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Monday, September 27, 2021

I Never Met a Sunrise I Didn't Love

It's true. I'm a hopeless sunrise worshipper.

I'm also an art geek, so capturing the sunrise is something I thoroughly enjoy doing (pretty much on the daily). I'm also an early-riser, so this all works well with my lifestyle. Besides, sleep is overrated LOL.

Since I'm a runner, most of these sunrises are witnessed during my early-morning runs. I mean, is there a better combo of early-morning fitness (fasted cardio, if you will) and a beautiful play of color across the sky?

But, I have seen many a beautiful sunrises while walking, too. That's right, the sun still rises on those mornings when I'm not running.

And, let's not forget my love of biking. A huge advantage to biking is that I always have a water bottle with me (which becomes a makeshift tripod).

Many of the sunrises, that often have the most beauty and intrigue, are those on hazy or partly-cloudy mornings. Sure the sunrise itself is quite grand, but mixing in some clouds always ups the artistic value.

Since I'm a summer gal at heart, those are probably my favorite sunrises. I love the heat of summer, hands-down, but even a cool summer morning has merit when you get to witness the play of color as the sun emerges. 

But, the autumn leaves offer a nice foreground...

And, as much as I loathe the cold of winter, the snow certainly gives an interesting contrast in color to the brightness of the sky. So what if the sun rises later in the morning? It still looks quite stunning in the cold air.

Let's not forget about Spring. It is such a welcome season, not just for the warmer temps, but for the re-emergence of all things green. 

Sometimes, I can get the hubby to join me for a morning walk or stair workout...and we get to see the sunrise together.

Last spring, I got to witness the sunrise during my 1-mile time trials on the track. Granted, there was a short stretch where the sun was in my eyes...but it only happened briefly, for four quick laps.

So, yeah. Many would rather sleep an extra hour, take their time over a cup of coffee, or keep their workouts indoors. Not me...I'm going to be rising and shining, right along with the sun. That's my coffee.

What about you? Do you routinely get outside early enough to witness the sun rising? What's your favorite time of year to see the sunrise?

I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

I'm also linking with Debbie, DeborahLisaLaura and Jenn for the Runners' Roundup

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
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  1. Such beautiful sunrises, Kim! I love the photos.
    This is something I rarely do and your pictures make me miss it!
    I think the last time I ran at sunrise was when we climbed the Table Mountain in Cape Town. There also a mountain here in Switzerland which "must" be done at sunrise, but we haven't done it this year. It's a shame, because it's spectacular.

    1. I'm glad my body appreciates the early hours...I cannot imagine missing out on the beauty of the morning ;-)

  2. Beautiful sunrises.
    Here the sunrise is over the hills and the sunset is on the sea: both are very scenic.
    This is the season when I can enjoy the sunrise during a run.
    I also like to run or walk in the dark to see the lights that sometimes, in the ancient districts or near the sea, look like something of magic

    1. I bet you have some spectacular sunrises and sunsets ;-) I agree on the dark runs, and seeing all the lights, as well!

  3. I love how much you love your sunrises! They obviously bring you much joy :)

    1. As I have said, these early mornings are my true "coffee."

  4. I wake up early, but not sunrise early, lol. Luckily I can live vicariously through you and enjoy all of your sunrise photos!

    1. We headed out for a walk this morning, at 6:30...and it was still dark! UGH. The sunrise is coming so late these days....

  5. I'm with Kim^^^I usually don't wake up sunrise early, and where I live is really overcast and there are a lot of trees, so even if I'm up early, I usually don't have a good view besides a hint of pink here and there. Thank goodness for your photos!

    1. It's sometimes hit/miss on how good I can see the sunrise, depending on time of year and how far out of "the 'hood" I venture. I do appreciate any time I can catch the sunrise, though. It totally brightens my day, at that early hour, and sets the tone for the entire day.

  6. Yes! I love seeing the sunrise when I'm out on a run or heading back from the gym. Winter sunrises are my favorite because they paint the sky such a beautiful way and you can feel the sun on your skin as it comes up over the house and trees!

    1. The winter sunrises do have a unique quality all their own ;-)

  7. Oh, I love all your sunrise pictures, Kim. I've come to love catching sunrises on my run... although I have to admit that the views haven't been that spectacular lately, as Í've been running around my neighborhood and I don't always get the best views (obstacle-free ;)).

    1. I live on a hill (at about "halfway" point of the climb), but we have a lot of trees, so depending on the time of year, the sunrise isn't always obvious. That's why I appreciate it when I am able to see it in the flesh ;-)

  8. I often do see the sunrise, but from inside. :) But I usually do look out & notice them! They're like a painting sometimes, aren't they?

    1. They indeed look like masterpiece works of art! How can one not look at them and smile ;-)

  9. Great photos! I'm very much a morning runner, but it is a treat sometimes to actually see the sunset too. That's more rare for me!

    1. Oh, yes!! The sunset is another thing to behold! I tend to see that more often while walking the dog LOL

  10. I love seeing the sunrise, but it doesn't happen that often lately. This week I've already been inside, showered, making breakfast when I catch the sunrise out my window. The early morning runs happen a little too early around here, especially now that the sun is rising later.

    1. I'm seeing it more often, these days, on walks with the hubby and Max AFTER my morning run or bike ride...it's a bummer when the days get so short! My #5at5's are now in total darkness, and there's not any daylight until well after I've returned home ;-(

  11. Glad the sunrises are happening later now so I can catch them again!

    1. Yes, they are worthy of our adoration. It's nice when they're not as early during the "dark" of the cold seasons.

  12. Those are some gorgeous sunrises! I don't always get out early enough but I do love a good sunrise.

    1. I could do an entire album of sunrises (and sunsets, for that matter). I just love all the color and drama!

  13. I can't say I routinely get out to see the sun rise, but I always love it when I do see it. There's something very hopeful about it- no matter how bad things seem, the sun will still rise tomorrow!
    I like how you've made a hobby out of capturing the sunrise in difference seasons and conditions. Your photos are beautiful!!!

    1. Indeed, the sunrise does give us hope. It's also comforting to know that the sun does rise each and every day, regardless of our seeing it or not ;-)

  14. I also love seeing the sunrise. However, lately I have not been running and have missed it. Monday I start training again so hopefully will see it.

  15. The only bad sunrises are hurricane sunrises. They are just ugly and forboding. But the rest of them are so phenomenal.

  16. I so admire you! I love a good sunrise but don't see them that often. I wish we were neighbors so you could get me motivated. -M

  17. I do love a good sunrise! Lately I've been able to enjoy them on my runs, which I appreciate - soon it will be completely dark.
