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Sunday, June 7, 2020

and then suddenly...It Was SUMMER!

and then suddenly...it was SUMMER!

Yes, summer arrived this week, leaving no doubt that it was here for the duration. As much as I love all things summer, I do appreciate an itsy bit of acclimation. That said, summer has arrived in my world, and I'm ready to roll!

We had plenty of sunshine, a good doze of humidity, and a few thunderstorms...but I was able to get outside every day. No complaints, no regrets.

Before I give you the down and dirty details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)
Anyways, here's what down in my little world of fitness this week:

Another Never Miss a Monday
After a weekend laden with several rounds of garden squats (as well as a semi-long run on Saturday), I definitely was not feeling like a 5K time trial. My hammies were oh-so-angry! Instead, I did an easy-paced 2-mile recovery run before my workday began. Let's just say, that recovery run worked all kinds of magic on my legs and mind. 

Tuesday's Community-inspired 5K
Warm (but comfortable) early morning temps and balmy air set the scene for my 10th 5K time trial, courtesy of the UN-Canceled Project. I did the usual 1/2-mile warm-up run to the "race site," got my GPS secured and had at it. This run felt good, pretty much from start to finish. My finish time was a bit slower than what it felt like it should have been, though. Maybe it was the weather (70F, with 76% humidity), and my lack of acclimation? The early hour (5:30)? Who knows. None the less, this run echoed everything I love about summer running, so the finish time is irrelevant. And, the good news? I only have two UN-Canceled Project 5K's remaining. Hard to believe I will have 12 weeks of 5K's wrapped up soon!

Wednesday- Global Running Day!
Momma N decided to "shower" us with all kinds of thunderbolts and lightning (very, very frightening), so Barb and I postponed our #5at5 until lunchtime. Holy yikes, it was a warm run! The temps were 80F (with an 83F feels-like), my hydration ran out, and I was glistening and glowing like a maniac. But, I got to run it in the sunshine, with my favorite running buddy, so it was an awesome celebration of all things running.

Thursday morning's rise and ride recovery
After three consecutive days of running, it was time for some recovery action. The hubby and I hit the street for 10 miles of biking and were back home shortly after 6:30. Not a bad way to start the day, right?

Friday - an impromptu switcheroo
I had an outdoor HIIT workout all mapped out...only, more early morning thunderstorms forced me to stay inside. I could have done the HIIT inside, but I just wasn't feeling it. Instead, I did some upper-body strength work. No harm, no foul. I'm thankful to have a slew of indoor options. The HIIT can (and will) happen another time. 

A Sunsational Saturday!
After several days of high heat and heavy humidity, we were gifted perfect weather on Saturday. The temps were moderate, but not unbearable (mid-60F's), there was a gentle breeze out of the east, and the humidity was almost non-existent. Barb and I met up around 7:15 and knocked out nine miles under the beautiful, sunny sky. Afterwards, I did a couple hour-long sets of garden squats (and intense tug-of-warring) with all the rouge grass and weeds in one of our flower beds. Yes, my body was in a world of exhaustion by nightfall.

...and a sunny Sunday
The hubs and I took an 11-mile bike adventure, just after sunrise. The temps were a bit cool for a ride (mid-60F's) and the wind was a bit crazy (14mph). Let me just say the wind always feels a bit more vicious on a bike (or is that just me?) But, the great thing about a tough head wind is the return trip back home. Gotta keep that glass (or hydration bottle) half full. We also took a detour and stopped by our town's memorial for George Floyd, and paid our respects to him (and numerous others).

So, it was a decent week, in terms of fitness endeavors and also in terms of summer weather! Running totaled out at 20 miles and walking had 18. Strength work saw only one upper-body session, but I'm also going to include all those garden squats as lower-body work (honestly, have you ever done over 200 squats in the hot sun, and held some of them at really awkward stances?). There's still another hour (at least) of squats on tap for Sunday afternoon (don't be jealous). And let's not forget the biking...21 miles, courtesy of Gustavas. 

In case you missed out, here's what went down on  the blog this week:

In other news:
Friday Fashion Flair! A favorite color combo of mine is turquoise and brown. The neutral of the brown really makes the brightness of the turquoise pop. And if you have matching sandals, all the better. As always, you're welcome to join me on Fridays...post a pic on Instagram, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and be sure to tag me (@runningonthefly).

