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Sunday, October 25, 2020

Thumbs Down on the Weather

Talk about your roller coaster rides!

I'm not talking about an amusement park endeavor, but the whacked-out weather that was my reality this past week. WHEW, it was quite a ride!

It's no secret I'm a die-hard hot weather gal, so this simulated winter wonderland (of sorts) was most unwelcome.  It was laden with all kinds of 4-letter words not many of us want to hear...mist, rain, wind, and snow.

Before I dis on the details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down in my little world of fitness this past week:

Never miss a (double ride) Monday. Even though we'd woken up to snow on Sunday morning, it was all melted and outta here by mid-afternoon. Temps were chilly for Monday's morning 5-miler, but by mid-morning, the snow had staged an encore. We had approximately 5 inches of the white stuff when it finally stopped falling that afternoon. Surprisingly, the streets were relatively dry and clear, though the temps were still hovering around freezing when I got home form work. Honestly, I have run in much worse (and much colder) conditions, so I decided to go for it and continue my double-ride Monday ritual. This may have been my first ride, ever, with snow all around me. Ten total Monday miles.

A chilly Tuesday, too. Temps were still sitting at freezing (with 28F feels-like). There's nothing like the peace and calmness of a chilly morning, especially when there's no one else to share the streets with. Even I (the summer heat addict) cannot deny that. And that sunrise? Those four frigid miles were well worth it. There also was some Milly time after work...walking AND running (more on that below).

HIIT'ing it hard Wednesday. Remember the good old days, pre-stress fracture, when I used to do HIIT workouts and pay homage to my stairway? Well, it was time to bring those antics back. Go big or go home, right? This is a workout I wrote, back in the spring...

All About the 5’s:
*5 push-ups
*5 plank jacks
*5 burpees
*5 stair flights
*5 push-ups
*5 mountain-climbers
*5 jump squats
*5 stair flights
*1-minute wall sit

Of course, in keeping with the theme, I did five sets of the above circuit, with about a 30-second rest between each one. It took me about 35 total minutes, and the burn was intense. After work, I was able to get in a 7-mile bike ride and made it back home just before the rain hit. Thankfully, all the snow had melted, but there was plenty of fog and mist to keep me company.

Take-it-easy Thursday. The weather was rather ugly (misty and cold, again) at wake-up. I got out for a ride, but bailed after two miles. I considered walking on the treadmill, but decided to just do some stretching instead. After the previous day's HIIT workout, and the after-work speedy bike ride (as well as a 1.5-mile bonus power walk with Milly), my body was feeling a little spent anyways. After work, though, I got in a good 10-mile ride, in the ever-present fog, and (again) got home just as another rain shower hit. Yeah, two thumbs down on all that dampness. 

A Frigid Friday. Seriously, I swear the calendar still says "Fall," but Momma N seems determined to bless Iowa with an early winter. We're talking a high of 40F, with 17mph wind most of the day. Again, I took a pass on a morning ride, but decided to do a quick 5-miler after work (you know, there is that bike streak I'm still hosting LOL). Like running in the cold, once I got out on the street, the ride itself wasn't too terrible. And, I sure enjoyed a hot chai latte' upon my arrival back home. Also, there was more Milly walking after dinner, and another short run!

A (somewhat) long ride Saturday. Again, we had more winter-like weather conditions (at least it wasn't snowing), with 32F temps greeting me in the morning. Thankfully, the wind was "only" at 7mph, instead of double digits. With the cold temps, we didn't have a group ride scheduled with any of our friends, but I still was hoping to get in at least 10 miles. Truth be told, there were a couple times I considered heading home early. Wouldn't you know, at the 9-mile mark, the golden orb in the sky broke through the week-long cloud cover from which it had been hiding. A few strategic out-and-backs, out of the wind, (as well as the surprise sunshine) gave me the mojo to make it to 14 miles, though. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I'm quite grateful I can do hard things.

A most sensational Sunday. More cold temps (same as Saturday), with more wind (17mph, thank you very much). I decided on waiting for daylight for my daily ride, so I fired up Milly instead. We power-walked a mile (oh-so-close to my usual "power-walk pace"), ran a 1/2-mile, then walked another 1/2 mile. Then,  I layered up and rode eight miles with Gustavas. And, it gets even better, we headed to the daughter's (and fiance's) place for an early afternoon family dinner. 

