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Thursday, June 4, 2020

Coffee, Chai, & Chatter

Here we are again.

A new month. A new season. A new set of things to chat about.

Shall we gather (virtually, since that's the thing to do these days), and have a chat? You can have your (virtual) coffee, or any other beverage of choice. Myself? I'll be sipping a hot chai latte (yes, even in the heat of summer, I prefer my chai's hot).

What would you want to discuss?

Allow me...I'll go first.

If we were chatting (virtually), I'd share another gut-punch of a race change. This past weekend, May 30th, would have been my favorite-ist of favorite races, DAM-to-DSM. Formerly known as Dam-to-Dam, this has been my favorite race since the first time I ran it (2008). Last year, it underwent a slight name change (as a new race management team took it over), but it kept the integrity of the same 20K point-to-point course. Fast forward to a couple months ago, and the race got pushed back to September 5th (not ideal, but still doable...and, thankfully, not canceled). Just this week, it was announced the race course would need to be altered, due to the COVID/social distancing situation. The start line would now be in town and involve two 10K loops, and would have staggered start times for the racers. Of course, I completely understand these precautions, and I'm SO grateful the race is still happening...but it will not be the D2D race I know and love. But, that is a first world problem, so I am not going to dwell on it (much).

AT D2D last year, with the hubby

If we were chatting (virtually), I'd also tell you about the magic of social media. Granted, there is a lot of ugliness out there (especially in recent times), but there's also a great deal of feel-good vibes. I have been taking part in a 10-day challenge of posting favorite running images that have had a positive impact on me. A few days ago, I posted the pic of the marine giving me my medal after I'd finished the (rainy) Marine Corps Marathon last fall. Imagine my surprise when the very marine in the photo commented on the pic (a friend had spotted him and sent him my way)! Small world, indeed. 

with the "mystery" marine

If we were chatting (virtually), I'd tell you some exciting news. I was chosen to be an ambassador for the Bix-7 (race site HERE)! This is another event I have talked about a lot, even though I've only run it four times. It's a 7-mile race that takes place in Davenport (IA) in late July every year. The weather is always hot (go figure) and the route is very hilly, but it's big event that attracts a lot elites (like Meb Keflezighi, Joan Benoit Samuelson and Billy Rodgers). This year, the race officials had to switch it to a virtual format, which opens up the opportunity for everyone to run it virtually, on whatever route they choose and on whatever day they decide (July1-25th). As an ambassador, I have a promo code (Rakh2020) for any of my friends who choose to register. It's more of a referral code, since I don't get any commissions for people using it, but it will help track where the registrants are coming from (via promotion). If you're interested in an Iowa race (without the expense of travel), I'd love to have you join my virtual team (so far, I have recruited four peeps!). 

in front of the statue of Joan and Billy, 2019

If we were chatting (virtually), I'd admit that I have had a small taste of  5K burnout. It certainly comes as no surprise, given the fact I've been doing these 5K time trials for the past 10 weeks. When I initially signed on with the UN-Canceled Project series, it was for six weeks, after all. When the series was extended for an additional six weeks, I was eager to continue (because, why not?). I've come this far, so I'm going to finish out these two remaining weeks. I have had some challenges to fight (can you say wind?), and the temps have been all over the place (as have my finish times LOL). But, it's been a great lesson in perseverance, and I have no regrets.
...just two more 5K's remain...

Lastly, if we were chatting (virtually), I'd tell you how the month of May played out. The running was consistent, and the mileage was significant (BTW, I honestly do not care that I didn't hit the century mark #NotAPriority). I'm glad that I was able to get outside for daily walking, thanks to the warmer temps and increasing daylight. And, Gustavas (my bike) came out of hibernation! In the past two weeks, it finally feels like summer has arrived, and I couldn't be happier. I look forward to many more fitness endeavors (and miles) outdoors!

Anyways, those are a few things I'd be sharing, if we were chatting (virtually). 

How about you? Anything in particular you'd like to share if we were having coffee? What would you be drinking? Are you eager for summer running?

Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.
The Ultimate Coffee Date

I'm also linking this with Meranda and Lacey for the Friday with Fairytales and Fitness link-up. 


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  1. Haha, I believe that you have a 5K burnout!!
    I was so inspired by your weekly exploits that I did a 5k myself on the track on Wednesday. I felt it next day! Those 5Ks are little beasts. Well done for doing that for 10 weeks!! Only another 2 to go!

    1. The 5K is a beast in itself, no doubt, but most of mine have also had wind LOL I'm just glad I can laugh about it. I'm also glad I took on the challenge of doing them weekly; it's been a great little distraction from the lack of scheduled races.

  2. You really have done alot of 5ks this year! My May half-marathon was postponed, but they still havent announced a new date. They are aiming for late July which surprises me that they are still considering something so soon. We will have the option to run on the new day (if its held), defer to 2021, or run it virtually. I'm leaning towards deferring but we have until mid July to decide.
    How cool that you were able to connect with the marine from your photo!

    1. I have a half marathon that has not announced its rescheduled date, either. The fall is going to be crazy with the other rescheduled races (assuming any of them actually happen) and the new precautions they may be implementing.

  3. I have to admit that I'm ready for the Uncanceled project to be done. My focus has shifted now that I started training for Ice Age!

