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Sunday, September 26, 2021

Turnabout is (not) Fair Play

They say turnabout is fair play, but Momma N didn't want to play nice this week. 

I was dreading the end of summer, so I was already in a blah kind of emotional state. Suffice it to say I was not the least bit amused when the frigid fall-like weather arrived a day early. Nor did I appreciate the sudden plummet in temps and upswing of wind.

Alas, I did live to tell about it (or you wouldn't be reading this LOL). Just because I can handle the crazy Iowa weather doesn't mean I have to love it. But, I refuse to let it dictate my livelihood. Or something like that...

Before I share the crazy details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

So, here's what went down in my little suddenly-cold world this week:

Sunday, sunny (& warm) Sunday...
We were still embracing all things summer over the weekend, with warm temps, sunshine, and humidity. Having run 10 miles Saturday, I opted for a simple 2-mile recovery run Sunday morning. My hammies were feeling super cranky at wake-up, but were feeling so much better after those two miles.

Then, the hubs and I loaded up the bikes and headed to Solon. We met Mike and Amy, and pedaled for 32 miles on the Cedar Valley Nature Trail. So what if we had to fight a headwind after the turn-around? The breeze felt good in the late summer heat. The adventures didn't end there...the hubby and I also rode a short 4-mile trek to the dollar store (after returning home), and then Barb and I met up for a 3-mile run under the full moon that evening. I slept like a rock that night, believe it or not.

Never miss a Monday!
This was another easy-paced 2-miler that left me feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and ready for the day. I may have accidentally fallen back to sleep after my alarm (notice the daylight?). So, to summarize, there had been three runs, 36 (approx.) miles ridden, and not much rest within that 24-hour period. Although my body was feeling pretty tired, I had zero regrets. And, the best part was that I was able to capitalize on what was to be the last of the summer weather for most of the week (but I didn't know it at the time). 

A tired Tuesday...
It's almost like Momma N was trying to teach me a lesson. The Tuesday morning temps, upon wake-up, were a good 30-degrees colder than when I'd gone to bed. Holy Brrr...the last remnants of Summer were long gone and it felt like Fall was here to stay (a day early, none the less). My 10-mile ride ended after five because the wind was so cold in the 53F temps. There also was a chilly 1-mile walk at work, then a 2-mile walk with Max (after work). 

Double workout Wednesday
After almost 46 hours of little-to no activity (other than Tuesday's short ride and some walking), I felt very well-rested come Wednesday. Despite the chilly 45F temps (or maybe because of them?), our #5at5 run felt great...gloved hands, long sleeves, leggings and all that jazz...but very happy legs.

After work, it was time for the weekly bike path ride, #16. Although the temps had warmed up substantially in the past 12 hours, it still was a bit chilly on the bike. Of course, there was some wind (it wouldn't be a bike ride without it, right?), but we did have sunshine. Hard to believe we've kept this routine solid for 16 weeks! I'd like to make it to 20 weeks, but it will be touch-and-go as we continue to lose daylight and warmth. Stay tuned!

Holy Brrr Thursday!
Don't be fooled by the bright, sunshiny morning light. It was 43F (with a 40F feels-like, just saying) in Iowa. Yep, that's a puffer vest and fleece headband. Granted, these temps will feel balmy and awesome for running (come February), but in September they feel mighty frigid for walking. I'm glad I can laugh about it. Thankfully, things warmed up by the afternoon, so I was able to get in a nice 10-mile bike ride after work.

Feeling good Friday!
With our weekend plans still uncertain, I decided to run a few solo miles Friday morning. I set out to run four, but the air was cool (no longer freezing cold) and the streets were clear. Everything felt great...so I tacked on an extra mile and ended the pre-dawn morning with five miles. Seriously, I really love it when that happens.

A sun-sational Saturday.
Confession - I didn't have my Garmin with me for Friday morning's run. While I know all of my usual routes with near-perfection, I did veer off for that final "bonus" mile. I decided to take Gustavas for a ride, in the early hours on Saturday, to verify just how close (or not so close LOL)  I was on the actual distance. It turns out that bonus mile made the route show 5.24 miles...so I wasn't too far off. BTW, the temps (at 6:30AM) were a mere 43F (with a feels-like of 40F, thank you very much). A short while later, the hubs and I loaded the bikes (again) for another long ride with some friends (see below).

