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Sunday, February 7, 2021

Smiling Through the Snow

Yowza! Can you say "SNOW!"

We had an abundance of the white stuff this past week in Iowa. Let's be honest...it IS the winter season. Even though January treated us to some unseasonably (dare I say) warm temps and weather conditions, it was only a matter of time before the real winter arrived.

All is well, though. While I don't love the cold of winter, I can deal with it. On occasion, I can smile about it, too. 

Before I get to the nitty gritty, snow-filled details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down in my little snow-filled world this past week:

Never miss a Monday! 
New month, new week, new morning. I kicked off February with 10 miles inside, on the bike, upon wake-up. Then, it was a chase-the-sunset 5K after work. Honestly, when the wind plays nice (or is practically MIA), these winter runs are a piece of cake. Our daylight is now going well past 6:00PM, and I am totally smiling about it!

Typical Tuesday.
Keeping things on the down-low, this typical Tuesday started with the typical five miles on the elliptical. A new focus for February is a planking challenge...in addition to the 2:30 daily (forearm) plank each morning, I'm also doing 1-minute (forearm) side planks, each side, in the evenings. Why not? Planks feel good, and they make my core smile.

Wednesday's wonderful wake-up.
There were zero visible shadows on Tuesday, for groundhogs or anyone else. Instead, there was ample fog (which lasted through most of Wednesday) and an extra thick layer of hoar frost on all the trees and brush. My 5:15AM 4-miler was rather peaceful (no cars) and more pleasant than cold. I kept most of the run confined to the hills in my 'hood, so there were numerous changes of direction to stay out of a constant headwind. It was a good 20F warmer in the afternoon, but the wind was 20mph stronger, so this early morning option was definitely worth smiling about. And, the 10-mile evening bike ride? That was pretty smile-worthy as well. 

Thursday's reality.
Sometimes one awakes with a cranky back. And a headache. A sleep-in happens by default. And a short (indoor) walk on the treadmill is all that happens. With another winter storm due to hit around lunchtime, I just wasn't "feeling" the cold weather anyways. Most of us left work at noon and stayed home. I logged a good 75ish minutes of back-breaking shovel action, before breaking for a 1-mile walk in the thick snow. This snow was the heavy, wet kind...and it felt like I was walking in sand with my boots. A bonus? It gave me a great core/strength/lower-body workout; that made me smile.

Feel-Good Friday.
Temps were cold (6F, with a -11F feels-like) and the streets were an icy mess with the previous day's snow and frozen slush. I definitely didn't feel like braving the outdoors. I summoned Sebbe for five biking miles, and - are you ready for this?- I fired up Milly for a couple miles of progressive 1/4-mile splits. I started with the speed set at 5.8, then went to 6.2, 6.4, 6.6 for the first mile. Feeling good, I did another 1/4 mile at 6.6, then did 6.8 and 6.8 before finishing at 6.6. Whew! Not sure what came over me, but the mini speed session felt kind of fun! And, in keeping with my inside run/outside selfie ritual, I took the requisite selfie on the front porch, and wore my red tank in honor of Wear Red Day.

Sensationally Sweaty Saturday!
With even colder temps (and wind) outside, it was a given Milly would see more action (for the third day in the row, none the less). Plain and simple, I cannot do a steady "long" run all at the same pace on the treadmill. I have to vary the speed to break up the monotony or the run won't last beyond a mile or two. My treadmill is approaching the 20-year mark, so it's loud and does not have very many bells or whistles. I cued up a few (or several LOL) music videos on my phone, and got five miles done without any cuss words uttered. I might have even smiled with each speed setting increase.  

Then, a few minutes after the outside selfie, it was time for the weekly bike ride. It was just Debbie and me this week, and ZOOM didn't knock us off after the usual 40 minutes! I made it to 20 miles, my longest indoor bike ride, ever. Suffice it to say my legs were tired when I finished, but I was smiling as a result.

A Sunday worth smiling about. 
So, the morning temps were (still) quite frigid (how does -12F grab you?), but the windchill advisory was due to end around noon. Not feeling like braving the cold (again), I postponed the morning walk and sweated with Ellie (the elliptical) for five miles. It may be Super Bowl Sunday, but it was also game day for my Iowa Hawkeyes (playing the Indiana Hoosiers), so I went with the Back in Black theme as I smiled through the sweat...wouldn't you?

