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Thursday, October 22, 2020

A Bit of a Sneaky Streak Seeker

I have a bit of a confession...I'm a bit of a sneaky streak seeker.

I'm not embarrassed, nor the least bit ashamed. And, I must confess that I'm not really sure how it all began, nor do I wish it to end.

Streaking, in terms of fitness, has its merits. It also has potential downfalls, if done carelessly. But there's a pretty significant sense of accomplishment in knowing that you completed (or are still maintaining) a streak.

I've done various kinds of streaks, involving a wide range of fitness objectives, and for different lengths of time. Here are some highlights...

Running streaks. I've done the Runner's World Winter Streak every winter since 2013, and have continued every winter since (2014, 201520162017, 2018 and 2019). Typically, I'm not a daily runner. While I'm active on a daily basis, my body does not appreciate daily running. That said, the winter streaks all happen during my off-season, so my mileage is on the low spectrum....the only difference is I will sneak in an easy 1-mile run on what would normally be my non-running days. These streaks begin on Thanksgiving and end on New Years Day, and come January 2nd, I have zero regrets doing something else. These streaks are something I look forward to every year because they not only get me through the holiday season, but they usher me through the winter solstice. Even though there is still plenty of Winter left, knowing the days are gradually getting longer is liberating.

Walking streaks. I've always been an avid walker, but when I was sidelined from running (following my surgery in 2017), walking was my daily ritual until I was cleared to run again. Recently, prior to my stress fracture, I had a decent walking streak going, and these walks all took place outdoors. I made it through 124 continuous days of walking, and logged 329 miles in doing so. That all ended on August 18th, but there will probably be another such streak commencing soon...stay tuned. You can read more about my walking streak HERE.

Planking streak. This streak began several years ago...I'm not even sure of the actual date, month, or year LOL. I'm guessing it's been at least four years (but probably closer to five?). This started out on a whim, one morning, planking for 2-1/2 minutes while my chai latte' heated. It gave me something to do, while scrolling social media on my phone...so I did it again the next day...and the next...and so on. Now, I just assume the position. I don't have washboard abs, but my core is pretty strong and I have lost a few inches (over time) without needing to do a lot of additional core-focused work.

Push-ups streak. Push-ups are hard, and guess what? The only way they get any easier is by doing them. Back in May, I decided to make it a monthly goal to do 10 push-ups every day for that month. Some days I did more, but I was committed to doing 10 push-ups at the minimum. Once June arrived, I decided to keep going...and here we are, almost six months later.

Biking streak. Another (current) ongoing streak is courtesy of Gustavas (my trusty mountain bike). When the stress fracture became a reality (August 19th), I was forbidden from all things on foot. For a gal who is moving and grooving on the daily, this was a tough pill to swallow. Fortunately, biking got the nod from my podiatrist. I had to do it carefully (with my foot stabilized on the pedal) and I had to keep the rides easy (no crazy hill climbing). Thus far, since August 22nd, we've ridden for 62 consecutive days and logged 726 miles! It's a given this streak's fate will be in question as the temps continue to plummet and Winter makes its grand arrival. We have a stationary bike, so I have that as an indoor option, but it's definitely not very appealing to me. Stay tuned on this as well...even I'm not sure how this streak will play out. 

So, what have these streaks taught me? The short answer is anything can be accomplished if you want it bad enough. Honestly, for me it's just a matter of a little bit of discipline and an eagerness to take on new challenges and try different things. After all, there's a lot to be said about an open mind.

Have you ever taken on any kind of a streak? If so, how long did it last? What made you stop, or are you still "streaking?"    

I'm linking this with Meranda and Lacey for the Friday with Fairytales and Fitness link-up. 

 By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:

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  1. I'm not a streak person. I admire those who can do things for many many days in a row.

    I will say that since May 17 when I have been stuck at home, I have walked or hiked or run EVERYDAY. Sometimes twice a day and even 2 times.

    It is easier to do when at home and I can work in my running clothes.

    It will be a challenge with less daylight... I will need to get out early or at lunch. It will be dark when I get done with work.

    Good luck on your new streak(s).

    1. I was walking twice a day as well, on many days, before the stress fracture. It's such an easy way to get exercise!

  2. You sure are quite the streaker! I am not so much a streaker. I have done workout or movement streaks often but I like to switch around my activities and I've learned I need rest days. Hope you are able to keep up the biking streak a bit longer as the temps drop

    1. I love my streaks, but I usually keep them pretty low-key otherwise I'd burn-out on them after a week LOL

  3. I love your phrase "sneaky streak seeker". Try saying that fast 5 times! :) I like the idea of running each day between Thanksgiving and New Year's, even if it's just a mile. I might try that this year. I also used to plank every day. Now my planking is so irregular. You have inspired me to start a planking streak right now, but it will take me a while to build up to 4 minutes. That is so impressive!!! Thanks!

    1. Well, I don't do 4-minute planks every day. I like to reserve the longer ones to just 'now and then" status ;-) I do the 2:30-minutes every day, though.

  4. So cool!
    I like streaks with a deadline. My reaction was the same as Laurie’s - is love to do the Thanksgiving to New Year's streak this year. Could you please remind us when we get to Thanksgiving? I'll be joining!

    1. Yes, I like having deadlines, too! I never thought of it that way, but that's spot-on. This bike streak is a little stress-inducing (I say that tongue-in-cheek) because it doesn't have a specific ending date yet. I'm hoping I can make it to Thanksgiving or 1,000 miles (weather permitting).

  5. I walk most days. There is the odd day I don't but it's really rare. For the most part I don't track my walks, though. I have been trying to make sure I do the minimum amount of steps to satisfy my Garmin (it's below 10k, which usually I reach, but not every day) -- I know I've done some streaks there.

    There was something in a Peloton workout lately: we need to move more and exercise less. I loved that!

    1. That Peloton quote is perfection!!! That's my philosophy, exactly. I try to be active every day, but I certainly don't consider all my "activities" workouts.

  6. I've done the Runner's World streak before but to be honest I think I've only really "Streaked" it one time. Its such a hard time of year for me to run everyday with all the holiday stuff going on.
    Good for you for getting them in. I wish we lived closer so we could be workout buddies! You are such good motivation. - M
