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Sunday, September 19, 2021

Have A Strategy

This was a week of strategy.

I found myself, numerous times, giving in to spontaneity. Having a plan of action, albeit whimsical, was necessary - on the daily - to keep things (somewhat) functional and on track. At least that's what I kept telling myself. 

Before I share all the strategic details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week:

A sunny Sunday of recovery
Saturday had been a long, hot, action-packed and physically exhausting day. Usually my solution is to hop on the bike, or lace up the running shoes, upon wake-up and hit the road. This morning...not so much. Instead, I met up with my friend, Amy, and we power-walked and chatted for five miles in the morning sunshine. Later, I took Gustavas for a 7-mile bike ride, and then the hubs and Max took me for a 2-mile walk in the early evening (and made it back home just as the sun was setting. Sunday's strategy had been to keep things easy and low-impact. Mission accomplished.

Never Miss A Monday
Up and out the door for an early-morning 5K...and this was one of those runs that felt absolutely perfect. My legs just wanted to go, so that's just what they did. I didn't have my Garmin with me, but I ran these 3+ miles at a good clip and wish I would have had time to run further.

After work, I was craving a ride. The temps were warm and sunny, but the wind was rather fiesty (ahem, 19mph, thank you very much). My strategy was to ride a mile straight into the south headwind, then zig-zag back (going mostly east or west, except for an occasional segment going north) until I made it back to my driveway. Six miles done. Take that, Momma N!

It was a beautiful, albeit a bit brisk, morning for a ride. I was feeling #badass until I made it to the turnaround and had the N/NW wind to battle all the way back home. It was an exhilarating 7.5-mile adventure, if nothing else. BTW, did my strategy of wearing funky arm warmers (to distract from the fact that I was wearing the same shorts from the night before) work?

Double-workout Wednesday
The ritual #5at5 run (with Barb) was totally on-point. We had ideal weather, a clear sky, and no wind (say what???). This run had all the makings of total perfection. After work, I met up with Amy for our ritual weekly ride on bike path. This was my 15th consecutive weekly ride to the lake...a milestone I've never reached before. Strategy? Relish all things with the weather...the lack of crazy wind made those hills much easier than usual. In fact...after Amy and I parted ways, I met up with Barb for some extra miles and ended the day with 23 miles on the bike.

Back on the stairs!
Thursday's recovery day started out innocently enough, with a 2-mile walk with the hubby and Max. I also walked (twice) at work (two total miles). Then, after work, I got the whimsical idea to do a stair workout. I mean...the weather was ideal (warm, sunny, with a nice breeze). So, I rode the bike over, knocked out 50 flights (900 total steps) and returned home feeling quite content. Indeed, I had "seized the day," but it wasn't the greatest strategy for recovery. But, sorry, I had no regrets.

Friday...Recovery Day: take-2
Since I'd "cheated" on Thursday's recovery day, I took things much easier on Friday. Strategy: walking, lots of walking (and nothing else). Max took the hubby and I for a 2-mile walk upon wake-up. I walked over my morning break (one mile). And, my sister joined me for a 2-mile walk after work. The end.

Saturday's strategy: Just Go With It
With a full day on tap (another Iowa football game...see below), the long run had to happen early. Barb and I met up around 6:00 with 10 miles on the roster. Again, we had perfect weather (pleasant temps and minimal wind). We wound up running a big lap around much of our town, and parted ways just before the 10-mile mark. The thing is...I was feeling good. I mean, like REALLY good...so I veered off my route, on the way back home, and tacked on an extra mile. Guys, this run felt (dare I say?) almost effortless. It's been awhile since I've done a double digit run that felt like this one did. Ironically, this would have been my marathon day (had it not gone virtual), so it felt only right to go a little above and beyond...but the 11-mile distance was sufficient. As good as these 11 miles felt, I was grateful I didn't have 26.2 miles on the agenda.

So, all in all, this week played out alright. Running tallied 19 miles, walking had 25 miles, and biking had 46 miles. It felt great to bring back some stair-climbing...80 total flights climbed (which includes Thursday's workout as well as the usual pre-run warm-ups). I don't mention it every week, but the daily planking is still happening, as are the daily push-ups. I'm still doing the ab-rolling, but have modified that to an every-other daily gig for the time being.

In case you missed out, here's what else went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair. We all know I'm a Hawkeye fan, and with another game happening Saturday (at home, in Iowa City, against Kent State), I felt it necessary to show my support for the team. Full disclosure...the 1/4 zip is my own creation. I got the jacket from Old Navy and sewed the "I" patch over the brand logo. How's that for a one-of-a-kind fashion hack?

I'm not into the pumpkin spice thing, but I'm all for a fun pair of leggings. These caught my eye and I couldn't resist. Besides, I don't think it's too early to be sporting Halloween-inspired fashion as long as it's not blatant "Halloween" stuff. Truth be told, we have spiders year-round in Iowa LOL.

