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Monday, February 8, 2021

5 Words; 5 Hashtags

Could you choose five words to describe yourself?

How about five hashtags?

Somehow, the hashtags are easier, but they still don't tell the full story. That's alright, limiting oneself to five words is just that: limiting. But, why not give it a try? Besides, I'm always up for a challenge.

So, here goes. 

I did manage to come up with five (somewhat) simple words that best describe myself (in my humble opinion). I did cheat, just a little, and am also including five hashtags...because they're fun!

In no particular order...

What can I say? Colors are fun and expressive...in art, in clothing, and in running gear. While black is a legit color, seldom will you ever see me in total black. If, by chance, that does happen, there will also be some bright touches by way of headbands, socks, or lipstick. More than likely, all three will be at play. Consider yourself warned. #GoBrightOrGoHome.

I have an unharnessed enthusiasm for early morning workouts. Granted, my work schedule dictates some of that, but I still like rising and shining (and running or walking or riding or elliptical'ing) and not procrastinating the workouts for later. I love a good sweaty cardio fix, right outta bed. #ThisIsMyCoffee

Indeed, my glass is always half full, at the minimum. After all, why dwell on what's missing? I strongly believe in seeking out the good in others. That doesn't mean I'm oblivious to all the ugly and bad stuff out there, I just choose to not obsess over it. Besides, it's quite empowering to not let the negative (peeps or circumstances) bring you down. #Onward

Finding a new way to do an "established" thing is a challenge I embrace on the daily. This goes for all aspects of my life, but especially in my fitness world. Whether I'm tweaking a stair workout, intensifying a HIIT session, or running a different route, I'm usually in a constant state of mixing things up. I'm also avoiding a dreaded fitness plateau and/or boredom. #LetsDoThis

Predictable is not my gig. I believe in having fun and taking chances. After all, if you can't smile, have fun, or lighten up, you're probably in need of an attitude adjustment. I've said it before...We can't always control our circumstances, but our attitude is all on us. #BecauseIChooseTo

So, there you go. A fun exercise in self-analysis, and a few favorite hashtags. #NoRegrets #AllIsWell #StillSmiling #LifeIsGood #BlissfulPersistence 

What five words would you choose to describe yourself? Any favorite hashtags?

I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

I'm also linking with Debbie, DeborahLisaLaura and Jenn for the Runners' Roundup
By the way...are you following me on social media? 
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  1. These words describe you so well, Kim!
    I only know you through your blog but that exactly how you come across.

    If there were 7 words, I would have added #disciplined and #chailover for you.

    1. Oh, thank you, Catrina ;-) I actually considered #disciplined LOL It was really tough to narrow it down to just five words (so I had to interject a few hashtags).

  2. Yup, I completely agree with these 5 words - especially colorful and optimistic. This year I'm really trying to be more like you and see things "glass half full" vs "glass half empty".

    1. This was such a great, but challenging, blog topic!! I made a couple of different lists of five words, and had to go with the ones that kept repeating. Yes, keep that glass half full, Kim ;-) You'll be amazed at how much better you'll feel ;-)

  3. These are so YOU!!!

    I definitely try to be more optimistic especially lately.

    And I wear Black too often LOL

    1. Ha ha! Nothing, whatsoever, wrong with black...I just prefer something brighter and more expressive LOL

  4. I always love being colorful, but sometimes Winter dictates my choices -- although with my bright green thermoball I'm colorful! When people comment on my outfits, I say runners need to be seen, #amiright?

    I know a lot of people who would call me creative. I can be, but I'm also really good at "stealing" ideas, LOL! I do get the occasional original idea though.

    Fun definitely comes to mind when I think of you, Kim!

    1. Awh, thank you, Judy for the FUN compliment ;-) I think we all need to have more fun and smile more often....it not only makes US feel better, but everyone else around us as well.

  5. I have one more for you! CONSISTENT!! But I think that is somewhat embedded in your 3 middle words, energetic, optimistic and creative! I'm with you on "GoBrightOrGoHome - if you're not rocking up in colour, what's the point?!

    1. Yes, I think we should go bright or go home LOL I probably overuse that hashtag, but it's definitely something I embrace ;-)

  6. Great word choices for you - especially optimistic! I always appreciate your #glasshalffull attitude :)

  7. These are great! You are the most positive and persistent person! I would also add kind :) fun post

  8. I think these describe you really well! You definitely come off as positive and energetic!

    1. Thank you! It was a fun challenge coming up with just five words...

  9. You are the most optimistic person I've ever met. i LOVE it!! No matter how bad the situation is, you always find something good in it. Ha, definitely not easy to do but you manage to do it. I appreciate you doing this because I know that in the end i will always smile.

    1. Thank you ;-) I've learned that every situation has something good to come from it, even the really bad ones. I'm a much happier of a person for that revelation LOL

  10. Yep, those words are perfect! Optimism is so important! I think people are born hardwired to be more of an optimist or a pessimist, and we optimists are lucky.

    1. I have been surrounded by a lot of negative people, most of my life. I'm thankful my optimism has won out!

  11. I would add #positive and #determined for you! You are definitely optimistic but also so very positive about things! It's a great quality to have!

    1. Thank you! "Determined" was one of the words I'd considered, because I can be pretty focused and stubborn...

  12. What a fun post, and yes, those words are perfect for you!

    1. Thank you, Debbie ;-) This was a fun, introspective exercise!

  13. I enjoy seeing your bright colors on IG and you always have so much optimism and creativity to get those workouts done!

    1. Thanks, Janelle ;-) It's fun expressing my creativity, especially with my fitness endeavors. I refuse to let myself get bored LOL

  14. What a fun post! Those words are perfect for you!

  15. I really believe these are the perfect hashtags for you!