    1. I saw someone comment on the UN-Canceled page, asking if they would extend it further...and I was like, No Thanks LOL It's been a great fill-in for the missed races, but I'm ready to move on as well.

  4. It's already quite humid here by 7am so I'm not sure how my summer running is going to go but I am determined to get back on track!
    That is so awesome that someone tracked down that marine!

  5. I am eager for summer running on my terms. I think now that the heat is here, I'm going to shift to a heavy strength cycle. That's so sweet the marine commented on your pic!

    1. I'm still awaiting the AFM's fate. If that's a no-go, I'm not sure what I'll do other than maintenance mode stuff.

  6. Let's see, I would tell you that I did my first TM run in 3 months this morning because it was just too darn hot to be outside. And that I'm plotting to get a virtual 5k & 10k in this month, both of which scare/excite me. And that you ran exactly the number of miles that you were supposed to run in May. Sure it's fun to crack a century but it's just a number. Quality>quantity.

    1. Thanks you! I totally agree with the quality>quantity. The only time I hit that century mark (or pass it) is when I'm in the depths of 26.2 training, which has not yet begun. You could squeeze in a virtual 7-miler next month... ;-)

  7. I did get a little burnout with the uncanceled events the last few weeks. It was a nice diversion. I love love the story about the marine commenting on your post. How heartwarming! I am excited to join your race team. Now to start running again! Thanks for linking for coffee

    1. The marine's comment was such a nice surprise ;-) I'm excited to have you on my Bix-7 extravaganza kick-buttocks team!!

  8. That is great about the race NOT being canceled. I hope I get to run a race this year.

    I am burnt out on virtuals...not that I'm running them but just spending the $$. Still I am tempted to be on your team.

    I am not biking but probably walking more miles than running...don't rack my walks.

    1. I hope you consider joining the Bix-7 team! It would be great to have a few more east coast ladies repping!

  9. Congrats on being chosen as an ambassador for the Bix-7 - that's awesome!

    That is so cool about the marine in your photo! Who would have thought that you would ever get to know who he was. The power of social media always amazes me.

    1. Right? Social media drives me batty with all the negatives, so this was a major positive.

  10. Congrats on being chosen as an ambassador for your race! It sounds like a great race.

    I can understand you being burnt out on the 5ks, but you certainly have given it your all!

    1. Yes, ten 5K's is a bit much in such a short time, but I had nothing else going on. There's no way I'd attempt that under "normal" conditions.

  11. As a fellow hot-weather lover, I am looking forward to a lot more miles outdoors too! The Bix 7 looks interesting. $30 is not bad for a virtual race with a shirt! I will have to think about it. I love the photo of you with the Marine! So cool that he contacted you. I wonder if MCM will happen this year.

    1. Oooh, I'd love to have you join us for the Bix-7!! It's either that or journey out to Iowa next year and run the hilly route in person ;-) Hope you're doing well, Laurie...enjoy the summer running!

  12. Let's just say that I'm eager for any kind of running. LOL

    I love that the young marine got word that he was in your picture and commented. How cool is that?

    I'm sorry your DAM to DSM race had to be changed so much - I do know how much you love that race. Fingers cross that next year it can go back to the old course. Congrats on being selected as a Bix-7 race ambassador!

    1. Yes, I totally understand the DAM situation. Being a point-to-point, they have to bus all the runners (upwards of 8,000) out to the starting dam...so that would be a major hassle with social distancing/face masks (which would probably become a trash problem afterwards).

  13. I so love that the marine commented on your photo!

    You have been cranking out those 5Ks so I'm not surprised you're starting to feel a little burnout. I have to admit I've lost track of how many weeks of the Un-canceled project are left.

    Congrats on being selected as a Bix-7 ambassador!

    1. Yes, the 5K's are about done, and not a moment too soon. I've done all of them on the same route, so that just adds to the monotony (but I wanted them to be as "identical" as possible, even with the crazy weather each week). The marine totally made my day ;-)

  14. I hear you about the weather. It is quite hot and humid here in MN... almost makes me feel like I am back living in North Carolina. But really, I am not going to complain because the alternative is very cold. :)

    1. I will gladly take the heat/humidity any day over cold. Hands-down ;-)

  15. Summer running can go jump in a lake. But here we are, so...

    Congratulations on your ambassadorship! It seems like so many programs like this have been put on hold so it's nice to have some normalcy.

    1. The ambassadorship is going to be fun. It's pretty easy to promote a race you love ;-)

  16. I'm sorry to hear that the race was changed, but glad that you'll at least get to run it!

    You've run a lottt of 5k's lately, so still super-props to you on getting em' in! :P Congrats on your ambassadorship too!

    1. The D2D race will be a totally different endeavor this year. I'm disappointed, but it is what it is. I'm just thankful it will still happen.

  17. Congrats on the ambassadorship! How cool on the marine — that is amazing. I can’t believe you’re burnt out on anything fitness!

    1. Ha ha! Yes, I'm burnt out on the 5K distance, the route and the lack of variety LOL But, in two weeks, that will be history ;-)

  18. How awesome that someone knew the marine and sent him to your post. Social media can be so wonderful even if some people have a need to ruin it.
    Boo on the changed format of your favorite race, but glad it's going forward. Hope it's enjoyable
