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Thursday, September 23, 2021

Summer's Final 'fession Session

We all knew this was going to happen.

You know the drill...The solstice arrives, and from there on out, the days start getting shorter. The beautiful sunrise makes its appearance later and later. The early morning runs get cooler and darker. And, those bike rides start to feel even more windy.

Summer ends, and Fall begins. Don't get me wrong, it's not ALL bad, but it's my least favorite change-of-season. Why? Because, at least in Iowa, it happens practically overnight and then ushers in Winter a very short while later. 

But I'm getting ahead of myself. With Summer coming to a close, I have a few 'fessions to bring to the forefront...

Care to indulge me? (Thanks!)

Okay first up...brrr! Let me #chillfess that with the recent early-morning biking (and, on occasion, walking), I have had to dress warmer than I would if I were running. The thing is, I didn't even realize the extra layers, long sleeves (or arm warmers), leggings (instead of the usual shorts) were happening on the daily until just this past week (denial?). I guess that's a good thing (?) because it's given me a pseudo phase of acclimation. But sorry, not sorry, I still prefer the tanks and shorts of summer.

With college football back in full swing, our weekends have taken a rather busy turn. Let me just #fatiguefess the long Saturday morning runs, driving, tailgating, extensive walking and several hours of sitting in a football stadium (all on the same day) are not working well. As fun as the entire day is, I find myself nodding off before halftime. I know, I know...first world probs.

Remember those sunflower seeds I'd planted in late June? Just this week, they started blooming! I #flowerfess, initially I was a wee bit disappointed they had not grown as tall as I'd hoped (prior to blooming). That disappointment was brief, though. The fact that any of the seeds germinated, and then bloomed, is quite remarkable considering how late I'd gotten the seeds started. Nine of the sunflowers were successfully transplanted and, currently, five of them are in bloom and the remaining ones are close.

A new thing I've experimented with, this summer, is doing double workouts, usually on Wednesdays. Typically, I do the #5at5 run in the (early) morning, then do the 15-mile hilly bike path ride (12 hours later) after work. This routine has been going on for the past 16 weeks, and I'll #bikefess it here and now, I'm really going to miss this when the outdoor biking season ends. Yes, I can use the stationary bike (indoors), but it's just not the same as conquering those real hills to and from the lake.

Finally, another full moon run happened this week! This was my fifth consecutive run, under the light of the silvery (full) moon. Why-oh-why I had not been doing these is beyond me. Let me #moonfess, I had really been missing out on a fun and unique running excursion (prior to May of this year). While I respect a lot of people would rather hit the sack and not indulge in such an endeavor, I'm looking forward to continuing this monthly ritual for awhile. Maybe it'll be a good distraction to get me through the winter.

Ahh, all better! It feels quite liberating getting all these final summer 'fessions aired. 

So, talk to me...

Any 'fessions, of your own, to disclose? Did Fall arrive with a bang, or has it not yet arrived in your area? Double workout days...yay or no way? Did you catch the full moon?

 I'm  linking this with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions link-up.

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
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  1. We've had some cooler mornings this week but not enough to pull on the leggings, lol. I think it's supposed to warm back up again, tho.

    My hubs planted sunflowers and we did get one very tall plant out of it! The squirrels like to eat the seeds, so we are always happy with what we get. So are the birds.

  2. Ha ha there's no denying that summer is over when your workout laundry triples in size;-)

    1. Right? I was just randomly grabbing these extra items, not even realizing that it was due to the change of season...#duh

  3. We are still going back & forth between Summer & fall, but mostly cooler mornings are the norm.

    While I love the simplicity of running in a skirt & top, I also enjoy the extra pockets of a jacket. Although there comes a time in winter when I am SO over all the layers. Good & bad to everything.

    Congrats on the successful sunflower growing! They are so cheery.

    1. We're supposed to revert back to Summer (briefly) in a few days ;-) I know it will just be a teaser, but I'm SOOO looking forward to one last summer hurrah!

  4. I'm glad the sunflower grew up and bloomed for you! We have fields full of the wild ones right now. So you've been nodding off AT the football game?? LOL! I do remember riding outdoors when it was 28 degrees, I think that was the lowest temp I've ridden. The cold wasn't as bad as being careful not to hit a patch of ice.