On deck for Sunday? 
We're heading to the town of Brooklyn (about 20 miles east of us) for the 4th annual Mollie Tibbetts Memorial Run. The first memorial run was held in September of 2018 (she'd disappeared in July of 2018, and her body had been found a few weeks later, in August). This event pays tribute to Mollie and takes place on the hilly 5-mile route that she last ran on.

Anyways, despite the abrupt change in seasons (and temps), I did manage to get outside everyday (which is always a goal). The running was borderline conservative, but all of those 17 miles were fun and felt fantastic. Walking took a nosedive with only nine miles (oops). Biking dominated, though, and kept my legs busy with 141 miles on wheels (that's what happens when there are two long rides within the same 7-day span). Also, some stairs (for warm-ups, prior to the runs), continued planking/push-ups/ab-rolling, and a solid upper-body session (Monday evening). 

In case you missed out, here's what else went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair! I was feeling a little "taupe-y," so I added the burgundy skinnies and some cheetah print to add a little funk to the look. Why not?

I mentioned my late-blooming sunflowers on my Runfession post, but here's another pic. The tallest one is almost to my shoulder, which is pretty remarkable considering I didn't start the seeds until late June. I pinky swear to be a little more timely next year.

Finally, as mentioned, the hubs and I joined our friends (Mike and Amy) for another long ride on Saturday. The morning started off really cold (low-50F's and windy, at 9:00), but it was in the low/mid-70F's by the time we finished (late afternoon). We had all kinds of bright sunshine, but that unrelenting  wind continued all day ((again)). Still, it was a good time relishing some summer-like weather before it's completely gone. 70 miles!

So, that's a wrap! Rumor has it we're supposed to be treated to some more summer-like temps a little while longer (can you say, 90F!). After the abrupt weather plummet this week, I'll gladly embrace any (and all) unseasonably warm temps Momma N cares to throw my way. 

Tell me what's happening in your world...
Fall-like weather? Crazy wind? Any races? Any cancellations?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Its so hard when the weather jumps around like that! We had summer like temps early in the week and then it cooled off and was really nice after Thursdays storms. Glad you can do the Memorial Race again this year to pay tribute to Mollie!

    1. I think I would have a much better attitude for the cooler temps if the seasons had a more gradual change here. Well, and if Winter didn't last seven months!

  2. wow already in gloves and puffer vests! We are starting to see early morning temps and humidity drop which is perfect for running. Another solid week of activity for you. Nice job! Can't believe its been 3 years since Mollie disappeared. That is a nice tribute to her

    1. Yes, our temps dropped so suddenly, my body was not granted much of an acclimation period LOL The Mollie run is such a nice event. Her family is always there, too.

  3. I am loving the cooler mornings--perfect for running, if I was running! On Friday, I was walking on the path and a woman had on a winter coat, gloves, hat...it was 60 degrees!

    1. I agree the cooler temps are perfect for running, but they feel pretty frigid (to me) if I'm just walking or on the bike. BRRRR!

  4. The gloves! I was at mom's last weekend and brought my coat and robe back from their summer home (aka wash and in the closet). Didn't think I'd need gloves. Hope to not be wrong.
    Glad you pushed through as always. Still in awe of your ride yesterday!

    1. Yesterday's ride was so much fun! I started in layers (bike shorts with leggings over them, bike jersey with arm sleeves and a 1/4 zip over that, and gloves). Every 10 miles, I lost a layer LOL (kind of like strip poker!).

  5. You crack me up with your weather commentary and puffer vest! Lol! We all have our own window of comfort I guess. Glad you didn't let the frigid temps deter your outdoor activities! The heat will be back here this week as well.

    1. I'm looking forward to the return of heat! Honestly, I can handle the cooler temps, but when the temps plummet 30-degrees overnight...well, that's when I get a little attitude about it LOL Momma N needs to be a little more gentle in switching between seasons ;-)

  6. yes...crazy weather. Summer one day and fall the next. And the rain never starts when predicted.

    yes also - my favorite 5k.

    1. Thankfully, we've been missing a lot of the rain that everyone else seems to be having. I'm not a fan of that this time of year.

