so cool - thanks for posting!

    So disappointing the the Stair Climb can't be rescheduled but I love that you did the event in your home. You're always finding creative ways to get in your workouts!

    1. Thanks, Kim!! My poor stairway is probably saying a silent "thank you" that it won't be seeing as much action now. I still will be squeezing stairs into my HIIT workouts, but will not be doing so much stuff on the daily (until next year LOL).

  15. We had #alltheworms today. We also had a LOT more snow, but it was also gone quickly, thankfully.

    Nice job on doing the climb for air virtually AND raising all that money! You rock, Kim!

    1. Thanks, Judy ;-) I didn't realize I'd raised that much money (over the course of the past seven years) until I looked back at previous years' totals. It's a cause very near and dear to my heart, so I'm quite thankful for everyone who has supported me.

  16. That is awesome how much money you've raised for the American Lung! Things have kind of settled into the new normal around here although a ton of things are still up in the air about my work. I'm sure there will be more changes this week. One thing I keep reminding myself is that the only thing I can control in anything is my reaction so that's what I'm working on.

    1. Yes, we have 100% control of our attitude. It's definitely not always easy to see the bright side, especially in the midst of all the stress and tragedy).

  17. I'm sorry your stair climb couldn't be rescheduled. You did a great job training for it and I love that you knocked out all those set of stairs on your own!

    1. Thank you, Michelle ;-) This event is always a favorite thing each spring. It's weird to think it's all over...without really having happened.

  18. It sucks when things can't be rescheduled but kudos to you for getting it done virtually! I haven't been as motivated to do any of my virtual runs lately lol. And you're right. The only thing we can control these days is our attitude!

    1. I think all the virtual runs are a great thing, but they are tough to do. Even though I feel good getting the "distance" completed, I never quite feel 100% satisfied with my finish times because the "race course" isn't quite authentic. That's, of course, my issue LOL

  19. That's awesome how much money you were able to fundraise! It makes these times easier that we can do so many things virtually.

    1. Well, the funds raised was done over the course of the past seven years. We have to raise a minimum of $100 to participate each year, but I've never had a problem meeting that. I just passed the $300 mark for this year, and am hoping to collect a little more before the deadline (in a few weeks).

  20. I know how much you love the annual Fight for Air Climb and I'm really bummed for you that it has been canceled all together. Congrats, though, on going above and beyond on your virtual climb! You rock!

    Thanks for the linkup. Stay safe and have a great week!

    1. Thank you, Debbie ;-) This is a big event that I look forward to every year. Given the unique circumstances (and all the unknowns), it was the right decision. Could you imagine the risk of 1,000+ people in a hot, crowded stairwell right now (or even in a few months)?

  21. Well done for climbing 100 stairs! How long did it take you? Did you have some good music to cheer you on?
    And fully agree, being optimistic at times like this is a choice! Thanks for the reminder!

    1. Mt total finish time was 21:13 ;-) I did have music playing, but not too loud...it was around 7:30 and the hubs and Max were still snoozing LOL

  22. Thats too bad that they're not rescheduling your event. I'm glad you could still get it done at home, plus all that fundraising is amazing! Congrats!

    1. Well, the fundraising happens every year. We have a minimum of $100 to turn in before they'll give you your packet at check-in. The $1100+ is from the past seven years, but I'm currently at $300 for this year. It's a cause I'm proud to support ;-)

  23. What a solid week and well done on getting the 100 flights done! What an amazing cause too - no medal but the impact of your efforts will be really felt. Attitude is everything and I think this really reveals itself when times get tough! Let's soldier on the best way we can. This will pass and we will be stronger for it.

    1. I agree, we will be so much stronger for the experience. Attitude is everything. That's what got me through my recovery from my knee surgery...I definitely came back stronger from that ordeal.

  24. Sounds like you had some crazy weather this week. Great job getting all those workouts in spite of the weather! Sorry to hear about the cancellation for the stair climb :( Hope we're past all the cancellations soon.

    1. I still have two May events that haven't been called yet...fingers crossed they still hold!

  25. I love that Dr. Seuss-like poem. It may have made me cry a little. We will get through this and hopefully we will hold onto a few of the good things. Great workout week (as usual!).

  26. You Iowa runners totally get it! The beginning of "Spring" is alway a bit bittersweet in Minnesota. Usually because it's still stinking cold and snow-covered here! BUT, I'm not complaining. Lately we've been in the 40's!!! It's a miracle and I even wore shorts on one run. There is hope for all of us north midwest states!