    1. Yes, the nodding off is AT the game LOL. After a Coke/Pepsi (and a good halftime show, courtesy of whatever band is marching), I get recharged, but the fatigue hits me at a bad time.

  5. Ha yes, college tailgating life was probably not designed for moms of our age! Ha ha. Glad you are enjoying the football season. I have nodded off myself during some games lately. It's like a 7th inning stretch but in football. I need to come up w a name for it! Today is our first morning the 50's! Can't wait to run this weekend

    1. I think I'm not rehydrating as much as I should be, and then all the extra walking (on an already tired body) isn't the wisest thing on a hot day. Oh well...I'm not staying home on game day!

  6. Fall always does seem to be super busy. I'm not as into football this year, but we have camping, and pumpkin patches, and all sorts of things. I love it but it's exhausting.

    1. I love all the football! I'm so glad to be back in a stadium ;-)

  7. Oh, brr. Getting out on the bike is MUCH colder than running! You really have to bundle up. I was never able to enjoy fall when I actually lived up north- I was too busy dreading the winter. Now it seems kind of fun... from afar.
    Yes, as much as I'd like to think I could do it, I would probably get super exhausted from the football game (and everything that goes with it.) Lucky it's a seasonal thing! Maybe you'll find winter to be a little more relaxing- every season has it's silver lining.

    1. Yes, a lot of non-bikers don't realize how much colder it is than when you're on foot. The football thing is temporarily exhausting because I'm also doing these long runs. I'm sure the warmer weather is a factor as well. Come winter, I'm all about NCAA basketball but I won't be doing double-digit runs on the regular.

  8. Fall hit yesterday and today we have very low humidity and temps heading up from the high 40's to the low 70's. The whole weekend is supposed to be like this. Fingers crossed we have similar weather next weekend! Luckily for us, our falls tend to last and allow winter to ease in.

    1. Yep, your Fall sounds much like mine. I'm looking forward to next weekend!!!!!

  9. Love your sunflowers, Kim! My neighbour just brought me a bunch. They are so happy! A nice way to say goodbye to summer.
    I have to think about doing full moon runs myself. You have just given me an idea...

    1. I hope you do a full moon run! It's a fun thing, and it's only once a month ;-) We only go a few miles, so it's not a huge time investment.

  10. Sunflowers are my favorite flowers: every year I plant the seeds in my garden.
    You are right the early runs get cooler and darker but here it is possible again.
    The moon run is a great idea!!!

    1. I think sunflowers are so beautiful! I am not very disciplined about getting the seeds planted in a timely fashion, though. The fact that these flowers did so well, in such a short time, is nothing short of a miracle. The full moon runs have been so much fun!

  11. Congrats on the sunflowers. I love them but never get around to planting any.

    I barely have time for one workout - never two unless there's a walk after a run.

    I hate the added layers...maybe I should move south.

    1. I but the seeds, but have a tough time getting them planted at the optimal time. I started these in egg cartons, which worked well...but next year, I will do so much sooner.

  12. We had a tease of fall-like weather and then the humidity came back in full force. It's in the 80s here...

    Sunflowers always make me smile! So nice that you got some blooms :)

    1. We're supposed to kiss the 90's again Sunday. You know I'm excited for that!

  13. Yep, Fall has arrived. It hit us yesterday with some chilly weather, rain and a wind that completely messed up any attempt at styling my hair. Unless that hairstyle is "scarecrow" lol.

    I happen to like Fall and the cooler, sweater weather. Pumpkin and all that. It also makes for easier training for myself. I have a 5k trail run this coming weekend!

    Those sunflowers are so cheerful! I did see the full moon but only from my backyard.

    1. I don't mind the fall weather, but I still prefer the summer temps. I do love all my sweaters, though!

  14. You have been doing alot of biking this summer. I am not an outdoor biker. I teach spin and do my Peloton and that's about it. I do enjoy double workout days. I can never sit still. I am enjoying these cooler mornings.

  15. I love Fall but cannot get over how dark it is now. Ugh! I do not like it at all. It's been cooler here but unfortunately I have not been running at all. I need to snap out of it.