Despite the unwelcome winter-like weather, I'm glad I was able to get all of my rides done outside. As much as I whine about the cold weather, I refuse to be a victim of it. Besides, all of these cold bike rides are giving me a great refresher on cold weather layering. The temps (and the wind) feel much colder on a bike than they do on foot, so when the time comes for actual winter running, I'll be more than acclimated. I ended the week with 60 miles on the bike (we're now at 753 miles on our bike streak, since August 22nd). Walking saw a mere six miles (plus a few random walks with Max), and I celebrated 1.5 miles of running (more of a "fast" jog LOL). I tweaked something on my right elbow, so I passed on upper-body strength work this week, but it felt AWESOME to be back on the stairs!  

In case you missed out, here's what else went down on the blog this week:

Against the Wind...on the daily

If I could live (and run) anywhere...

A bit of a Sneaky Streak Seeker

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair!  As mentioned, Friday was cold!  The chilly, damp and windy weather had me sporting some warmer layers...long sleeves, sweater, and a chunky (hand-knit) cowl. As always, you're welcome to join me on Fridays...post a pic on Instagram, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and be sure to tag me (@runningonthefly).

I was recently accepted to extend my partnership with BibRave. I've only been with the program a few months, but it's been fun ride thus far. I've met some great new friends, tested some new products, and I look forward to many more opportunities in this next year. If you're interested, applications are being accepted for new BibRave Pros until November 1st, head to the site (HERE) and check it out!

And, YES, I am running again!!! My podiatrist gave me the go-ahead, two weeks ago, but I waited until this past week to test the waters. I've been doing some power-walking, and my foot has been feeling less tight, so I decided to give it a go. I've only done three "runs" so far, and all have been at a very conservative pace (and 1/2-mile distance) on the treadmill. I'm just so paranoid about re-injury! As we all know, there are no upcoming live races, so the FOMO is MIA. I have no reason to rush things, so I'm playing it ultra safe for now. Though, I do have a couple of virtual races in the works...stay tuned!

So, there you go. Another week, another run down. Yadda Yadda Yadda.

How are things in YOUR world? Did your temps suddenly turn frigid as well? Are you still getting outside, or have you stayed inside on occasion? Any races coming up, live or virtual? 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Eek on Iowa weather! We had rain for days and no sunshine, but at least we're warmer than usual so I will take that. Like you say, I refuse to be a victim of the weather but I'm going to give it plenty of backtalk and sass.

    1. Our weather really was nutzo last week. It felt more like late November than mid-October. We both know I give the weather plenty of backtalk and sass as well ;-)

  2. cycling in the winter is a whole other situation! It's hard to figure out dressing and I am terrified of my small tires on slick roads. So happy to see you slowly coming back to running!

    1. The dressing for biking is a total challenge! Thankfully, my mountain bike tires have decent tread, so that hasn't been much of a concern, even on wet streets.

  3. We did not get snow but there is some in the forecast tonight into tomorrow. Hopefully it won't stick but who knows? I did take one of my runs to the mill last week due to thunderstorms. October is crazy. That's a gorgeous chunky cowl!

    1. And we had snow in the forecast (a few days ago), but that's changed now LOL C'mon, weather, pick a lane...

  4. Great week of tackling the crazy temps to get in your exercise!

    Every time I see a photo of you with a Winter hat and gloves I just think about how wacky the weather here is in New England. The Midwest states have received snow already and we've got nothing up here, lol.

    1. Well, if you're craving snow, I'll gladly send our next batch your way ;-) I really have no desire to see any of the white stuff until Dec. 20th LOL

  5. You did have some crazy weather this week! I don’t think i’ve been on my bike when it’s that cold — I’m inspired! Great to hear your recovery is trucking along!

    1. My motivation to continue my biking is wanting/hoping to make it to Thanksgiving or reach 1,000 streak miles. I think we have a bit of a warm-up coming this week, so that will give me a little more time with Gustavas ;-)

  6. We had a few cold and rainy days but thankfully no snow or ice yet!! I am not ready for winter yet....brr!

    1. Thankfully, the snow was short-lived, but much too early! And, we have not even had a true frost yet, so there's been no ice to worry about. YET.