In case you missed my post on Friday, I shared a feel-good social media moment from last week. Granted, there is a lot of ugliness out there (especially in recent times), but there's also a great deal of positivity. I have been taking part in a 10-day challenge of posting favorite running images that have had a positive impact on me. Last week, I posted the pic of the marine giving me my medal after I'd finished the (rainy) Marine Corps Marathon last fall. Imagine my surprise when the very marine in the photo commented on the pic (a friend had spotted him and sent him my way)! Small world, indeed.

I also shared the news of my ambassadorship for the Bix-7 (race site HERE)! This is another event I have talked about a lot, even though I've only run it four times. It's a 7-mile race that takes place in Davenport (IA) in late July every year. The weather is always hot (go figure) and the route is very hilly, but it's big event that attracts a lot elites (like Meb Keflezighi, Joan Benoit Samuelson and Billy Rodgers). This year, the race officials had to switch it to a virtual format, which opens up the opportunity for everyone to run it virtually, on whatever route they choose and on whatever day they decide (July1-25th). As an ambassador, I have a promo code (Rakh2020) for any of my friends who choose to register. It's more of a referral code, since I don't get any commissions for people using it, but it will help track where the registrants are coming from (via promotion). If you're interested in an Iowa race (without the expense of travel), I'd love to have you join my virtual team (so far, I have recruited four peeps!). 
The Bix-7 race comes to YOU this year!

So, that's the latest! It feels so good to have summer (finally) here in Iowa. The season is so short, I plan to make the best of it on a daily basis. I can assure you, there will be no complaining about any aspect of it from my lips.

How was your week? Does it feel like summer where you are? Any feel-good moments of recent? How's your running...going well, or getting stagnant with the lack of races? 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. It looks like you had a great week of mixed workouts!

    To answer your question, I have never needed races to motivate me to run, but right now I need a healthy back so I can run.

    Have a great week and thanks for the linkup!

  2. Summer is so fleeting in these parts, I am happy to have it here finally, even if running in heat is a challenge. I am grateful I don't have to throw down any high mileage. Great week of workouts as always.

    1. Right? We only get a couple months of true summer, we gotta enjoy it!

  3. A good week, though sorry about the thunderstorms. It's been freezing cold here the last few days and some people have had thunderhail but not us. I ran 5 days this week ... but not international running day! I'm too committed to my 2 on 1 off pattern to move it around now!

    1. YOU are staying really consistent with your running...that's awesome!

  4. I'm struggling with the heat as always, but I just love being outside so much even if it means that I have to settle for shorter runs. Enjoy every minute of your summer! You have earned it with every #iowatough freezing windy mile that you put in this spring.

    1. Thank you ;-) I thought summer would never get here LOL

  5. Heat is much preferred to ice! I kinda like that totally sweaty mess feeling after summer runs. But performance definitely suffers. But as long as the effort is there, we're fine!

    I LOVE that the 10 running pic challenge had such a cool consequence! That is amazing. Thanks for keeping that going, I've enjoyed seeing your favorite running pics!

    1. I like that totally sweaty mess thing, too. The stinging perspiration in my eyes...not so much (but I deal with it LOL). That 10 favorite challenge was fun, and really made me think about what to post. I may do a blog post, highlighting/explaining what I chose...

  6. Summer definitely rolled in quickly this week! It wasn't really hot here, but the humidity was just unbearable. Luckily the humidity broke today so it's much nicer, but still sunny!

    I love that you finally know the name of the marine in that photo. Social media can really be a great thing sometimes :)

    1. It got really hot and really humid quickly...but you know I'm all about that. Well, maybe a little less humidity would be ideal, but I'll take it over snow and cold wind!

  7. Our weather continues to be bipolar. Today is downright cool. Earlier in the week very hot & humid. It's not snowing, so I'm not complaining. :)

    Sounds like a great week -- like always, Kim!

    1. Last weekend, a week ago, was pretty chilly...which is why the sudden warm temps were a bit of shock. Not complaining, though ;-)

  8. Bohemian Rhapsody is now going to be in my head. You're evil in the best possible way. So looking forward to running "with" you in July. I know you don't need masks for oh dark thirty running, but the Zensah one goes perfect with your sweater on Friday if you need some functional fashion.

    1. I had someone else tell me that on Insta (about Bohemian Rhapsody LOL). I'm excited about the Bix in July, too!!!!! We'll have to coordinate some details as it gets closer...