  7. Yes, at last we have fall like weather!!! Perfect for running! Maybe tomorrow rain and I will run with or without it!!!!!
    However we wear again t-shirts.
    Interesting races: Roma apart where every week there is an event, I am waiting for interesting and scenic races in the towns around here. Yes they are hilly and with parts in cobblestones but I like them.

    1. I agree, the fall-like weather is great for running. I just don't appreciate it as much as I should for other things LOL

  8. Well, sounds like you had a great week in spite of the weather. Seems like we both faced some adversity this week (for different reasons) but powered through anyway. The good news is, you're sure to have some more summery weather before fall is here for real.
    Hope you have a great run today. That sounds like an incredible event!

    1. We do have some return-to-summer weather in the forecast, so that's perfectly A-okay with me. Winter is such a l-o-n-g season here, I really dread the start of fall because it's over and done so soon.

  9. Our weather was hit-or-miss this week. We had some cooler mornings towards the end of the week but in the beginning it was hot and then raining! Sounds like you had a good week despite your weather as well.

    1. Sounds like a lot of people had rain...glad that wasn't us LOL I do wish the wind would lighten up, though....

  10. I can't believe things have cooled off so much there already! Still feeling like summer here - especially the humidity. Great job with those 70 miles - wow!

    Have a great run today - a nice tribute to Molly.

    1. Things really cooled too much and far too quickly. It does get cool here, but not usually that extreme LOL Mollie's run was nice...we had really good weather this year!

  11. Love the sunflower! We've had some nice sun this week and I've been a bit low on work so I've been able to sit in the garden and read in the sunshine on a few days. I strained my foot moving heavy appliances in the kitchen this week so have been taking it relatively easy - probably something I needed.

    1. Nothing wrong with taking things easy! I know how tough that can be, but my body does appreciate those occasional days on the down-low ;-)

  12. You know I love the cooler weather but sorry the weather dropped so drastically for you this week!
    Awesome job with you 70 mile bike ride - that is absolute incredible.

    1. Yeah, I'm already not a fan of Summer ending, and then Momma N was so cruel about it LOL

  13. Your ride yesterday sounds fun and the tribute run to Mollie seems very appropriate. We are having near-perfect fall weather here this weekend.

    Have a great week and I'll see you Saturday!!!

    1. Our weather (after it warmed up yesterday) has been perfect! Looking forward to Saturday ;-)

  14. Sadly my days of bike riding are coming to an end with the cooler temps and shorter days. But hey, it's always fun to be reunited with my cold weather running gear! Nice job on the 70 mile ride!!

    1. I just got some new "transitional" running gear last week...hoping that helps with my attitude towards all things cooler ;-) I'm going to try to continue bike riding for awhile, since I feel comfortable doing it in the early hours (and still have daylight after work). I'm not ready to transition tot he indoor bike just yet.

  15. Your outfits tell the whole story, LOL! Look at Monday/Tuesday - and then the drastic change from Wednesday, onwards. Can't believe that was in the space of a week!

    1. Oh yes, we get it ALL in Iowa LOL This week, though, we have a return-to-summer extravaganza going on, so I'm all smiles ;-)

  16. Our weather didn't cool down as much as yours (yet) and my long-er run was decidedly humid and somewhat Summer like. This weekend was great, but alas, not running this weekend!

    But 90? I don't see that in our future!

    1. The weatherman said we could be breaking the previous record of high temps these next few days ;-) How's that for an about-face from a week ago LOL

  17. I can’t believe you just casually did a 70 mile ride. Well, maybe I can. ;-) How long did that take? We are doing a metric century next weekend and figuring on ~ 5 hours with stops at the aid stations. Yikes on the puffer vest. Too soon, Mamma N, too soon!

    1. Our ride started about 9:20ish and we were done around 4:30. That includes several "refueling" stops and lunch. Our weather is so jacked...now we're flirting with record highs for the next few days. I love my puffer vests, but it's WAY too soon for them!

  18. I can't believe your temps dropped so far so fast! We went down about five degrees (in the morning only - we shoot right back up), and it's so much.

    It sounds like you've been able to adjust to the weather, which is huge, even though I know you would rather it be summer.