It was one of the colder weeks, and we saw plenty of snow, but still a productive week in terms of sweat equity and fitness. With my podiatrist's blessing (see below), I can start upping my running game, both in terms of total mileage and intensity. This week saw 14 miles in the running shoes, which was my highest mileage week since mid-August (and we all know what happened then LOL). Walking was at the absolute minimum (6 miles, with more on tap for Sunday afternoon). The elliptical and the bike continue to be my BFF"s on my non-running days (10 miles and 45 miles, respectively). I did a lot of snow removal work on Thursday, and I challenge anyone who wants to question that as a legit workout...but I am going to sneak in some upper-body work during the basketball game today anyways.

In case you missed out, here's what else went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Fashion Friday Flair! In tribute to Wear Red Day, and the sub-ZERO feels-like temps, I opted for my warm and toasty buffalo plaid blanket wrap. Let me tell you, that bright sunshine was more than welcome as well. As per usual, you're welcome to join me on Fridays! Post a pic of your outfit on Instagram, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair), and be sure to tag me (@runningonthefly).

The Illinois Criss Cross Virtual Challenge began November 5th. I finished the 224-mile West-East Route at the end of December. As of this post, I'm 169 miles into the North-South route, putting me approximately 39% of the way across those 435 miles. I'm on track to finish this "distance" well before the May 1st deadline. This week, the swag arrived, and it's pretty nice!   

And, how about a quick update on the stress fracture? I met with my podiatrist on Wednesday, and he gave me the green light to resume my usual running. Obviously, I still need to proceed with caution and cannot add excess miles or intense speed drills all at once. Friday's and Saturday's treadmill runs (which HAD to have some speed bursts to get through them) felt really good. I'm ready!

So, there you go! Lots to smile about, and we're another week closer to Spring (and Summer).  

How are things in your world? Cold temps as well? Did you have to bring it inside this week, or were you able to brave the cold? Did you wear red on Friday for Wear Red Day? 

By the way...are you following me on social media?
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter

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  1. Cold temps? YES.

    Snow? YES.

    Still running and walking outside. But I am getting bored with my long run routes.

    I did wear red but it was a rest day and no one saw it.

    1. I'm still getting out everyday for at least a walk, but UGH. Milly and I may be hanging together a bit more this coming week....

  2. Yep it most certainly felt like winter in New England this week too! You've been logging some nice bike mileage in addition to your runs - so glad you got the green light from your podiatrist!

    1. The biking really has been such a blessing! My legs are loving the extra work...though it feels more like recovery than "work" some days.

  3. I am so happy that your foot has healed! You certainly made the most of alternative cardio workouts while injured, though! We've had more snow this year than the last several years combined. As much as I love it, I'm ready for spring!

    I loved your red for women's heart health on Friday - so pretty!

    As always, it was so fun to ride virtually with you yesterday! I love that we're doing it!

    Thanks for the linkup and have a great week!

    1. I think having alternative cardio options is a good thing! I love running (and walking, as well), but I'd go nuts without my elliptical, bike, and stairway ;-)

  4. Bye bye stress fracture and good riddance! I would say that it's not that anyone enjoys the treadmill but it feels so good to "stick it" to winter and still get our workouts done. The IL swag is cute! I'm already doing my own state's challenge but this is very tempting.

    1. I agree...the treadmill workouts (or, at least the outdoor selfies afterwards LOL), are empowering ;-)

  5. I have to say it looks like we got outta Dodge just in time to miss the frigid temps. Hooray for the green light on ramping up the miles again.

    1. You timed your exit with finesse, Marcia! Now, if I can just reach a happy deal with Milly....I'll pay her some attention and she'll not be so boring...

  6. Woohoo on the goodbye to stress fracture! Glad it is all healed up. We do have a wonderful blanket of snow outside. I'm loving it!

    1. We have a rather thick (18-inch?) blanket of snow. It's pretty, but it's overstayed its welcome, already LOL

  7. Great job getting in those workouts this week! We had snow and colder temps, but not like what you had. Glad you got the green light to increase your running!

    1. I'm looking forward to spicing up my runs a bit now....even if it has to happen on the treadmill ;-)

  8. I imagine the shoveling is not the best for your back either! Way to get out there this week and smile about it too

    1. Oh gosh...my back was SO cranky after Thursday's shoveling!

  9. Your snow is a whole different level than ours, although it did keep snowing here for a few days, accumulation was only a few inches. We got some pretty snow this morning, but it melted in the puddles from last night’s rain. I did wear red on Friday!

    1. This was a lot of snow in such a short period of time. We always get plenty of snow, but not usually this much in a week.

  10. You always roll with the punches when it comes to crazy weather - I love that!

    The main reason I dislike snow is because of all the shoveling. It can really wreck havoc on my back, especially when it's the navy type of snow.