    2. I look forward to that. Maybe by then I'll be able to jump too. Or I'll steal Deb's fake jump pose

  9. oh yes the humidity came roaring back this week! That was a special thing to have that connection w the marine. I am excited about joining your relay and hope that gives me some running motivation

    1. I am excited about you running with me, as well ;-) It'll be great to have the DC area repping in the Bix!!!

  10. Hard to believe that we are at the end of the Uncanceled project. Truthfully, I am ready for it to be done, especially now that I started training for Ice Age. It was great though, got me out there and pushed me when I wanted not to be pushed.

    1. I agree...the first six weeks went pretty quick, probably because there was (literally) nothing else happening. But these last few weeks have gotten a bit "obligatory." I'm glad the challenge was there, though. Twelve continuous weeks of 5K's never would have happened under any other circumstances.

  11. Yep, we had summer arrive here too. I don't need a race to motivate me to ^run^ but I won't do longer runs unless I am training for a longer race.

    1. Typically, I hold off on longer runs, as well, if there's nothing on the calendar. This year has been like none other LOL

  12. Kudos to you on all your movement - running, walking, biking!!

    I am seeing friends again...not close but I am running, eating and hiking with other people. Feels so good!!

  13. Two more weeks? Really, wow! I think I might have missed 1 or 2 weeks and it was fun to do. It got me out there to run! :-) I've heard about the Bix-7. I'll join your team! Just run the 7 miles?

    Love that story of the Marine in the photo!

    1. Yes, basically just run seven miles (and register), Send me a PM, we can chat about it ;-) I'd love to have a Chicago runner on the team!

  14. Wind while cycling is definitely EVEN tougher than while running! 😬
    Great week with all the running and the garden squats! Only two more 5Ks to go and then you are done!
    You'll have to celebrate that last one. 😊

    1. Ugh...the wind is brutal on the bike! That said, biking in the heat, with some wind, actually feels good...if the wind isn't too crazy ;-)

  15. What a great variety of workouts!! I don't need races to motivate me to run. But I do need them as an excuse to run long(10+ miles)- otherwise I feel guilty spending so much time away from home.

    1. I agree...I run more for the joy of it than the training. The longer runs (10+ miles), though, can be tough if there's no "reason" for running them.

  16. Summer arrived in full force this week! I'm grateful we at least had lots of sunshine with it. It sounds like you had a fun week with all of the cycling!

    1. Yes, if it's gonna be hot (which I prefer over cold), I do appreciate some sunshine!

  17. 12 weeks of 5K's is an awesome goal!! Good for you for keeping up with it. The summer running hit us full force this week. Hard to believe the week started out in long sleeve and capris for running. I missed my bike rides this past week. There were some beautiful mornings for a ride this week. Great job on your workouts!

    1. Yes...hard to believe I am almost done with TWELVE weeks of 5K's. What was I thinking??? I doubt that will ever happen again...

  18. We had a week of full on summer here! Temps in the upper 80s and high humidity made for some soupy days. I finally got on my bike this week and hopefully that trend will continue. Thanks for hosting!

  19. I'm glad it finally feels like summer! The humidity was a bit much this week, but oh well. Better than the cold weather! I cant believe how many of those 10ks you've done!

  20. I will always be jealous of your summer weather. We had mid 60s unseasonably late (until early May this year) but now its full on Florida summer and 'smack you in the face humidity' weather. Le sigh. There's no middle ground here.

    Surprisingly most of my runs haven't been that bad even with the high humidity and heat. I'm glad you kept up with the 5ks! It will be fun to go back and look at your weekly progress when you're done!

  21. I love that turquoise and tan outfit! So cute!

    Not much to report on the good news side of things. it's definitely summer. And hurricane season. So it's hot and humid and raining all the time now. Running is going well, but I miss racing and community and so many other things.

  22. I know you love summer but I get wanting to ramp up instead of just being slammed in the face with heat and humidity! way to roll with everything though! glad you've been able to get out on the bike as well (even with hubby!!). That's so cool that the marine found you on your post the other day!!

    I also really love the turquoise and tan. You could live in New Mexico with an outfit like that ;)

    I am not into virtual races at all, but because it's you, I signed up. I'll have to figure out 1) what 7 miles is in KM and 2) a good route to include some hills. let me know when you are going to do it so maybe I can coordinate with you! (also do you know how the sizes run on the tees? I ordered a M because US shirts always seem so big - I'm generally and L...)

  23. I'm glad that your favorite time of year is finally here! It seemed to take its sweet time getting here! I didn't get an acclimation time either. It's rough at first!

  24. Humidity came roaring in this week!

    I'm so impressed with how consistent you have been with your 5Ks - great job!!
