About Me

Monday, October 5, 2020

Favorite Memories, via the blog

My life embarked on a fulfilling journey when I became a runner.

And, my world took an interesting turn when I became a blogger.

Blogging has been a fun, time-consuming, scary and oh-so-rewarding experience. Not only has it been a great way to network with fellow runners, but it's been an archive of some significant running memories and milestones.

We all go through difficult times in our personal and professional lives, and running is no exception. Often times, I have turned to my own archived blog posts to renew my spirit and enthusiasm for the sport, as well as my confidence. Let's face it...it's not usually our abilities that falter, but our faith in them that does.

Sometimes we need a boost of our own mojo. Taking a stroll down Memory Lane, and rereading older blog posts, helps to keep me in the game. Here are a few of my favorites:  

First off, the recap of my first marathon, the 2013 Quad Cities Marathon...26.2 done? Check YES! Coming from a pretty un-athletic background, running was never on my radar, let alone running a marathon. This race recap reminds me that anything is possible. And, re-living that perfect race day always brightens the dreariest of any days I may be experiencing.

Injuries are frustrating, and can really be defeating to our mental game. In 2017, I spent three months sidelined from my running shoes. Facing an extended sabbatical from all things running, I was blessed (many times over) with support and ongoing encouragement from fellow runners. One of my initial blog posts during the start of that journey, Plot Twist!, includes beautiful sentiments from my network. It's like reading through a huge stack of greeting cards, what's not to love?

Another favorite blog post is pretty recent (April 2019). As mentioned, growing up, I was anything but athletic. I hated running, and I never (ever!) had any kind of natural speed or finesse. Well, as my love of running grew, so did my willingness to step out of my comfort zone. In 2018, I ran the Grand Blue Mile for the first time, and was shocked to clock a sub-8 mile (7:53). I returned in 2019, eager to give that mile another go, and (hopefully) better my finish time. Running fast and hard is tough, especially for someone who is more gifted with endurance. All I knew, as I was running, was that I was horribly thirsty and my lungs were on fire....but I was able to knock another 30 seconds of my 1-mile finish time. My 7:23 mile landed me with a 4th place AG finish (out of 73 "old gals" LOL) in 2019.  Reminiscing about that exciting race, the Grand Blue Mile 2019, affirms that comfort zones do us no good, and we're better off spending our time elsewhere.  

I've mentioned my network of fellow runners (many of whom are bloggers). In 2018, several of said runners/bloggers met in Chicago for the Rock 'n Roll weekend. Many of us ran the 5K on Saturday, and then we had the 10K or the half marathon on Sunday. The running was great, but even better was the camaraderie of  being with these gals for the better part of the weekend. This Chicago R'nR ReMix  blog post always warms my heart as I relive that fun time in the windy city.

Finally, over the past 15+ years of running, I've made a lot of mistakes, but have learned many valuable lessons in the process. Running is a very personal endeavor for each person who dons a pair of running shoes and hits the street (or treadmill). No two of us do it the same way, have the same goals or enjoy the same aspects of our sport. And, that's the way it should be. This post, Running - Doing It My Way, reminds me I'm doing this running gig just the way I should be.

I'm glad I found running, and I'm really grateful I have blogging to document all the memories. The two of them are a perfect pair.

And you? Has running been an important part of your life as well? Any specific lessons learned that have shaped your entire running experience? Do you ever revisit old blog posts?

I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

I'm also linking with Debbie, DeborahLisaLaura and Jenn for the Runners' Roundup

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. I've only joined this merry blogger scene at the end of 2019, so the posts that you mention are all new to me. Awesome posts, Kim!
    I especially love the one from the Chicago RnR weekend in 2018. Meeting other bloggers must have been a wonderful experience.
    And I like your 4th paragraph in this post. Archived blog posts can definitely boost our confidence.

    1. Thank you, Catrina!!! I'm so glad you're part of the merry blog scene ;-)

  2. My biggest mistake as a runner was not blogging about it for the first 8 years! It's so fun to look back. I literally only wrote one sentence about running in my first weekly recap and now I do a dedicated (sometimes very long) post each week.

  3. I LOVE this recap and all the wonderful memories and lessons. Running and blogging are the perfect combination and as I started them simultaneously, I honestly can't picture one without the other. And having an archive of all the recaps and musings is just amazing especially as you say when you need to remind yourself of the lessons and uplift that mojo where needed.

    1. Yes, it's not that I think I'm an especially gifted writer, but I do love rereading previous posts, especially the race recaps. I get a lot of "A-ha moments" from the archives LOL

  4. I remember all of these blog posts :) You know I especially like the Chicago one!

  5. I have learned many lessons via running . . . and blogged about them numerous times, LOL!

    I'm glad you found running & blog so that we can share in your exploits, Kim! You'll be out there running again before you know it. Good luck at the podiatrist!

    1. Ha ha, thanks! IT's fun to share these exploits with everyone, and just as much fun experiencing the exploits of others.

  6. It has been an amazing experience for me as a runner and blogger as well! I'm a big fan of yours so it's cool to see you look back on these memories!

  7. I love being able to look back on old posts. I started blogging in 2013 and so much has changed since then. As nice as Instagram is, I feel like blogging has really helped us all to get to know each other better.

    1. Absolutely! I started blogging a few months before committing to my first marathon, and so much has changed since then! I'm glad I was able to document the progress ;-)

  8. I remember that RnR weekend but it was because I missed it. But I do remember seeing you right before the finish line on Columbus. What it that same year or the following year?

    I has been fun looking over old posts but sometimes I cringe when I read what I wrote. Haha, too funny.

    1. Yes, the RnR was in 2018...I forgot to mention all the rain LOL

  9. You are right about our abilities not faltering but our faith in ourselves. I am so guilty of that especially now while I am coming back from my injury. Thanks for the very important reminder!

    1. It's easy to doubt our strengths and/or abilities, especially when we hit a tough spot. This running thing is like a roller coaster ride at times with achievements and setbacks...but as long as we keep moving forward, it's all good.

  10. It's so fun to go back and read old blog posts and see how much you have grown as a runner. I haven't read all these posts so it's cool to get to "catch up" on experiences like your first marathon!

    1. I'll never be a super fast runner, but it's fun to look back on some of my "faster" finishes in races. having gone through two extended recoveries now, I don't take anything for granted.

  11. Running was the best decision I've ever made and blogging was #2.

    I love reading old posts and smiling and cringing.

    And I've connected with such wonderful people that I' won't have if I didn't blog.

    Hope to see you in person again one day.

  12. Oh, I just love this.

    Blogging is really such a wonderful gateway to so many experiences, relationships and learning situations. I love the journey it has brought you on!