    1. Shoveling is so tough! This was the wet, heavy and "sticky" snow, too, so that just made it even more challenging.

  11. Shoveling is definitely a workout. We've been lucky with fluffy snow so far . . .

    I have run/walked some mornings this week because the wind was going to pick up in the afternoon. It makes such a difference -- especially to Bandit.

    I knew we would be facing a lot of bitterly cold weather next week, that's why I was determined to get outside.

    Great job working around everything MN throws at you, Kim!

    1. We had the nice, fluffy snow two weeks ago...but it's been the heavy, gloppy stuff this past 10 days. Not fun!

  12. Look at you in your vest and shorts in the snow! Tough lady! It has got progressively colder here this week and we also had two very foggy days which were good for photographs ...

    1. The outdoor selfies are my coping strategies for this crazy cold temps LOL Besides, there's only so many clever photo ops one can do with a treadmill, and I think I've used all of those up.

  13. Shoveling is tough work! I can't believe the snow you received. I guess that's what happens in the winter in the midwest...just 40-ish days til spring!

    Glad your stress fracture is all healed up!

    1. I don't mind a little bit of shoveling, but there was a LOT of it this week. It was the wet, heavy stuff, too...#buzzkill LOL

  14. Glad you got the green light to up your miles again! Enjoy!

  15. Somehow I missed Wear Red day until I saw the pics on social, oops. We were relatively mild, as in it's warm enough to snow, but still weird as we've had all of our winter in the last week or so. It can go now.
    Was so glad to see your foot news

    1. Our winter had been almost "too mild" up until about 10 days ago, so I knew it wasn't going to last LOL

  16. Sounds like you crushed it in spite of the weather! I agree- you have to change up the pace on the treadmill or you'll go insane. And you got some speedwork in- yay! I wasn't even aware that Friday was Wear Red Day (what is wrong with me???) but I have to wear black or gray for work anyway (I know- ugh.)

    1. A couple years ago, we had a major polar vortex...it was -30 air temps, and -60 with the windchill. I think I did about 10 treadmill runs in the span of about three weeks (and that's like eight more treadmill runs than I do in a typical winter season). I had to make almost all of them simulated speed workouts or they would not have happened.

  17. I feel you! Thank goodness today is rest day because I have been indoors all day! This week is NOT going to be fun here in MN either. Stay warm! Also--congrats on the stress fracture being gone! That is always good news!

    1. I got out for a short (1-mile) walk a little bit ago. The temps had climbed up to 0F, and it was full-on sunshine! Still, my face was frozen by the time I made it back home. UGH. I think that's gonna be the reality this next week as well...

  18. it was soooo cold this week! I was able to get outside for a few of the days, but some days it was just too icy in the early a.m. that I had to stay inside. I DID wear red Friday, even though I'm working at home now. I barely wear red these days so it was nice to shake it up.

    1. I can navigate around the icy patches, but when it's so cold and so windy, I finally have to succumb to the 'mill. Oh well, I could just as easily choose not to run, right? ;-)

  19. Snow here too. Lots of snow in the past 1 1/2 weeks. March will be here soon and hopefully we won't see anymore of that white stuff.

    1. Yeah, all of this snow began two weeks ago...and it's been on a 3-day cycle of heavy snow/wind/extreme temps. Thankfully, we are just a month out (or so) from Spring ;-)

  20. Such great news about that stress fracture! I love it!

    You have so much snow and it is so cold! I mean, it's all a matter of perspective, but I don't even know if my lungs could handle it. It must be like breathing knives!

    I imagine you guys get a workout just by shivering lol!

  21. You know you don't *have* to smile through everything, right? haha! sorry I missed you Saturday - I hope next week to join!

    we finally got the snow that was promised! It's currently -6C (21F) and I'm pretty sure I'll be staying indoors and not doing any sweaty selfies outside. You do that so well, I can't compete *wink*

    Can't wait to get my swag - It may take a while though and then I'll be sporting my hat next winter season most likely!

  22. Well done for keeping up the routine despite the icy cold weather, Kim. It's a good thing you have all these indoor options lined up.
    Yay to getting back into full running mode again! Just in time for spring!

  23. I feel like I'm turning into you lol...I'm over the cold already. While I'm not excited about going back to 90 degree weather, I think I'd like some more mild temps than we've been getting. It's been hard to get out of bed when its in the 30s and 40s for me!

    Yay for being able to resume regular running! I'm still on my modified schedule for another month as I've had some on and off irritation in my leg. He wants to see if another month of modified running will help me finally overcome this. My doc says it can take up to 6 months to full heal- eek!