  7. Glad the running is feeling okay as you ease back into it.

    Ugh, what is up with this early winter? Hard pass. Not for me! I was running in shorts post- Indy marathon last fall and that was well into November!

  8. I feel like this is what it's like when fall is morphing into winter. It's definitely hard to be an outdoor runner in the fall, but we choose to do this, right?

    1. It's just morphing about 5 weeks too early! But yes, I'm glad being an outdoor runner is a choice I get to make each time I lace up the shoes.

  9. Oh my goodness, it's so exciting that you're able to run again! I'm keeping a close eye on how you're dressing for your rides because I know that cold air will hit us soon. Last Sunday it was 39° when we started, but it warmed up quickly so I had to layer so I wouldn't be too hot later in the ride. It's definitely a whole new learning curve as compared to running because we're out there much longer.

    Thanks for the linkup and have a great week!

    1. The layering is so tricky for biking! I feel like I have to dress "warmer" because my body isn't working as hard as it would be if I were running, especially my arms!

  10. Our cold front blew throught yesterday (while my friends were running), but thankfully no snow yet. Not even a hard freeze. Not unknown here in October, but never welcome.

    Sounds like a really solid week for you, Kim! So sorry about the weather.

    1. We haven't had a hard freeze yet either. I had to move all of my front steps' flower pots under the "porch roof" when all that weird snow hit.

  11. No snow here yet but it was pretty chilly while I was waiting online to vote.

    I don't mind the cold but I do mind the darkness after work!!!

    1. The darkness is not my favorite either. WE don't have any semblance of daylight until after 7:00 in the morning...looking forward to the time change!

  12. I'm so happy to hear you are back to running again! It's good to take it easy. We had a resurgence of summer like weather here but for once I am really glad for it...it's a lot tougher to get in the pool when the weather is cold outside! Like you, I decided not to let myself become a victim to the weather I dislike. I had a really strong training cycle this summer and really had a better mindset about the heat and humidity overall. Hopefully I can do that again next summer!

    1. You're right, it's all about the mindset! We we think the weather is gonna suck for our runs (or rides), it usually will.

  13. Congratulations on the return to running and BibRave.
    Love the glow of your vest with the snow in the background

    1. Thanks, Cari ;-) That vest makes me feel like an astronaut LOL

  14. You really did have some crazy weather this week! It's just too early for snow! Meanwhile, we had temps in the upper 70s...go figure!

    Good job opting outdoors - so glad you're getting back to running!

    1. Oh, I'd LOVE some temps in the 70F's!!!! Actually, I'd just settle for a lot less wind....

  15. Your temps really have been crazy! Glad you could still get your workouts done. And thats great news that you are starting to run again!

    1. I'm really taking things slow with the running, hence the treadmill. I have my local turkey trot on Thanksgiving, which is a 5K. I'd really like to be able to run that (albeit slowly) if possible.

  16. Congrats on running again and for continuing with BibRave. I did not apply again. It has been a funky year and I knew I would not dedicate the time it truly deserved.

    Snow? We don't want it here. You have have it. :-)

    1. Oh, believe me, I don't want the snow etiher...at least not this early!

  17. Hooray running! Marvellous news! Also well done for riding your bicycle in the snow - scary stuff!

    1. Well, the snow was in the grass and not on the street, thankfully! I think my mountain bike tires would be fine in the snow, but I don't plan on testing that theory. I'm hoping to continue the daily biking until Thanksgiving (or to 1,000 miles). Fingers crossed!

  18. We had very different weather this past week! I'm about ready to stop riding my road bike for the season, but the mountain bike will get to stay out a bit longer. Congrats on the BibRave renewal!

    1. There are times I've wished for a road bike, but I'm glad I have the mountain bike. I'm probably getting a better "strength" workout from the increased resistance, right? ;-)

  19. I can't believe your early snow!

    However, the real news is YOU'RE RUNNING AGAIN! That's so incredible and I know it must feel so good. It's nice that the season is quiet by you, so at least you don't have that FOMO and can take your time to recover at your own pace. I'm so happy for you.