The hubs and I went to the Iowa football game on Saturday. In addition to the 11-mile morning run, there was approximately (?) four miles of "bonus" walking (recovery walking after the run, and then getting to the stadium after we'd parked and tailgated). It's always fun tailgating with friends, but being back in Kinnick Stadium was so awesome. And, the Iowa Wave... ((sigh)) ... I'm so proud to be part of this beautiful game day tradition of waving to the kids at the Children's Hospital (pictured behind my hand). 

So that's another week, all wrapped up and tied with a pretty bow. 

How are things in your world? Is your weather cooling off? Any big training milestones? Races? 

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  1. That 10 miler on Saturday sounds perfect! It hasn't cooled off here..in fact it got warmer this week. I realized we haven't had to deal with wind since last winter, so I'm not looking forward to that returning again. Great job this week!

    1. Yesterday's run was such a nice surprise! My hammies were a little cranky this morning, but it's been awhile since they've seen that many miles of action on foot ;-)

  2. Great week of activity Kim! Looks like you had gorgeous weather for game day. GaTech had a 2-hr "Lightning delay". Yikes. The heat was definitely back this week, although I suspect it won't be sticking around too much longer.

    1. We had plenty of afternoon heat, but our mornings were pretty cool. I'm hanging on to every last minute of summer that I can...

  3. Glad to hear that you were able to run those 11 miles without any problems! Spiders? We've got them too. In fact, i spent one day this week wiping cobwebs from underneath my kitchen chairs. Those little buggers are relentless!

    1. The spiders are such little buggers! They totally creep me out, but they do make some pretty artistic webs (outdoors, that is).

  4. I just started to see some spiders around this week too. Guess I cannot ask for fall without them! Looks like you had some great runs this week!

    1. This was a unique week for me...three runs that all felt fantastic. Gotta celebrate those runs when they happen ;-)

  5. Just now I have 2 spiders at home (until last week only one) but I don't disturb them despite all my wife's complains.
    Good job on the long distance run.

    1. Spiders really creep me out. I did see a pretty spectacular web, one time, in a park. It was suspended in between a tree and picnic shelter...I don't know how long it took to construct, but it was huge!

  6. Wow, I love those runs that feel effortless! I haven't had one in a while- I'm waiting for our weather to cool down. Sounds like you had a great week and didn't miss your marathon at all.
    It's never too early for Halloween fashion! Bring it on!

    1. I saw these spider web leggings and I had to take them home with me LOL

  7. Another great week for you! Love that your 11-miler felt effortless - so nice when you can say that!

    1. I'm very thankful the 11-miler went so well. I'm feeling really good about my half marathon (mid-October), and my hip/groin thing seems to be over and done (fingers crossed).

  8. Effortless runs are always a gift! And apparently our bodies were speaking to each other on Monday -- something in the air? LOL!

    Today is gorgeous -- yesterday was very humid & hot for this time of year. Maybe I was a little tired because I hadn't planned on walking 5 miles yesterday . . .

    1. It was upwards of 90 today for our bike ride! Even I was feeling theheat...at least we had a solid headwind on the return trip back to the trailhead LOL

  9. That's fantastic that your run yesterday felt so good - huge congrats!

    I love your customized Iowa shirt. What a great idea!

    Thanks for the linkup and have a great week!

    1. The run was a nice surprise! I like it when that happens, because it's not an "everyday occurrence," these days ;-)

  10. Oh man, we need a cool off here big time because it was super swampy this week. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that things will play nice next weekend for the big race.

    Great idea on the DIY zip! I bet that the ON jacket is better quality/cheaper and it looks great.

    1. I hope your weather cools down for your race! We had such cool mornings and hot afternoons this week...kind of weird, but they also felt great for (morning) running and (afternoon) biking.

  11. Sounds like quite a week Kim! Ah, that long run sounds so amazing. The cooler temps definitely help, but what a nice feeling to have a long run like that. Incredible!

    1. As you know, those long runs can be hit/miss on the ideal conditions/fueling/performance. It's SO nice when everything just feels great ;-)

  12. I definitely had some spontaneity this week too. It was the first time I didn't schedule out my workouts for the whole week. It felt good to do a few things on the fly!

    1. I like having some flexibility in my week, especially when it comes to getting in the workouts. I try to get outside as much as possible, so that sometimes means shuffling a few workouts around.

  13. You had a great week! It is cooling off at home but here in Austin it’s pushing 100F. Ugh! I feel better with a plan than being spontaneous. My husband might say I’m rigid ….

    1. It was almost 90F yesterday here ;-) They said that was pushing a record high for the date!

  14. Love those leggings! I'm ready for some holiday (halloween) spirit around here!

    I'm also looking forward to fall. I just can't get into the vibe with the temps in the 80s and 90s!

    1. It definitely got warm here this weekend...still warm & humid here today, with all the feels of summer. Not complaining ;-)

  15. It seems to be cool on my rest days. So no effortless runs.

    I have a 5k on Sat and a half marathon the week after . Racing is the fun part of my life.
