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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Runfessions...because some things never change

A lot of things have changed recently.

Oddly, though, a lot of things have remained (relatively) the same. At least for the time being.

One thing's for certain...there's always a few runfessions to disclose.

For starters, let me express my sincerest sentiments to those who are struggling with the current COVID-19 situation. As we know, it's uncharted territory for all of us. I know it's a lot more difficult for some than for others, and I respect we all have our own ways of coping.

Myself? Things have been alright. In fact, I runfess that my routine has not really been altered that much in spite of all that's happened in recent weeks. Don't think for a second that I'm not grateful. My place of work, currently, has maybe 12-15 people onsite most days (there's usually upwards of 60 people). Most are working from home, and a few have voluntarily taken time off. My work station is at the front reception desk, so I am well "distanced" from everyone. All others, who have been  deemed essential, are well-distanced from one another as well. Until there's a mandate to lock the doors, we're managing quite well (and washing our hands and keeping things as clean as possible).

Just taking things day by day
By now, most of you know I had a lot of Spring races (six, in fact) pulled out from under my running shoes. Can I runfess that I got rather lucky in that only one was outright cancelled? One immediately was switched to a virtual race (and all the pertinent swag arrived within days of that announcement). The remaining four races are postponed for now. Most likely, these all will be rescheduled during the summer ... which is actually my preferred season for racing, so no complaints.

summer racing...bring it!
I  should also runfess that I had a rather significant light bulb moment this week. Not only will I be running these races "virtually" on their originally scheduled dates, but I also will be "racing" them on their new dates. How's that for a win-win?

Chocoholic Frolic 10K...virtual race #1, done.
In light of all of these races getting postponed (and/or cancelled), I made a spontaneous decision to run a 19-mile virtual run last weekend. I have long been a believer in karma and fate, and let me runfess that both showed up on my long-run on Saturday. I had planned to run eight miles (of the 19) that morning. Things felt so good, though, I was able to continue on to 10 miles with no stops (other than to dig a rock out of a shoe). By the way, that was with only a chai latte' and a granola bar (and maybe a little toothpaste) for fuel. Did I mention that 10-mile run was my longest run since the Marine Corps Marathon, almost five months ago? Yeah, I guess some things are simply meant to be.
10 miles never felt so good!
If I can share a non-running thing with you...Driving home from work one day this week, they played the Star Spangled Banner (instrumental version) over the radio. I have sung that song many a time, but always in a crowd of people. I runfess that I'd always wondered If I'd know all the words if I was ever to perform it on my own (like that would ever happen LOL). But, as the music played, I was able to sing the entire song without incident...and had a very painful lump in my throat when I finished the last stanza. Sorry, not sorry. I'm a very patriotic gal, and the National Anthem always gets me choked up, whether I'm singing it or not.

Yes, I'm proud to be an American
Finally, let me runfess that amidst all the down time in the evenings (no NCAA basketball to watch), the hubs and I have succumbed to reality tv (via Netflix). Ugh. We're currently working our way through Tiger King and just finished Back with My Ex and Love is Blind. Please, no judging. If anyone is wanting any blackmail propaganda on me, you're welcome.

So, there you have it. A few runfessions for this crazy month, and my sole(s) can move onward.

Has it been a crazy month for you, too? Anyone else feeling lost without the NCAA tournament happening? Have you resorted to watching tv, simply for the sake of not having to think for awhile? Any recommends for Netflix?

I'm  linking this with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions link-up.

I'm also linking this with Meranda and Lacey for the Friday with Fairytales and Fitness link-up. 

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
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  1. Multiple people have told me about Tiger King so that's on my list to watch this weekend!

  2. I had my choked up moment as well 2 weeks ago... all the radios in Europe played the same song at the same time (8.45am). It was "You Never Walk Alone" by Gerry and the Pacemakers (originally a song of the Liverpool Football Club). It has now become THE Coronavirus song, at least in Europe.

    1. Awh, that would have me choked up, too! I'm very emotional, so it doesn't take much to get me blubbering LOL

  3. I have heard a lot about Tiger King--I guess we'll have to check it out.

    It sounds like where you live hasn't been impacted much by the virus and you should consider yourself very lucky. It is much more difficult to deal with when you are living in the thick of it. It's also quite frightening to have the leader of our country continually lying and downplaying the seriousness of this disease. In spite of that, it is heartening to see people doing their part--like sewing masks for healthcare workers--to do whatever they can to make a difference.

    1. Currently, we've had four confirmed cases and one death (this morning). Yes, I do consider myself quite lucky and will always choose gratitude over gloom. It's a tough time for everyone.

  4. My husband is feeling the loss of sports on weekends. I guess last weekend ESPN replayed highlight games from years past. My routine has changed with working from home but I’m trying to keep my schedule!

    1. I seldom watch tv, other than during March Madness and all the bowl games over the holidays. So, to watch Netflix so much is really an odd "reality" for us LOL

  5. I runfess that I have have gone from zero interest in virtual races to being very excited for them. And that being shut up 24/7 with my family is a dream come true. I don't want to minimize the severity of corona or all of the suffering that it has caused, but the last two weeks have been wonderful.

    1. There has been so much tragedy with it, but there have been a lot of silver linings, too. I think it's more healthy to focus on the positives than dwelling on the negatives.

  6. Sounds like you're mostly business as usual there still. I pray it stays that way for you. We have dear friends (husband and wife) fighting for their lives in the ICU. We've started watching Episodes on Netflix. Matt LeBlanc stars in it. It's really odd but funny.

