About Me

Monday, February 28, 2022

Just 5 Words?

I'm always up for a challenge.

Trying to pick just five words to describe myself was far from easy. After all, it's nearly impossible to assume a subjective analysis of oneself.

That said, here's what I came up with...

While many will fault me for not taking very many (if any) full-rest days, I know my body far better than anyone else. I typically run 3-4 days each week, but I don't log high mileage (weeks, months or years). I strength-train frequently, but I don't spend hours lifting to the point of exhaustion. And, although I do a lot of racing, I don't treat each race as a full-on-all-out-quest to see how many other runners I can beat to the finish line. I simply enjoy fitness, in many capacities, and my body is at its best when it's in motion. We all get to do this fitness gig our own way, and I embrace that privilege.

What can I say? I'm an unapologetic art geek who loves #AllTheColors. I've said this before, but you will very seldom ever see me in black (nothing against the color black, it's just kind of over-done, IMO). I don't do the monochromatic matchy-matchy thing very often either. I prefer to mix and match contrasting colors (and, on occasion, clashing colors as well). Because, why not?

I much prefer to think and act "outside the box." I have made boring race shirts into tanks (how-to HERE). My favorite arm sleeves are funky cut-off knee socks. I've been known to layer "summer" headbands over fleece ones to make my boring winter ones more interesting. And, I'm not afraid to step outside for a post-run selfie when I've been trapped indoors on the treadmill (kind of a poor man's cryotherapy, if you will). 

My glass-half-full attitude has carried me through many a tough time. Having a positive outlook, in no way, discounts all the bad (or sad) things happening around us. Not at all (though I have been shamed for this, too). I believe there is always a lesson or something good that arises from a bad situation. If you seek out the good, you will eventually find it; if you dwell on the bad, it will bring you down.  

On a more serious note, I am a caring person and I am loyal (often to a fault). I give unlimited second chances to those who have wronged me...not because I'm a scapegoat, but because I believe everyone deserves an opportunity to "right" their wrongs. I also believe in the power of prayer, and there's great satisfaction in praying for those who don't (or won't) return the favor. This doesn't make me better or holier than anyone, but I have simply learned there's nothing to be gained by getting even. 

Phew! That got a little heavy (my apologies), but I was trying to keep it real.

In case you're interested, here are a few related get-to-know-me posts:

How about you? Have you ever tried to come up with five words - just five! - to describe yourself? Would you use any of the same words that I did?

  I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

By the way...are you following me on social media? 
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  1. Your five words are exactly what I would have chosen for you, Kim!

    You make a good point in your last one, "Caring". Being offended is a choice that we make. Whenever a person wrongs me, I try to look for the reasons why they did it - maybe they were having a bad day, maybe they were stressed out by something. More than anything else, people like that need understanding and compassion.

    1. I agree, people who act rude need a lot more understanding and sympathy than ridicule.

  2. I can really hold a grudge -- but I will also send love to those who have earned that from me. I definitely consider myself an optimistic person, but I won't lie, the last decade has definitely worn me down. Or maybe it's just where I live!

    I totally agree that it's no fun to dwell on the negative, though, and so I do try to find those silver linings. Obstacles can be opportunities, although sometimes it's hard to figure them out!

    And yes, I totally believe in the power of prayer. Or sending good energy. I've been working that lately!

    1. Oh, I can hold a grudge, too. I just refuse to reward "bad" behavior with more of it. It's not always easy taking the high road, but I've never regretted doing so.

  3. Describing yourself in 5 words is a tough assignment but you nailed it! You're my #1 athlete for knowing your body and what it can do.

  4. I'd like to know who is shaming you! Boy, people need to mind their own business. The bottom line is, you know what works for your body. If you were sick or injured, you would take the appropriate time off- otherwise, you're doing what makes you feel good, moving your body every day.
    I think the optimism one is hard for some people- they're just not hardwired for optimism and don't understand it. Like you, I AM hardwired for optimism, and I'm grateful for that. Life is too short to see the glass half-empty!

    1. Well, I do think most people mean well (ultimately), but it may not always be expressed that way. I agree that optimism doesn't come easy or natural for everyone, and it sometimes is a tough skill to learn or understand.

  5. I like your works and they definitely fit well! I would say optimism is probably one of mine too. I like to look at the bright side and I'm prone to dreaming big!

    1. Dreaming big is awesome!!! Nothing wrong with that ;-)

  6. These are five perfect words to describe you! You optimism and faith are two of the things I admire most about you.

  7. It is hard to pick just 5 words! I would definitely agree that you are all of these words (and more)

    1. Thank you, Deborah ;-) It was hard picking just five, and then finding the right words to explain why I chose them...well, it made for a good exercise in self analysis. I guess we all need that now and then ;-)

  8. I think picking 5 words to describe yourself is hard! I guess putting yourself out there always sets you up for criticism. Just let it roll off your back...

    1. Easier said than done, LOL. I know enough about psychology and social interaction to be dangerous ;-)

  9. This would be tough, but I think you did a good job! There is definitely something to be said for being able to stay optimistic even when things are not going well.

    1. Unfortunately, with all the political upheaval in recent years (and let's not forget Covid), it's been disheartening to see how some have handled things. Staying positive, while NOT easy, is much more healthy than dwelling in all the turmoil. At least that's what works for me ;-)

  10. These words fit you to a tee.

    You are definitely optimistic... I would not have been so accepting of the Key West half scenario.

  11. This is such a fun - and insightful - exercise!
    I actually had the kids do this once for me when I was little. I can't even remember their answers but I was actually super nervous...which means they were neutral at worst!

    And you have great words. I don't "know" you very well but these all seem to be a great fit and they're all great words/qualities.

  12. Picking five words isn't easy. I like the words you picked as they are perfect!

  13. The right words to describe yourself. Being optimistic helps to live better!
    Not easy for me to choose 5 words especially in this period.