    1. Oh, Marcia, I'm so sorry to hear of your friends! I hope they are able to recover <3 I have not heard of the Matt LeBlanc show...might have to check that out next!

  7. I am glad things have not gotten too weird where you live. Life is pretty upside down over here. The national anthem always chokes me up too. My husband starting watching tiger king last night . Not sure I get the appeal but we will keep watching bc I think we've watched everything on Netflix!

    1. Yeah, Tiger King is crazy! Totally opened my eyes to a world I didn't know existed...wish I could "unsee" it.

  8. Hubby and I have been working our way through some Netflix series too. We finished Grace & Frankie (loved it!) and are now working on The Good Place and Kaminsky Method (I probably spelled that incorrectly).

    I know what you mean about the national anthem. I get a lump in my throat when it is played before a race. No one (including me) would ever want to hear me sing it, though! :)

    1. WE saw the first 2 or 3 episodes of Grace & Frankie...I had forgotten about that show. We should revisit that! The national anthem gets me every time. Trust me, no one wants to hear me sing it either!!!

  9. I agree about keeping things normal. My races have been cancelled or postponed. Not losing money but as you are I’m continuing to run them. Done twice. Once virtually and once at a later date yup win win

    1. Trying to keeps things as close to normal (as possible) is key, I think. I just got word late this afternoon my Climb will not be rescheduled now. UGH. I was already planning to do the virtual climb on my own this weekend, kind of a buzzkill to know that will be IT. Oh well....

  10. Oddly I still have two races on the calendar. I really think it's only a matter of time until they cancel or postpone (and if they do happen, I'm going to be in a world of hurt.) Things are a little topsy turvy here with everyone working and schooling from home, but for the most part it's going ok. Glad things are going well so far in your world.

    1. I still have two May events, one is a team relay event....I'm hopeful it will hold, but that's still pretty close to everything. My other is a 20K on the 30th, so that may be my best bet.

  11. Nice long run! I find myself doing more running lately since it gets me out! When it rained the other day, I resorted to the treadmill for 90 mins. Good thing I had Netflix to keep me occupied. Thought it was better to watch it on the treadmill than to continue laying on the couch to do so...ha

    1. The long run was incredible! They don't happen like that very often, so I'm extremely grateful when I'm blessed with one ;-)

  12. It's so nice that things for you schedule wise have remained largely in tact - I hope that continues! I was already working from home when this all started to I haven't had to make that adjustment, and thankfully the organization is still rolling along. When the boys start their online classes in another week or so that's when it will start to get interesting around here!

    I keep hearing about Tiger King - I may to break down and check it out this weekend.

    1. Knock wood, things have stayed relatively normal. Things seem to change every day or so, though, so I'm just staying hopeful things will mellow out sooner than later.

  13. OMG The Tiger King!!!! It's crazy!

    So we did finally purchase The Rise of Skywalker last night and I sobbed my way through it twice. I didn't get to see it in the theater because of my leg, and even though it's not the best movie, it was the end of 42 years of Star Wars love for me. It's hard seeing a chapter close like that.

    I have given up on TV again, and have been listening to Broadway musical soundtracks to pass the time.

    1. I don't watch much tv....I like NCAA football, all the bowl games, and March Madness. All of this NetFlix has been an odd shift in my reality. Tiger King was UNREAL....

  14. So far, knock on wood, it hasn't altered my life much either, other than grocery shopping taking a lot more time and not being able to visit my mom. And if the worst thing that happens to me is I don't get to run a distance race this year, that's not so terrible.

    I've done 8-9 mile runs with no fuel during but I need a solid breakfast before! It must be all your fasted cardio, Kim.

    Mr. Judy got Game of Thrones a while back (most of it). We're actually still watching our normal network shows, and started to watch Longmire on Netflix. Not personally a fan of reality tv.

    1. Reality tv is not my gig either. The dialogue is fake, and most of the stuff is "for show," since all the people know they're being filmed. Had I known I'd be running the full 10 miles, I would have had a little more to eat LOL

  15. I keep hearing about Love Is Blind and Tiger King! I haven't tried them yet but I may have to succumb soon too :)

    1. Ha ha...both shows are crazy, but they were good "brainless" shows that didn't require much thought LOL

  16. My husband and I enjoy 'foodie' shows so we just finished the second season of Ugly Delicious - made me crave for all sorts of food since we've been cooking at home for the past two weeks (we usually go out at least once or twice over the weekend). Good to hear you're doing well and the change of pace hasn't affected you much. Stay safe!

  17. I have actually barely turned on the TV. No judgement and no moral high ground, I just haven't thought about it. I was pleased to realize that my Firestick remote does reach to the other end of the living room though should I need to put it on. Yay on seeing the up side of race & run for the virtuals.

  18. With my husband and I both 'essential' workers at two separate hospitals coupled with my almost-91 year old mother living with us, it's been pretty stressful. We are trying to stay healthy and positive and keeping her worry-free. She's scared; rightfully so. Hopefully this nightmare will be over sooner than later.

  19. So I was all wound up about Tiger King, but after watching the last episode last night, I'm just kind of sad. I don't know what to think about everyone on that show! I tried watching "the Circle" on Netflix too, but I couldn't make it to the end of the first show. A friend told me it gets much better, so there's that. My daily routine hasn't been altered by CV in any form. I've been busier than usual with work, and I'm wishing I did have a ton of downtime!
